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Member Since 29 May 2010
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#1124056 Commandos 2 Destination Paris Mission Feedbacks

Posted by Jeroen on 15 December 2023 - 10:08 PM

Does it always have to be this way? Are these mission meant to be played by multi players only, or only those with God level of skill or those who are able to award their own inventories? Does the creator want this mission to be played at all? It drives me mad to get stuck after going that far almost every mission because they are supposed to be very good missions! GAH!


You're doing great! I'm sure almost everyone stopped playing because of the difficulties/impossibilities encountered. I have. Maybe the developers will use your input, I don't know.

#1121701 What are you doing?

Posted by Jeroen on 04 January 2023 - 08:40 AM

This looks really good Andrew! Congratulations on this great result.

And this is done with a series of images? It's looks like a shader at work, because of the shadows that (in particular) the Colditz water has in it.

#1105921 Commandos 2 HD remaster. It's time to mod!

Posted by Jeroen on 30 January 2020 - 08:13 PM

Hello i try to open the .exe the game run and if i choose a game i leasen the music but i have black screen at the game what can i do ?


Dance maybe?

#1104700 Who is your favorite commandos character?

Posted by Jeroen on 09 November 2019 - 04:34 PM

My biggest problem with the decoy in C2 is that I could rarely single out an enemy. I think because the levels are so compact, inside buildings but also outside, usually more than one soldier would react. That does not make it a disappointment per sé, it's just a less useful tool.


BTW an enemy should also be alarmed seeing the decoy, making it a substitute for ciggy's.

#1100184 Commandos 2, a couple of modding questions

Posted by Jeroen on 03 May 2019 - 06:36 AM

we have some problems with antivirus software


Do you know why? I only know of (re)setting a program's checksum after editing, which should solve that.

#1087985 Commandos series conspiracy theory

Posted by Jeroen on 07 August 2018 - 02:45 PM

Sir, have you been visiting Amsterdam?

#1086467 You won't believe this, back to war, team!

Posted by Jeroen on 14 July 2018 - 05:19 PM

... lorries could also be vehicles only the driver can use as you usually need an extra licence to drive them...


And that's assuming Sid received his renewal notice in time before his driver's license expired. Possibly it was sent to his home address while he was at Achnacarry castle.
Maybe the developers can do something with gun permits as well. ("I can't shoot Fritz with this!")

A tank should be driven by Sapper and Driver together for maximum efficiency. And requiering at least one of them to be inside. Giving it's main gun less range or lower firing rate with either of them missing. Or indeed a lower max speed.

#1081782 a BEL Code question

Posted by Jeroen on 09 April 2018 - 10:21 PM

...a game old almost 3 decades, that never you could imagine can be modded to such extent. Modding wasn't, you know, a thing of past. Least indie titles like this, ain't like Comm is DOOM of things. Do players care. Harder to do anything cause of the engine offering limited usability.




Maybe not 3 decades but OK. Does Commandos qualify as indie title? Pyro wasn't big back then. I've been thieving a lot lately, the quality of mods is amazing, but Thief is a First Person Sneaker.

And you're right about the very limited possibilities.

#1049314 Commandos 2 Pre-Release Images & Videos

Posted by Jeroen on 31 January 2017 - 11:43 PM

I personally love watching this older stuff, so thanks. (Especially since games have better graphics nowadays but gameplay has generally regressed, but I just have to say that.)



In the BCD section I (long ago) uploaded a mod from the Commandos The Fortress website. Their start page had some wmv's embedded. Like this one:


But I think these vids are just part of the 8:30 minute trailer that's in the video link you posted. (Possibly more worth having if the whole page is saved.)