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Unofficial v1.1.1 Bug Tracking Thread

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#101 Tropical Bob

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Posted 23 January 2009 - 08:31 PM

Um, hello? He's Wedge Antilles. Fel is his brother-in-law, so they are family and can't kill each each other. Maarek Stele isn't as good as Wedge Antilles, and you obviously haven't read the X-Wing novels. Otherwise you would know that it takes 20 squadrons of TIE Defenders to hurt Rogue Squadron.


I don't think the X-wing novels are a good standard to base X-wing stats off of. Otherwise, we'd get invincible fighters flying everywhere at lightspeed, and able to blow up a planet with one laser bolt. The proton torpedoes are strong enough to destroy existence as we know it as well. Though, unfortunately, the invincibility requires a throw of a switch, so sometimes when Rogue Squadron is caught off guard, which isn't often, they don't have enough time to flip it.

I haven't made any headway into why this would happen. And I think it's beyond my rather low capabilities to do so, actually.

#102 Hirken

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Posted 28 January 2009 - 06:56 PM

Might it be his T-65C X-Wing Combat Bonus? It sets health, damage, and shield at a 9 multiplier, whereas the highest multiplier I've seen in other hero files is 1...

Also, not really a bug, but Piett's Accuser has a complement of only low-tier fighters. I know his ISD is a clone of the ISDII, but all other heroes with ships, excepting Cronal's Singularity, spawn the highest-tier fighters; even Tarkin's Nebulon-B spawns TIEx9s...

#103 X4ldin

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Posted 29 January 2009 - 08:14 PM

The Rebel and CSA research facilities have the Imperial tooltip in both GC and MP.

#104 Tropical Bob

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Posted 29 January 2009 - 10:10 PM

Might it be his T-65C X-Wing Combat Bonus? It sets health, damage, and shield at a 9 multiplier, whereas the highest multiplier I've seen in other hero files is 1...

Whoa, you might be on to something there. Most values that I usually see are below 1. Though, admittedly, I haven't gandered at v1.1 stats yet. I'm not sure how they read those values, because some are read on a scale where 1=100%. If that tag is the same way, he's getting 10 times the normal shielding...

#105 Darth Stalin

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Posted 03 February 2009 - 10:52 PM

I don't know if anyone has encountered similar problem in 1.1 or whether has anyone noticed that in 1.0, but I've found the following bug in 1.0 (modded with Zarkis' AI mod, DAImp graphics and Kaleb Graf's Executor and Eclipse mods - maybe the bug was omewhere inside there?)
- the Imperial "space and land heroes" Palpatine and Darth Vader are no longer healed by Bacta tanks in Tactical mode after getting upgraded to capital ships (when they get their Imperial SDs and take part in land combat) - I got once a seriously wounded Vader and wanted him to be healed by Bacta, but... nothingt happened. Same thing occured again in another planet, so I decided to use him more cautiously...
Has anyone seen that and may confirm (or deny) that such a bug is present in 1.1?

#106 Timius

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Posted 05 February 2009 - 02:24 PM

Anyone had any luck with the AI and space stations issue in GC yet ? I tried a few things with my limited modding skills with no luck.

With this bug the GC's way too easy.. so I changed some of the starting planets to be AI controlled, with stations prebuilt, but i'm not sure how much room each planet has in space... i think PR mentioned some kind of display on the gui at some point (if he ever gets the time). Can someone point me to the file that has these values in please ?

#107 Tropical Bob

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Posted 06 February 2009 - 07:23 PM

With this bug the GC's way too easy.. so I changed some of the starting planets to be AI controlled, with stations prebuilt, but i'm not sure how much room each planet has in space... i think PR mentioned some kind of display on the gui at some point (if he ever gets the time). Can someone point me to the file that has these values in please ?

I believe he had mentioned that the UI was next to impossible to change in a major fashion.

The values should be in Planets.xml.

#108 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 08 February 2009 - 01:17 AM

This is a great mod but on my computer the ai doesnt work for any faction. Ive tried the different versions but still the same result.

#109 Kitkun



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Posted 08 February 2009 - 01:55 AM

This is a great mod but on my computer the ai doesnt work for any faction. Ive tried the different versions but still the same result.

Make sure you update FoC, and make sure there's no other scripts/XML folder in the data folder of FoC.

Edited by Kitkun, 08 February 2009 - 01:55 AM.

Frosty Freaky Foreign Forum Fox

<DevXen> Today I was at the store and saw a Darth Vader action figure that said "Choking Hazard." It was great.

#110 Atalante

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Posted 26 February 2009 - 11:34 PM

This has to be a bug, i've got a 64x2 athlon 5000, 3gig RAM, nearly one terra diskspace in total and 110gb free on C: where i've got the game, but after a short time of playing GC FFA, i get the exeption error on autosaving prebattle, after that it stops saving completely and deletes any recent autosaves.....blaming it on lack of diskspace.....????
It cant possibly create that big savefiles?!?!?!
Entire SW moviesaga on HD only takes about 48GB..... :p

Otherwise a good mod, lag got much better after 1.1.1 only get about 2 mins startup for GC FFA and ingame runs nice.....now if i only could save....

Keep it up ;)


#111 Kitkun



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Posted 27 February 2009 - 04:14 AM

It seems the game engine can't really handle the big GFFA saves I think...

Frosty Freaky Foreign Forum Fox

<DevXen> Today I was at the store and saw a Darth Vader action figure that said "Choking Hazard." It was great.

#112 Ghostrider


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Posted 27 February 2009 - 04:22 PM

It seems the game engine can't really handle the big GFFA saves I think...

I found the game will handle GFFA slim, but not GFFA Full.

I'm tweaking the files at the moment following feedback from the forums and I may just scrap the full versions alltogether. They are just too painful.

Use slim files and see if there is still a problem.

#113 Atalante

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Posted 03 March 2009 - 02:56 PM

I'm still having saving problem, even with the slim files.
Tried lowering settings etc. nothing helps
Theres a difference tho, with the full files i can continue play, even if i cant save, with the slim files, i try to save, get the exeption, try to resolve.......and it shuts down all together....

#114 RyanK

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Posted 15 April 2009 - 03:19 AM

When attacking alderaan as imperial, in land batle it become impossible to select units, and after this the units can't be selected in battle (space and land).

This has happened to me before, though that was just in vanilla FOC and another mod. But it hasn't happened to me yet with PR.
When it starts being like that, you just have to quit and restart.

#115 coinich


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Posted 29 April 2009 - 01:49 PM

I hate to call it, but CSA is still bonking up skirmish. That, and/or the superweapons are taking effect, with the only way to destroy them coming from self-destructing Rebel transports. Is it looking for the Zann's old superlaserbeamthingy's hardpoint and crashing when not finding it?

On a balancing note, with unlimited funds, the CSA is near unstoppable. The ability to field 4- 6VSDs, 6+ Dreadnaughts, and hoards of fighters 10 minutes into the battle is devastating. The only things that can really counter that power is Lancer frigates (Imp) or DP-27s (Reb) for the fighters as well as shield-tanked capital ships and repair ships. Most of that stuff is Tier 2 or 3 (basic cap ships and repair ships respectfully), and by that point, the CSA has fielded most of their forces, with more to come depending on asteroid control. I understand that they have a fleet of 500 VSDs, and are good with costs, but Tier 1 capital ships (VSDs) are overpowered. Even the Imps don't get their own ship until Tier 2. Maybe I'm playing wrong, but they are near unstoppable. Also, Hajeen-class frigates can use the perfect heal ability (the only thing saving me!) on Golans, providing the only effective way to heal them for any faction.

Also, AI upgrading for the enemy is poor. Ally loves to add the upgrade before I can, and then will waste 15 minutes before upgrading, ruining my options, and enemy AI won't upgrade unless attacked.

Also, Golan's powers seem bonked in skirmish. Right clicking a unit brings up its powers, but attempting to use either power (tractor beams or power to weapons) fails, though the tractor beams work automatically.

Also, every time the tide of the battle turns (I'm actually winning against CSA for once!), the computer crashes. Sore loser, I guess... :p

Edited by coinich, 29 April 2009 - 01:51 PM.

#116 Tropical Bob

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Posted 29 April 2009 - 03:43 PM

The way to defeat the CSA for sure is to get fighter superiority early on. This means using the GAT-12p Skipray Blastboats as the Empire (Spam about 10 of them, that should last you a while). I don't remember what to use as the Rebellion though.Then you can bring in more anti-capital ships to remove the Victory-class threat you'll face.

#117 coinich


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Posted 29 April 2009 - 04:04 PM

I was attempting a rush to Lvl 3 to head off the fighter swarm. Fighters are just not my style; I prefer heavier ships.

On a good note, I disabled superweapons (supposedly does nothing) and disabled heroes. No problems, and I finished eventually. 'twas quite close; they lost over 75 fighter squadrons, 18 Dreadnaughts, and 11 VSDs, plus other support ships. I lost six fighters and 2 mining facilities. :p

EDIT: Disabling superweapons and heros seems to keep it stable.

Edited by coinich, 01 May 2009 - 04:21 PM.

#118 Invadious

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Posted 20 September 2009 - 08:07 AM

The Barloz-class Medium Freighter is far too small on land.

#119 Casen


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Posted 20 September 2009 - 11:00 PM

Bit late, but as mentioned a few months back...AKA just a few posts above me, the C.S.A.'s AI is superior to all others in skirmish.

The AI for the Imperials and Rebels needs to be brought up to the same standards. I'm just going to assume the team never got around to it.

#120 weles

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Posted 28 September 2009 - 08:42 PM

Hi everyone, I don't know if anyone found that bug before, but AI in Thrawn campaign charged me with executor in the FIRST week of GC, why is it so that there is no waiting time for AI to build? IS it because I played on hard level?

Second problem is similar, in skirmish, while I had 3 asteroid mines, and AI had none, I managed to build one republic class destroyer, while AI built 2 Praetors

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