Bugs that are coloured red have been fixed.
- GUI:
- Menu description bar to dark to read text.
- Online options menu background is missing.
- German sidebar uses RA2 Allied background & incorrect text.
- Soviet sidebar uses RA2 Soviet background, missing pause screen buttons & incorrect text.
- Score screen background needs to be replaced with a generic one used by all sides
- Britain uses the German score screen background.
- France, Germany & Italy use the Soviet score screen background.
Buildings: - French placeholder buildings have white dot syndrome.
- German buildings have white dot syndrome & remap issues.
- Soviet buildings have white dot syndrome.
- Several civilian buildings have white dot syndrome.
- Several civilian buildings have their rubble frames in the wrong pal.
- The American, British & German AI construct disabled buildings.
- American M3 37mm is unsellable.
- German AI builds extra MCVs & expands it's base.
- Italian mobile defences will just undeploy when sold.
Units: - M1 Carbine is using the wrong weapon making him useless.
- Do-17 uses Mig airstrike voice.
- A-17 movement problem.
- Ju-87 movment problem.
- Me-P.08.01 is missing it's art entry making the game crash when spawned.
- Italian workers say "we are free" when they die.
Misc: - Missing strings & typos, please post here if you find any.
- Unit tech levels are inconstant & need to be redone.
- Side specific music only works for America.