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#121 The Terran

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Posted 28 July 2010 - 02:11 AM

Actually I've figured out what is causing the problem, somehow the way that Aragorn interacts with the game.dat file causes it to crash, because it only crashes if Aragorn comes into view, so I'm going to try to see if I can't kill him before he comes into view. (e.g. at one point while the elves are attacking you, depending on your position, Aragorn will become visible for a finite but unknown amount of time. During that time if I use Lurtz to stun him I might have a chance to get around him and kill merry pippin thereby winning the level, that is if I remember the objectives correctly.

#122 Kwen



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Posted 28 July 2010 - 07:55 AM

Loopholes like that are going to make playing the campaign more trouble then it's worth.

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#123 GothmogtheOrc


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Posted 28 July 2010 - 04:36 PM

The mod was not designed to support campaign play. That said, I am willing to make some minor adjustments if that's all it will take to make it compatible. I will take a look at the Aragorn Amon Hen issue tonight if I get a chance. I suspect it is simply an invalid object issue since the new version of Aragorn has a different object name than the old one.

Since I will be taking a quick dive into the mod files, are there any other pressing changes that need to be made to the mod? I don't plan to do much work but if there are 5 or less changes that would make a huge improvement in gameplay/quality then I am willing to look into them.

Edit: well despite my best intentions, life decided to get in the way. Some really important stuff came up yesterday night before I was able to look at the mod and I am not going to have the time to do any work on it after all :( Neither in the near future or the distant future by the looks of things.

However I am still willing to offer some advise if The Terran or anyone else wants to try to solve these bugs. I'm pretty sure I know what is causing them but I don't have the time to personally fix them. If you would like my help, go ahead and send me a PM and I'll try to get back to you within a few hours or as soon as possible.


Edited by GothmogtheOrc, 30 July 2010 - 04:17 AM.

Click on my Sig to go to my BFME Modding site where you can download my mods.
Kings of the West Mod Leader
*Retired. PM me if you need to get a hold of me as I'll get an email notification and should reply within a day or so*

#124 Guest_Christ4life_*

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Posted 24 August 2010 - 10:30 AM

Hi, i am experiencing a problem with the mod, it starts up, but when it goes to the main screen, it automatically turns off and says that,
The thread tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which does not have the appropriate access. Access address 0x00000008 was read from.

#125 Elessar Ancalímon

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Posted 24 August 2010 - 07:58 PM


Did you patched your bfme game to 1.03?

- Elessar Ancalímon
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#126 Guest_Guest_1_*

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Posted 06 February 2011 - 02:06 PM

When i start the mod it says there is a error with the locomoter....... can someone help
Email: Nobylisk@yahoo.co.uk

#127 Guest_Nobylisk_*

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Posted 06 February 2011 - 07:00 PM

Somethign to do with the locomoter (line 1604)

#128 Guest_dewahn_*

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Posted 24 February 2011 - 07:57 PM

how do i install the mod for windows 7? when the installation starts it is at 60% but only a sliver of the installation bar is visible. within a half a minute it says the installation is complete and then i get a message from windows saying it has not installed properly

#129 GothmogtheOrc


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Posted 02 March 2011 - 01:21 AM

I am using Windows 7 on my laptop right now and I have successfully installed the mod on my laptop with the installer without any problems whatsoever. I'm not sure what would cause the installer to malfunction like that (but I suspect it is local to your machine). If you still need help, feel free to post more details and I will see what I can do to help troubleshoot the problem.

As for the locomotor error message, that means that you have installed another mod which modifies the original game files. My mod requires that the original game files be intact, unchanged, and patched up to 1.03. So if you want to play my mod you'll have to reinstall bfme first and/or patch up to 1.03.


Click on my Sig to go to my BFME Modding site where you can download my mods.
Kings of the West Mod Leader
*Retired. PM me if you need to get a hold of me as I'll get an email notification and should reply within a day or so*

#130 Lauri


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Posted 02 March 2011 - 10:27 AM

and then i get a message from windows saying it has not installed properly

Correction: Windows tells you that the "program" MIGHT have not been installed properly.
Windows 7 does that, you just click on the "This program was installed properly" button :thumbsupsmiley:


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#131 marcel

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Posted 31 May 2011 - 08:57 PM

I played at Kings of the west; installed Hero mod 1.3 , The ElvenAlliance 1.2 , Build Anywere 1.03 and in
Windows 7 32bits reports;
Game crash
Duplicate MACRO names.
7 addresses:
(0):game.dat+8961088 Debug::POstStaticInt+3296

Reinstall the original game ver. 1.3 + Kings of the west 1.1 ,but not resolve.

#132 Elessar Ancalímon

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Posted 01 June 2011 - 02:10 PM

Hello Marcel,

Maybe try unistalling the game and the mod. Run CCcleaner and then try install the game in other folder not the standart C:/Program Files/EA Games but change /EA Games to something else like Lord of the Rings or Battle for Middle Earth.

Hope this helpes;)
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#133 marcel

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Posted 01 June 2011 - 04:31 PM


All OK.
Thanks and....this mod is the best!!

#134 Guest_nicola_*

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Posted 02 June 2011 - 09:06 AM

I have a problem with the mod, with windows 7, after having installed it properly when I start the mod it runs the normal BFME 1

#135 Kwen



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Posted 02 June 2011 - 07:58 PM

To be perfectly frank, it means you haven't installed it properly. It has absolutely nothing to do with Windows 7.

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#136 Guest_Poor confused soul_*

Guest_Poor confused soul_*
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Posted 08 July 2011 - 02:49 AM

Ugh I am so sick of this.I tried to run this mode a hundred times.I uninstalled and reinstalled BFME, re patched it and uninstalled/reinstalled the mode dozens of times.NOTHING works!I keep getting the same error.I'm sure all of guys know of it but I've read through dozens of forum pages and no one can provide a legit answer please someon.

Invalid Sound 'DunlandVoiceAttack'
Error parsing field 'VoiceAttack'in block 'Object'in file 'Data\INI\Object\evilfaction\isenguard\dunlandwildmen,ini',line

Because of the severity of this error blah blah blah you know

(Note that isenguard is spelled incorrectly it should be Isengard, but this isn't my fault)

So anyone can provide a solution please?It is driving me nuts.And it's not just this EVERY mod I've tried Dwarfs Hold, BFME+,Elven Alliance etc etc. they all pop up similar errors.I got Dwarfs Hold to work once but I don't know how I didn't change anything I am very confused and frustrated please any help would be MASSIVELY appreciated.

#137 Guest_Poor confused soul_*

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Posted 08 July 2011 - 02:50 AM

To clear things up I am running Windows XP and I got BFME patched to 1.03 with the 1.1 version of the mod.

#138 Rob38


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Posted 08 July 2011 - 07:53 PM

Where do you install your game? Are you using an offical copy of BFME? Where are you installing the mod file? What does your mod shortcut look like?




#139 Guest_Poor confused soul_*

Guest_Poor confused soul_*
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Posted 09 July 2011 - 03:25 AM

Where do you install your game? Are you using an offical copy of BFME? Where are you installing the mod file? What does your mod shortcut look like?

Oh wow I didn't think I would get a response so soon thanks but yeah I got my CD copy back in 05 and I had it installed in the default My BFME files but then I decided to put it in the the EA Games folder to see if it worked.And after fiddling with the shortcut paths and targets in the properties I FINALLY got it to work by some strange reason that I don't know.

Sadly when I went to play it alot of character and power portraits were purple.So I uninstalled my game and the mod then reinstalled them to fix it.And the mod stopped working again.The reason it worked the first time was because I used the default BFME shortcut instead the one the mod provides.How that works go figure.So I tried running the default shortcut and it crashed so I kept messing with the paths(I have the mod installed in the My BFME files at this point)until I got to this:

Target:"C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\The Battle for Middle-earth ™\lotrbfme.exe"
Start In:"C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\The Battle for Middle-earth ™"

And it works perfectly.

#140 Rob38


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Posted 09 July 2011 - 07:35 AM

So, does the mod work? By the way, here is a part of the installation manual I wrote for The Elven Alliance: Community Edition. You can apply the same steps to each mod.

2. Place ElvenAllianceCommunityEdition1.2.big in the My Battle for Middle-Earth Files folder. To access this location, type in %appdata%\My Battle for Middle-earth Files\ in the Windows Explorer Address Bar (not Internet Explorer!).

3. Locate The Battle for Middle-earth ™ shortcut on your computer’s desktop. Copy the shortcut (ctrl + c) and paste it somewhere on your desktop (ctrl + v).

4. Name your newly created shortcut anything you want. It could be The Elven Alliance Community Edition 1.2

5. Right-click on your new shortcut and click properties. A new window should open up. On the top part of the window, click on the Shortcut tab.

5. You should see an area called Target: with a textbox after it. There should be text in the box and it should be contained in quotes. At the end of the quoted text, you need to add one blank space and then –mod right after your one blank space. Finally, you add another one blank space and then type in ElvenAllianceCommunityEdition1.2.big. The final text will vary depending on where BFME1 is installed. Let me give you some examples of what it could look like:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\EA GAMES\The Battle for Middle-earth ™\lotrbfme.exe" –mod ElvenAllianceCommunityEdition1.2.big

"E:\Program Files\EA GAMES\The Battle for Middle-earth ™\lotrbfme.exe" –mod ElvenAllianceCommunityEdition1.2.big

6. After you finished typing, click the apply button and then the ok button.




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