Okay, so as I small project of mine, I decided to make the mounted Faramir, in Knight armor, usable on foot.
I never knew that would of been much more than I anticipated. But it was well worth it.
For people who don't wanna read.
Now for those who are sticking around, this journey was a funny one.
First and foremost, thank you RiderOfRohan, Dunedain, and Mathijs. You three really did help and hold my hand on doing such a simple thing but it was a huge step in modding for me that really had a "dabble" in everything. Coding, Modelling, Rigging a Skeleton. But no texturing. (thankfully)
So for those who do not know, this is the base model compared to the one that I edited.
(Note I did not make any models from scratch, everything was from the AotR team, and I edited it)
Base top, my edited bottom
It was a lot more complicated than it looked. xD At least for me...
The first step was to delete the horse and the skeleton for the original mounted model. After, adding the skeleton from the "foot Faramir," and getting ready to rig it, I saw that the arms on the "mounted Faramir" are quite short compared to the "foot Faramir."
Thankfully just moving vertices is easy but some wacky things did happen. However, I was able to successfully rig the skeleton to the new model, I placed the weapons where they should be and everything worked out fine model wise.
Coding was pretty easy as well. Using similar code found with Boromir's upgrade to armor in his .ini, I modified it a bit and inserted it into faramir's .ini. This was most definitely the easiest part as a lot of it was copy paste.
Then I ended up with the final product in the first screenshot.
I must say I am very proud (too proud) in what I accomplished and what I've learned in such a small amount of time. I hope everyone who sees this can take inspiration as I, who has NO experience modding BFME at all, created a simple little submod for personal use.
If you got this far, thank you very much for reading everything and have a good rest of your morning/afternoon/night.
- Mathijs, DĂșnedain76 and Rider of Rohan like this