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MO 3.3 // Feedback & Suggestions (Balance, New Features, Modifications etc.)

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#1021 Zharakov

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Posted 18 March 2017 - 06:10 AM

Make iron guard buildable without the need for an iron curtain...


#1022 Linken-Nightmare

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Posted 18 March 2017 - 10:51 AM

Wow, I found both of the cameo.

How if you put these blokes in the game?

Yeah, copyrighting. Hmmm.... maybe not.


Darth Vader.jpg Stormtrooper.jpg

Edited by Linken-Nightmare, 18 March 2017 - 10:51 AM.

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#1023 Magma1Lord

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Posted 18 March 2017 - 12:39 PM

Wow, I found both of the cameo.

How if you put these blokes in the game?

Yeah, copyrighting. Hmmm.... maybe not.


attachicon.gifDarth Vader.jpgattachicon.gifStormtrooper.jpg

Dude this is not Star Wars.




try this game.

Edited by Magma1Lord, 18 March 2017 - 12:39 PM.

#1024 Linken-Nightmare

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Posted 19 March 2017 - 02:33 AM


Wow, I found both of the cameo.

How if you put these blokes in the game?

Yeah, copyrighting. Hmmm.... maybe not.


attachicon.gifDarth Vader.jpgattachicon.gifStormtrooper.jpg

Dude this is not Star Wars.




try this game.


Yep, I know.

It is interesting.

Conscript reporting.

#1025 Tyhednus


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Posted 19 March 2017 - 01:24 PM

The Mastodon is overpriced. It is a huge tank that, while intimidating at first, has the firepower of a brick wall. The only aspect that makes it truly worthwile, is the tankiness. It can withstand so much firepower that single Mastodons can last entire games without much effort. Combined with Nanocharge for a nice 1000 credits the true colours of Last Bastion shine through. However, the weapon is the shittiest part of this behemoth of a tank. Its charge-up is not that bad, but it is only meant for anti-armour. This makes the units pretty useless in combat, because you are spending 2500 on a slower Tank Destroyer. Even if you keep them around for support, someone who spams a lot of infantry can ignore, mindcontrol or hijack the Mastodon while killing your army in the meantime. Luckily the Gharial complements the Mastodon perfectly. For 2000 it is lot more efficient than a 2500 support tank. It is amphibious, kills both infantry and structures with ease and is immune to almost everything I can find very annoying. To make the Mastodon more viable it should be at least somewhat cheaper. If you compare the Mastodon to its Chinese counterpart, the Nuwa, the issue becomes even more clear. A single Mastodon can probably take out a Nuwa, but that situation will probably never happen in pvp and to some extent pve. A price of 2200 or 2300 would probably be reasonable. If it becomes too cheap, its tankiness should be reduced as well. Even the Railguneer is more effective than the Mastodon, because it fires quicker.
So, what do you all think? Mastodon price reduction: yay or nay?

#1026 X1Destroy


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Posted 19 March 2017 - 02:21 PM

You forgot, it have 11 range while Nuwa only have 8. Unlike Nuwa it outranged tier 2 base defenses, if it become effective vs structure then maybe we will have the worst nightmare. It's always surrounded by Gharials and Giantsbanes, so it will not die easily.

That's what make it unique compared to other monster tank, so I don't think it should be changed to have lower HP and reduced cost.

The slow charge up time is annoying yeah, so it's not a bad idea to build Bisons to be damage dealers instead of relying on the Mastodons for that.

As for railguneers, holy shit 3 of them can take out an Apocalypse in seconds. No way they are weak.

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#1027 Nicholas Chau

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Posted 19 March 2017 - 02:52 PM

You forgot, it have 11 range while Nuwa only have 8. Unlike Nuwa it outranged tier 2 base defenses, if it become effective vs structure then maybe we will have the worst nightmare. It's always surrounded by Gharials and Giantsbanes, so it will not die easily.

That's what make it unique compared to other monster tank, so I don't think it should be changed to have lower HP and reduced cost.

The slow charge up time is annoying yeah, so it's not a bad idea to build Bisons to be damage dealers instead of relying on the Mastodons for that.

As for railguneers, holy shit 3 of them can take out an Apocalypse in seconds. No way they are weak.

when the HP and firepower nerfs for foehn infantry and some of the tier 3 vehicles( mostly haihead, coronia and last bastion don't really need nerfs) coming?  ;_;

#1028 Tyhednus


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Posted 19 March 2017 - 02:58 PM

I only suggest a price reduction for Mastodon, not a change of weapon. LB already has enough good antistucture units
The Railguneer comparison was just to show a t3 infantry with similar weapons is better than the tank variant.

#1029 X1Destroy


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Posted 19 March 2017 - 04:46 PM


You forgot, it have 11 range while Nuwa only have 8. Unlike Nuwa it outranged tier 2 base defenses, if it become effective vs structure then maybe we will have the worst nightmare. It's always surrounded by Gharials and Giantsbanes, so it will not die easily.

That's what make it unique compared to other monster tank, so I don't think it should be changed to have lower HP and reduced cost.

The slow charge up time is annoying yeah, so it's not a bad idea to build Bisons to be damage dealers instead of relying on the Mastodons for that.

As for railguneers, holy shit 3 of them can take out an Apocalypse in seconds. No way they are weak.

when the HP and firepower nerfs for foehn infantry and some of the tier 3 vehicles( mostly haihead, coronia and last bastion don't really need nerfs) coming?  ;_;


They already got nerfed in the patch, what more do you want?
Shadray is no longer good against vehicles. Megaarena is nerfed. Fin and Alize HP nerfed. I think it's mostly ok right now.


I only suggest a price reduction for Mastodon, not a change of weapon. LB already has enough good antistucture units
The Railguneer comparison was just to show a t3 infantry with similar weapons is better than the tank variant.

I think the current cost is fine, as you don't need to build so many Mastodons. Currently it's not a unit that you want to spam like there is no tomorrow like Abrams or Nuwa, but you will always want to get a few of them around to support your Gharials and Giantsbanes. And that's ok.

Edited by X1Destroy, 19 March 2017 - 04:46 PM.

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#1030 BlackAbsence



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Posted 19 March 2017 - 04:56 PM

- A challenge mission where the enemy constantly sends multiple MADMANs at you (You would preferably need a lot of Chrono Legionnaires for such mission).

- Give the Duplicant the Ai of a dog so that it actively seeks out targets, instead of having to be shot at first, commanded or walked on. It would also be nice if Foehn had a unit which actively killed spies on their own. Infiltrating a Foehn Ai is way too easy right now, and it's even worse when that infiltration is via arsonist.



- Make the MAD MAN kill Epsilon Labs, Barracks, Bio Reactors. It currently doesn't. That or I got extremely unlucky. I send a MAD MAN into the base, detonate him, and what I have left to see is all these structures in the "red level" of health and defences that only get scratched. I suggest, and I can't believe I'm say this, MORE DESTRUCTION via the MAD MAN!...

Edited by BlackAbsence, 19 March 2017 - 07:58 PM.

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#1031 Divine


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Posted 19 March 2017 - 05:59 PM

The Mastodon is overpriced. It is a huge tank that, while intimidating at first, has the firepower of a brick wall. The only aspect that makes it truly worthwile, is the tankiness. It can withstand so much firepower that single Mastodons can last entire games without much effort. Combined with Nanocharge for a nice 1000 credits the true colours of Last Bastion shine through. However, the weapon is the shittiest part of this behemoth of a tank. Its charge-up is not that bad, but it is only meant for anti-armour. This makes the units pretty useless in combat, because you are spending 2500 on a slower Tank Destroyer. Even if you keep them around for support, someone who spams a lot of infantry can ignore, mindcontrol or hijack the Mastodon while killing your army in the meantime. Luckily the Gharial complements the Mastodon perfectly. For 2000 it is lot more efficient than a 2500 support tank. It is amphibious, kills both infantry and structures with ease and is immune to almost everything I can find very annoying. To make the Mastodon more viable it should be at least somewhat cheaper. If you compare the Mastodon to its Chinese counterpart, the Nuwa, the issue becomes even more clear. A single Mastodon can probably take out a Nuwa, but that situation will probably never happen in pvp and to some extent pve. A price of 2200 or 2300 would probably be reasonable. If it becomes too cheap, its tankiness should be reduced as well. Even the Railguneer is more effective than the Mastodon, because it fires quicker.
So, what do you all think? Mastodon price reduction: yay or nay?

Why is a single unit supposed to be good at everything? Mastodon is "Foehn's Mighty Shield", and not "Foehn's Mighty Sword". If you want to effortlessly pwn Nuwas, or any ground vehicles for that matter, then mass Railgunners, or even better, Godsbanes. The Mastodon is effectively a mobile base defense.

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#1032 X1Destroy


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Posted 19 March 2017 - 06:17 PM

In a serious match, the situation where Mastodons have to face Nuwas alone never happen. Boidblitz and Plasmareizer eat Nuwas. Sweepers ambushed them undetected till Armadilloes or Tesla troopers are deployed. LB infantry love heavy tanks like nuwas, as the giant/godsbane pair are also tough like tanks and deals lots of damage to vehicles. There isn't a need for Mastodons in the anti tank warfare from the beginning.

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#1033 BlackAbsence



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Posted 19 March 2017 - 08:09 PM

Honestly, I'd rather have Giantsbanes as opposed to Masterdons because they are just as good at killing tanks with the addition of being anti air or anti base when nano-synced.

I would only use Masterdons as damage sponges because that's what they are best at as well as healing infantry around them for the cost of $1000 + time :p

I would prefer if Masterdons constantly healed infantry around them at a slower rate similar to Apocalypses Tanks or Drakuvs because it would warrant my use of them much more.

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#1034 siegelad

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Posted 19 March 2017 - 09:12 PM

I don't know where to post this, i tested the M.A.D.M.A.N's technician damage, compared to the regular one, he actually does damage  :lol:

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#1035 Destroyencio


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Posted 19 March 2017 - 09:25 PM

In a serious match, the situation where Mastodons have to face Nuwas alone never happen. Boidblitz and Plasmareizer eat Nuwas. Sweepers ambushed them undetected till Armadilloes or Tesla troopers are deployed. LB infantry love heavy tanks like nuwas, as the giant/godsbane pair are also tough like tanks and deals lots of damage to vehicles. There isn't a need for Mastodons in the anti tank warfare from the beginning.


Mastodons outrange Nuwas, while the only infantry that does outrange them from LB are Banes, plus Erradicators can pack a big punch if they are amassed and deploy. I would use Mastodons to face Nuwas rather than only infantry.

#1036 CLAlstar


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Posted 19 March 2017 - 09:52 PM

- Make the MAD MAN kill Epsilon Labs, Barracks, Bio Reactors. It currently doesn't. That or I got extremely unlucky. I send a MAD MAN into the base, detonate him, and what I have left to see is all these structures in the "red level" of health and defences that only get scratched. I suggest, and I can't believe I'm say this, MORE DESTRUCTION via the MAD MAN!...


How about no. I dont think you realize how M.A.D.M.A.N.s weapon work. It effieicency grows with bigger buildings so things like CY/Factory/ Anything thats 3x3 or more will be done for. Instead of that just have a taskforce to finish what madman started.

#1037 NorthFireZ


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Posted 20 March 2017 - 05:35 PM

Speaking of massing Abrams, I actually found throwing bulldogs to escort Abrams to the best mix. These two tanks actually output an insane amount of damage. Still, probably need like 4 Abrams to kill kill one Masterdon.

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#1038 Divine


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Posted 20 March 2017 - 08:25 PM

Every time I read "Masterdon" I cringe a bit.

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#1039 NorthFireZ


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Posted 21 March 2017 - 03:57 AM

Every time I read "Masterdon" I cringe a bit.

'Tis a band and a nerf weapon :D 

I have a year-long Writer's block @ https://www.fanficti...1/At-Mind-s-End But youtube is doing well! https://www.youtube....ser/andywong545

#1040 GuardianGI

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Posted 21 March 2017 - 12:12 PM

Will it be possible for the warpshop to gain the ability to warp friendly buildings from anywhere on the map to its set radius?

Honestly speaking, I've never saw anyone using the chronolift ability even once, including myself, as the ability itself is heavily restricted by it's radius, and there's no reason to chronoshift defenses around it when you could just build a few more to cover the area (and seriously, who builds the warpshop at the frontlines when it's an important tech building itself).
In my opinion, if the chronolift ability can chronoshift any friendly buildings on the map to its set radius, that would give players more tactical reasons to use it.

Edited by GuardianGI, 21 March 2017 - 12:26 PM.

Don't mind me, I'm just pretty broke nowadays...


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