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Unofficial v1.1.1 Bug Tracking Thread

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#121 Tropical Bob

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Posted 29 September 2009 - 04:57 AM

Well, I believe the Empire starts with an Executor-class in the Thrawn Campaign.

I also think that the AI gets magic cash drops and money multipliers as well. Not sure if it's GC or skirmish or both.

#122 weles

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Posted 30 September 2009 - 11:24 AM

Well, when I checked just after that what fleets does the empire start with, I didn't find there executor, but maybe I missed one

#123 Tropical Bob

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Posted 30 September 2009 - 07:42 PM

Ah, right. I just checked and the Empire doesn't start with one.

But the Empire starts with 170,000 credits, and two candidate planets to construct an Executor-class with: Bilbringi (Space Colony level 5) and Yaga Minor (Space Colony level 5 and Star Base level 5).

In addition, there are the magic cash drops and money multipliers that may be active for the AI, and I believe the "Generate Magic Space Defense" script was accidentally left on. Speaking of which, time to update the bug fixes...

#124 Shig

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Posted 30 December 2009 - 08:42 PM


I think i found a problem in the GFFA map from the downloaded Slim map pack. Playing as the empire i could only move my forces to Bakura NOT Kaal, as the map in the download section indicated, effectively making the three planets cut off from the rest of the map.

I managed to get around this by changing the lines Endor-Kaal_Major to Endor-Kaal_Minor in the file Campaigns_Galaxy_Far_Far_Away.xml.

I hope this was the correct thing to do and i was not missing anything obvious while playing your mod.


#125 Ghostrider


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Posted 05 January 2010 - 05:25 PM


I think i found a problem in the GFFA map ...

I'm in the process of giving all the campaigns a major overhaul in any case - keep an eye on the news items - so I'll take a look.

Just so you know, The Thrawn Offensive has pretty much been redone from scratch (see older news items), and all the GFFA and sub-campaigns of Core, Inner Rim and Outer Rim are being tweaked to account for the many changes you will see in V1.2, including the heroes as indicated this week.

Further changes have yet to be announced so keep your eyes open.... ;)

#126 Ghostrider


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Posted 05 January 2010 - 05:38 PM

Well, I believe the Empire starts with an Executor-class in the Thrawn Campaign.

Not any more. Historically Thrawn did an amazing job on the NR - over 1/3 of the NR fleet disabled or destroyed, and he had nothing bigger than an ISD-II to play with. In fact, Thrawn probably caused more damage than any other Imperial commander to date, despite the fact that pretty much Everyone Else had at least one ship of Praetor size or larger. In many cases other Imperial Commanders had several multi-kilometer ships under their command.

Thrawn had to make do with ISD-I's and moldy old Carracks and Dreadnaught Mark II's., and still wiped the floor with the New Republic.

In comparison the Emperor looks pretty useless - In Dark Empire he has the Galaxy Gun, Soverign, Eclipse, World Devastators etc - and didnt inflict as much damage. Very scary, but imagine what Thrawn could have done with them.

Now that's a scary thought! ;)

#127 Tropical Bob

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Posted 05 January 2010 - 10:56 PM

I wouldn't necessarily say that about the Emperor in Dark Empire. Of what we know, he:
-Devastated Mon Calamari
-Ravaged Coruscant with a Force Storm
-Destroyed a millennia-old space station above Nespis VIII
-Aforementioned Force Storm ate a New Republic fleet for an afternoon snack above Coruscant

And that's what I can remember of what we know. There could have been many, many things not mentioned. Subjugation of planets, fleet battles, etc.

Though, admittedly, the Emperor had to clone himself several times, get the help of ancient Sith Lords, and had the Force as a massive ally. Thrawn can't exactly say the same.

#128 McDman

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Posted 29 January 2010 - 05:02 AM

I don't know if this has been mentioned before, but when I try to put Stormies into an AT-AT, the AT-AT freezes and refuses to move...I have the land battle pack/fix installed...but am I doing something I should just avoid?

BTW: Keep up the amazing work guys!

#129 Kage Acheron

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Posted 04 February 2010 - 10:40 PM

Hi guys! First, I'd like to congratulate you guys for making a great mod!

The AI in the Thrawn Campaign is quite...well, laid-back. During the first few weeks, the Empire failed to take anything except for Tanaab and the Roche Asteroids. I got quite bored, stomping out pirate planets, when I decided to attack Bilbringi. Lo and behold, Bilbringi just went down without posing much of a challenge. I sent Han on a scouting run, and found Executors over Honoghr and Trogan! Just sitting on their hands doing nothing. Now, where was Thrawn during all this? I scouted around, and couldn't find his mega-fleet anywhere.

I think I may have found a reason for this. I went into XML, AI, and then GalacticMarkup. I tried opening the ThrawnCampaignHints.xml, which apparently assigns priorities for targets. It wouldn't open, citing an invalid character. I manually opened it in Notepad, and found that the priority marker for Yag'dhul was apparently the source of the error, since XML interpreted the ' as something else. I deleted it, and the file worked fine.

Could you guys please checkup on this and see if this is the reason?

#130 Tropical Bob

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Posted 05 February 2010 - 06:51 AM

Might it be his T-65C X-Wing Combat Bonus? It sets health, damage, and shield at a 9 multiplier, whereas the highest multiplier I've seen in other hero files is 1...

Checked around the other hero files, which I should've done before. Apparently they all have nine multipliers for hull and shielding, and at least a four for damage. It's only for their specific fighter though, and not their squadron. Could be a mistake that was copy-pasted around, but I'd rather wait for a response from PR on that before I touch anything.

Also, not really a bug, but Piett's Accuser has a complement of only low-tier fighters. I know his ISD is a clone of the ISDII, but all other heroes with ships, excepting Cronal's Singularity, spawn the highest-tier fighters; even Tarkin's Nebulon-B spawns TIEx9s...


Hi guys! First, I'd like to congratulate you guys for making a great mod!

The AI in the Thrawn Campaign is quite...well, laid-back. During the first few weeks, the Empire failed to take anything except for Tanaab and the Roche Asteroids. I got quite bored, stomping out pirate planets, when I decided to attack Bilbringi. Lo and behold, Bilbringi just went down without posing much of a challenge. I sent Han on a scouting run, and found Executors over Honoghr and Trogan! Just sitting on their hands doing nothing. Now, where was Thrawn during all this? I scouted around, and couldn't find his mega-fleet anywhere.

I think I may have found a reason for this. I went into XML, AI, and then GalacticMarkup. I tried opening the ThrawnCampaignHints.xml, which apparently assigns priorities for targets. It wouldn't open, citing an invalid character. I manually opened it in Notepad, and found that the priority marker for Yag'dhul was apparently the source of the error, since XML interpreted the ' as something else. I deleted it, and the file worked fine.

Could you guys please checkup on this and see if this is the reason?

Seems reasonable enough. I just commented out that section, since removing the apostrophe would render it useless anyway. On a side note, apostrophes apparently are disliked by the engine. PR: Maybe the apostrophes should be replaced with underscores in v1.2 to avoid any situations like this one.

#131 Guest_Guest_Mike_*_*

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Posted 07 February 2010 - 07:40 PM

The game crashes on ground invasions and the empire gets OBI wan as a hero.

#132 Tropical Bob

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Posted 07 February 2010 - 11:14 PM

Whoops! Seems I forgot to put the structure fix into the bug fixes! I'll update that sometime tonight.

For now, you can download Ghostrider's Land Patch. Changes are listed in this thread. I highly recommend it, as it also tweaks Land combat a bit, making it a little more bearable.

Also, the Imperial "Obi-wan" is Joruus C'Baoth, with a text ID misreference. It's fixed in the bug fixes ZIP. Once you get around to registering to the forums, go ahead and download it. Changes are listed in the original post.

I suppose I'll also try getting a Filefront account or whatever set up so that non-forum-members can download my stuff. <3

#133 Hirken

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Posted 08 February 2010 - 04:49 AM

It appears that the Rebels are supposed to have Jan Dodonna as a starting hero in the Outer Rim campaign, but his name is misspelled under the Rebel starting forces at Talay.
<Starting_Forces> Rebel, Talay, Jan_Dondonna_Team </Starting_Forces>

#134 Kage Acheron

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Posted 08 February 2010 - 08:12 PM

Carida appears in the Core Worlds Campaign as a pirate planet with an Imperial fleet overhead, even though the map says the Empire should have it. I believe it's double-booked. Same with Obroa-Skai and the Rebels on the Thrawn Campaign, but I'm not sure if the pirates are supposed to hold ground, since the Rebels have no land forces listed.

In addition, Darth Vader can't hit landspeeders in ground battles. He walks up to them, swings his lightsaber, and nothing happens.

Two issues I'm not sure are bugs or not: Darth Vader's TIE doesn't heal or regenerate shield in space battles, and a pirate mercenary squad managed to take down one of my full-health AT-ATs in a split second.

Edited by Kage Acheron, 09 February 2010 - 02:01 AM.

#135 Tropical Bob

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Posted 09 February 2010 - 02:18 AM

Carida appears in the Core Worlds Campaign as a pirate planet with an Imperial fleet overhead, even though the map says the Empire should have it. I believe it's double-booked. Same with Obroa-Skai and the Rebels on the Thrawn Campaign, but I'm not sure if the pirates are supposed to hold ground, since the Rebels have no land forces listed.

Get the Slim Campaign Pack. It fixes the few Pirate-contested worlds, as well as trims down the campaigns a bit to make them run a little bit more smoothly.

In addition, Darth Vader can't hit landspeeders in ground battles. He walks up to them, swings his lightsaber, and nothing happens.

Hmm...I can't really help out on that one, I don't think. I'm not at all versed in Land combat.

Two issues I'm not sure are bugs or not: Darth Vader's TIE doesn't heal or regenerate shield in space battles, and a pirate mercenary squad managed to take down one of my full-health AT-ATs in a split second.

Land Patch!

I don't believe Darth Vader's hull is supposed to heal, but shields definitely should regenerate. You'll need CT-10s or a Modular Taskforce Cruiser in order to get his hull back.

#136 Kage Acheron

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Posted 09 February 2010 - 05:25 PM

I have all the updates already. I looked in the XML file folder for the Core Worlds Campaign, and found that Carida was indeed designated twice: once for the Empire, and the second time for the Pirates. I commented out the section where Carida gets assigned to the Pirates.

For the Thrawn Campaign, land forces are never assigned for the Rebels for Obroa-Skai, while the pirates don't get any space forces. Intentional? Maybe.

Maybe the mercenaries had disruptors...but even if they did, that is way overpowered.

Another glitch with Darth Vader: his XML files lists laser shots he can deflect. However, it only includes units from vanilla FOC. So's he's getting shot full of holes from the new PR infantry he can't deflect.

Edited by Kage Acheron, 09 February 2010 - 05:44 PM.

#137 Tropical Bob

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Posted 10 February 2010 - 04:16 AM

I have all the updates already. I looked in the XML file folder for the Core Worlds Campaign, and found that Carida was indeed designated twice: once for the Empire, and the second time for the Pirates. I commented out the section where Carida gets assigned to the Pirates.

Ah, you are correct, sir! It'll be fixed.

For the Thrawn Campaign, land forces are never assigned for the Rebels for Obroa-Skai, while the pirates don't get any space forces. Intentional? Maybe.

Intentional. I don't remember the exact details, but it's something like the New Republic had a small fleet stationed either there or nearby.

Maybe the mercenaries had disruptors...but even if they did, that is way overpowered.

It's entirely possible. A surprising number of planets have illegal variants of ships. Or perhaps he was just bested or overwhelmed?

Another glitch with Darth Vader: his XML files lists laser shots he can deflect. However, it only includes units from vanilla FOC. So's he's getting shot full of holes from the new PR infantry he can't deflect.

Good eye. The other lightsaber users are probably suffering from the same oversight. Don't know when I'll get around to fixing this though...I've been dangerously addicted to Modern Warfare 2 the last few nights...

#138 Kage Acheron

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Posted 11 February 2010 - 04:07 AM

The AT-AT wasn't overwhelmed: it was at perfect HP. Some mercenaries run up, and the AT-AT is now at critical HP, and succumbs to laser fire a few seconds later.

#139 Tropical Bob

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Posted 11 February 2010 - 06:46 AM

Ah, whoops. Missed the AT-AT part. I thought you were saying Vader got destroyed by mercenaries. Do you remember which planet you were fighting at? I can check out the files and see what's up.

#140 Ghostrider


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Posted 11 February 2010 - 11:24 AM

Just to remind you all, the Thrawn Offensive has been completely redone for the new release (see news releases late last year) - and all the other campaigns are getting a full makeover as well. CW and IR have been mostly finished. OR is part way through overhaul, Skyhook you know about, GFFA will get the same treatment and then Operation Shadow Hand... Which will be even darker than before....


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