the fire upgrade doesn't show ?
Upgrades work in multiple ways i.e one upgrade does many things to a unit
1. give a new weapon ( actual arrow shot )
2. give a new look ( fire arrow tip or silvertorn etc )
Together they combine the LOOK and EFFECT of the upgrade
Now the EFFECT is easy .. a simple weaon swap with a projectile swap and a Warhead damage nugget
The look however is harder to achieve .It requires a MODEL change i.e a subobject that represents a fire -tip to be shown or an arrow tip etc
This is the best over-all look but requires the model having such subobjects
Renx is the way to go if you want it perfect ...
You can also HOPE that the weapon may have a bone where you can attach a special FX to simulate the fire etc.
; --------- With Fire arrows Upgrade ------------
Model = EULorArch_SKN
Skeleton = RUElfWar_SKL
WeaponLaunchBone = PRIMARY ARROW
WeaponLaunchBone = SECONDARY ARROWNOCK ; when upgraded to flaming arrow
WeaponLaunchBone = TERTIARY ARROW
ParticleSysBone = FireArowTip arrowFire FollowBone:Yes
So it not showing means that its either coded wrong OR there is nothing to Show in the first place
eg. I can't give gondor swordsmen fire swords as the fire FX is not present as a visual Renx subobject
but they can burn enemies when attacking via a new weapon .To show Fire swords would require Renx Re-modelling
or Fx adding if there is a bone on the sword to allow it
If you've ever opened a model in renx you would see some subobjects are hidden ( like a simple Flat square with a fire as the texture)
this is hidden at start and shown via upgrade
Edited by JUS_SAURON, 26 April 2012 - 12:45 AM.