Teachers must have something sadistic!
They gave us so much work I couldn't even find time to post in here! Since my last check, what has happend to much! remix and Contra are getting better each day!
Pend awsome work like always! Pls don't forget the Medic Pend!
And keep up with awsome stuff like the updates in the past days
Robot got a huge overhaul the last few days, only 1 more change is planned, then its finished.
Airforce got the Stryker and the AC150, I think he's quite good to go, and will only have some cost/time tweeking done. And yes, I did include an ambulance unit for AirF. the only remaining change to make is a new generalpower to replace the leaflet drop.
SuperWeapon had gotten the big upgrade earlier with the ShieldGenerator. the shielg gen and a new super weapon were added, so SupW is very set to go.
Laser is the last USA on the list to get something new. I've already started working on it and it will be done this week... I will be adding the WeaponPlatform and will likel be replacing the A10 strike with something new.
Once those are done I will be revisiting tank china to fix the Internet center bug and then Infa china will finaly get done. Once Infantry china is done, I've got a 2 page list of quickfix bugs that I will be working on before the China Alpha.