Hi everybody. It is second big block of news about the part of work completed for some last weeks.
1) I completed B1 Lancer skining. It is my second attempt to draw 512x512 texture. This skin took very long time. I drawn it once, then I did not like it, I erased everything and drawn it second time, then I din not like it again and started evetything from scratch once more. At last, I completed it. This is the 3rd and the final variant.
2) Woody completed skining of new 3D model for Iron Fist mortar. The model had been made long ago, but all this time it was waititg its turn. Now it is completed. It will replace old Iron Fist model.
3) I completed new 3d model for Earth Shaker tank. It will replace old model.
4) Our maper, GeneralGamer, finished all Challenge maps. Now Challenge Mode is available to play.
5) Contra 006 closed beta testing has been completed. Testers found many bugs and also made many suggestions. I have already fixed 99% of errors and made many news additions and adjustments. In general, I made over 100 changes including bug fixes.
6) Many players did not like previous versions of Contra because of rank system. It was hard for them to gain ranks and get access to new units. Contra 006 will be a bit different. I found out how to make buyable experience. Now experience and general's promotions can be bought for money in Command Center. I suppose that it will attract more players. This new addition will not ruin gameplay. The cost of experience had been calculated properly. For example, to gain rank 2, you need o destroy 16 Battle Masters. The cost of 16 Battle Masters is $12800. To buy second rank for money, you have to spend $12800 as well. That is, the cost of each rank is equal to the cost of units you must destroy to gain it. Also these 2 methods of gaining experience work together. You can destroy enemy units AND spend money to get promotions faster.
7) Web site has been updated. I completed all tech trees for all generals and uploaded them. You can take a look at them by clicking generals descriptions in left menu. New tech trees include all changes and additions.
Second big block of news.
#81 Guest_nescha_*
Posted 27 June 2008 - 08:57 PM
#82 Guest_nescha_*
Posted 27 June 2008 - 09:02 PM
#83 Guest_omen_*
Posted 29 June 2008 - 12:01 AM
and with the whole addition of the zeplin war blimp for the GLA, allowing them to garrason up to 4 vehicles in it (accacption of most super units) it would make them a bit more of a pain to deal with and a bit more of a threat. though to balance it out a bit, once you garason the unit in it, you can't degarason it. it becomes a part of the blimp. each thing in it would give it a different weapon, nuke bomb truck would give it a nuke detonator. bombtruck would wrap it in TNT, battle vans would allow for infantry to garason it and shoot out the sides. quad cannons would give it AA and anti infantry cannons. tox tractors would give it chemical sprayers. bikes wouldn't be considered vehicles... mortar buggies would give it mortar launchers. luna's would give it luna launchers, same with skuds. upgrading it with something like a technical would simply give it a junk upgrade. though instead of just 3 upgrades you'd need a total of 12, 3 for each weapon mount. rocket buggies would give it rocket pods. loading it up with a command center van would give it healing properties. loading it up with a radar van allows it to detect stealth. flack guns would give it just that, flack guns. marauder tanks would give it three tank cannons when fully upgraded. loading it up with thrax's planes would give it chemical sprayers. and on the off chance you want to forcefully load it with a war factory, junk bomber. chucks bits and peaces of vehicles out of little catapults. hence, corpse your enemy to death. and with a barix, you could man cannon out terrorists who would detonate on impact with the ground. or, it could launch bikes out the sides or off the top of it into the fray to fight for it.
it's inital weapons wouldn't be much. probably just little pea shooters. something like a scorpion missile launcher.
though if you give it the construction rigs, you could have it bore into the ground just like the rigs
Posted 29 June 2008 - 03:39 AM
it's a Great idea, but you have to think about the work for this...........
it will take months to make it all happen, becouse they must be Models for EACH combination........
And this would Inbalance the game, if they don't do something like this for the other sides...
But the idea was Great^^
Edited by FlyingDeath, 29 June 2008 - 03:40 AM.
Posted 29 June 2008 - 11:30 AM
PLS Creator tell me release date for contra006. I love this mod
#86 Guest_Sergeant_Major_Jefferosn_*
Posted 30 June 2008 - 08:43 AM
#87 Guest_omen_*
Posted 01 July 2008 - 06:00 AM
but for ideas governing china and the united states, the states could have something along the lines of a massive land based battleship. would be just as large as the zeppelin and would have the same function. tank treads would propel it across the ground at a moderate pace.(same speed as the zeppelin) base weapon would be a single tripple barrel cannon that does moderate damage to armored units and is a instant kill to infantry (it's a bloody short range artillery cannon for crying out loud). though upgrading it with the dozer would just give it self heal abilities. upgrading it with aircraft would give it that aircraft's missile or bomb payload (bombs would be converted to missiles) fire rate would be slightly slower to balance it out, though it would be a constant rate. though where bombs are concerned it would fire off the initial payload, wait for 3 seconds... then fire another payload. this makes it so that aircraft general would actually have some use for the thing. the super plane from the air force general (aurora) would not be allowed.
china could use a massive hovercraft. it's initial armorment wouldn't be there but it would have a lot of armor. adding vehicles without their upgrade turret to the hovercraft would denie their upgrade turret and simply leave it with their weapon. this makes it so that if you add sniper APCs to it , that it works like a dream, while if you add stock APCs to it you kinda just screw yourself. on the other hand, you could allow the upgrade to be built. though adding the assault troop crawler from china infantry would allow china infantry to garason the hovercraft with 8 infantry per crawler. each infantry would become a permanent member of the craft just like the vehicles in it. however the battle fortress is not allowed. adding the helix however allows it to take off from the ground and become a air unit. adding more than one ups the speed it travels in the air.
keep in mind, the main balance factor for each of these things is that they can only garason 4 armored units and are rather slow. so adding a unit to this is like adding a turret.
Posted 02 July 2008 - 08:28 AM
yes, i do believe each side would benefit from something like this. and i'm aware of the work it would need to do just to get a few of the combinations working.
but for ideas governing china and the united states, the states could have something along the lines of a massive land based battleship. would be just as large as the zeppelin and would have the same function. tank treads would propel it across the ground at a moderate pace.(same speed as the zeppelin) base weapon would be a single tripple barrel cannon that does moderate damage to armored units and is a instant kill to infantry (it's a bloody short range artillery cannon for crying out loud). though upgrading it with the dozer would just give it self heal abilities. upgrading it with aircraft would give it that aircraft's missile or bomb payload (bombs would be converted to missiles) fire rate would be slightly slower to balance it out, though it would be a constant rate. though where bombs are concerned it would fire off the initial payload, wait for 3 seconds... then fire another payload. this makes it so that aircraft general would actually have some use for the thing. the super plane from the air force general (aurora) would not be allowed.
china could use a massive hovercraft. it's initial armorment wouldn't be there but it would have a lot of armor. adding vehicles without their upgrade turret to the hovercraft would denie their upgrade turret and simply leave it with their weapon. this makes it so that if you add sniper APCs to it , that it works like a dream, while if you add stock APCs to it you kinda just screw yourself. on the other hand, you could allow the upgrade to be built. though adding the assault troop crawler from china infantry would allow china infantry to garason the hovercraft with 8 infantry per crawler. each infantry would become a permanent member of the craft just like the vehicles in it. however the battle fortress is not allowed. adding the helix however allows it to take off from the ground and become a air unit. adding more than one ups the speed it travels in the air.
keep in mind, the main balance factor for each of these things is that they can only garason 4 armored units and are rather slow. so adding a unit to this is like adding a turret.
Wow, a bit ambitious, but a nice idea, I'd say you'd have to wait for 007 to come out though...
#89 Guest_Scudhawk_*
Posted 04 July 2008 - 01:18 AM
Posted 15 July 2008 - 06:55 PM
#91 Guest_Zhen Ji_*
Posted 15 July 2008 - 10:59 PM
It's quiet for a long time... So, the question, which must came is: WHEN WILL BE CONTRA 006 RELASED? Please, man, I can't wait....
When it's done.
Seriously leave Creator alone and he'll release it soon enough.
#92 Guest_guest_guest_guest_*
Posted 16 July 2008 - 10:51 AM
But I think we can wait some more weeks till this perfect mod will be released
#93 Guest_Guest_*
Posted 17 July 2008 - 01:08 PM
Agreed!Even Yesterday is not soon enough
But I think we can wait some more weeks till this perfect mod will be released
#94 Guest_Guest_*
Posted 20 July 2008 - 05:50 PM
#95 Guest_General Granade - gg GG_*
Posted 22 July 2008 - 12:56 PM
I've notest that for the SWG you have taken out the EMP sniper rifle but over all I can't wait for it to come out. I've even started to play Very Hard enemys (Im not very good so don't make fun of me).
I play with insanee enemy and like it - try paly map for 7 players (2vs5) and to team , where is 5 players got very hard and team , where is 2 got insanee (but one is you OR NO ? )
#96 Guest_Guest_defence master_*_*
Posted 24 July 2008 - 03:59 AM
have fun with that oo well i can't wait for it to come outI've notest that for the SWG you have taken out the EMP sniper rifle but over all I can't wait for it to come out. I've even started to play Very Hard enemys (Im not very good so don't make fun of me).
I play with insanee enemy and like it - try paly map for 7 players (2vs5) and to team , where is 5 players got very hard and team , where is 2 got insanee (but one is you OR NO ? )
Posted 24 July 2008 - 09:24 AM
I can't wait too....... I look EVERYDAY if it is released............................... and I can't Imagine, who the fun is, whith one Insane against 5 Very Hard.............have fun with that oo well i can't wait for it to come outI've notest that for the SWG you have taken out the EMP sniper rifle but over all I can't wait for it to come out. I've even started to play Very Hard enemys (Im not very good so don't make fun of me).
I play with insanee enemy and like it - try paly map for 7 players (2vs5) and to team , where is 5 players got very hard and team , where is 2 got insanee (but one is you OR NO ? )
I had have fun Yesterday with my Bro^^ 2Humans ina a Team VS 2 Insane in a Team...... THAT is Fun^^
Sry for Mistakes......... I've so much to learn...... so little Time
#98 Guest_Scudhawk_*
Posted 24 July 2008 - 04:20 PM
#99 Guest_guest_guest_guest_*
Posted 24 July 2008 - 06:31 PM
Is there anyway to tone down how much of the system resources the bots take up? I play vs 2 insane enemies on a map with 5 players or more and its very laggy. But If I play vanilla generals with 8 bots it is not laggy at all.
Please, creator, tell us something
Posted 25 July 2008 - 11:56 AM
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