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Remix Escalation Suggestion

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#701 Pendaelose


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Posted 23 June 2006 - 09:38 PM

ahhh, im sorry pend :( please forgive me :huh: i know, your forums are the best, tbh, as the shockwave forums piss me off, as those idiots lock every topic or any sugestion they dont like.
ohhh and btw, can you only reserch one of those tech trees?
ip.s i do know better, from your great teachings ;)^^

You can get half of them. None bar each other, but they all require general's points. Its 18 points total in the tree, but at rank 5 you've only gotten 9 points to spend total.
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Between now and the next polished release there should be very little new art work done. Instead the focus is on designing, testing, and fixing. the mod has always been so close to finished that its nearly criminal. I'd love to see this through to the end with a real community effort.

#702 Phoenix911


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Posted 24 June 2006 - 01:34 AM

Ummm thats not true, the fastest unit usaly goes ahed.

so i'm not the only one that seen it :grin:

/em runs to eat popcorn ... :p
Phoenix™ The Forgotten Samurai
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#703 Pendaelose


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Posted 24 June 2006 - 07:21 AM

Airforce base defenses have gotten a beef up. In previous builds his modulare defenses have always been the weakest of all the USA factions, leaving AirF heavily dependent on his infantry for defense. To move with this as a theme, the base defenses are no slightly tougher and mounted on firebase foundations.

the Stryker Combat Vehichle. The 5 versions in the picture are (Left to Right) the basic Stryker (awaiting upgrade), an Anti-Tank Turret, an APC (crew 6 +small turret), A gattling turret,and a Mortar Turret (AMOS). All versions can carry 2 infantry, while the APC carries 6.

The stryker completely replaces the MCV and the Artillary tank. Airforce now has only the Stryker and humvee type units.

The AC-150 Gunship.... This unit is currently in the last stages of development while I get some bugs out of it. It has turrets mounted under base of the wings, allowing it to fire cannons down on the enemy in the same fasion as the Spectre Gunship. When finished it is expected to be a highly effective border patrol unit.

With these units, AirForce has also been getting some price rebalancing.

Ummm thats not true, the fastest unit usaly goes ahed.

so i'm not the only one that seen it :p

You guys are right. What I saw the other day was the path finding getting hung up on the group, this forced them all to go one speed, it happens alot with large groups. But I think the older CnC games, maby RA, had the "move togeather" AI for groups. I do rememeber the F button in RA1. It locked them into a formation, very handy... a feature I miss sometimes.

That aside, the Spider Locomotor is still a 45. and should easily be outpacing most Robot units.

Edited by Pendaelose, 24 June 2006 - 07:26 AM.

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#704 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 24 June 2006 - 08:00 AM

just alittle thing
i think spider varients are so much cooler than the mechs for robot general. mechs seem oveerpowever and unrealistic. yay spiders :p

#705 Phoenix911


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Posted 24 June 2006 - 11:12 AM

just alittle thing
i think spider varients are so much cooler than the mechs for robot general. mechs seem oveerpowever and unrealistic. yay spiders :p

The spider is a mech.. and u ovuosly are bias'd
Mechs can easyly be takend down in the right fastion.

The us airforce fence looks cool But... firebases take up soo much space and on some of the smaller maps they can not be used effectivly so i am kinda sceptical about that idea, But looks cool ^_^ (i hope teh artil firebase has a good range, and can fire behind other defence)

Stryker vehical loks great :p

AC150 Is sweet i glad i suggested age ago a gunship type aircreft.
BUT u say good for boraded patrol?
Is this all u want it to be used for? If so then damn :( I would love to use it to bombard the enemy base sometimes. How heavly armor'd is it?
If it is borader patrol then it should be fairly heavy right?
Because the amount of AA the enemy sends would rip it apart if it was not heavy.
Hopfuly it will be good in both area patrol and attaulting base's.

Airforce plains are still alot cheeper right? As u know your self fightin human players it was always unfair as your aircraft was expensive and the other teams would just spam AA criping your money and power.
So they still alot cheeper now right? to combat that balance problems fighting HUMAN players

Hehee i knew i was not the only one to notice the move together thign never happened, Pend there is a butten to lock your units into formation in generals ZH i pretty sure i used it before... BUT it aint that amazinly usful as the units sometimes lose formation cos of the land layout and then they never get back in it or anything.

CTRL+F = Makes the currently selected group stay in there current formation. (not amazing tho)

GUESTS please please GEt a damn Accont >.< i hate the unknows its rude :grin:

Edited by Phoenix911, 24 June 2006 - 11:13 AM.

Phoenix™ The Forgotten Samurai
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#706 Logical2u

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Posted 24 June 2006 - 11:56 AM

Nice stuff Pendalose! Firebase stylised defenses are actually "Just what the Doctor Ordered" I guess, since Airforce has no specialties with his defenses and weaker drones, leaving him to rely on planes and inf, true.

The stryker looks surprisingly well done, and it doesn't look at all like the Chinese troop crawler: Excellent!

And the AC-150 looks sweet: A buildable Spectre-type gunship? Muhhahahaha!

Looking forward to it all.

#707 wolfshadow


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Posted 24 June 2006 - 01:57 PM

Very nice. Like the AC-150. The Stryker kicks some serious butt. Can infantry fire out of it? (Especially the APC variant)
I like the firebase defences. Adds some flexibility to the defence line for Air Force.

Good job~!

#708 Pendaelose


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Posted 24 June 2006 - 04:35 PM

The us airforce fence looks cool But... firebases take up soo much space and on some of the smaller maps they can not be used effectivly so i am kinda sceptical about that idea, But looks cool :rolleyes: (i hope teh artil firebase has a good range, and can fire behind other defence)

Yes, the artillery can fire over other structures. Infact, if you spot ANY artillery that can't let me know. Also, the fact that the base defenses are tougher and hold infantry makes them much more useful. With airforce I had gotten to the point where I stopped building the turres all togeather and relyed only on the much stronger infantry for defense.

AC150 Is sweet i glad i suggested age ago a gunship type aircreft.
BUT u say good for boraded patrol?
Is this all u want it to be used for? If so then damn :( I would love to use it to bombard the enemy base sometimes. How heavly armor'd is it?
If it is borader patrol then it should be fairly heavy right?

It does fantastic damage, but its has a huge amount of ammo and stays in an area a very long time. this is why its best for base defense and border patrol. If you send it to an enemy base it will hand around and get shot at for a long time and will die.

It does have fantastic armor for an aircraft, but its not incincible.

So they still alot cheeper now right? to combat that balance problems fighting HUMAN players

Small aircraft are MUCH cheeper, comprable to enemy tank costs, but the large planes are still very expensive. This is to encourage using both normal and hvy airfields

CTRL+F = Makes the currently selected group stay in there current formation. (not amazing tho)

sweet... I didn't know that. I'll have to check it out.

Very nice. Like the AC-150. The Stryker kicks some serious butt. Can infantry fire out of it? (Especially the APC variant)
I like the firebase defences. Adds some flexibility to the defence line for Air Force.

Infantry can fire out of every varient. Only the blank chassis lacks troop carrying.
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Between now and the next polished release there should be very little new art work done. Instead the focus is on designing, testing, and fixing. the mod has always been so close to finished that its nearly criminal. I'd love to see this through to the end with a real community effort.

#709 Gredinus


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Posted 24 June 2006 - 06:51 PM

I found a bug, spider mechs can be taken out by jarmen kell.

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#710 Pendaelose


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Posted 24 June 2006 - 07:03 PM

I found a bug, spider mechs can be taken out by jarmen kell.

good one. will fix
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Between now and the next polished release there should be very little new art work done. Instead the focus is on designing, testing, and fixing. the mod has always been so close to finished that its nearly criminal. I'd love to see this through to the end with a real community effort.

#711 Phoenix911


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Posted 24 June 2006 - 09:46 PM

Well pend as i love airforce gen soo much i am sure i'll find a way to put that AC150 to good use as i was the one that i beleave suggested a while back for a gunship :rolleyes:

glad to know bout costs on the aircraft too, i tend to use more small aircrafts than larger anyways... only time i switch to the more expensive is when i can get the F44?
I think its called can't remember
Phoenix™ The Forgotten Samurai
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#712 Pendaelose


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Posted 24 June 2006 - 09:56 PM

Well pend as i love airforce gen soo much i am sure i'll find a way to put that AC150 to good use as i was the one that i beleave suggested a while back for a gunship :rolleyes:

glad to know bout costs on the aircraft too, i tend to use more small aircrafts than larger anyways... only time i switch to the more expensive is when i can get the F44?
I think its called can't remember

F-44 Rapier. It also has had a huge cost cut, but is still much more expensive than the other small jets.

The AC-150 is still in development. I'm playing musical weapons trying to get both a look and a unit behavior that works in game. the latest load out is stonger overall, and better suited for attack, but I still think it excells at base defense.
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Between now and the next polished release there should be very little new art work done. Instead the focus is on designing, testing, and fixing. the mod has always been so close to finished that its nearly criminal. I'd love to see this through to the end with a real community effort.

#713 Pendaelose


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Posted 25 June 2006 - 08:02 AM

I've re-worked the beacon bomb... again.

It its less random now, and the planes spawn near your command center instead of the back of the enemy base.

I'm also reworking the B1 Lancer and the Cluster Tomahawk launchers. Both now use a greatly improved grafic effect and are better balanced. I'm simply tweeking out the details now. Once I get a good screen shot of each going off I'll post it up.
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Between now and the next polished release there should be very little new art work done. Instead the focus is on designing, testing, and fixing. the mod has always been so close to finished that its nearly criminal. I'd love to see this through to the end with a real community effort.

#714 olli


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Posted 25 June 2006 - 09:24 AM

have you started work on the GLA, cause i have some ideas.
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#715 Phoenix911


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Posted 25 June 2006 - 09:33 AM

How fasts the b1 lancer as that is a very fast and actuly very agile bomber?
I always thought it was SLOW in game maybe thats just me. Hoping it willl be faster.

Is the gunship going to be circleling like the spector does or is it gonna fly diff?
Maybe u could make if (if is possable) It fly in a figer of 8 rather than just one circle, maybe give it a nice cover area not too big but not too small this willl make it fill your boarder patrol aircraft roll better. (i still gonna hope its good on attack too :umad: i'll find away lol)

Yer i love that f-44 thats my devil of the skys ;) hehehe
Phoenix™ The Forgotten Samurai
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#716 wolfshadow


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Posted 26 June 2006 - 04:28 AM

I like the figure 8 idea, or a racetrack (oval) rather than a circle.

#717 Pendaelose


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Posted 26 June 2006 - 05:13 AM

I've not started GLA yet. But at the rate I've been moving the last several days it should take forever anymore. I've done more in the last 2 weeks than in the last 3 months.

The AC150 doesn't really use a set flight pattern the way the Spectre did. It circles around in loops, 8s, squiggles, any angle that will get it closer to the "current" target... being that it kills fast, it spends alot of time turning and circling back... Almost a figure 8, but not set in stone.

The B1 is much faster than the other bombers. And it gainst the impulse engines upgrade too.
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Between now and the next polished release there should be very little new art work done. Instead the focus is on designing, testing, and fixing. the mod has always been so close to finished that its nearly criminal. I'd love to see this through to the end with a real community effort.

#718 Phoenix911


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Posted 26 June 2006 - 11:43 AM

I've not started GLA yet. But at the rate I've been moving the last several days it should take forever anymore. I've done more in the last 2 weeks than in the last 3 months.

The AC150 doesn't really use a set flight pattern the way the Spectre did. It circles around in loops, 8s, squiggles, any angle that will get it closer to the "current" target... being that it kills fast, it spends alot of time turning and circling back... Almost a figure 8, but not set in stone.

The B1 is much faster than the other bombers. And it gainst the impulse engines upgrade too.

ok pend sounds good, But what about when there is n target wat is it idal patten like? dose it have a good cover area?
And are the tech level 2 or 3?
Do you need to be rank 3 or 5?
hopfuly its only tech 2.

great b1b i used more than the b2's :p
so knowing there fast is great.
Phoenix™ The Forgotten Samurai
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#719 Pendaelose


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Posted 26 June 2006 - 01:15 PM

ok pend sounds good, But what about when there is n target wat is it idal patten like? dose it have a good cover area?
And are the tech level 2 or 3?
Do you need to be rank 3 or 5?
hopfuly its only tech 2.

great b1b i used more than the b2's :p
so knowing there fast is great.

It has a normal JetAIupdate. When idle it just flies in circles near where ever it wants to stay. It does have a pretty good gaurd radius.

It requires a TechAirfield right now. Depending on how it plays when the final balancing is done it might drop back down to just requiring a strategy center.
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Between now and the next polished release there should be very little new art work done. Instead the focus is on designing, testing, and fixing. the mod has always been so close to finished that its nearly criminal. I'd love to see this through to the end with a real community effort.

#720 Capt.Drake


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Posted 26 June 2006 - 04:44 PM

Teachers must have something sadistic!
They gave us so much work I couldn't even find time to post in here! Since my last check, what has happend to much! remix and Contra are getting better each day!
Pend awsome work like always! Pls don't forget the Medic Pend!
And keep up with awsome stuff like the updates in the past days

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