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Voiceovers Discussion

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#61 edumm

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Posted 29 October 2012 - 01:24 AM

Speed, I think it's not like heil hitler, but more like hail.

Exactly that, "Heil" means "Hail" in German, pronounced almost the same.

#62 Alex06


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Posted 29 October 2012 - 06:57 AM

All right, I've done 12 units and sent it. Hopefully at least one gets approved. x)
Can't wait to see what everyone else came up with...

Edited by Alex06, 29 October 2012 - 06:57 AM.

#63 generalcamo

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Posted 29 October 2012 - 11:49 PM

I plan on doing some voice overs. If I can get my mic working, then I could do the Aeroblaze (I got my own ideas as well for that), archer, and maybe cyborg. But for the cyborg, I need an appropriate voice mask...

#64 Zenothist


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Posted 30 October 2012 - 08:46 AM

Well take your time! We won't have all the voices done within a week. ;)

#65 Speeder



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Posted 02 November 2012 - 02:15 PM

The sheet has been updated: first page has unrecorded sets only now, second page has information on completed sets.



#66 Speeder



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Posted 17 November 2012 - 05:28 PM

Second sampler


#67 Graion Dilach

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Posted 17 November 2012 - 11:01 PM

The more I hear, the more I regret for writing lines into the sheet. Yes, I'm serious.

Tho it's good to see Bouncy alive again.

Edited by Graion Dilach, 17 November 2012 - 11:15 PM.


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#68 fir3w0rx

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Posted 18 November 2012 - 07:09 AM

I like all the voice-overs so far, I think they really suit all the units.

(btw, all this time I thought Speeder was female? :p )

#69 Black/Brunez


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Posted 18 November 2012 - 12:48 PM

I will not lie for you, but I´m liking about 90% of the new voices added.

(btw, all this time I thought Speeder was female? :p )

It´s becoz she (or he?) didn´t showed the Speeder´s Trike voices. The Tyrant and Volkov are voiced by her´s brother.

#70 Graion Dilach

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Posted 18 November 2012 - 06:33 PM

And I will not lie to you neither. I feel myself abused and my work torn apart. Plague Splatter, Borillo, Seawolf, that Cyborg line setup...

Yes, I did regret for allowing Speed to slip away my creativity... and then turn it into this. I have decided, I don't want to work on MO any further. This is a letdown to me now and a personal failure... and every move just enforces it. I definitely don't like where this going, and I don't like the styles accepted compared to what got rejected. Including what I did.

Saying that neither of my voices matched while Alex06's Seawolf was good was among the main reasons but this Borillo shown me that I don't belong to this and I should have not allowed myself to even write a single line into this. FYI, Seawolf was much better with the RA3 Kirov voice, than Alex's, tho he made a better Borillo than DragonNOR.

I really enjoyed the work with Bouncy or Rhys tho, but everything must come to an end. And I have already suspended my MM activity since I thought I just need a break. But no, I have lost my faith in this, and thereby all my will to even bother with this.

Besides, for me beta 25 was the best version in 3.0.

Edited by Graion Dilach, 18 November 2012 - 06:34 PM.


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ComradeCrimson: AS is the product of Hungarian acid
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#71 Alex06


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Posted 18 November 2012 - 11:40 PM

And I will not lie to you neither. I feel myself abused and my work torn apart. Plague Splatter, Borillo, Seawolf, that Cyborg line setup...

Yes, I did regret for allowing Speed to slip away my creativity... and then turn it into this. I have decided, I don't want to work on MO any further. This is a letdown to me now and a personal failure... and every move just enforces it. I definitely don't like where this going, and I don't like the styles accepted compared to what got rejected. Including what I did.

Saying that neither of my voices matched while Alex06's Seawolf was good was among the main reasons but this Borillo shown me that I don't belong to this and I should have not allowed myself to even write a single line into this. FYI, Seawolf was much better with the RA3 Kirov voice, than Alex's, tho he made a better Borillo than DragonNOR.

I really enjoyed the work with Bouncy or Rhys tho, but everything must come to an end. And I have already suspended my MM activity since I thought I just need a break. But no, I have lost my faith in this, and thereby all my will to even bother with this.

Besides, for me beta 25 was the best version in 3.0.

I don't think Speeds ruined it, different people have different visions of one thing, that's to be expected, especially when it comes to any type of acting. I admit that I did like the RA3 Kirov voice for the Seawolf and it stuck pretty well, though I can't say I've heard my lines to know if they're better or not, but I can say I'm happy they were chosen.

Thanks for the compliment on the Borillo voice set, I'm surprised that you prefer mine to DragonNOR's. I kind of like his, but then again, I haven't heard how mine would sound properly edited and in-game, and I tend to be a pretty strong critic of my own work, like a lot people, really.

And I agree, Bouncy and Rhys have made some really great voiceovers.

By any chance, care to go further into detail as to how this is a "personal failure"? I understand that having none of your work picked over someone else's might be a bit of a letdown, but I don't think you should give up just yet. Do more voices. Heck, some of mine weren't picked either. Out of 15 or so voice overs I did, only 2 were chosen. That's the sad reality with any type of acting. A lot of rejection before you get to actually do something. And sometimes, the director's vision is not the same as yours; That happens a lot. Doesn't mean you should give up, however! I seriously like some of the stuff you wrote, even if some of the voices might sound a bit not quite on the spot in conjunction with the lines (Catastrophe, in my opinion, feels a bit...awkward).

I'd be curious to hear your voices, do you think you could post them up somewhere or send them over to me? I'm really interested to hear what they sound like. I can always give you some honest feedback if you'd like, too, despite the fact I don't believe I am fully qualified to give you feedback that will be useful to you. (Other than to keep trying)

Edited by Alex06, 18 November 2012 - 11:45 PM.

#72 Graion Dilach

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Posted 19 November 2012 - 12:45 AM

You don't get it. I WAS the designer. When you hear Wolfhound, you hear my lines, only 2-3 was written by Zeno... Ghost Miner 60% and so on and so on... I actively engaged in the lining, and I always designed full personas instead of simple lines. In fact, even before MO, I already wrote lines... I wrote a botchat shim for Quake 3 bots to be used in OpenArena which never hit the trunk tho since the chat project I based it on never got done. When I wrote a line, I always knew how I wanted to hear it back.

What I listed (except Cyborg) were all sets which were sounded total off compared to what I had in mind regarding them.

Why I didn't prefer your Seawolf is because I think the accent you made on it was kinda low compared to the RA3 Kirov voice (which I always felt total fitting to it). Tho I indeed imagined a light accent on Borillo, and all of DragonNOR's voices are just too deep to that. Even Speed's testrun was better than what got accepted.

I won't give up linewriting and recording tho, I didn't plan. I just... instead of aiming them to MO, record them for my own mod. Afterall, the equipment is OK and I even get some RL friends of mine to voice me I think... The personal failure is just... that I overprioritized MO over my own mod, even when I said I don't. And all those time I cared about the line spreadsheets were just ended up into something I can never be glad for or happy with.

EDIT: Here, take a listen, these were made for MO in this week https://www.dropbox....62rl/YjZLcrx0zh

EDIT2: I was not involved in Cata actually. It was something the guys threw up within minutes AFAIK since KM met wth Speed in the studio during Tyrant recording and Speed just went to IRC and that was all.

Edited by Graion Dilach, 19 November 2012 - 01:12 AM.


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#73 Alex06


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Posted 19 November 2012 - 05:38 AM

The only ones that don't have too much echo or sound mumbled in some parts out of all those is the Buratino (recording 1), Buggy (recording 2) (my favorite out of all these, and the most hilarious! It sounds somewhat like what I expect from the unit, but some of the lines are somewhat mispronounced, accents in spanish tend to pronounce the a as "ah" not "ae" or "éi", like you would with an American accent) and Nuwa (recording 2). Though in all honesty, I can only tell minor accent differences between each of them...Some are supposed to be Latin American and some are supposed to be Chinese, and others Russian, so a large enough difference should be visible. From what I can tell, your Hungarian accent still comes out in all of them. Most times, it's barely distinguishable, like with the Buggy (recording 2) and Buratino.

The Marauder and Buggy (recording 2) don't sound like you were trying hard enough to get into character or as if you're having trouble with certain intonations (I suppose if you do a bunch of them and aren't used to doing lines and certain accents, it can get quite exhausting by the end - I know it happened to me).

No offense, though, keep trying and try looking up videos for specific accents. It feels funny saying this to you, in a way, since you did the lines and you are the "director". Hey, maybe you disagree, but this is how I see it and I'm being honest. Please correct me if I'm talking without knowledge of certain things.

#74 OmegaBolt


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Posted 19 November 2012 - 12:04 PM

Do unit lines really mean this much to you? I mean really? I understand that not being the "director" of a project can be frustrating, MO goes in ways I don't agree with too but in the end it's someone elses vision we're volunteering to push forward (I say we, you've done far more than me :p). You've had a big involvement in MO for a long time now. I'm sorry if it wasn't fulfilling but that's the danger of essentially working on something for no money.

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#75 mevitar



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Posted 19 November 2012 - 04:07 PM

Isn't having your lines accepted something to be proud about (even if you imagined them done differently)? Especially that a lot of the ones you proposed got through. I personally i am happy that at least some of the lines i proposed got in, even if two of them were totally unexpected (dizer! :p ). Plus, like Omega Bolt said, it's not our vision. People can suggest stuff, but in the end, it's always the mod's leader that decides what gets accepted. Trying to push one's vision on someone else never ends well.

Edited by mevitar, 19 November 2012 - 04:08 PM.

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#76 Atomic_Noodles


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Posted 19 November 2012 - 05:01 PM

I'm happy with what i've gotten done so far...

Minor Graphic Tweaks (Radar Tower Active Animation missing Remap)
A Mutant Bird
A Tank Name (Mantis)
Minor Audio Donations (Inception Sound Effect, Raven Lines)

But meh who am I to judge... at least you get to see whats inside grinder and other Staff Boards more.

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#77 Graion Dilach

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Posted 19 November 2012 - 08:30 PM

Do unit lines really mean this much to you? I mean really? I understand that not being the "director" of a project can be frustrating, MO goes in ways I don't agree with too but in the end it's someone elses vision we're volunteering to push forward (I say we, you've done far more than me :p). You've had a big involvement in MO for a long time now. I'm sorry if it wasn't fulfilling but that's the danger of essentially working on something for no money.

Yes. It really means this much to me. Actually... yeah, I know this is kinda wacky... but I am writing novels since 2008, poems since 2009... and I always cared about all of them. Every content I ever made regardless when or where receives my care, especially if it was something I wrote in such area.

I know what you mean, but I just can't go forward and forget it when I see my writings ruined.

Edit: @Alex06, seems it didn't posted itself in the morning: Rec2s were different in recording type as in... I shouted in my sis's room instead of talking to the mic. I use that as studio. xD

No worries, I'm glad you like some. It's actually not accent what comes into them, but my speech issue.... I rustle (this is what killed my chances to record my own Salvage Disc set, I can't reduce the vowels affected, it's only s tho).

Edited by Graion Dilach, 19 November 2012 - 08:32 PM.


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#78 Alex06


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Posted 20 November 2012 - 04:49 AM

I'm happy with what i've gotten done so far...

Minor Graphic Tweaks (Radar Tower Active Animation missing Remap)
A Mutant Bird
A Tank Name (Mantis)
Minor Audio Donations (Inception Sound Effect, Raven Lines)

But meh who am I to judge... at least you get to see whats inside grinder and other Staff Boards more.

Heh, not to brag, but that did just remind me I've contributed to Mental Omega before and absolutely forgot about it! The Charon tank was actually a vehicle design (A Chrono Tank) I asked someone to do for an RA3 mod I had planned out and I asked specifics in the design, and the artist (KaneNash) actually came up with exactly what I was looking for. Since my project didn't work out (Couldn't get anyone on board and I had no talent with 3d modelling or textures nor any time to dedicate to learning all of that), the design was recycled for Mental Omega.

Yes. It really means this much to me. Actually... yeah, I know this is kinda wacky... but I am writing novels since 2008, poems since 2009... and I always cared about all of them. Every content I ever made regardless when or where receives my care, especially if it was something I wrote in such area.

That's fantastic. I see absolutely nothing wrong with any of that. Keep it up; Care about your work, be proud of it, and always strive to be even better. I think it's great if you do something that you enjoy, be it for leisure or as a career. I admire that in other people.

I know what you mean, but I just can't go forward and forget it when I see my writings ruined.

It's not surprising to see, honestly, this happens a lot between novels and movies and games and movies.

Edit: @Alex06, seems it didn't posted itself in the morning: Rec2s were different in recording type as in... I shouted in my sis's room instead of talking to the mic. I use that as studio. xD

Haha, well it's better than nothing. x)

No worries, I'm glad you like some. It's actually not accent what comes into them, but my speech issue.... I rustle (this is what killed my chances to record my own Salvage Disc set, I can't reduce the vowels affected, it's only s tho).

Yeah, but you know what they say, practice makes perfect. I'm fairly positive you can get the hang of it if you practice. :p

EDIT: Oh hey, new units to voice. Definitely willing to try Basswave, Hailstorm, Battleship and possibly the Suppressor.

Edited by Alex06, 20 November 2012 - 05:06 AM.

#79 Alex06


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Posted 21 November 2012 - 05:00 AM

Suppressor and Hailstorm done. Will send them over as soon as I can, might take a day or two. Hopefully on the lesser side.

Not sure if I should bother with the Battleship anymore and I'm not gonna do the Basswave anymore, since Rhys is much better at voices and has already done it. :p

Edited by Alex06, 21 November 2012 - 05:01 AM.

#80 Atomic_Noodles


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Posted 21 November 2012 - 08:38 AM

I always imagined the Basswave to sound like those smooth jazz RnB DJ's i hear on the radio... or those noisy DJ types. :smilehuh:

~ Getting cringe reactions when you see a RAINBOW means you have issues. ~


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