Posted 16 May 2009 - 02:29 PM
Who wants an allance of only heroes? I have a second re-do.
- Southern Fiefdom: Andrast, Lamedon, Lebbenin, Anfalas, Belfalas, Pelargir
- Rohan : Some good combinations of thralls and horsemen
- Dol Amroth: I figured you would want to make Dol Amroth's troops common instead of legendary
- Gondor: RJ Gondor faction (heores and units and upgrades only)
- Eastfold: Mix-bloods of Numenorean and Northman
- Lorien: The Lorien sub-faction of RJ Elves with Haldir, Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli as heroes
- Thranduil's Army: Mirkwood piece of the RJ Elven faction, with Thranduil and Legolas
- Men of North-Mirkwood: semi-Men of Dale-like woodsmen who can stealth in masses of trees lead by three heores including Radagast
- Dale: Esgaroth Heores, Celduin Heores, additional Dale heores; infantry, archers, pikemen, cavalry, supporters, and siege from Dale
- Fords of Bruinen: Half-Elf bodyguards who protect Rivendell
- Men of North-Mirkwood: semi-Men of Dale-like woodsmen who can stealth in masses of trees lead by three heroes including Radagast
- Lindon (Arnor's Elvish stuff)
-Rohan: Eorl's Rohan
-Gondor: Tarostar's Gondor
- Isengard Orcs : cheap spamming from Isengard
- Dunland : costless alliance with Dunlending Axemen, axethrowers, spearmen, archers, pikemen, horsemen, and berserkers. additional dunland heores included.
- Ruffians: Like Dunland only with bandits instead of barbarians
- Rhun: Easterling Warriors, Archers, Spearmen, Horsemen, and Wainriders. Heroes=Khamul and Lorgan
- Harad: Haradrim Spearthrowers, Archers, Blackguards, Horsemen, and Mumakils. Heores=Indur and Razduk (the Haradrim Captain)
- Dol Guldur: basic-level Black Uruks to go with your basic-level Mordor Uruk-hai (twice the CPs, half the horde size)
-Forodwaith: Black Numenoreans (I know, this sounds kind of off-era)
-Gundabad Orcs: Strong Goblins and stronger Orcs from the northern "different" mound
-Withered Heath: Dragon units, including Fire Drakes and Cold Drakes
- Khand: Variag Tribal axemen, archers, tower-guards; Mercenary 'CoU' raiders, axethrowers, sentries; and rohirrim-like cavalry range
- Umbar: Corsair swordsmen, archers, crossbowmen, 'CoU' raiders, rhudaur-like spearmen, knifethrowers, and reavers (corsair blugeoners)
- Far Harad: Mahud warriors, blowpipers, spearmen, camel riders, spear throwers. Half-Trolls, Mumakils, and young Oliphaunts included*.
- Mordor: Same amount of Mordor for MotE as Gondor for Rohan.
*Haradrim Captain Razduk takes Mahud Chieftain Zhislod's place. Zhislod will be with additional Mahud and Half-Troll Heroes, to.
- Rhudaur: Hillmen of the eastern piece of Arnor
- Gundabad: Strong Orcs with both dire wolves and white wargs
That is what should be the Inn system. We should inform Rob about this tech-tree.