You do realise that the tunnel idea is going to be either too cheap for its cost that it's OP, or practically unused because it's too expensive and discovered too quickly, right?
I didn't realize this. Thank you for pointing that out.
I don't think any productive discussion will come up if we don't throw out actual numbers, however. "Too expensive" is vague.
Why wouldn't be balanced if it was say $400 x 6 + $800 = $3200? Equivalently, that's the cost of 6 bloaticks and 1 driller, or $200 more than two uses of Bloatick Trap.
For cooldown, I'll going to throw out an 8 minute cooldown without justification.
Also for tunnel health, maybe 300 HP and defensive structure, decaying around 25 HP per second (in real time, not in-game time with speed settings), meaning 12 seconds that the tunnel is active. The cooldown could be maybe 6 seconds, then 6 seconds for another wave before the tunnel gets destroyed.
And also, 3-4 waves?
I probably should have looked up the price of Bloaticks and their damage before throwing 3-4 waves. Maybe at most 2 waves could be added.
I could just happily spam tunnels in my own base if it's too cheap, or just use it with chimera tech on defense and make every attacker's life really bad while I'm at it.
You can do this with Bloatick Trap already.
US and Russia can spam Tank Drop and Bloodhounds/Paratroops in their own armies to boost their power.
I'm going to throw out a guess of $3200 for price for 6 Bloaticks for now, and hope that it's too expensive to abuse. If someone more capable at modding can build a prototype of this support power, we could actually test this. For now, there's nothing to do except theorycraft and theorycraft criticisms on theorycrafting.
Edited by Tathmesh, 10 December 2018 - 01:37 PM.