just alittle thing
i think spider varients are so much cooler than the mechs for robot general. mechs seem oveerpowever and unrealistic. yay spiders
The spider is a mech.. and u ovuosly are bias'd
Mechs can easyly be takend down in the right fastion.
The us airforce fence looks cool But... firebases take up soo much space and on some of the smaller maps they can not be used effectivly so i am kinda sceptical about that idea, But looks cool
(i hope teh artil firebase has a good range, and can fire behind other defence)
Stryker vehical loks great
AC150 Is sweet i glad i suggested age ago a gunship type aircreft.
BUT u say good for boraded patrol?
Is this all u want it to be used for? If so then damn :( I would love to use it to bombard the enemy base sometimes. How heavly armor'd is it?
If it is borader patrol then it should be fairly heavy right?
Because the amount of AA the enemy sends would rip it apart if it was not heavy.
Hopfuly it will be good in both area patrol and attaulting base's.
Airforce plains are still alot cheeper right? As u know your self fightin human players it was always unfair as your aircraft was expensive and the other teams would just spam AA criping your money and power.
So they still alot cheeper now right? to combat that balance problems fighting HUMAN players
Hehee i knew i was not the only one to notice the move together thign never happened, Pend there is a butten to lock your units into formation in generals ZH i pretty sure i used it before... BUT it aint that amazinly usful as the units sometimes lose formation cos of the land layout and then they never get back in it or anything.
CTRL+F = Makes the currently selected group stay in there current formation. (not amazing tho)
GUESTS please please GEt a damn Accont >.< i hate the unknows its rude
Edited by Phoenix911, 24 June 2006 - 11:13 AM.