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Mental Omega OP UNITS Thread

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#61 Psionic Psychic

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Posted 23 February 2014 - 01:21 PM

Spies can easily slip with a little of micromanagement. Moving spies along a base to reveal its location is a bit tricky because dogs are mostly seen on bases. You are lucky if you won't be able to encounter these canines. When you walk your unit, just make it slow but a loner to make sure you don't get caught by tank treads or dogs. However, sometimes you need also your spy to join a group of infantry to make the player not being suspicious. Making your spies go behind big buildings is also helpful.



But if you hate it, for Allies use Stallion because it's invisible. Borillo for Soviets especially when there is a backdoor on the enemy's base. But the best sneaking vehicle is the Driller which the Epsilon use. Use those and you will be able to infiltrate a base in a matter of minutes.


#62 lovalmidas


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Posted 23 February 2014 - 05:28 PM

lol. Unless your enemy is using a 20000x20000 resolution monitor or something, the only effective thing you need is a distraction force. It is pointless to make such complex operations when the enemy can counter all that you have done with a simple move.

Also, your enemy's color might matter. Red is especially conspicuous on the minimap, and while it makes him more obvious to his enemies, it can also warn him of spies targeting him... when his eyes are on the minimap.



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#63 Protozoan


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Posted 23 February 2014 - 10:53 PM

lol. Unless your enemy is using a 20000x20000 resolution monitor or something, the only effective thing you need is a distraction force. It is pointless to make such complex operations when the enemy can counter all that you have done with a simple move.

Also, your enemy's color might matter. Red is especially conspicuous on the minimap, and while it makes him more obvious to his enemies, it can also warn him of spies targeting him... when his eyes are on the minimap.


It's a shame you can't make it so your Radar is on the other display, lol


#64 doctormedic


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Posted 25 March 2014 - 04:58 PM

tfw<the spy forgets to bring a stake while inflitrating a base.

#65 Seth

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Posted 27 March 2014 - 02:52 PM

tfw<the spy forgets to bring a stake while inflitrating a base.

The player forgets to use his mind to avoid dogs  :evgr:

Also use them with Stallions/Borillos or Drakuvs/Drillers. Any PvP player will force fire or send a dog to kill the spy(yeah a lonely infantry going towards your base)

#66 doctormedic


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Posted 27 March 2014 - 04:11 PM

unless you can defend your base from 10 defender gi storming you at 31 seconds 



tfw<the spy forgets to bring a stake while inflitrating a base.

The player forgets to use his mind to avoid dogs  :evgr:

Also use them with Stallions/Borillos or Drakuvs/Drillers. Any PvP player will force fire or send a dog to kill the spy(yeah a lonely infantry going towards your base)


If of course the enemy doesnt rushes you with 10 defender gi and 5 gi at 50 sec or storms you with 25 iniators before you even get tech 1....

#67 Seth

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Posted 28 March 2014 - 05:45 AM

Hardly possible and will work only on small maps because they won't have to walk a long path, meaning you will reach T2 and get some good anti-infantry.

Do you realise that no sane player will actually do that kind of rush LOL, It only takes 2 Borillos, 2-3 Robot Tanks or some Stingers to kill them.

You can also send some dogs arround the map and attack the infantry from behind.

#68 doctormedic


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Posted 28 March 2014 - 07:35 PM

Implying that medium AI is a sane player and doesnt sent 3 inflitrators with a driller to sap your credits.

#69 Haxxan


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Posted 29 March 2014 - 04:35 AM

Hardly possible and will work only on small maps because they won't have to walk a long path, meaning you will reach T2 and get some good anti-infantry.

Do you realise that no sane player will actually do that kind of rush LOL, It only takes 2 Borillos, 2-3 Robot Tanks or some Stingers to kill them.

You can also send some dogs arround the map and attack the infantry from behind.

Pffft. Just Crush 'em with teh miners xD


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#70 doctormedic


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Posted 29 March 2014 - 08:44 AM

You know you suck when you have difficulty fighting off medium AI.

#71 Jargalhurts


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Posted 29 March 2014 - 09:10 AM

You know you suck when you have difficulty fighting off medium AI.

Don't worry. People even have trouble with Easy AI. It's not you who suck, its the game that is punishing.

Edited by Jargalhurts, 29 March 2014 - 09:10 AM.

Actually Yngwie of Haus Malmsteen, feefty eenches of pure Svwedish beef.

#72 Petya


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Posted 29 March 2014 - 10:38 AM

Easy AI is rather easy.

#73 Jargalhurts


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Posted 29 March 2014 - 03:10 PM

Easy AI is rather easy.

That wasn't people's first impression, though.

Actually Yngwie of Haus Malmsteen, feefty eenches of pure Svwedish beef.

#74 Petya


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Posted 29 March 2014 - 03:52 PM

The beginning is always hard.

#75 Haxxan


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Posted 29 March 2014 - 03:53 PM

Easy AI is rather easy.

Pffft. I lose even from sandbox.


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#76 Protozoan


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Posted 29 March 2014 - 11:14 PM

The difficulty is slightly confusing, I had no problems beating the Brutal AI in Skirmish, but when I played online with my brother, it was just MENTAL. The Brutal Latin Confederation AI was sending 3 different attack forces at the same time and every minute or so it would send another attack, eventually it sent 3 Drakuvs full of crazy Ivans into my forces and when I'd destroy the Drakuvs, the Ivans would burst out and start chucking bombs onto my vehicles and then headed straight towards my base. It wasn't meteor shower, and my Ally AI wasn't even trying for some reason, even though it was the same difficulty, just using the same ol' attacks as it would in Skirmish.


Much confusion.


#77 mevitar



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Posted 30 March 2014 - 12:10 AM

The AI gets its non-existant brain lobotomized when the map doesn't allow for much base expansion. Same happens when it's allied with a human player, and this doesn't fix itself until the AI gets attacked.
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#78 Eternity 6

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Posted 31 March 2014 - 06:50 AM

not a unit but 


Cloning Vats are OP


- they allow you to double your infantry production at no extra cost .


- Insainly powerful if you have stolen tech infantry particularly if you have Cyborgs which makes this OP TO THE MAX!!!


- allows infantry to become very powerful , is highly adaptable as you can spam easily , cheap units , quickly to counter any almost any threat .


-The only good counters for this type of spam is hero units , nuwa cannons ( until they come with adepts or hijackers ) .


- This will only become more powerful in the next update in which you receive faction specific units such as gyrocopter and Stalkers .


-Their is a counter for every type of attack if you have the correct infantry unit types at your disposal. ( cannot whink of anything that cannot be countered )


- Very cheap to mass produce a formidable and versatile army.




- takes time to tech up to this level.


- Only becomes truly unstoppable with multiple faction's tech trees and stolen technology.


- weak against splash damage units or support abilities particularly vemon units.

#79 Atomic_Noodles


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Posted 31 March 2014 - 07:14 AM

Epsilon doesn't have access to Cyborg Prototypes.

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#80 Eternity 6

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Posted 31 March 2014 - 08:08 AM

You steal tech from everyone and your unstoppable , and you can acquire all infantry except faction specific infantry via spies.


Imagine two pro's and and 6 noobs face off , one steam roles with china as usall while the other playing as Epsilon HQ techs-up stealing technology from the other player as he knows that they are less skillful at the game and by the time the other player manages to break the meat wall of the other players , the epsilon player has an awesome ecomomey and has amassed stolen tech. Your massive force of tanks , eradiators , some nuwa tanks and centurion march toward his base , supported with several dozen gyrocopters , three sentinels and five dragon flies .


And as you reach his main base killing some minor forces along the way and just as your forces attach his heavily defended stronghold the opposite of what you expect happens , the enemies main force pours in from all sides from the front masses of brutes lead by Rahn and about ten Stalters with barrier cast on them soaking up all the damage while a force of basilisks and a Irkalla come from the left and a massive force of veteran infantry comprised of mainly brute however thier was several of all other epsilon infantry and at least 15 opus tanks and 7 colossus as well. There was a massive battle and the only  reason I lost was because of the hordes of brutes ,I was unable to provide anti-air support because of the Colossuses  and the extreme skelomness of my opponent as he sabotaged my power and radar half way into the battel. This prevented proper support of my army. And the reason I say the cloning vats are op is that while I sent my dragon flies and and gyrocopters to wreak havock in his base i saw the vast amount of infantry he had and that he built half a dozen archers in several seconds.


The game came down to spamming he won mainly because of veteran infantry , hordes of it and that he had acquired allied hoplites which ruined my game but made for an epic match.

Such an awesome match sadly I lost he was like everywhere but I did get a K/d of 2:1

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