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MO3.0 Feedback // SUGGESTIONS

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#81 zocker4ever

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Posted 06 December 2013 - 04:49 PM

At the beginning I found it quite difficult to deal with cloaked units because I did not know what can uncloak them. It's great to have a detailed description and the stats of all units on the website but it's not of good use when you are ingame...


Just as a small hint for beginners I thought it would be nice to have a small eye on the camo so you can easily find out which units can detect stealth. This "eye" could be placed in the left upper corner and would be of minimal size.


I have played a couple of matches but still didn't know that heros can decloak until it has been said until the stream. Or that Duneriders can do that until I found out by a painful accident.

#82 Divine


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Posted 06 December 2013 - 07:28 PM

I have an idea for a new unit, possibly for the PsiCorps:



-should be a woman

-a robed figure, perhaps levitating?

-able to heal fiendly infantry from small distances at a constant rate, not in bursts like the allied Medic.

-should have a "sacrifice" ability: double clicking on her will trigger suicide, but does an area effect healing around her


Also, I think there was a defense structure in an older version of MO for epsilon, an equivalent of the pillbox and sentry gun, a tower thingy with a pyramid on top, working much like a super stronk initiate? Can the PsiCorps have it back? And psychic towers? I guess they need to be nerfed, but still, I loved them.

Edited by Divine, 06 December 2013 - 08:31 PM.

Some unofficial stuff I made for Mental Omega
Sidebar icons for normally not buildable stuff: Yuri Prime, Space CommandoAllied Jackal (obsolete)Gravitron
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#83 LEGO


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Posted 07 December 2013 - 02:03 AM

Hi MO Team,

I want to say thank you, and the MO.3 gameplay is quite interesting, very refined design, it brings back the feeling in the early days when RA2/YR was new and fresh.

Yet I have to say the lack of air combat also reminds me downside of vanila RA2/YR. It's quite odd to see a Ares mod which featrues no air-combat fighters.

I understand that you may be doing so for balance issue, as I can image, if fighters are air-air capable, slow or fraigile jumpjet units like Kirov and Dragonfly would be easily massecured.

However you have done well in MO.2 brought in nice air force for every faction, and it works fine. There must be some good solution that can bring back air combat without breaking balance. This may be a personal feeling issue, but I always feel it's odd if in a full scale war, you have access to everything including Aircraft Carriers, Nukes, all kinds of air units, but simply no air superiorty fighters. (Come on, Rocketeer doesn't count...)

I hope we can go back to MO.2 style, give every faction an air-superiorty capable plane, or at least some decently fast Vehicle Type jumpjet unit to deal with fast emerging air threat (thus Thor and Giant UFO don't really count neither...) instead. 

#84 someonebutnoone


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Posted 07 December 2013 - 07:06 AM

Subfaction idea:

-A subfaction primarily consisting of cyborgs, androids and autonomous weapons of war. (Unitary Supremacist Steelclad Robots)
Backstory: (Ever since the popularity of cyborg soldiers in the Soviets, the Kremlin has issued an order to make the biggest network of self-regulating, cybernetic, warriors to be led by the enigmatic A.I. Nikolai. But, a computer glitch has turned Nikolai subversive, along with his army. This time, the Steelclad will stop at nothing to introduce "Robocracy" to the world by annihilating all biological organisms.)
(All units disable themselves when reaching 5%  of their health.)
(All buildings have high power and need high credits, but can be considered the most durable of all subfactions)

Edited by someonebutnoone, 09 December 2013 - 11:56 AM.

#85 Allied Commander ???

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Posted 07 December 2013 - 07:51 AM

What if MO opens a standard wiki independently, not inside C&C wiki, and then all the articles are about units, buildings, mission walkthroughs and more... Everyone would find good information in it.

#86 Hecthor Doomhammer

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Posted 07 December 2013 - 08:24 AM

specific information regarding story, subfactins, units and such can be found on our main page mo.cncguild.net

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#87 venoxxis

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Posted 07 December 2013 - 11:39 AM

Eagle Jaeger Mech for Pacific Front
Cost $25000 (Built as a building)
Speed 5/10(Flying)
Hitpoints 3200
Armour Heavy/Heavy Air
Prerequisite Tech Center
Purpose All-Around Instant Destruction
Ground Weapons Xerath Plasma Beam Blaster, 2× Ziggurat Laser Cannon
Air weapons FLEIJHA Antimatter Cannon
Ground Range 8
Air Range 20

Can be a flying unit, or amphibious ground unit. As a ground unit it looks like a mech, with the plasma blaster on its chest and a laser on each hand. Its sheer size can make it go on water because its very tall. As an air unit it looks like an Arcus from CNC 4 Campaign with the antimatter cannon below it.

The Philippine Army is having territorial conflicts with China on the Spratly Islands because of having alot of oil reserves that can cost up 2 trillion USD in total. So the Philippines developed a weapon in preparation incase of having a war between them and China, so they can turn the tide of the war. This 500 foot, 2,000 ton war machine dubbed as "Eagle" is still a secret weapon in the arsenal of the pacific front and it will only be used on major conflicts.

Build limit: 1
Minimum Range: 3 for flying mode, none for ground
Can crush infantry and units. (Only as a ground unit)
Automatically repairs itself.
Has 12 passenger slots. (Only as a flying unit)
All Units can fire from the Fortress. (Only as a flying unit)
Units near the fortress gets 25% speed, firepower, armor bonus.
Immune to radiation.
Immune to poison.
Immune to mind control.
Immune to omni crush.
Immune to terror drone.
Immune to EMP
Driver cannot be killed. (There is no driver, remote controlled)
Cannot be hijacked. (There is no driver, remote controlled)
Heals units around.
Cannot enter transports.
Level 3 passenger survivability rate (rookie: 90%, veteran: 95%, elite: 100%)

Roland Bomber replaces Barracuda for Front
Cost $4000
Speed 15(Jet)
Hitpoints 240
Armour Medium Air
Prerequisite Allied Air Force Command, Tech Center
Purpose Siege
Weapons 16x Majoris Bomb
Range 2

Carpet bombs the target, damaging it and anything near it.

The Indonesian Air Force thought that the payload of barracuda isn't enough, trying to load the barracuda with more warheads is not possible, they made a new variant of barracuda with better armor. They called it Roland Bomber, it is armed with sixteen 2000KG Gravity Bombs instead of missiles making it alot stronger than before while sacrificing some speed.

Invisible on radar

Shogun Battleship replaces Aircraft Carrier for Pacific Front
Cost $2800
Speed 4
Hitpoints 1200
Armour Heavy
Prerequisite Allied Naval Shipyard, Tech Center
Purpose Siege, Semi-Assault
Weapons 2x 420mm Naval Guns
Range 22

The aircraft carrier was offered to the Japanese Navy, they rejected it and decided to develop a capital warship on their own. The result was the Shogun Battleship fitted with twin 420mm Naval Guns, and covered with 1800mm of Hardened Steel Armor.

No minimum range
Projectile cannot be destroyed
Shizru Armored Assault Vehicle
Cost 3000
Speed 5
Hitpoints 2000
Armor Heavy
Prerequisite Allied War Factory, Tech Center
Purpose Assault, Siege
Weapons 220mm Smoothbore Gun, 2x Grand Cannons (Deployed)
Range 8, 18 (Deployed)
The Shizru uses a 220mm smoothbore gun to destroy enemy tanks easily. When deployed, the 2 grand cannons on the side of the vehicle rises making the turret immovable.
When the centurion was unleashed to the battlefield the allies was shocked that it was even bigger than their battle fortress. The epsilon developed their own counterpart for centurion, they called it Irkalla. It is a huge aircraft that functioned as their mothership and it can hold ground so it can defend it. After the allies saw the Irkalla they decided to develop their own counterpart of the Centurion and the Irkalla, they called it Shizru. The shizru is a massive vehicle equipped with a 220mm Smoothbore Gun that pierces even through the thickest armor of the Centurion and Irkalla. They also added 2 Grand Cannons on the side of the vehicle, it is inactive if it is not deployed on the ground but if it is active the turret would be immovable.
Build limit: 1
Minimum Range: 3 when deployed
Can crush infantry and units. 
Automatically repairs itself.
Immune to radiation.
Immune to poison.
Immune to mind control.
Immune to omni crush.
Driver cannot be killed. 
Cannot be hijacked. 
Heals units around.
Cannot enter transports.

Also, Unique Ultimate Weapons for each sub-faction

Solar Laser Satellite Uplink
Solar Laser Strike - shoots a laser beam that hits an area smaller than other Ultimate Weapons but has a lower cooldown of 7.5 minutes. Similar to mercury but colored yellow because its solar.

Weather Controller Machine
Thunderstorm - just the same as now.

Pacific Front
Thermal Inversion Missile Silo
Thermal Inversion Missile Strike - launches a missile that freezes the area making the everything inside the area take more damage and move slower.

Vladimir Multi-barreled Howitzer
God of War - bombards the area heavily with a massive amount of 315 mm shells.

Latin Confederation
Nuclear Missile Silo
Nuclear Missile Strike - just the same.

EMP Cannon
EMP Shot - you know what it does, deals lesser damage than other Ultimate Weapons.

Psi Corps
Psychic Dominator
Dominate - just mind controls a big area, does not deal any damage.

Scorpion Cell
Air Control Tower
Chaos Bomb Airstrike - makes the enemies affected to attack unaffected enemies, if there is no unaffected enemies on sight it goes to the base of other enemies.

Psychic Decimator
Decimate - just the damage of Psychic Dominator and same area.

Edited by venoxxis, 21 December 2013 - 12:37 PM.

#88 someonebutnoone


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Posted 07 December 2013 - 01:37 PM

Basic infantry unique to each subfaction;
Peacekeeper (RA3 Peacekeeper, resembles a SWAT trooper with a riot shield and a shotgun, deploy to raise shields, increasing armor) replaces the GI for EU.
Pikeman (RA3 Javelin) replaces the GGI for EU.
Guerrilla (explodes when crushed by tanks, armed with AK-47s) replaces the Conscript for LC.
Reventador (napalm rocket launcher, leaves target on fire for some seconds) replaces the Flak Trooper for LC.
Red Guard (cannot be frozen, poisoned, radiated nor burned) replaces the Conscript for China.
Watchman (uranium rocket launchers that can decrease armor of tanks slightly) replaces the Flak Trooper for China.
Initiate becomes unique to PsiCorps.
Mason (psychic fire that is good against armor and aircraft) replaces the Archer for PsiCorps.
Archer becomes unique to HQ. (fixed it for you, Petya. :p)
Lycan (deals more damage when below 20% of health, has a railgun for a weapon) replaces the Initiate for HQ.
Militant (nearby militants received relatively minor buffs) places the Initiate for Scorpion Cell.
Rebel replaces the Archer for Scorpion Cell.

Shinobi (throws cryo-shurikens and stabs infantry at close range) replaces the GI for Pacific Front.

Samurai (also stabs infantry at close range, armed with cryogun specifically designed agaisnt armor) replaces the GGI for PF.

Edited by someonebutnoone, 09 December 2013 - 12:09 PM.

#89 Petya


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Posted 07 December 2013 - 02:45 PM

Archer becomes unique to PsiCorps.
Lycan (transforms to Brute when below 40% of health, a variant of the Initiate) replaces the Initiate for HQ.

Archer can't be PsiCorps unique due to the fact that he is gene enchanced. :p

The only problem with Lycan, that it transforms into a T2 infantry. :p So everybody will want to sacrifice them in early game. :p

Edited by Petya, 07 December 2013 - 05:08 PM.

#90 venoxxis

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Posted 07 December 2013 - 02:58 PM

Weather Control Tank for European Union
Cost $3000
Speed 4
Hitpoints 1000
Armor Heavy
Prerequisite Allied War Factory, Tech Center
Purpose Ground Annahilation
Weapons Weather Controller
Range 9

Creates a Thunderstorm in a small area.

Immune to omnicrush.
Immune to radiation.
Immune to poison.
Immune to mind control.
Driver cannot be killed.
Cannot be hijacked.

Edited by venoxxis, 08 December 2013 - 04:06 PM.

#91 Divine


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Posted 07 December 2013 - 03:19 PM

Hey uhm, we have these "stolen" MCVs, but having a stolen MCV and a normal if you infiltrate someone wih the same fraction of yours is redundant, isn't it? If it is I think forbiddenhouse key should be added to the stolen MCVs.

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#92 Speeder



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Posted 07 December 2013 - 03:21 PM

It's not cause you might end up in a situation with no War Factory + Radar combination from your side and you can still rebuild your own technology.


#93 Divine


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Posted 07 December 2013 - 03:24 PM

It's not cause you might end up in a situation with no War Factory + Radar combination from your side and you can still rebuild your own technology.

If that happens you are pretty much fukked anyways lol

But to be serious, any sane players, and even the AI gos for conyard and WF first. I don't think it's a valid reason to keep a redundant vehicle.

Edited by Divine, 07 December 2013 - 03:27 PM.

Some unofficial stuff I made for Mental Omega
Sidebar icons for normally not buildable stuff: Yuri Prime, Space CommandoAllied Jackal (obsolete)Gravitron
Skirmish Map: (2) Commietopia
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#94 Graion Dilach

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Posted 07 December 2013 - 05:56 PM

lolno, sane players go for ConYard and Radar. Usually there is only one radar while more warfacto.

Edited by Graion Dilach, 07 December 2013 - 05:56 PM.


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#95 YuriInitiate98

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Posted 07 December 2013 - 07:51 PM

Here is my suggestion for a Scorpion Cell only tier 3 infantry

Tyrant Operative (name might change in the future)

Cost: $1200 or $1500
Prequisite: Epsilon Barracks, Pandora Hub
Purpose: Assault
Speed: 5
Health: 300
Armor Class: Plate
Equipment: Toxic pills launcher
Range: 6

The Scorpion Cell has an impressive arsenal of vehicles, but they have lacked unique infantry, thus the Tyrant Operative was born.
Equipped with a similar weapon to the Tyrant (hence the name) and heavy armor that makes them very reciliant to damage, they function as an assault unit that is very useful when an assault with vehicles is not an option, for example when the enemy is in a remote location that can only be reached with a driller.

This is what I came up with today, feedback is very welcome!

#96 Acceleratio

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Posted 07 December 2013 - 11:06 PM

I have an idea for a new unit, possibly for the PsiCorps:



-should be a woman

-a robed figure, perhaps levitating?

-able to heal fiendly infantry from small distances at a constant rate, not in bursts like the allied Medic.

-should have a "sacrifice" ability: double clicking on her will trigger suicide, but does an area effect healing around her


Also, I think there was a defense structure in an older version of MO for epsilon, an equivalent of the pillbox and sentry gun, a tower thingy with a pyramid on top, working much like a super stronk initiate? Can the PsiCorps have it back? And psychic towers? I guess they need to be nerfed, but still, I loved them.


Great idea :)


My suggestion is to give the Soviets the healing outpost (which is already included in some campagne missions. It works like a very small vanilla hospital and i totaly love the idea of having it.) Allies already have medics why shouldnt soviets have a way to heal their infantry. Even if it would be slow and clumsy id still like to have this as an option. Hate the whole concept of throw away infantry

#97 WhiteDragon25

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Posted 08 December 2013 - 03:51 AM

So, I was looking through the MO Scrapbook Thread, and looking at the old Nazi crap there, I was struck by an idea! No, not any sort of Nazi faction crap, silly! :p More like a funny little easter egg sort of thing:


We all know what happened to Hitler in the Red Alert universe (paradoxed out of existence by a time-traveling Einstein in 1924), but whatever happened to the Nazi Party itself? Well, after Hitler dissappeared under mysterious circumstances after leaving prison, the Nazi Party was left rudderless, and the brief popularity they had thanks to Mein Kampf evaporated soon after due to no followup by Hitler. Shrinking rapidly, all they had left was a few dozen members centered in Munich.


With Germany democratized and its economy stabilized, the remaining Nazis were left to stew in their own patheticness, meeting every week at the Bürgerbräukeller Beer Hall, the site of the failed Beer Hall Putsch, to bitch and moan and complain and generally be the racist redneck hicks that we know of Neo-Nazis today.


Why do I bring this up? Simple: have a campaign mission or skirmish map take place in Munich, and as an easter egg, have the Beer Hall somewhere on the map, with a few old, fat Nazi civilians walking around outside it, along with a tattered old Nazi banner! Then we can have the pleasure of running them over with Soviet Tanks and blowing up the Beer Hall with Einstein's Prism Tanks! :laugh:


It would be a hilarious little easter egg, and doesn't break the Red Alert canon in any way.

I have a Moddb page, if anyone cares to check it out: linky.


I can also be found at the Spacebattles Forums: linky.

#98 venoxxis

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Posted 08 December 2013 - 07:13 AM

Marine replaces GI for EU
Cost $200
Speed 6
Hitpoints 140
Armor Flak
Prerequisite Allied Barracks
Purpose Anti-Infantry, Semi Anti-Armor, Garrison
Weapons M4A1 w/ ACOG and Grenade Launcher
Range 5, 6 (garrison)

Javelin Soldier replaces Guardian GI for EU
Cost $450
Speed 6
Hitpoints 150
Armor Flak
Prerequisite Allied Barracks
Purpose Anti-Armor, Anti-Air, Garrison
Weapons Javelin Launcher
Range 5/8 (deployed), 8 (garrison)

Deals more damage when deployed because of lock-on.

#99 Atomic_Noodles


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Posted 08 December 2013 - 07:21 AM

Guardian GIs already use a Laser when they deploy. For a visual aid more or less.


The European Union already have a Weather Control Gunship.


There is one soviet side which has a healing unit, its the drakuv but it only heals Basic Infantry though.

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#100 lovalmidas


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Posted 08 December 2013 - 10:24 AM

I won't mind having these extra units if someone would make the art (and voice) for them. :p



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