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MO3.0 Feedback // SUGGESTIONS

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#2001 DoMiNaNt_HuNtEr


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Posted 02 February 2015 - 09:03 PM

Yo yo mofoes, hows yas alls beens bros and hoes? This is some serious fuckin' feedback, and wicked suggestion type shit:


Just a quick question: Can the Allied Gun Turret fire over concrete walls, and/or sanbag walls? I know Bill Boxes/Sentry Guns/Gattling Cannons cannot fire over concrete walls, but can they fire over sandbags?  Didn't think I'd need to make a new thread for that. Just saw the recent make over of the turret. Ahh, it is glorious. Instead of looking like a slightly allied biased tech structure, it now IS, a Great Alliance structure. Kudos, and fuck koodo, them and their gay commercials.


What else do we got here, hmm...:


I swear on some guys grave, the Repair Crane, the "Armory" structure that looks like a crane for the Soviet, isn't it supposed to repair friendly vehicles? Maybe it was the slow choppy lagfest of that multiplayer match with Chinese playahs, but my tanks parked within the crane's radius were not noticebly healing at all. :( Or is it supposes to heal structures? I forget.


CAN SOMEONE PLEASE BRING ME THE LIGHT? What about that Greyon dude? So called Mr. light man. Its too dark over here, wheres mustacheos shit at?

Edited by DoMiNaNt_HuNtEr, 02 February 2015 - 09:11 PM.

#2002 mevitar



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Posted 03 February 2015 - 12:20 PM

Sandbags are treated exactly the same as concrete walls, so if something can't fire through walls, it won't fire through sandbags.

Repair Crane repairs vehicles every several seconds. It's not constant, units need to wait there.
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#2003 X1Destroy


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Posted 04 February 2015 - 08:02 AM

It have always been like that since original RA2.

I would support this though, it is kinda anoying when used along with other infantry units that can attack buildings.

But I'm not sure about if it would disrupt balance when it can fire at structure even with only less than 5% of weapon damage or not.

Edited by X1Destroy, 04 February 2015 - 08:03 AM.

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#2004 Atomic_Noodles


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Posted 04 February 2015 - 01:07 PM

If you want Radiation to damage buildings go play Generals....

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#2005 DoMiNaNt_HuNtEr


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Posted 05 February 2015 - 04:10 AM

@Martinez: did you have a bad day today? Someone grinding your gears? Now that you took my post  out of this page's circulation, the post's absence kinda disrupts the flow of this elegant conversation, no? I mean, who is X1 & noodlies even addressing currently? And what the hell are they talking about? And who are you? When did you post on this page? What in the fuck is DoMiNaNt talking about? Martinez, you rabid dog, you Tactical Genious! Just look at the confusion you've wrought upon us mere mortals! I think you've gone mad with power....

but thats ok though! For thru madness with power, is how A-Class Ass entertainment is made! Roll on out, puppet(s)! Let us keep this show afloat. *EDIT*:: OMG! Did you post in response to my intended post, than some 3rd party removed :w00t: BOTH of our posts? The plot thickens.... :ph34r:


@Atomic Noodles: You got it, sailing mooner! I'm on my way over to play that game now.....


... Done! OK, now back to this game -


@X1Destroy: There we go, this guy gets it, and has no negatively oriented biast tendancies towards me... lol. Why u other bros mad, d00dz ???


- - -



** The actual damage I don't even care about, though obviously balance it. I just want less control groups utilized, and since the Deso isn't a special utility unit anymore, hes the one that could most likely benefit from being able to target structures, then you can group him no problem with tesla troopers, pyros, etc, and they can all attack move, and engage any ground target. I don't want the deso waltzing slowly into a building assuring their quick death, when they could have been standing back with the rest of the group imposing fire.


Like in the original RA2, in MO the Desolator can not target structures, I realize. In RA2, the rad beam barely did any damage at all to tanks. All he did was rape infantry, and not as well as his equivalents. He was a special utility unit, equipped for one role, anti infantry. Kinda like the sniper unit. But being a special utility unit, you group them seperately from your meat grinders. Basically, the Deso was along the line of the engy, or the ivan - special use units.


Basically, if the Rad beam in MO can now wreck tanks, (making this guy much more of a front line unit) whats to stop it from damaging even bigger constructs, albeit immobile constructs? 


The lore behind this weapon in has been changed, for the better I think. This radiation cannon is so powerful, not only can it destroy flesh, it can destroy much more dense materials.


Its definitely not a big deal, but its also easy to implement, and, fairly rewarding.

Edited by DoMiNaNt_HuNtEr, 05 February 2015 - 04:33 AM.

#2006 Atomic_Noodles


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Posted 05 February 2015 - 11:40 AM

Giving radiation the ability to damage buildings just seems like cheap tricks in some situations in YR. Desolators (And Eradicators in MO) would be able to slowly destroy an enemy base by deploying his radiation field.


The problems I see would be you have to add ImmuneToRadiation=no to every building which you want to be vulnerable to radiation. (Which probably means every building but the Nuclear Reactor)

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#2007 MrFreeze777

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Posted 05 February 2015 - 10:34 PM

I have a better alternative idea, what if like Medics, Desolators/Eradicators stays in place and doesn't move towards enemy buildings when ordered to attack them while grouped with other units like Pyros and Tesla Troopers that can.

#2008 Protozoan


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Posted 06 February 2015 - 09:24 AM

I have a better alternative idea, what if like Medics, Desolators/Eradicators stays in place and doesn't move towards enemy buildings when ordered to attack them while grouped with other units like Pyros and Tesla Troopers that can.


Inb4 engine limitations


EDIT: I usually just assign those guys to a different key group anyway, while I don't actually assign medics to a keygroup most of the time anyway, and instead I use (alt+right click? Or whatever the command was to make a unit follow another unit)

Edited by Protozoan, 06 February 2015 - 09:27 AM.


#2009 DoMiNaNt_HuNtEr


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Posted 06 February 2015 - 09:31 AM

Hitler's gotta point, but I find his wardrobe too revealing. Martinez, get on that shit and sensor his pink package. There are non-pot smoking children on this forum looking at hitlers thong! [Note to Martinez: Also, don't call it pot. You sound lame. Its called weed mawfuckah! GET WITH THE TIMES AND SMOKE A SPLIFF already brye!.



Giving radiation the ability to damage buildings just seems like cheap tricks in some situations in YR. Desolators (And Eradicators in MO) would be able to slowly destroy an enemy base by deploying his radiation field.


The problems I see would be you have to add ImmuneToRadiation=no to every building which you want to be vulnerable to radiation. (Which probably means every building but the Nuclear Reactor)


No wait a second. I propose the Rad Beam warhead damage buildings, not the Rad Eruption warhead (Just the primary weapon, not the deploy weapon). Or are they both using the same warhead now? Or always were? I could of sworn they were different. But alas, I swear alot, much to the dismay of that super sayian Martinoz guy, wherever he is now... in the shadows.... poking me ever so unpleasently with christian protestant antics...


@Mr. Freeze: Oh yah, thats a good idea. Basically solves the minor problem right there! But it looks like Hitler is a sensitive man:


Edited by DoMiNaNt_HuNtEr, 06 February 2015 - 09:47 AM.

#2010 Atomic_Noodles


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Posted 06 February 2015 - 11:26 AM

I assumed you also wanted the Eruption to also damage buildings. Which by extension also makes the radiation left by the Nuke Missile,Demolition Vehicles & Saboteurs also potentially deal some extra damage albeit very minor to buildings. If the Main Cannon yeah it could probably just be a simple tweak to the Weapon's Verses. Although as I mentioned you would still need to add IsImmuneToRadiation=no to every building you want it to "melt" otherwise it won't work since Buildings are hardcoded by default to be immune to radiation.

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#2011 TIjey

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Posted 07 February 2015 - 04:55 AM

Hi guys i found a good theme for sountrack 


#2012 X1Destroy


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Posted 07 February 2015 - 06:31 AM

Buildings are hardcoded by default to be immune to radiation.

Ah, damn it. I forgot this.

How about giving it a new weapon that isn't radiation technically, but just the same graphic FX?


Just the primary weapon, no need to change the deploy mode.

Edited by X1Destroy, 07 February 2015 - 06:33 AM.

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#2013 Atomic_Noodles


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Posted 07 February 2015 - 02:58 PM

By that approach it'd just be any other regular weapon without the radiation=yes on its verses. Which is whats preventing it from damaging buildings by default anyway. Radiation is just the code used by the game to generate those fancy colored tiles and its damage.


Well I did say it would just be a very long tedious task of adding that specific tag to all the Buildings. I've done something similar since I added Selection Audio for the  Structures that can be garrisoned. In this case though it would probably be a much bigger task since you are doing it for every building. IDK if doing it on the beach towels,mail boxes are just funny but then again... they explode. xD

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#2014 AngelFaux

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Posted 13 February 2015 - 11:37 AM

Just an idea for secret lab units



Cost: $4000

Speed: 3

Hitpoints: 1500

Armor Class: Heavy

Prerequisite: War Factory, Tech Secret Lab

Purpose: Advanced Vehicle Support Unit

Weapons: (insert name here) AOE Repair Device / 'Bastion' Experimental Device (Deploy to Fire)



Basically a large sluggish unit with no offensive capabilities. Able to repair friendly land vehicles around it (like other repair weapons, but this is an AOE one with lower rate of fire... And no, it's different from Soviet's Crane repair). Secondary weapon is like a miniature of Iron Curtain, but not lethal to infantry... When fired, it renders nearby vehicles invincible for about 3 or 5 seconds.


(I wonder if the developers of this mod will ever consider this as a yes, since it sounds OP even for me)

#2015 MrFreeze777

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Posted 14 February 2015 - 08:23 AM

Here is a suggestion for a new building.


Fake Research Junction (with fake Chemplug upgrade)


Subfaction: Scorpion Cell

Cost: 700

Power: None

Hitpoints: 1000

Prerequisite: Research Junction + ChemPlug upgrade

Purpose: Decoy Building

Armor Class: Light Structure


There are only 2 fake buildings the Fake Psychic Dominator(which has a 1 build limit) and Fake Construction Yard.  There isn't much variety of fake buildings for Scorpion Cell when compared to the Allies from Red Alert 1. With Fake Research Junction you can have one or more built when the real version is built to fool the opponent to destroy or infiltrate the decoy version. This will make it harder to send Scorpion Cell back to tier 2.

Edited by MrFreeze777, 15 February 2015 - 10:23 PM.

#2016 LewlNewb

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Posted 15 February 2015 - 05:02 PM

Here is a suggestion for a new building.


Fake Research Junction (with fake Chemplug upgrade)


Subfaction: Scorpion Cell

Cost: 700

Power: None

Hitpoints: 1000

Prerequisite: Research Junction + ChemPlug upgrade

Purpose: Decoy Building

Armor Class: Light Structure


Ther are only 2 fake buildings the Fake Psychic Dominator(which has a 1 build limit) and Fake Construction Yard.  There isn't much variety of fake buildings for Scorpion Cell when compared to the Allies from Red Alert 1. With Fake Research Junction you can have one or more built when the real version is built to fool the opponent to destroy or infiltrate the decoy version. This will make it harder to send Scorpion Cell back to tier 2.

How about fake versions of every main structures? (no versions for defensive structures such as Gatling Cannons, of course)

I would love to see unwary multiplayer noobs destroy my fake base and celebrating their early victory while my real base is safely hidden away from their sight.

#2017 DoMiNaNt_HuNtEr


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Posted 22 February 2015 - 08:21 PM

Suggestion for civilian units (the citizens strewn about some missions)-


I was playing Soviet Mission 5, "Peace Treaty", and while assaulting the Busch Stadium, there were idle civilians. I killed them all, muhahaha.


But seriously, can you mission makers, make the civilian units DO, something? Aside from running around with their hands up (in this mission they didn't even do that, they just stood around, and wandered around)? Is it possible? It would be cool if they kinda fought back, albeit not with enough force to threaten your soldiers much, if not at all. Either fight back, or run away, maybe even call for help from local Allied forces to protect them?


SIDE NOTE: The 5th Soviet mission, in the mission select menu, it has the wrong description - it uses Epsilon's First mission description. I started S05 expecting to take out ICBMs, then I see psychic beacons and I'm like WTF?

Edited by DoMiNaNt_HuNtEr, 22 February 2015 - 09:26 PM.

#2018 Petya


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Posted 22 February 2015 - 09:43 PM

Civilians would really be effective against an entire army with their firepower=0. :p

#2019 DoMiNaNt_HuNtEr


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Posted 22 February 2015 - 10:46 PM



I'll am saying is, Ambiance. Its definitely not important to the mission gameplay - I'm just being a nitpicking asswhole.


So, my shock troopers are right infront of the civies, the Soviet soldiers wearing badass armor, with mask and everything (I basically love RA2 because of the look of the Conscript) - and the civilians just stand there.

#2020 doctormedic


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Posted 23 February 2015 - 08:49 AM



I'll am saying is, Ambiance. Its definitely not important to the mission gameplay - I'm just being a nitpicking asswhole.


So, my shock troopers are right infront of the civies, the Soviet soldiers wearing badass armor, with mask and everything (I basically love RA2 because of the look of the Conscript) - and the civilians just stand there.

I think specialists is what you need,return to red alert 2

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