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Second big block of news.

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#61 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 10 June 2008 - 02:18 PM

Release, release, release!

Oh, I can't wait anymore.
I should freeze myself. :unsure:

#62 Guest_Zhen Ji_*

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Posted 10 June 2008 - 05:26 PM

Will there be any beta versions coming out for contra 006 soon b/cc it seems practically almost complete.

IIRC Creator said that all that was left to do was fix a few bugs, However don't quote me on that though. :unsure:

I'm sure Creator will surprise us.

#63 Guest_Embargo_*

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Posted 11 June 2008 - 01:25 AM

I believe I remember a thread where someone offered to make maps for Contra 06. This worries me, because he also stated it takes him awhile to make decent works of art. =|

Hopefully, they will provide a map pack down the road, instead of prolonging the release just for a few more maps.


#64 oops2005

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Posted 11 June 2008 - 02:35 PM

I checked the tech trees of the generals and found that laser gen and cyber gen has missed some basic fighter jet. ('cause the arrow points to blank) . It seems Creator hasn't decided the two kinds of jet yet.

#65 Soul


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Posted 11 June 2008 - 02:44 PM

@everyone who keeps asking for it to be released: Try having some patience and wait, it'll be released when Creator is ready.
Posted ImagePosted Image

Soul 2.4

Background process. Has something to do with some activity going on somewhere. Sorting junkmail, I think. No value or interest. Doesn't do much except hog resource.

#66 morsematten

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Posted 12 June 2008 - 10:23 AM

I'm the nut cracker, and i'll crack your nuts.

#67 Guest_Guest_Beo_*

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Posted 12 June 2008 - 06:03 PM


There is a rather large difference between people who ask for a release date, and people who ask for it to be released. I see it as quite reasonable to ask for an estimated release date, so we don't have check the site every day if Creator doesn't think he will be able to finish until a few months down the road.

People who ask for it to be released are simply impatient.

From the sounds of it though, 006 will probably be released within the next week or so, though that is entirely speculation.

#68 Guest_Embargo_*

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Posted 13 June 2008 - 01:47 AM

^A very optimistic estimation to a very pessimistic person such as myself.

I'm hoping/praying/sacrificing virgins in hope it gets released during the summer.

Last thing I would want is to rush the game, it is the creator's child, not ours.

#69 morsematten

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Posted 13 June 2008 - 05:43 AM

guest beo, creator dont owe any of us a living, so dont pressure him. If he gives you a dateline, but fails to meet it, wouldnt you be more disappointed?
I'm the nut cracker, and i'll crack your nuts.

#70 Guest_One Man_*

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Posted 13 June 2008 - 07:16 AM

I may only be a guest but I've been playing Contra for a while so I'll give my 2 cents.

I agree with the few people here that the retaliator should go. I'm all for a very aggressive nuke general. I think it not only is possible to be done, but the only whining here is coming from the turtles, though I keep myself among that group. It's a matter of learning a new way to play. It's exactly the same how I am not a rusher or a tank-man and therefore am not good at the Tank general. Do I believe and complain that there should be less tanks? No.

As for release dates, I understand that there's a lot of stress included in running a forum with many people asking when you are releasing your work. I don't expect one, personally, though I'm very eager to play. I don't consider anyone asking for the date impatient either. It's a compliment. The fact is that a lot of people have been waiting a very long time for this mod. It's all that's keeping me on Generals and the entire CNC franchise right now so I can understand why people are so frivolous about this. Basically it boils down to we all want it to be released and I know Creator and the staff have been very firm with their policy of it being released when it is released. Though no member of the staff should be surprised when people ask many times. Just look at the release for Duke Nukem Forever. They wear the same policy on their shoulders and people still get angry. Fact is, no one should criticize or look down on someone asking for a release date. Another fact is, it's their imperative to release a date or not. Either way, now you know this man's opinion.

One last thing, Creator, the units and gameplay you've made (or modded) is by miles better than the original Generals or Zero Hour. I know you're basically just using (sometimes abusing) their engine, but I just wanted to compliment you on one-upping EA on their own game. You and your team definitely have a talent for design.

#71 Devastator

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Posted 14 June 2008 - 11:29 AM

Will gens challenge have flame, cyborg, and assault map in contra 007 or 008?

#72 Creator


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Posted 14 June 2008 - 01:46 PM

You will be able to play with new generals, but not against them.

#73 Guest_Sergeant-Major Jefferson_*

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Posted 15 June 2008 - 10:40 PM

''He isn't a Bull........ He is a Devil with a VERY BIG SMILE ^_^
I think this Pic Rock's Like Contra Hisself ''


Like a killersmiling with a uzi

I Agree that foto stays :p

#74 Guest_Omen_*

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Posted 18 June 2008 - 06:39 PM

i'm not about to defend having the retaliator be taken away or left as is. however the only thing i realy use it for is anty spy activities. such as taking out anoying spy drones in my base trying to see my troop movements, or dealing with the problem of having a tunnel network suddenly appear in my base. i place em around my base like vending machines, ready to despence some candy should anyone come seaking it.

also i should note, i'm mainly a king of the hill kinda guy. me and a group of friends play contra 05 and we don't go after eachother's bases. we actualy storm the center and see how long we can hold it. matches are set around a hour or so so the person who holds it the longest wins. heck i even make maps for king of the hill though some things are bugging me at the moment.

if the retaliator does in deed get taken away, i only ask that you return it to the regular Gatling turret that vinalla china used to have in the original game. that or give a tank bunker building seeing as how you want to focus on units for him rather than defensive buildings. though the tank bunker idea would be more beneficial to tank gen. could boost armor, fire rate, and range.

#75 Guest_nex_*

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Posted 23 June 2008 - 08:06 PM

it will be real nice to se more of GLA airforce but including some realistic units like MiG - 19,MiG - 21,helicopters and ofcourse big bombers

#76 Guest_omen_*

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Posted 25 June 2008 - 04:53 AM

i'd be happy if the GLA could get somthing like a Gunship blimp. instead of garrosing it with infantry, you garason it with armored units like tanks. limit to 4 slots though.

#77 BigPapaSmurf

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Posted 25 June 2008 - 09:11 AM

i'd be happy if the GLA could get somthing like a Gunship blimp. instead of garrosing it with infantry, you garason it with armored units like tanks. limit to 4 slots though.

I don't know, the whole point of the GLA not having planes or blimps is that they take advantage of their tunnels and hit and run tactics with fast vehicles.

Too many air units would kind ruin the stealthy feel of the GLA.

#78 Guest_omen_*

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Posted 26 June 2008 - 05:59 AM

yeah, i know about the tunnels though that doesn't stop me from wondering about all of the diffrent combonations. and no, not bringing up shockwave with their hot air baloon... thing is damn slow.

though can you emagine flying one of these things over a enemy base with nuclear bomb trucks? it goes boom, with the power of 4 nukes?

#79 BigPapaSmurf

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Posted 26 June 2008 - 03:14 PM

though can you emagine flying one of these things over a enemy base with nuclear bomb trucks? it goes boom, with the power of 4 nukes?

There would be the whole room limit, similar to the USA Chinook helicopters in Generals, the way they can only hold so many tanks, so if blimps were included I'd say they'd stop super units from entering them to balance the game.

#80 oops2005

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Posted 27 June 2008 - 12:42 PM

some thought about 006: (no offense, creator ,just some thought)

Nuke gen: He has nuke (MIRV) ,nuclear storm, and mini-super nuke cannon. It seems he is the Chinese sw gen. And he can have isotope stability upgrade in power plant ,which means he can upgrade it at early time with his tanks already have nuclear upgrade (+damage and speed in default). Is he a little op? And maybe, his nuke could have a new look after he has MIRV?

Tank gen: He has satillite hack 3(mini super) . Maybe it should be owned by Inf gen only(cause inf gen's hacker is super hacker ,hehe).

Inf gen: He seems lack of artillery infantry (like mortar team etc.). His artillery vehicle is expersive and takes long time to produce .

Flame gen: nice

Why US and GLA(except Elbrus Launcher) has no mini-super?

SW gen: 1. one of her level 3 gen power, carpet bombing, which can call three B2 after you spend three gen point , is some little OP and is more likely suitable for AF gen. And her particle cannon had better to change to the original one in ZH (which is smaller than standard PC) cause she will have SW spam and smaller SW is more convenient and more important in small maps. 2. After her buildings have the "composite armor "and "deflecting armor" , could her buildings have some shiny heavy plate armor around her buildings?

Laser gen: Maybe his plane could have PDL instead of CM and have laser warheads in default. And....will he have a laser fighter?

AF gen and Cyber gen : nice

Demo gen: Could you please remove his toxin staff(like toxin tractor and toxin shells etc). He can solve his problem with demolition: 1. he can have an vehicle to clear garrisoned buildings like bunker buster (blown inside the building?)
2. his tanks can have HE shell to have some splash damage to infantry.
And about HE upgrade , I think it better to have a big AOE bang than the "bang ---some pieces flying and drop on the ground----- and pieces bang again"

Stealth gen: IIRC, the new SW" jammer station" have the "fake radar signatures" and it works like adding some fake red spot in your mini map and warn you. I think it is useless for human player. Maybe it works like this : when the SW has launched, opponent's all radar things are out of work for some time. He has no mini map; he cannot spot stealthed units. He is a blind under your stealthed units and you almost can do what you like in his base for some time.

Assault gen: Would he has some level one MBT stronger than scorpion? And he can have some AF like mig 29 or hind?

Chemical gen : nice

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