Guys... I'm pretty sure he was talking about going Air field first before warfactory. Before you start screaming Allies op again, just think about the context of the question. Midas has a legit question, so I'll try my best to answer the problem of going air field first for Allies.
Simply put, you are asking to be rushed down when going air field first. You can't poke if your opponent scouts and invests in some simple anti air to protect his army. Jets are great at poking and map control, but they also have a limited ammo count and if you go air field first, there a very high chance that you aren't able to really able to stop an attack despite the tech advantage. Why you ask? Well because the war factory is delayed, meaning you're not going to get as many miners as your opponent. Even if you play EA and snipe miners, which is the worst faction to go air field first, your economy is never going to be better than Your opponents, and you cannot even tech snipe because of a limit to four jets.
As for G.I Ifvs, I'm not entirely sure how you are losing tanks to them? Still, MBTs are bad, and it's not the G.I's ifvs fault they out class the MBTs. This just further highlights that MBTs needs to be buffed in order to own up to their names, main battle tanks. Right now their role in game are nothing other than glorified cannon fodder to draw small arms fire. It's just simply not worth to build MBTs versus the faster and usually more damaging alternatives like The Foehn Jackal or the Allied Jets for example.
Edited by NorthFireZ, 14 September 2017 - 05:18 PM.