Almost 60 hours into the game, I've pretty much run out of things to do that hold my interest for any decent amount of time. Now, for the grueling wait for mods, mods, and more bigger better mods.
And I agree with Spart, we had a discussion about it and Skyrim's visuals are a disappointment. The graphics look good only in a photograph sort of look, if you take a quick peek (or a screenshot) they look amazing. but if you actually look for a few minutes, you start to see many low resolution textures, repetitive assets, and boring designs. Why are there no random animals with the exception of the "Elk"? All the Falmer look identical, and I've yet to see a female deer/Elk (do they exist?).
Also, a lot of the armor textures are quite a disappointment. If you're to be looking at something for an extended period of time, it should look... well good. Too many low res textures. The game was consolized, and thus we're left with a watered down result. Texture mods are helping, but it's a pain having to download something for every little thing, and the landscape texture mods are enormous in file size.
The immersion. Oh god. The NPCs all use a variety of like four or five different voice sets. ALL the children look the same, and the NPCs all say the same damn things. Plus, there are no emotions. The civilians run away a little bit when there is a dragon, but then when it dies it goes back to sameole sameole. Why are there no shrieks of terror? and mass panic? I see guards being burned to a crisp and they just stand there... No "OH SHIT I"M BURNING TO DEATH" animations? Bah humbug.
I'm going to end the rant portion now as I have to go do a stupid meeting, but rest assured there is more beneath the hyped skin of this game. (Don't get me wrong, one of the best games I've ever played. But modders need to unlock the potential. CDK is announced by the way, January.