Range: 12 (F.A.N.G.S.S.)
Armour: Light
Health: 130
Weapons: 3x FANGSS (FANGSS armed with encapsulated sulfuric acid shards)
Cost: 850
Replaces: Invader
Requires: War Factory, Radar Spire
Unique To: Scorpion Cell
Speed: 28
Role: Anti-Infantry, Anti-Aircraft, Anti-Air Structure Distraction
Plot: Crashing through sky comes a fearful cry comes the Cobra resembling it's namesake but acts more like a chrysopelea (a flying serpent). Replacing the Invader to maintain Scorpion Cell's doctrine of numeral superiority and hit and run tactics but in the pursuit of air dominance however the Cobra uses F.A.N.G.S.S. (Fast Attack Needle-jet Ground Structural Strike) small piloted fighters not designed to dish damage but to take it in order to distract anti air structures and units and coordinate with Basilisk strikes to gain a victory for the armies of the night with Scorpion Cell taking flight.
(Speaks in snaketalk most of the time)
* The ssserpent fliesss! (select)
* Prossselyte (select)
* We ssstrike without mercy! (attack)
* Scorpion Cell's air armada reporting (select)
* Can the world oppossse the deadliessst of foesss (select)
* No where to run no where to hide (attack)
* Panic ssspreading far and wide (move)
* Quite...so (move)
* For COBRA! (move/attack)
* Launch the FANGSS (attack)
* (Hissing noise then evil laughter) (attack)
* RETREAT! RETREAT! (under attack)
* Oppsss (death)
Unique to: Headquarters
Abilities: Can carry 2 passengers, driver is a mutant scientist (cannot be mind controlled but can be shot out via Morales), detects stealth and submerged units, amphibious, engineer grants repair function, attack has a 1 and 10 chance to mutate enemy infantry in to brutes, gholas or bubbles.
Speed: 6.5
Replaces: Stinger
Weapon: Mutagen Sprayer
Role: Transport, Anti Infantry
Health: 250
Armor: Light
Cost: 750
Requires: War Factory
Plot: Propelling itself with mass synthetic algae bloom and then harvesting it into synfuels, the Harbinger is designed to Headquarters unique position in the Antarctic and doctrinal specifications in infantry based tactics. While the Stinger has a mere one passenger slot the Harbinger has two to move troops both advanced and basic in greater accommodations to it's passengers special needs. The Harbinger is also boasts a Mutagen Sprayer giving slightly fire power against infantry and has some unpredictable side effects.
* I am Harbinger (select)
* I am the Harbinger of our perfection (select)
* The world is my lab, the forces of evolution bend to me (select)
* Syn-algae bloom nominal, synfuels optimal (select)
* Change is inevitable (move)
* Move forward to our destiny (move)
* Direct intervention is necessary (move)
* Your form is redundant (attack)
* Tear you apart I will (attack)
* Viable subject sighted (attack)
* Destroy! (attack)