I like the idea for the Littlebird!i dont really like it because that would make level 3 troops way 2 strong(5 of these units could kick alot of ass)so guys what about changing the whole RANK system ?
the rank systems just shows that they r experienced not superman
experienced people r good at what they do but they r not able 2 way better than when they r not experienced maybe a little but not alot.
is the LITTLE BIRD going 2 be in remix 3 because if it is i think it needs something 2 defend itself
i was think
a LMG in the beginng
a Rocket upgrade later
i also dont think calling in A10s is a good idea
i was thinking
a boutton 2 switch between rockets and artillary becan(artillary becans can be fired at the same range as the missile)
And I want to say sth about expericence in real life!
Very expierienced soldiers normally surive in battle longer, cause the have a feeling what could happen and so on My Granddad said that he could hear bullets coming, of corse you can't but compared to fresh units experienced soldiers have an advacement, maybe not sth like superman, but still recognizable.
And pls stop with the spy idea I don't like it!!!!!!!!
And Flame has no nuclear device, just the thermobical mixture!