Yeah, I hope they bring them back as a recruitable unit
Erebor Faction Plan
Posted 17 November 2020 - 10:27 PM
Posted 25 November 2020 - 11:43 PM
Maybe it's just me but personally I find the model of the Erebor Elite unit Khazad Uzbadul a little bit "unepic"?
Like I feel the model of these units should be much more armoured with lots of heavy plate or something like that (for exampe like the new model of the Veterans of Khazad Dum - they look so badass!).
But maybe that's just me. Awesome work so far guys. This mod really brings me back to this game of my childhood. Love it.
Posted 26 November 2020 - 02:10 PM
This is an excellent LOTR era roster for Erebor but I was REALLY hoping we would get Prince Bard II of Dale.
Edited by Goldo, 30 November 2020 - 11:30 PM.
Posted 10 June 2021 - 09:03 AM
The power Muster the Dwarves is very bad. Dwarves are expensive, so you can’t queue a large number of them before using the power, and slow, so you can’t make them rush in to save the day after they made it out of the barracks faster than usual. You truly need to change that power into something better, in my opinion, because nobody’s ever going to use a power which is that bad, unless they are in a very very specific situation that involves an enemy army in the base and a lot of resources to spend instantaneously. I also think Fully Armed and Filthy should give additional Forged Blades with the Heavy Armor, given the very restrained radius of the power. Also, Send in the Goats is already strong in itself, but it then drives into the extremely powerful and absolutely epic Moria Reclaimed, that then gives you access to the not less insane Cave-in. I would seriously recommend changing the positioning in the tree to avoid this optimized “auto-choose” for the Erebor spellbook, but I heard it was supposed to happen in 7.0, so it’s great.
- Pestum likes this
"C'est en forgeant qu'on devient forgeron."
Posted 17 June 2021 - 08:22 AM
Agree. The skill only work and is meaningful with goblins. Works with hobbits too but is harder to imagine thousands of hobbits.
Posted 04 May 2022 - 01:09 PM
Getting rest of the dwarven company trough existing dwarven heroes (some of the dwarven heroes exist in the campaign right?).
Level 1 : Pathfinder (W) - Modifier Type: Leadership. Allies near Balin gain +15% speed. Stacks with buffs and spells. Passive ability.
Activate to temporarily summon Ori who has 500 hp (1000 hp when Balin is level 10) +150% passive vision range and can trow rocks.
Level 5: Balin's Expedition (T) - A temporarily summoned Bombur holds a banner of Durin (Bombur has 500 hp (1000 hp when Balin is level 10). Nearby troops gain +50% experience gain, +25% armour, +33% damage and are partially healed. At level 10 affected units are immune to knockback and are healed by a larger amount. Bofur, Dori and Nori are temporarily summoned as guards (each of them has 1000 hp).
Level 1: Brother-In- Arms - When near Thorin, Dwalin gains +15% damage, +15% armour and +15% attack speed. Stacks with leadership, buffs and spells. At level 10 Gloin, Oin and Bifur are temporarily summoned as bodyguards (each has 1000 hp) for a targeted allied hero.
None of summoned heroes mentioned here have hero icons at the bottom of the screen.
Ori is a summoned single unit that can move and can attack with rocks (hobbit rock trow).
Bombur and the banner of Durin are together as one stationary unit.
Bofur, Dori and Nori are summoned as units that can not be moved but, auto guards the banner of Durin (like single units guarding over production buildings).
Gloin, Oin and Bifur are summoned as body guards to a selected allied hero (like Celeborns level 7 version of Lord of The Galadhrim ability).
Edited by Esparado87, 04 May 2022 - 01:36 PM.
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