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Remix Escalation Suggestion

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#841 Pendaelose


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Posted 17 July 2006 - 10:09 AM

i told u pend. I was using tank general. There is no way of not getting a serious or mismatch error when i play tanks.
Now the last few days i've been using sw gen the game became more interesting :lol:

was there a specific time you would get mismatches? After lightning tanks? or after any certain unit?
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#842 Phoenix911


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Posted 17 July 2006 - 10:37 AM

I think that USAF needs an upgrade with it's choppers, cause I think the best chopper that is in game now is a cyber commanche with the antitank rocket, in a big group these guys just go harvesting a tank colum, I think USAF needs sth like a long range anti tank chopper and a chopper with abilities to shoot down other choopers, but not jets and a chopper to go out kicking the infantry, ok the combat chinook does most of the stuff, but it can get stealth and I think it diesn't surive so long on the field, it's ok, but sth else would be a good addition!

I don't think we need to all thos halos, all attack choppers in real life always have som cannon/mg or high calaiber gun capable of killing infantry, and they always have missiles or rockets that can take out armored vehicals.

What we need is a late game halo, the commanches should be avaliable from start of game. When u get to tech level 2 then u gain the ablity to build the heavy halos, theses would do more damage and have more armor, maybe longer ranger. Should be able to shoot down airunits like the helix can.
(i never worked out how an old halo could shoot air units while an advance combat halo could not? makes no sence)

A second opsion i was thinking off was to make an Advance commanchi upgrade, when u get to tech level 2 u can upgrade it at the airfield. Make the advance commanchi be a diff chopper model based around the commanchi, once upgrade'd all commanchis change to this look and all commanchis built will now be advance commanchis.
This coudl also effect the general power of the commanchi spawn, once u have upgraded this the generals power could then change to deply these advance ones instead of the standard.
Late in game i think this general power is usless, as it is a weak group of commanchis that die to fast and why waste points in them when i can build my own faster from a number of airfilds.
also why use a generals power that will last only 2 mins before being owned by AA, i could use other aircrafts more effectivly from my airfields. So basicly if this upgrade did change this generals power aswell then it would be much more useful.

And the combat chinnock is very usful capt if used right.
Altho i would really love to see the MH53 pave low helo in this for the Airforce gen.
Hell u could even give the emp chinnok to the sw gen as it seems more fitting as they always use emp weapons. And change all the chinnoks for the airforce gen to these beautiful choppers.
I know it really aint much of an idea but the airforce gen specilicing(sp) in air u would think would use all the best air stuff.
And well this halo PWNS the chinnok hands down.

i vote the chinnoks be changed to the pave low and give the emp chinnok to the sw gen. (emp suits them)
the pavelow could have side mounted mg so the halo has to be facing side onto a target to fire it, one minigun on each side. could make a small one at frount i guess but it more for transpoot getting supplys and if it does replace all the chinnoks then it would be a combat halo like the combat chinnok.
Maybe 2 models of the pavelow, 1 normaly pavelow that can get supplys carry units and stuff.
and 1 that has the bunkers sides like the combat chinnoks has for being a combat pavelow :lol: lol

I know it aint much of an idea but still that airforce gen would in thoery use the best airunits and the pavelow is the most advance trasport/resupply/troop assult halos the us airforce has and said to be the most advance halo of it kind in the world.
Pretty sure granger would use this.

Some pictures just because this halo is so Hot!!.
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Side mounted miniguns woot for gunner;)
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Phoenix™ The Forgotten Samurai
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#843 Pendaelose


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Posted 17 July 2006 - 10:56 AM

well, some tech problems on that chopper that might break your heart... I have a down loaded model of that chopper.... but the model sucks. Also Door mounted weapons arn't possible in the ZH engine. There are only Turrets (360) and forward mounted weapons. Weapons can be given a firing delta, but it only applys an arc to the front of the weapon and cannot be restricted to one side or the other. While a Chinook replacment would be pretty, it would be asthetic only and would change the gameplay little or none.

I'm looking at adding 2 late game Helos. A stand off rocket helo like Robot's Comanche after upgrade, and a close assault helo similare to the KA-70 for flame general. They won't LOOK like the comanche or KA-70, they will just be used similare.

Depending on the weapons given, one of the new choppers might have some AA abilities.

An AirForce upgrade pack for the Comanche might be possible too. Maby more ammo... maby better guns... lots of options out there. I'll look into it. Depending on the upgrade it might just be flat added to the unit or available as a mid-late game upgrade.

Also, I'm looking at 2 new general's powers for AirForce General. We'll see what happens there. I'll play test them and if they make the cut they'll likely be in the next WIP.
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Between now and the next polished release there should be very little new art work done. Instead the focus is on designing, testing, and fixing. the mod has always been so close to finished that its nearly criminal. I'd love to see this through to the end with a real community effort.

#844 alpha86


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Posted 18 July 2006 - 09:31 AM

Okay, this idea i think is taken from another mod i've played (can't remember the name) but what about like a helipad. Just for the creation of choppers and its upgrades with respective escaliation upgrades. For one it'd give maybe a bit more leway for tournament mode..

also why use a generals power that will last only 2 mins before being owned by AA, i could use other aircrafts more effectivly from my airfields. So basicly if this upgrade did change this generals power aswell then it would be much more useful.

Actaully, I've found this effective. even if you just use one point on the choppers, it gives you time to target things... for instance, i usually build a tonne of aircraft, group them and then unload a chopper in the middle of the enemy base. Then start targetting primary structures.. doesnt always work, but for the most part it does. A second option is, use them as guardians of your base defenses. after all they do have a longer sight range.. i think. Or my third and favourite option, just keep them over your command center... and after a plane assult (like described in option 1) use the commanches as a second wave... minimal rebuild time for the enemy and i usually find that I can rip great big holes in their base, sometimes even destory it completely :p

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#845 Capt.Drake


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Posted 18 July 2006 - 01:05 PM

Yeah, the Commanches have their uses, but in my thoughts they are just scouts, only biggggggggggg numbers are really effective, so there should be some better ones

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#846 Phoenix911


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Posted 18 July 2006 - 05:39 PM

i never said they was usless but they are a rank 3+ generals power and by that time u have better aircrafts more fitting for the tasks at hand.
and besides if your are the airforce gen u can build commanchis out your ass as u have so meny airfields.
There is no need for them, use aruoas to take out aa and then follow up with bombers like the b1/b2 (they can take nice amounts of damage.)
and the b52 is very nice at taking out defence aswell.
At start of game they maybe usful as u have only basic planes but as i said imo late in game them weak ass commanchis are a waste of skill points and time, as all it does is help them gain kills and rank up there gen power bar.

Personly i rather that gen skil be replaced by something. (idk what but i may try and think of something) Or simply make them deply better halos that can last longer.

As i said waste of time, u have better aircrafts and better means of taking out the enemys base, even with the planes having to come back and rearm, if u attack right with bombers after your aruroas have delt with the aa u can criple them long enough to rearm and get back for another run.
Phoenix™ The Forgotten Samurai
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#847 Capt.Drake


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Posted 18 July 2006 - 07:11 PM

Still there is sth that planes really suck in DroneController Hunting! Pend is sth possible that Raptors would only hunt ground, like the only air guard mode?

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#848 Gredinus


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Posted 18 July 2006 - 09:13 PM

Or that aa would ignore drones.

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#849 Ubermedic


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Posted 18 July 2006 - 10:11 PM

I like the idea of changing the ZH helis...
With the extreme evolution remix has put ZH though
but maybe if you could upgrade your commanches
on a per-heli basis.
(I.E. Anti-Tank upgrade - Powerful Anti- Armor missles
Anti-Infantry Upgrade - Powerful .50 cal MG
Anti-Air Upgrade - Commanche gains XM/AA Missles*)

*XM/AA missles are Mutiple Aircraft Homing Missles
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#850 Pendaelose


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Posted 19 July 2006 - 12:21 AM

i never said they was usless but they are a rank 3+ generals power and by that time u have better aircrafts more fitting for the tasks at hand.
and besides if your are the airforce gen u can build commanchis out your ass as u have so meny airfields.
There is no need for them, use aruoas to take out aa and then follow up with bombers like the b1/b2 (they can take nice amounts of damage.)
and the b52 is very nice at taking out defence aswell.
At start of game they maybe usful as u have only basic planes but as i said imo late in game them weak ass commanchis are a waste of skill points and time, as all it does is help them gain kills and rank up there gen power bar.

Personly i rather that gen skil be replaced by something. (idk what but i may try and think of something) Or simply make them deply better halos that can last longer.

As i said waste of time, u have better aircrafts and better means of taking out the enemys base, even with the planes having to come back and rearm, if u attack right with bombers after your aruroas have delt with the aa u can criple them long enough to rearm and get back for another run.

To me its kinda odd you feel that way. The commanche drop is one of my favored skills for Airforce general. I never use it agressivly, I use them for base defense and resource harrasing.

I'm not going to remove/replace the power, but I am going to add atleast 2 new powers. I am looking at more powerful chopper options including both new choppers and ugrades for the comanche

Still there is sth that planes really suck in DroneController Hunting! Pend is sth possible that Raptors would only hunt ground, like the only air guard mode?

I don't think a ground only mode exsists in the engine to use. I could double check though. If its possible that would be a button worth investing in.

Or that aa would ignore drones.

saddly not possible. Drones are either targetable, or not targetable. If they become not targetable they will never be attacked and become invincible... obvious balance problem there. The ZH engine has almost no ability to show prefence in target types.

I like the idea of changing the ZH helis...
With the extreme evolution remix has put ZH though
but maybe if you could upgrade your commanches
on a per-heli basis.
(I.E. Anti-Tank upgrade - Powerful Anti- Armor missles
Anti-Infantry Upgrade - Powerful .50 cal MG
Anti-Air Upgrade - Commanche gains XM/AA Missles*)

*XM/AA missles are Mutiple Aircraft Homing Missles

Robot has the anti-tank upgrade exactly like that.

Expanding those upgrades to the AirF comanches is an option, but it also might become a dead issue once new choppers are entered into service.
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Between now and the next polished release there should be very little new art work done. Instead the focus is on designing, testing, and fixing. the mod has always been so close to finished that its nearly criminal. I'd love to see this through to the end with a real community effort.

#851 Phoenix911


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Posted 19 July 2006 - 12:24 AM

I like the idea of changing the ZH helis...
With the extreme evolution remix has put ZH though
but maybe if you could upgrade your commanches
on a per-heli basis.
(I.E. Anti-Tank upgrade - Powerful Anti- Armor missles
Anti-Infantry Upgrade - Powerful .50 cal MG
Anti-Air Upgrade - Commanche gains XM/AA Missles*)

*XM/AA missles are Mutiple Aircraft Homing Missles

nice idea altho i rather not spend my times upgrading my helo individulay.

Hey pend maybe u could remove that 3 levle commanchi gen power out and replace it with some powers like the tank general has.

Ie: u start with the standard commanchi, when u hit rank 3 u get first level upgrade or a new halo.
If you do upgrades then u would gain say more armor, then 2nd level more speed and attack power, or more attack power and range. On 3rd level upgraded countermeasures.

Or u could make it so every extra level unlocks a new helo type.
Like uggested u could make a recon, anti infantry and anti armor commanchi veriants.
Recon could be standard light armor and have both light missiles and mg.
Anti infantry could have a little more armor, but would lose its light missiles and where the missles would be they would get wingtip MG's
Anti armor would be same as infantry apart from the nose cannon could be changed to a laser desginator that makes the missles more accurat fire faster(maybe) and also ecm protection vehicals could not jam the missles (if possable)

Anti air imo aint needed as u have anti air planes already that would be much more effective than a halo

First level new anti infantry veriant, second level anti armor veriant third level could unlock a new halo all together something evil. capabale of doing anti infantry armor and light aa. heavly arm'd/armored but relativly slower than the anti infantry and anti tank.

O and a new idea, someone said maybe u could add a helo pad for the airforce gen, wellll i got a sweet idea. (imo) :)

Add a helo pad that has 2 land pads and a control tower in center, Only airforce gen can build them.
All halos are built from this building but the other airfields can all build teh standard weak commanchi, this would be mainly for the advance halos/veriants.
But it can also build Harriers, They would land on these pads and take of verticly and then attack a target with rockets (strafing 1 or 2 times) then coming back to rearm.

here is a simply little crap paint picture to give u general idea cos i am not great at saying how i think thing should look.
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Phoenix™ The Forgotten Samurai
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#852 Bozopof

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Posted 19 July 2006 - 12:35 AM

well I really think USA should have some chopers... and cluster-mine aircrafts.

#853 Pendaelose


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Posted 19 July 2006 - 01:18 AM

Hey pend maybe u could remove that 3 levle commanchi gen power out and replace it with some powers like the tank general has.

Well, I'm not going to remove the power, but I do think the tech tree option is interesting. I'll give that some consideration as a power option.

On a whole, because of AirF general's very percarious nature, especialy in PvP, he should have more powers that can be used to attack. He should have more options for breaking enemy AA or dropping power.

Where AirF stands right now he has only one EMPTY column. also, I think its silly that the specter gunship uses 3 slots, I'm going to make it so 1 point buys the rank3 specter and skip ranks 1 and 2. and finaly Emergency repair I don't think fits the AirF general style and can be removed.

This makes 2 empty columns and a partial.

The first one will be used for the 3 levels of Aurora Strike I'm going to make. Very much like the A10 strike. Less damage, more area, can't be shot down. At rank 5 a lvl 4 aurora strike will be available and will have several more planes hit the area in waves. The Aurora strike was originaly in the works as a Rank5 power only, but the swarn of auroras makes it much too choice for a 4 step power.

The second column could be used to make a helo tech tree. I would use all 3 slots to make a varety of helos. I like the prospects of an Anti-Tank an Anti-Infantry for Rank1 specilized helos. Rank2 could be a heavy, versitle, close range attack chopper, and Rank3 would be the stand off (LRM) chopper.

Leaflet drop is going to be replaced. I'm working on a "Carrier Support" power for Rank 5. The details are still in the works, but it will have alot in common with the single player campeign carrier in function. A side bar icon will select it and it will launch a swarm of fighters from off the edge of the map.

I have 1 last idea for power changes... IF I can get it to work the way I want... I'm thinking of a THREE specter gunship power to replace the shockwave bomb. Reason being the Shockwave/Moab bomb is kinda redundant after the player can build the Moab bombers. A Multi specter attack would be called in, they come in and each fly thier own circles and auto target (as oposed to manualy targeted) I think it would be pretty defestating and would give a nice "new" flavor. With that also, the MOAB bomber would have its pre-reqs adjusted.

O and a new idea, someone said maybe u could add a helo pad for the airforce gen, wellll i got a sweet idea. (imo) :)

Add a helo pad that has 2 land pads and a control tower in center, Only airforce gen can build them.
All halos are built from this building but the other airfields can all build teh standard weak commanchi, this would be mainly for the advance halos/veriants.
But it can also build Harriers, They would land on these pads and take of verticly and then attack a target with rockets (strafing 1 or 2 times) then coming back to rearm.

This has been suggested a couple times and is a pretty good option. The only think I would change is the Harriers... no go. there are much newer VTOL aircraft already in generals, (F22 and JSF) and they don't use the VTOL. And its not just a game glitch. In real life, VTOL jets only VTOL when the need too. If a landing strip is available they use it. VTOL is dangerous (intake has a fatal habbit of sucking exaust) and is only used in nescesity.

Instad of hariers , I think Orcas would be cool... they could even be used as the Rank 2 and 3 helos. Huge fire power and helo hovering abilities, but they have to reload like a jet.

Also, It could be setup as a square. 1 helo pad and 3 orca pads circling one control tower.
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#854 Phoenix911


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Posted 19 July 2006 - 01:31 AM

Sound good pend, i really like teh idea of 3 spectors on auto target.(i'm guessing they would be AC150) not the default lame thing)
I said harriers tho as the f22 and jsf is already in game being used. Btw why say f22? thats not a svtol/vtol.
Also this is a game we not care about realisem in the sence that they use runways more often :)
it was just to make helopads seem more cooler, also another reason they tend to use svtol is because vtol use too much fuel on take off and can not carry a full load.

The jsf tho is alot more safer and has a built in safty computer that will let the pilot take his hands of the controls whol in hover and the plan would automaticly level out and hover till pilot feels ready to take the control again.
Also on the jsf they are adding a laser target system to target there carriers to feed info back to the plan on distance and everything,they also our/was trying to make this same system be able to land the jet itself. (idk if that was ever completed)

anyways lol.
orcas would be nice. maybe make orcas and orca bombers. orcas could be the normal sort of halo type and bomber has to land to rearm?
Phoenix™ The Forgotten Samurai
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#855 Gredinus


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Posted 19 July 2006 - 09:04 AM

If you destory the drone controler the drones die, so they wouldnt be invincible.

Ou and if you need a unique heli, i have one. Dolphin.jpg

Edited by Gredinus, 19 July 2006 - 09:22 AM.

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#856 Phoenix911


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Posted 19 July 2006 - 11:38 AM

I personly don't like that halo model.... but i am sure others will.
Phoenix™ The Forgotten Samurai
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#857 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 19 July 2006 - 12:49 PM


Hmm... Maybe with that specter strike some special Air superiority fighters
Could fly in with the specters. To protect them from Air threats.

#858 Pendaelose


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Posted 19 July 2006 - 02:35 PM

If you destory the drone controler the drones die, so they wouldnt be invincible.

Except that sometimes the AI will send the drones on a target and leave the controler behind. If invincible drones are in your base attacking you and the controler is 1 of 30 in the enemy base how will destroy it?

Ou and if you need a unique heli, i have one. Dolphin.jpg

Its definitly unique. I've kinda got mixed fealings on it... I don't love it, but it is well modeled and it will likely look good in game. I thnk Pheonix said it very well... not my thing, but I'm sure somebody will love it. so I'll give it a try. I might edit it a little as I often do. small stuff probably only I would notice because I obsess over tiny details. Like weapon mounts on the bottom that no one will ever see :) but they need to be there to make me happy!

Gred, play around with it and make a few altered versions. I'm sure atleast one varient will have the small changes it needs... I'm not sure what they are yet, but it needs something... for 1, you should remove the propeller blades and replace them with the animated fan from the building tops or a plane propeller. Also try playing around with the sise of the front fan mounts... maby bigger fans and thiner gaurds around them... you'll think of stuff to change. maby try making a varient that more resembles the C&C Orca. I'll have use for one of those as well.

If all the versions look good then I might use them all, or pick the one best to use as a base and make my own edits... I dunno. The one you've got shown is good enough to use, I'd just like to see something changed on it... I just don't know what.

Also, the USA skin on it looks 1000 times better than the original CAS skin you had.
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#859 Phoenix911


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Posted 19 July 2006 - 02:55 PM

I loved the orca style they was sweet and when halo cam out with the pelicon dropship i was like OMG sooo coool lol.

but anyways.
My reasons for not really like the model.

1) too dark skin does not really show the details or anythign much.
it would be nice if there was some form od look that make it look like it could move around. tMaybe should make it a light/darkish gray?

2) the rear rotor should be set back just a tiny bit back and the frount ones the same this will let you have space for weapons mountings on he wings.
I personly don't think u have a rotor infrount of the weapons, missils rockets when they go off could damage them. imo they would be outta the way.

3) I'd really like to see the frount rotors have somethign done to them to make them look liek they tilt back and forward and such to make it look like it can manover(sp) Right now all it loks liek is it would go up and down. It does not seem to have any forword thrust.
Thing of a helocoptors rotor blade system when it wats to move forword the rotors til forward a little aiming the downforce back some.
Thats what this need to do on the frount engins.

4) the canopi/cockpit i don't like idk why i just don't like it. Maybe it because the wing is forwad of the rear seat making him have limated view, this would make this gunship kinda have a weakness, anything attacking from below they can't see.

Maybe u could make the center rotor a little more smaller and put 2 smal rotors in the back wings. I personly don't know how that would look probley really bad but idk.

The concept is nice tho, just some small changes need doing imo for me to like. but as i said i am sure some ppl will love it.
Phoenix™ The Forgotten Samurai
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#860 Gredinus


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  •  GLA Guru

Posted 19 July 2006 - 03:36 PM

Ou the skin only looks dark becose i mesed up the light when i renderd it, it uses the comanche skin (org). it still isnt finnished so hang on it.

And this model vas original ment as a transport, that why it has the rotors there, altrugh the whole comanche is under a rotor so it wouldnt disturb the weapons.

Ummm thats why it has the wings back there.

Image it has cameras back there.

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