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#61 Apollo


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Posted 23 August 2010 - 05:02 AM

Well, good point about the timeline, should consider one on a yearly basis line i suppose. Anyway YR:warzone was the spin off point from YR stuff, during which time, Allies build Nexus to fight Yuri's army and eventually crush it as else the casualties of human lives kept rising and rising due to yuri's mind trickery and Yuri loses like bad loser so hard way it was :umad:

ATM YR WZ mod is suspended and waiting for re-evaluation and assets overhaul to bring up higher standard but its more generic YR edit mod anyways.

RS is roughly set 20-30 years after YR so 1990s-2000s but thats just a rough draft, in any case... There was period of "peace" after YR WZ but during which Nexus has been scheming and preparing his plans of annihilation and given right timing, infiltrates the nuclear silos and sets off launches..then some rebuilding time as Nexus not show up yet and instead covertly fuels the hate of the two human factions... When said armies realise they've been played like puppets... it is too late and nexus has begun planet wide assault. Robot Storm had begun and had turned into a survival war.
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EAApoc wrote:
The only written law in a C&C game I ever saw is please Mr.Developer make it fun and give me a lot of **** to explode, o and don't you ever get another soul to play Kane but Joe Kucan. Aside from those two rules, all bets are off =) hehe

#62 dangerman1337

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Posted 24 August 2010 - 10:01 PM

Well, good point about the timeline, should consider one on a yearly basis line i suppose. Anyway YR:warzone was the spin off point from YR stuff, during which time, Allies build Nexus to fight Yuri's army and eventually crush it as else the casualties of human lives kept rising and rising due to yuri's mind trickery and Yuri loses like bad loser so hard way it was :p

ATM YR WZ mod is suspended and waiting for re-evaluation and assets overhaul to bring up higher standard but its more generic YR edit mod anyways.

RS is roughly set 20-30 years after YR so 1990s-2000s but thats just a rough draft, in any case... There was period of "peace" after YR WZ but during which Nexus has been scheming and preparing his plans of annihilation and given right timing, infiltrates the nuclear silos and sets off launches..then some rebuilding time as Nexus not show up yet and instead covertly fuels the hate of the two human factions... When said armies realise they've been played like puppets... it is too late and nexus has begun planet wide assault. Robot Storm had begun and had turned into a survival war.

I know that YR WZ is on hold and about the the time date that RS is set in i think it is a bit way too early to set it in the 1990s-2000s i was more thinking around about 2020's-2030's IMO as the fancy tech and the sizes of the factions described seems the "1990s-2000"s just too early.

#63 Apollo


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Posted 25 August 2010 - 06:17 AM

I know that YR WZ is on hold and about the the time date that RS is set in i think it is a bit way too early to set it in the 1990s-2000s i was more thinking around about 2020's-2030's IMO as the fancy tech and the sizes of the factions described seems the "1990s-2000"s just too early.

Well, yes if you consider "real life" technology and progress somewhat but even so 2030 would not be sufficient in real world terms... But RA2/YR was 1970s and allies were weather devicing/prism tanking...yuri having his own fancy things... I can basically have a period of cold war peace or whatever for 20 years fine feasibly but if i did 2030 for example (ahh so TS....) that would mean 60 years of time between since 1970s RA2/YR...am i to say peace/cold war lasted 60 years!?

and no, YR WZ was only meant to end in like 1980s to expand on YR (not cover the span of 30-60 years) and YR WZ would be the last time soviet union was together until it collapse as result of the giant war against Yuri and its toll... somewhat after the war the mighty empire collapse. The idea has been keep the fall of soviet empire somewhat fresh without a giant leap of years between of cold war/peace to have more meaning for FL to seek rebuild former glory (yeah they are dreamers)

Soviets were afraid of Allies intentions since nexus project creation anyway to fight Yuri that once Yuri was disposed of, they'd get nexus wrath on their necks next so again Nexus waited and planned 50 years or what?

Plus FL harbors long hatred for allies for creating the monster and AL gets the blame on daily basis and officially the two factions have no diplomatic channels what so ever and are in state of cold war and any encounter is violent. AL has adapted to martial law rule.

So i don't think its viable and RA2 YR acts as foundation to explain the new factions origins/history, else i could just write years whatever but some like history :p

Sizes of factions manpower wise is far less than YR since nuking and sure skirmish, they got crazy numbers, while missions would be more tactical...especially for AL as they got great tech but limited numbers.

But by all means, come up with feasible explanations to still keep things somewhat hot... calm down too much and it doesn't flow so well. Hearing Soviets/FL whine about nexus for 60 years as devil created by allies gets tad old.

Edited by Apollo, 25 August 2010 - 06:32 AM.

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EAApoc wrote:
The only written law in a C&C game I ever saw is please Mr.Developer make it fun and give me a lot of **** to explode, o and don't you ever get another soul to play Kane but Joe Kucan. Aside from those two rules, all bets are off =) hehe

#64 dangerman1337

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Posted 25 August 2010 - 09:43 AM

But by all means, come up with feasible explanations to still keep things somewhat hot... calm down too much and it doesn't flow so well. Hearing Soviets/FL whine about nexus for 60 years as devil created by allies gets tad old.

Ah i suppose your right, i don't know the timeline youv'e all created and i should just i wait and its the RAverse ofcourse (along with the C&Cverse) which does have a pretty crazy tech devolpment rate and has time travel, psionics, telsa and other assortment of crazy and awesome technology.

#65 Cloaked Decimator

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Posted 27 November 2010 - 10:35 PM

i have a sugguestion about the branches for all the 4 sides..i hate that fact that you can only build one of the three. while the AI just uses the Whole 3...honestly i didn't say anyting aobut for the longest time because it didn't bother me. but when i look at the big picture. its ridiculous. all i ask is that you Allow Player Controlled Factions to build all three like the AI can. But to be fair. you can Bump up the price of each Branch of Technology by 1500 when you buy one of the Three. I just find it kind obscene That the AL Can Spawn Phalanx's and Shadow Artillery at the Same time and still have Liberators and Chrono Prisons at the same time. and then they can build Illusion Tanks with shadow troopers??? i understand making it harder to take down AI. i have no Problem. but at least have it on Fair Grounds. and when you capture other faction's buildings if you have the Base Full tech tree, i think that you should be allowed to build all their sides additional technology......and if this is a Hated Idea then all i can sugguest is adding it to a Game Mode Idea. But honestly there is a limit between making the A.I. Harder and making them impossible. I personally think its making them impossible.

Here's my Concept of making them more effective but balanced: A.I. Should be Aloud to build 5 - 6 Warp Portals/Factories instead of 3 And 4 -5 barracks instead of 2. but cut away the fact they can only build one technology tree branch. See? i find that effective. : P

Also one more thing. on the Custom Map i play on to test the game. I build the Osiris Apocalypse Vehicle...and i tested the Attack it used. as soon as it touched the ground. the game crashed. any ideas on what's causing that?

All in All, i still love this mod and its pretty good so far.
場合は、北朝鮮へのExceliza Rynexを追う見られて見て

#66 Apollo


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Posted 28 November 2010 - 06:16 AM

The game engine gets considerable strain if i just add more and more war factories due to number of units so i rather gave it a mix of units to diversify the attack types as otherwise AI is dumb shit than flood more units.

I don't think its impossible as i primarily tailor the difficulty for myself and i always play brutal... and bumping up prices of other branches once pick one could only be done by applying cost increaser on entire defenses tab...but thats not too nice idea making raise other defenses prices.

as for apocalypse, probably fixed since in my build.

Maybe i'll do gamemode that lifts limitations but thats pretty much prone to be less strategic and total madness.
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EAApoc wrote:
The only written law in a C&C game I ever saw is please Mr.Developer make it fun and give me a lot of **** to explode, o and don't you ever get another soul to play Kane but Joe Kucan. Aside from those two rules, all bets are off =) hehe

#67 dangerman1337

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Posted 28 November 2010 - 02:08 PM

Is there any chance of a Gamemode where there's no branch limitations by any chance? Also Osris Apocalypse Vehicle? I'm guessing that isn't a tank.

#68 Apollo


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Posted 28 November 2010 - 02:42 PM

Thats what i was referring with limitations lifted mode (besides buildlimit stuff), all 3 branches cleared for use, however i still would not enable say Allies capturing an FL base to gain their branches to avoid exceeding the sidebar unit limit but then really i should actually math count the unit amounts to be sure.

Still, i do stress the fact that the branch units just add options of attack type (and aren't must have all) and i've tried design it so that they don't give an totally unfair advantages compared to more generic units, just more challenge and having all branch units in play at once is probably the least balanced as combos get extremely strong and usually tend to cover most flaws in an army, as basic army wise i've tried keep some holes...

1.99 had such issues that some big combo mixes could be a little too diverse and conventional force could not break it down or that particular side could not muster anything as powerful combo together..that was mainly AL then... was kinda intentional back then as a gameplay test. 1.99 was one big gameplay test mod and since then direction changed in balancing.

Of course this undermines whole strategic pick ideals and people may rather wanna play always as the boss general so to speak like cc generals had different generals and boss had all the 3 others did.

Branches are intended to act as counter to each other while can also do fight without but thats more like uphill battle as branches add flexibility.
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EAApoc wrote:
The only written law in a C&C game I ever saw is please Mr.Developer make it fun and give me a lot of **** to explode, o and don't you ever get another soul to play Kane but Joe Kucan. Aside from those two rules, all bets are off =) hehe

#69 Cloaked Decimator

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Posted 28 November 2010 - 11:07 PM

Thats what i was referring with limitations lifted mode (besides buildlimit stuff), all 3 branches cleared for use, however i still would not enable say Allies capturing an FL base to gain their branches to avoid exceeding the sidebar unit limit but then really i should actually math count the unit amounts to be sure.

Still, i do stress the fact that the branch units just add options of attack type (and aren't must have all) and i've tried design it so that they don't give an totally unfair advantages compared to more generic units, just more challenge and having all branch units in play at once is probably the least balanced as combos get extremely strong and usually tend to cover most flaws in an army, as basic army wise i've tried keep some holes...

1.99 had such issues that some big combo mixes could be a little too diverse and conventional force could not break it down or that particular side could not muster anything as powerful combo together..that was mainly AL then... was kinda intentional back then as a gameplay test. 1.99 was one big gameplay test mod and since then direction changed in balancing.

Of course this undermines whole strategic pick ideals and people may rather wanna play always as the boss general so to speak like cc generals had different generals and boss had all the 3 others did.

Branches are intended to act as counter to each other while can also do fight without but thats more like uphill battle as branches add flexibility.

the flexibility is the madness. the diversity is the madness. lol apollo.....and personally i think that the AI are pretty excessive. and you create a mod that people are frustrated with on Easy. thats from looking from it at a non tester's point of view. what i sugguested was just an example of compensation. i say in reality allow them to have diverse infantry. but vehicles are overkill. is it possible to vary and randomize what vehicles they use? I would reccomend that for diversity. but if not. i say just let them use basic to Battle lab stuff and only one Type of branch technology. Think about it. you don't want your base being overran by several liberators and the Comp doesn't even have a battle lab out.

But i personally like the get all their tech's side idea XP. If thats too much as a basic game then i guess a gamemode would be a good compensation. i recommend crossbreeding for exceptional diverse gametypes. you have to think outside the bx with these gametypes to create some "HOLY SHIT 0.0" attitudes on youtube. its my point of view but i respect yours.
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#70 SMxReaver


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Posted 29 November 2010 - 05:10 AM

Cloaked Decimator, you have no idea what you're talking about. Apollo has developed a sophisticated, well-rounded experience in RS 2.0 and as a beta tester I wouldn't ever recommend he make the mod less strategic. Let's also not forget engine limits, such as the Whiteboy bug which limits the number of buildable units to 74. Considering the mod has 4 armies, each with 3 branches, full of units it would be impossible by the engine to support this stupid "all units" mode you seem insistent upon.

Why do you want to build everything? Are you too dense to try new strategies when old ones fail? If you're a beta tester you must really be spending more time getting better at the game itself before you can even start to claim things like this. I didn't consider myself a real capable beta tester in AGSA until I could beat the impossible AI. And if I remember correctly, you got removed from that mod testing group due to trainer usage.

The AI has to cheat in order to be strong. End of discussion. No mod has cheatless, challenging AIs.

#71 Ash


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Posted 30 November 2010 - 09:10 PM

I don't even think any game has cheatless challenging AI, much less any mod...

I'll get some manual work done this week. The only issue is that it doesn't like my Win7 partition so I'll have to switch to XP mode to do it. What fun.

#72 Cloaked Decimator

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Posted 03 December 2010 - 01:53 AM

Cloaked Decimator, you have no idea what you're talking about. Apollo has developed a sophisticated, well-rounded experience in RS 2.0 and as a beta tester I wouldn't ever recommend he make the mod less strategic. Let's also not forget engine limits, such as the Whiteboy bug which limits the number of buildable units to 74. Considering the mod has 4 armies, each with 3 branches, full of units it would be impossible by the engine to support this stupid "all units" mode you seem insistent upon.

Why do you want to build everything? Are you too dense to try new strategies when old ones fail? If you're a beta tester you must really be spending more time getting better at the game itself before you can even start to claim things like this. I didn't consider myself a real capable beta tester in AGSA until I could beat the impossible AI. And if I remember correctly, you got removed from that mod testing group due to trainer usage.

The AI has to cheat in order to be strong. End of discussion. No mod has cheatless, challenging AIs.

you say i don't know what im talking about. i say no, i think you misunderstood me. no given the fact. yes....to put it in the game itself you do make a point. But honestly does anyone have the tally marks for how many units? i mean altogether the allied legion have about....13 units? Vortex,F-22,Tornado Trooper, etc. i'll double check just in case. but honestly im trying to help apollo turn this mod into something most circles of modded game gamers would want to play. professional level players, novice,intermediate,advanced, Hell even people who are trying out their first modded game. and the more options the more suiting it will be to everyone? take a look from a novice player of mods. do you really think that he/she wants to enjoy slaughtered every game they? i don't know about you but from that point of view i wouldn't enjoy that. if you do then....well....damn.....but the point of my posts is to help apollo make a mod that everyone will enjoy and more people will tell people. i sugguested in a old post probably.....what 8 months ago maybe more? i put out over 60+ or close to 60 game type ideas. how many of them of were rejected? 95% of them. im trying to help him make a mod that can be Goofy, but strategic and serious. and random. because as far as im concerned you can do ALOT with gametypes, just look at yuri's new terror mod.

and Another thing, m666 the incident with AGSA and A.G. happended over 5 1/2 - 6 months ago. the fact that you bring that up makes me laugh my ass off. did you know the original reason was because i was messing with the connection settings and speed settings? i had no idea that a non host player could do that and add to the fact that was the first Red Alert 2 Engine Internet game i played in aobut 8 years at the time. and the last time i was playing was when i was 8 or 9. My mistake. Did he also tell you that all players benefitted from the trainer? and all i used was the infinite money. after not using trainers. i lost no skill. it was still the same to me. just had to put more into mining ore. not really that serious. all i said was that i really didn't care about mining more ore and just used that most of the time. the final reason? he was disrespectful to me on two different occasions and had a attitude about them both, Plus he banned me until he said otherwise whether i could come back in or not. he said specifically he'd tell me in a week. a week and a half went by he completely forgot about it, and didn't care about whatsoever. so honestly??? I quit. so theres the full story. Now drop it and leave it be. it doesn't bother me but bringing up something irrelevant to this really doesn't change anything but may agitate others, and i am speaking in general about this.

and response to Ash: Real War, Real War: Rogue States, C&C Generals, C&C Generals Zero Hour, STARCRAFT!, Starcraft 2, the list can go on if you look more into it, but i'm cutting it short there.

Strategy could be anything.

Ex.1....i take over your conyard and use your own technology to wipe out your teammates in RS2.0 There's an example of strategy. although i will admit changing it completely would be bad, but the other individual who suggested it being a gamemode instead....hats off to you, you caught me big time. I have no problems with the A.I. Cheating in this game. up to a certain Degree. *extra money, Cloning Logic etc.* but having access to all three branches is borderlining impossible. Then again i must be the only person who plays on 6 speed EVERY GAME. : P

and am i the only extremely open minded suggestor in the RS Forums? because it feels like i am.....im trying not to be rude but i notice these things....But in all Reality its up to Apollo what he wants to do to his mod, suffestions are just suggestions what he thinks of them dictate what happens with the ideas....so.....whats your call apollo ?

BTW - Yay manual Work : P hooray for ash.
場合は、北朝鮮へのExceliza Rynexを追う見られて見て

#73 Starkku


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Posted 03 December 2010 - 06:12 AM

and response to Ash: Real War, Real War: Rogue States, C&C Generals, C&C Generals Zero Hour, STARCRAFT!, Starcraft 2, the list can go on if you look more into it, but i'm cutting it short there.

Don't know about the specifics but I am willing to bet that even in those games AI will most likely have an unfair advantage over human players, even if it is just seeing through shroud/fog of war or more resources available, and thus could be considered as cheating. This is the case with most of the games, especially in RTS genre. The degree of 'cheating' just varies.


#74 SMxReaver


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Posted 03 December 2010 - 07:14 AM

but honestly im trying to help apollo turn this mod into something most circles of modded game gamers would want to play. professional level players, novice,intermediate,advanced, Hell even people who are trying out their first modded game. and the more options the more suiting it will be to everyone?

Who put you in charge in speaking for what all the "circles of modded game gamers" because I know I enjoy having to think and the diversity achieved in Robot Storm is quite revolutionary.

take a look from a novice player of mods. do you really think that he/she wants to enjoy slaughtered every game they?

All the new mod players in MO's forum seem to enjoy the enhanced AI and getting slaughtered for the first time. It's called a learning curve, figuring out what does and doesn't work doesn't take much time. It wasn't hard for me to figure out how to play AG:SA and that's considering I hardly followed forum posts.

im trying to help him make a mod that can be Goofy, but strategic and serious.

Ahahaha, goofy. You're dumb. The strategic and serious part was pretty dead-on, but I can safely say Apollo doesn't want his mod looked on as "goofy" considering all the storyline, gameplay, environment, and musical work put into the mod to give it the serious, apocalyptic feel. Goofy, what is this RA2?

and random.

Totally a perfect feature for a mod. We've got the "no clue" random factor.

because as far as im concerned you can do ALOT with gametypes, just look at yuri's new terror mod.

I'm not gonna bother to download some random mod filled with shitty game modes that offer no real diversity to the gameplay because you can't get your head out of the standard YR thinking mentality. Which, btw, is a terrible mentality to approach Robot Storm with IMO.

Did he also tell you that all players benefitted from the trainer?

I'm sorry, most people who play mods don't want to be "benefitted" from trainers. Shitty argument on your end.

i lost no skill. it was still the same to me. just had to put more into mining ore.

Something makes me think you already had no idea on how to manage your economy in the mod. If you had the skill to survive, you'd have been fine without a trainer. Asking a question isn't that hard to do. I asked AG how to better manage my economy and I was given a useful and successful tip.

all i said was that i really didn't care about mining more ore and just used that most of the time.

Which just proved my previous point. If you don't want to manage your economy then don't beta test mods. Your shitty effort to provide reliable feedback is just a waste of time to have to figure out what does and doesn't work without an infinite economy.

it doesn't bother me but bringing up something irrelevant to this really doesn't change anything but may agitate others,

Except for exposing you as a known cheater, which is what most online gaming communities do to protect the quality of the gameplay. It's only agitating to people who enjoy fair games with all their teammates.

.i take over your conyard and use your own technology to wipe out your teammates in RS2.0

Because the Construction Yard contains all the information to build a base. Commanders definitely aren't given special access to technology to prevent enemy forces obtaining information on the advanced technologies of each side. I've always thought complete takeover of the tech tree from one building was pretty lame anyways.

but having access to all three branches is borderlining impossible. Then again i must be the only person who plays on 6 speed EVERY GAME. : P

Each branch has strengths and weaknesses. It's not borderline impossible if there are people beating brutal AIs. If you get whipped on one game speed why not turn it down? Common sense dictates that if the gameplay is too fast then the game itself is running too fast.

only extremely open minded suggestor in the RS Forums? because it feels like i am

No, you're just bad at recommending usable ideas because you have no idea what is and isn't fitting for the mod based on all your previous postings and suggestions. I've given Apollo somewhat usable ideas but I don't expect much from them as he has his own ideas.

#75 Apollo


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Posted 03 December 2010 - 07:20 AM

If we want to get really debating on whole AI cheats thing, those games where AI does not cheat are pretty rare, heck..pretty much all cheat even on fog as for AI, it never has a fog to scout, it knows where you are exactly all the time and can attack you from blind spot... Whole idea of cheating is just that, you don't believe its cheating unless its notably apparent, else you believe it plays fair while reality is far different and cheating for AI is often compensation for its stupidness and with ra2 unavoidable as it can't prioritise its economy spending and if AI would play with exactly same cash as you, he'd waste the resources into base and produce hardly forces to attack or attacks were child's play to hold off as AI can't even try baiting or tactics like hit'n'run drive by.

when it comes to counting the units, you have to count infantry, vehicles, airborne vehicles and also navy together as they all belong to same tab and issue is the tab amount really and for same reason, whole unholy alliance mode (from original) has to be gotten rid of, it exceeds the limit and crashes game.

Edited by Apollo, 03 December 2010 - 07:22 AM.

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EAApoc wrote:
The only written law in a C&C game I ever saw is please Mr.Developer make it fun and give me a lot of **** to explode, o and don't you ever get another soul to play Kane but Joe Kucan. Aside from those two rules, all bets are off =) hehe

#76 dangerman1337

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Posted 03 December 2010 - 02:19 PM

when it comes to counting the units, you have to count infantry, vehicles, airborne vehicles and also navy together as they all belong to same tab and issue is the tab amount really and for same reason, whole unholy alliance mode (from original) has to be gotten rid of, it exceeds the limit and crashes game.

Why is there a build limit to how many units you can place in the game, Was it possibly a design oversight from westwood? It sounds as bad as Generals/ZH's 128 upgrade limit.

#77 Starkku


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Posted 03 December 2010 - 02:25 PM

Why is there a build limit to how many units you can place in the game, Was it possibly a design oversight from westwood? It sounds as bad as Generals/ZH's 128 upgrade limit.



#78 Cloaked Decimator

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Posted 04 December 2010 - 12:09 AM

but honestly im trying to help apollo turn this mod into something most circles of modded game gamers would want to play. professional level players, novice,intermediate,advanced, Hell even people who are trying out their first modded game. and the more options the more suiting it will be to everyone?

Who put you in charge in speaking for what all the "circles of modded game gamers" because I know I enjoy having to think and the diversity achieved in Robot Storm is quite revolutionary.

take a look from a novice player of mods. do you really think that he/she wants to enjoy slaughtered every game they?

All the new mod players in MO's forum seem to enjoy the enhanced AI and getting slaughtered for the first time. It's called a learning curve, figuring out what does and doesn't work doesn't take much time. It wasn't hard for me to figure out how to play AG:SA and that's considering I hardly followed forum posts.

im trying to help him make a mod that can be Goofy, but strategic and serious.

Ahahaha, goofy. You're dumb. The strategic and serious part was pretty dead-on, but I can safely say Apollo doesn't want his mod looked on as "goofy" considering all the storyline, gameplay, environment, and musical work put into the mod to give it the serious, apocalyptic feel. Goofy, what is this RA2?

and random.

Totally a perfect feature for a mod. We've got the "no clue" random factor.

because as far as im concerned you can do ALOT with gametypes, just look at yuri's new terror mod.

I'm not gonna bother to download some random mod filled with shitty game modes that offer no real diversity to the gameplay because you can't get your head out of the standard YR thinking mentality. Which, btw, is a terrible mentality to approach Robot Storm with IMO.

Did he also tell you that all players benefitted from the trainer?

I'm sorry, most people who play mods don't want to be "benefitted" from trainers. Shitty argument on your end.

i lost no skill. it was still the same to me. just had to put more into mining ore.

Something makes me think you already had no idea on how to manage your economy in the mod. If you had the skill to survive, you'd have been fine without a trainer. Asking a question isn't that hard to do. I asked AG how to better manage my economy and I was given a useful and successful tip.

all i said was that i really didn't care about mining more ore and just used that most of the time.

Which just proved my previous point. If you don't want to manage your economy then don't beta test mods. Your shitty effort to provide reliable feedback is just a waste of time to have to figure out what does and doesn't work without an infinite economy.

it doesn't bother me but bringing up something irrelevant to this really doesn't change anything but may agitate others,

Except for exposing you as a known cheater, which is what most online gaming communities do to protect the quality of the gameplay. It's only agitating to people who enjoy fair games with all their teammates.

.i take over your conyard and use your own technology to wipe out your teammates in RS2.0

Because the Construction Yard contains all the information to build a base. Commanders definitely aren't given special access to technology to prevent enemy forces obtaining information on the advanced technologies of each side. I've always thought complete takeover of the tech tree from one building was pretty lame anyways.

but having access to all three branches is borderlining impossible. Then again i must be the only person who plays on 6 speed EVERY GAME. : P

Each branch has strengths and weaknesses. It's not borderline impossible if there are people beating brutal AIs. If you get whipped on one game speed why not turn it down? Common sense dictates that if the gameplay is too fast then the game itself is running too fast.

only extremely open minded suggestor in the RS Forums? because it feels like i am

No, you're just bad at recommending usable ideas because you have no idea what is and isn't fitting for the mod based on all your previous postings and suggestions. I've given Apollo somewhat usable ideas but I don't expect much from them as he has his own ideas.

i never said in that conversation i was in charge. im just trying to help more. Known cheater? one time in 6 months? since that day i haven't touched the trainer since then. it was a one time thing only. I have made a large amount of suggestions and ideas before i became a beta tester, and those were mostly gametypes just ask ash. when i mean't goofy/silly i mean't gametypes. and what you define as a shitty mod i see as a great mod. it was a fun mod. and i'd play it again if i could but i can't. and again about the cheating thing. you say KNOWN cheater like i have Ran around every single XWIS game and ruined it with a trainer. The fact is, i haven't and i won't. im cutting this short i don't care anymore. you misunderstood my points of views in all of the quotes, so no point in going on. i just don't care. and what you say doesn't fit in a mod and what does is a complete opinion and you contradicted yourself with the diversity and gametype part. so stop trying to make me look like a criminal and chew me out for something that happended 6 months ago, because it makes no sense. I'm Done here.

Apollo - Right.....Good Point. about the AI. and the Number Bug. oh well then nevermind. but i will sugguest this: boosting up the Accuracy spread of the Phantom Artillery by 5 % would be a current sugguestion from me.

and another suggestion is decrease the time it takes to remove a unit with chrono technology by a few seconds. it takes fairly long.

3. Kamose......if you bump up the damage by 6% it'd be great.

and the A.I. Don't Build Attack dogs (except for Nexus's Terror Drones) was that skipped over?

Edited by Cloaked Decimator, 04 December 2010 - 12:39 AM.

場合は、北朝鮮へのExceliza Rynexを追う見られて見て

#79 Apollo


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Posted 04 December 2010 - 06:47 AM

Well, true enough since i rewrote the AI, dogs aren't used atm... mainly because i still havent decided what they should do with tanks to even it up with osi/nex equivalents.

and yeah Yurisarmy's mod yuris new terror, tons of game modes but soo much redundancy since so small change modes, modes like 25% more unit armor etc are meaningless suggestions in mod like mine and main factor i havent started on gamemodes is simple... main mod features are not finished and if i did start them, it would double my workload to keep them up to date with the main mode balance etc changes.

When i get to those, the modes will hopefully be notable difference, like air war, nothing but air units allowed to make and potentially airfield docking made unnecessary etc and other mode for example is paradox equation which i won't go into details but it would be odd one ;)

then of course a strictly land mode, maybe infantry war if can ever work that out properly as normal mod they are supportive factor. Bigger problem in those is getting to AI actually obey the rules so more likely to see them as online modes.

still, the more diverse you want, the more testing it demands and lack of testing alone leads to severe fuck-up and contrary to belief i do basic testing of every feature prior to testers.

Edited by Apollo, 04 December 2010 - 06:49 AM.

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EAApoc wrote:
The only written law in a C&C game I ever saw is please Mr.Developer make it fun and give me a lot of **** to explode, o and don't you ever get another soul to play Kane but Joe Kucan. Aside from those two rules, all bets are off =) hehe

#80 Cloaked Decimator

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Posted 04 December 2010 - 09:01 PM

well hell apollo i have tons of free time. so i can test anything in the game : P

say what you need tested and i'll be on it like ugly on an monkey.
場合は、北朝鮮へのExceliza Rynexを追う見られて見て

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