Posted 07 November 2015 - 10:20 PM
https://www.twitch.tv/vileartist - Yes shameless self-promotion
"Old modders never die, they just fade away" ~ Hostile
Posted 08 November 2015 - 11:17 AM
Hallo zusammen ,
ich habe das Spiel bei mir installiert und Patch 1.03 drüber gezogen sowie Patch 1.05 geladen und die in der zip-Datei befindlichen Dateien in den Spieleordner kopiert .. im Anschluss habe ich den T3A - Online Launcher geladen und installiert . Funktioniert soweit wunderbar , lässt sich ohne Probleme starten und spielen.
ich wollte meiner Lebensgefährtin das gleiche Paket mit der selbigen Installations - Reihenfolge auf ihren Laptop packen, so dass wir gemeinsam online Spielen können. Doch will er sinnloserweise beim installieren des Launchers Patch 1.03 haben ?!? Ich habe alles ganz genauso gemacht, wie bei mir am PC, wo es null Probleme gab. Ich habe nun mehrfach alles deinstalliert und erneut installiert und jedesmal das selbe Problem . Auch an meinem PC habe ich es zu Testzwecken nochmal de- und installiert, gepatched und alles geht tadellos. Nur bei ihr am Laptop wird stets Patch 1.03 verlangt obwohl 1.03 und 1.05 bereits installiert wurden ?!? Wenn mir jemand in deutsch antworten könnte, wäre ich sehr dankbar, da mein Englisch nicht besonders gut ist.
Vielen Dank...
ist das Spiel eine Originalversion? Die Installation von Patch 1.03 lief absolut problemlos?
Kannst du screenshots vom Installationsordner machen, sodass ich sehen kann welche Dateien alle vorhanden sind? Welches Betriebssystem laeuft auf dem Laptop? Gibt es ein Antivirus das die Installation behindert?
"To know what question we may reasonably propose is in itself a strong evidence of sagacity or intelligence. For if a question be in itself incongruous and begs for uncalled-for answers, it holds, sometimes, besides embarrassing the proposer, the disadvantage to seduce the unguarded listener into giving absurd answers, and we are presented with the ridiculous spectacle of one (as the ancients said) milking the he-goat, and the other holding a sieve beneath."
Posted 12 November 2015 - 08:44 PM
When trying to log into the new webpage with my revora account login and password, I'm met with "The username or password supplied is not valid."
I tried changing the password to a new one and that one didn't work either I might add.
Posted 12 November 2015 - 09:36 PM
You should be able to login as 'dunedainranger76' and your Revora forum password.
"To know what question we may reasonably propose is in itself a strong evidence of sagacity or intelligence. For if a question be in itself incongruous and begs for uncalled-for answers, it holds, sometimes, besides embarrassing the proposer, the disadvantage to seduce the unguarded listener into giving absurd answers, and we are presented with the ridiculous spectacle of one (as the ancients said) milking the he-goat, and the other holding a sieve beneath."
Posted 12 November 2015 - 09:42 PM
Forgot to add that when I tried entering that in, I get a (500) Server Error.
Posted 12 November 2015 - 11:05 PM
Any weird special characters in your password?
My Political Compass
Sieben Elefanten hatte Herr Dschin
Und da war dann noch der achte.
Sieben waren wild und der achte war zahm
Und der achte war's, der sie bewachte.
Posted 12 November 2015 - 11:08 PM
None at all.
Posted 12 November 2015 - 11:28 PM
I'll look into it tomorrow. Might be related to your display name and the forum using a different character encoding than the website.
My Political Compass
Sieben Elefanten hatte Herr Dschin
Und da war dann noch der achte.
Sieben waren wild und der achte war zahm
Und der achte war's, der sie bewachte.
Posted 15 November 2015 - 02:28 AM
Finally fixed this. Turned out to be a bug in the forum code, not mine
My Political Compass
Sieben Elefanten hatte Herr Dschin
Und da war dann noch der achte.
Sieben waren wild und der achte war zahm
Und der achte war's, der sie bewachte.
Posted 15 November 2015 - 03:37 PM
Not finally I got same problem (500 error server), check code again please
Posted 15 November 2015 - 04:23 PM
I don't currently see any problems... It happens when you try to log in?
My Political Compass
Sieben Elefanten hatte Herr Dschin
Und da war dann noch der achte.
Sieben waren wild und der achte war zahm
Und der achte war's, der sie bewachte.
Posted 15 November 2015 - 05:36 PM
Ok, i registered, but now i got another problem. When host start game, it doesnt started.. Its something about NAT problem.. (I play with my brother on the same router/internet). 1v1 everything works, but 2v2 and other doesnt work. Help me please, and sorry for my english
Posted 15 November 2015 - 05:41 PM
You have to forward two different UDP ports for each of the computers from your router. See our connection issues topic here in this subforum. Also make sure that your firewalls are allowing the games to communicate.
"To know what question we may reasonably propose is in itself a strong evidence of sagacity or intelligence. For if a question be in itself incongruous and begs for uncalled-for answers, it holds, sometimes, besides embarrassing the proposer, the disadvantage to seduce the unguarded listener into giving absurd answers, and we are presented with the ridiculous spectacle of one (as the ancients said) milking the he-goat, and the other holding a sieve beneath."
Posted 26 November 2015 - 07:14 PM
Hey guy, so i installed the game, created my acc here on revora but i click on launch it opens a second window of the launcher and the game dont start. (Sorry for my bad english)
Posted 26 November 2015 - 09:22 PM
Hey, something went wrong during the installation.
You need to
1. uninstall the launcher itself,
2. uninstall the game,
3. reinstall the game,
4. reinstall the launcher.
(in that order)
Tell me if any other problems arise.
"To know what question we may reasonably propose is in itself a strong evidence of sagacity or intelligence. For if a question be in itself incongruous and begs for uncalled-for answers, it holds, sometimes, besides embarrassing the proposer, the disadvantage to seduce the unguarded listener into giving absurd answers, and we are presented with the ridiculous spectacle of one (as the ancients said) milking the he-goat, and the other holding a sieve beneath."
Posted 08 December 2015 - 08:01 PM
I'm running Windows 7 premium and have the original disc. I have downloaded all the patches in order (or at least I thought so). But once I'm online I am unable to join any games due to "having a different version". I'm not particularly savvy with computers, any ideas?
Posted 08 December 2015 - 09:18 PM
Make sure to install first 1.03, then install 1.05 (by extracting the .zip archive and put its content into your main installation directory of bfme1. Copy&Replace. That's the one where the game.dat file is located. Afterwards install patch 1.06.
"To know what question we may reasonably propose is in itself a strong evidence of sagacity or intelligence. For if a question be in itself incongruous and begs for uncalled-for answers, it holds, sometimes, besides embarrassing the proposer, the disadvantage to seduce the unguarded listener into giving absurd answers, and we are presented with the ridiculous spectacle of one (as the ancients said) milking the he-goat, and the other holding a sieve beneath."
Posted 20 December 2015 - 05:41 AM
Hi, I've registrated on this website, but I get message on the ea login there is no password found for that specific account".
what is the fix for this?
Posted 20 December 2015 - 08:41 AM
"To know what question we may reasonably propose is in itself a strong evidence of sagacity or intelligence. For if a question be in itself incongruous and begs for uncalled-for answers, it holds, sometimes, besides embarrassing the proposer, the disadvantage to seduce the unguarded listener into giving absurd answers, and we are presented with the ridiculous spectacle of one (as the ancients said) milking the he-goat, and the other holding a sieve beneath."
Posted 21 December 2015 - 01:56 AM
guys please help, all readed all posts of this topic but still cant find the solution.
I made the updates then run bfme.exe
then this t3a online page popped up
i hit the launch bfme button, then bfme screen with ea games logo showed up
and it freezed on that screen.
which part am I doing wrong ?
my windows is 8.1 pro
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