Member Since 20 Jun 2003Offline Last Active Dec 14 2024 07:17 PM
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assasing123 → FS-21
pst hombre te mande un mensaje :3 por si no lo viste tiene que estar en tu inbox de revora O,o igual te ofrezco ayuda con lo que pueda con respecto al reloaded.
hey man in case you didn't notice i messaged you here, i hope you get a chance to read it, i m offering you help with your mod, and... either way if you wish add my msn:
i know how...
hey man in case you didn't notice i messaged you here, i hope you get a chance to read it, i m offering you help with your mod, and... either way if you wish add my msn:
i know how...

Rikko → FS-21
This mod is Reloaded 099 beta2.I want NOD and GDI painless section from Arabs and Confideration - NOD and France and Alliance - GDI for Sidebars GDI and NOD + speech for EVA and CABAL ,but work only NOD :( GDI dont work .You talked about Ares ,may I need to use Ares .(шт Reloaded will be 5 campainghs)

Ah, If I'm not wrong with what are you trying to say:
Are you trying to do a mod like the one I made, right? Are you using Ares, NPatch or the original YR game without 3º party software? I only understand the "Ares" method & the original YR game you can have only 3 sidebars for the 3 factions, I never touched NPatch...
Are you trying to do a mod like the one I made, right? Are you using Ares, NPatch or the original YR game without 3º party software? I only understand the "Ares" method & the original YR game you can have only 3 sidebars for the 3 factions, I never touched NPatch...

Rikko → FS-21
Sorry this is bad translater .I remake sedec01 02 03 and doing 04 05 for GDI and NOD ,but why then GDI Soviet and Yuri sidecs mixed. GDI -> yuri , Yuri -> Soviet , Soviet -> GDI (with sounds) :((( in total yuri don't work (because of I dont finish sound EVA for GDI . Please HelP!!!!

Rikko, I'm sorry if I didn't understand you... can you repeat it again in other words?

Rikko → FS-21
please help, as in yours mod to separate GDI and to change a screen, and that at me Yuri Soviet and GDI change prompts. In advance thanks

stewox → FS-21
Oh forgot to read that part ...
my email is stewox@gmail.com , same nicknamed on xfire
my email is stewox@gmail.com , same nicknamed on xfire