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#41 Lauri


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Posted 18 June 2007 - 12:07 PM

hehe, the King won't have them :D

But I might make a power out of them.... :xcahik_:


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#42 MorrisB


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Posted 18 June 2007 - 12:29 PM

Maybe the last spell in the Gondorian "spellbook" could be the "Reunited Kingdoms", which summons a smaller army of men from Arnor.

Aaanyway, Lauri... have you noticed these:

- Burning Sun -

Side: Harad

Effect: The sun begins to shine with great power, distracting (stunning) enemy units on the entire map.

- Land of Ashes -

Side: Rhun

Effect: In the selected area, the ground becomes dark and rocky, the plants rot; all enemy units lose their Leadership bonuses, and, furthermore, their movement AND attack speed will be reduced by 25%

- Summon the Ents of Fangorn -

Side: Rohan

Effect: Summons 4 Ents from Fangorn forest.

- Corrupted Souls -

Side: Rhun

Effect: Gurthgul and other Wraiths of Khoragon gain +20% damage and +20% armor (passive)

- Dwarven Equipment -

Side: Rohan

Effect: units gain +20% damage (passive)

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"Well, I can't argue with that - modding IS hard. But what would have become of games like Starcraft, Warcraft 3, Dungeon Siege, Half-Life 1-2, Neverwinter Nights and BfME 1-2 if we, modders, weren't there ? They would have long been forgotten. Modding is hard, but it's an honorable thing." - MorrisB

#43 Lauri


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Posted 18 June 2007 - 04:38 PM

oh, I don't think that it will be a last power ;)

Anyways, yeah, I've noticed them... but it was when I just got my new laptop, so I didn't comment on them :)

- Burning Sun -

Side: Harad

Effect: The sun begins to shine with great power, distracting (stunning) enemy units on the entire map.

Hehe, I like this one... :D

- Land of Ashes -

Side: Rhun

Effect: In the selected area, the ground becomes dark and rocky, the plants rot; all enemy units lose their Leadership bonuses, and, furthermore, their movement AND attack speed will be reduced by 25%

Hm, besides the fact that Rhûn isn't a land of ashes, I don't think it would fit them very well....

- Summon the Ents of Fangorn -

Side: Rohan

Effect: Summons 4 Ents from Fangorn forest.

The ents will maybe be in, haven't really decided yet :)

- Corrupted Souls -

Side: Rhun

Effect: Gurthgul and other Wraiths of Khoragon gain +20% damage and +20% armor (passive)

nah... You can only summon the wraiths, so the power would mostly go to Gurthgul only, and... he's not Aragorn or Gandalf if you get me ;)

- Dwarven Equipment -

Side: Rohan

Effect: units gain +20% damage (passive)

Well, no.. They don't all get dwarven stuff, only a few do..


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#44 MorrisB


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Posted 18 June 2007 - 05:17 PM

Anyways, yeah, I've noticed them... but it was when I just got my new laptop, so I didn't comment on them :)

This explains much :D

- Dwarven Equipment -
Only a few do, eh ? Well, what if these would get some bonus to armor and damage by this power, then ? Like the Dwarven Warriors (they don't have any upgrade apart from "Banner Carrier" anyway) and maybe the Men of Eastfold (so Rohan's ONLY spearman unit would gain a small but important boost).


SPECIAL NOTE 1: Well, I have many, MANY ideas for powers, but there's a little problem: most of them are based on powers from BfME 2 - while this mod is based on BfME 1, right ? I don't really know the maximum possibilities of power-creating in BfME 1.

I also would like to see a "summon-one-single-but-very-strong-unit" -type power (like "Summon Balrog"), but I don't really want to bring the Balrog into this mod ;)

Is it possible to make powers similar to the ones in BfME 2 ? I won't make new power-suggies until answer arrives. Hope you understand. I don't want to suggest something what is impossible to make.

SPECIAL NOTE 2: Maybe there could be a (few) new ring(s), forged by Khoragon or such. I know this would make the story even more complicated, but hey, it's "Lord of the RINGS" universe, isn't it ?

And therefore there could be powers based on these rings. And maybe even a few Ringwraiths (not the nine fallen kings, these would be new ones, maybe Khoragon's personal servants) ?

...okay, it was a weird idea, but I couldn't hold myself back :)
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"Well, I can't argue with that - modding IS hard. But what would have become of games like Starcraft, Warcraft 3, Dungeon Siege, Half-Life 1-2, Neverwinter Nights and BfME 1-2 if we, modders, weren't there ? They would have long been forgotten. Modding is hard, but it's an honorable thing." - MorrisB

#45 Lauri


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Posted 18 June 2007 - 05:47 PM

hehe :) You think +20% damage is an important boost? :D But seriously though, I'd rather have another power for such a boost... besides, I think that the Horns of the Rohirrim will do better ;) I plan on having it's radius larger than the default ones for such things... And the dwarves will have more upgrades methinks ;) Atleast heavy armor...

SPECIAL NOTE 1; Hehe, they didn't make a completely new game, they just added features ;) Most of BFME2's things can be done in BFMF1, so yeah, sugg away ;)

SPECIAL NOTE 2: No. There is no reason for him to make rings really, and I don't think that they would do any good... after all, he just want's revenge on the West :) And those few Ringwraiths are practically the Wraiths of Khoragan ;)


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#46 MorrisB


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Posted 19 June 2007 - 08:36 AM

If you say so...


- Signal Fires -

Side: Rohan / Gondor

Effect: Places a special "tower" on the map in the selected area; units in a large radius around this "tower" will move much faster and gain +20% armpr. Once the "tower" is destroyed, the effect will be dispelled.

- Cursed Mist -

Side: Rhun

Effect: Summons a cloud of dark mist on the selected area of the map; units who try to pass trough this "mist" will lose 50% movement speed, 25% attack speed, 25% damage and 50% armor. Doesn't effect allied units.

- Chop the Forest -

Side: Rohan (!)

Effect: Trees in a selected area will be immediately cut down and will be converted into resources.

NOTE: yeah, I know it sounds strange at first, but hey, wood is an important material for the people of Rohan. Quite few people have stone houses. And besides, in these desperate times they need much wood to construct siege engines (catapults) and/or to reinforce villages and smaller fortresses.

- House of Healing -

Side: Gondor

Effect: All units gain the ability to slowly regenerate their wounds (passive)

- Metal Craft -

Side: Rhun

Effect: Increases the damage of melee combat units by +25% (does not affect Rhunic Spearmen and Wraiths of Khoragon)

- Gondorian Equipment -

Side: Harad (!)

Effect: Harondor Warriors and Harondor Hunters gain +20% damage and +20% armor (passive)

I hope they are good :p
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"Well, I can't argue with that - modding IS hard. But what would have become of games like Starcraft, Warcraft 3, Dungeon Siege, Half-Life 1-2, Neverwinter Nights and BfME 1-2 if we, modders, weren't there ? They would have long been forgotten. Modding is hard, but it's an honorable thing." - MorrisB

#47 Lauri


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Posted 19 June 2007 - 09:25 AM

hm... I like the Signal Fires and Cursed Mist... But I don't like Chop the Forest for reasons obvious :p

also, we have wells, so I don't think House of Healing is a good one, and the Metal Craft... I'd have to alter that one in many aspects :grin:
Gondorian Equipment... Again, two units for one power... no

keep 'em comming... I should probably think out a spellbook myself soon, and post it on the site, and then you could fill in the missing gaps, or maybe say better things :xcahik_:


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#48 MorrisB


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Posted 19 June 2007 - 11:18 AM

- Chop the Forest -
No, I don't really understand why you don't like it... think logically. Rohan needs wood for building houses, small fortresses, siege engines and to make polearm weapons (spears)... and they need it quickly because of the advancing Rhunic army...

keep 'em comming... I should probably think out a spellbook myself soon, and post it on the site, and then you could fill in the missing gaps, or maybe say better things :xcahik_:

That would help me much; I hope you finish it soon :p



- Ambush -

Side: Gondor

Effect: Units in an area become stealthed (invisible) for a short time.

- Sands of Harad -

Side: Harad

Effect: Turns the selected area into a rocky desert; the Haradrim are at home in the desert, but others lose leadership bonuses as well as 30% armor and 30% movement speed.

- Warg Cage -

Side: Rhun

Effect: Summons a special building with Wargs and a "trainer". Here you can train Wargs (single unit), and if the enemy comes too close, the "trainer" releases the Wargs...

- Hasharin -

Side: Rhun

Effect: Selected hero dies, no matter how strong it is.

NOTE: as far as I know, the "Hasharin" (or how it's spelled) are Rhunic assassins. Correct me if I'm wrong.

- Wrath of Aglarond -

Side: Rohan

Effect: Causes a smaller earthquake, damaging every unit and building in the area of effect (so it effects allied units and buildings, too)

- Commander -

Side: Gondor

Effect: Summons a Commander; it's a mounted unit, has great line of sight, has many HP, deals good damage, and provides a strong Leadership bonus.

- Scorched Ground -

Side: Harad

Effect: In the selected area, oil appears, then it begins to burn...

NOTE: idea from BfME 2, Corsairs of Umbar: Fire Bombs...

- The Sorcerer's Might -

Side: Rhun

Effect: Khoragon gains +400% armor, +400% damage, +50% attack speed, and his attack will have a small area of effect for a short time.


...so ?
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"Well, I can't argue with that - modding IS hard. But what would have become of games like Starcraft, Warcraft 3, Dungeon Siege, Half-Life 1-2, Neverwinter Nights and BfME 1-2 if we, modders, weren't there ? They would have long been forgotten. Modding is hard, but it's an honorable thing." - MorrisB

#49 Lauri


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Posted 19 June 2007 - 12:45 PM

Chop the Forest... Why would they need more wood when Rhun comes? Not to mention that Harad's at their doorstep when they notice that Rhûn is on the move ;) I don't see the point in chopping wood when they already have spears and citys and yeah, lots of wood... No need to chop more down ;) And IMO, this is kinda an Isengard power, cause I think of it mostly as an evil power...

Ambush... don't think it's possible... besides, only the Marksmen would really fit this ;) The other troops of Gondor would most likely never be hidden with their armor ;)

Sands of Harad... AFAIK, that ain't possible either... with the ground, turning to sand... I belive that it can only turn to the Scoured earth, Rohan's summon, and Elven allies...

Warg Cage.... No, I don't want buildings to float around ;)

Hasharin.... Harad! Harad ye nut! :p
They are the assasins of Harad, although I have no idea if they are Tolkien, or someone else's thinking... Anyways, no.. I don't want that kinda power ;)

Wrath of Aglarond.... nah, to unrealistic :xcahik_:

Commander.... nah to this too :grin: he'd probably be with his troops all the time ;)

Scorched Ground... again, that wouldn't do much good.... they can't get burned in BFME1 :grin: And personally, I don't like it too much... fire bombs.. :grin:

The Sorcerer's Might... hm.. *thinks silently, don't disturb... for a few hours..writing own spellbooks*


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#50 MorrisB


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Posted 19 June 2007 - 01:00 PM

...duh. My imagination weakens :p

*thinks silently, don't disturb... for a few hours..writing own spellbooks*

...huh ? Well, okay then :xcahik_:
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"Well, I can't argue with that - modding IS hard. But what would have become of games like Starcraft, Warcraft 3, Dungeon Siege, Half-Life 1-2, Neverwinter Nights and BfME 1-2 if we, modders, weren't there ? They would have long been forgotten. Modding is hard, but it's an honorable thing." - MorrisB

#51 Lauri


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Posted 19 June 2007 - 01:40 PM

hehe, dont' you worry about that :xcahik_:

I have loads of stuff to think about, and I've always wanted to think out my own spells and such :grin:
Thank'y very much for idea'ing me though :p


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#52 MorrisB


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Posted 19 June 2007 - 02:37 PM

I'm glad I could help you :xcahik_:

...but then my help isn't needed anymore, is it ?

Aww... :p
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"Well, I can't argue with that - modding IS hard. But what would have become of games like Starcraft, Warcraft 3, Dungeon Siege, Half-Life 1-2, Neverwinter Nights and BfME 1-2 if we, modders, weren't there ? They would have long been forgotten. Modding is hard, but it's an honorable thing." - MorrisB

#53 Lauri


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Posted 19 June 2007 - 03:35 PM

of course it is... I just said that it didn't really matter if your imagination is running out, cause you've made a huge amount of suggies :xcahik_: (some totally of the track, and some quite good.... :p)


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#54 MorrisB


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Posted 19 June 2007 - 09:33 PM

Well, true... but that's it ! I did everything I could and I have nothing left !

Units ?
Soldiers of Western Rhun, Men of Eastfold, Dwarven Catapult, Harandor Hunters...

Heroes ?
Amara, Kurok, Éohelm, Valranur...

Powers ?
<Too much to remember>

I think you know what I mean... you have what you needed (hopefully), so there's nothing else I could help you with, right ?

I fear I can't help this great mod too much anymore...
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"Well, I can't argue with that - modding IS hard. But what would have become of games like Starcraft, Warcraft 3, Dungeon Siege, Half-Life 1-2, Neverwinter Nights and BfME 1-2 if we, modders, weren't there ? They would have long been forgotten. Modding is hard, but it's an honorable thing." - MorrisB

#55 Lauri


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Posted 19 June 2007 - 09:56 PM

hehe, no worries :p

Units ?
Soldiers of Western Rhun, Men of Eastfold, Dwarven Catapult, Harandor Hunters...

yes, yes... many good choices here... although, I can tell you that I won't have a Dwarven Catapult, but more likely a Dwarven Ballista ;) Maybe, just maybe ;)
Oh, and I'm not sure yet about the Soldiers of Western Rhûn... I like their purpose and all, it's just... ah, I think I might have an idea... won't tell you though :blink: Gotta think about it for awhile... But I like the mod, and get them on gondor in some way ;)

Heroes ?
Amara, Kurok, Éohelm, Valranur...

Amara, the huntress, aye? I'm not too sure about her... I would like it more to be a male really :blink:
Kurok, the half-troll, yup
Èohelm... hehe, he's now Èoelm :dry:
Valranur.... He's going in as his troops no matter what ;) won't have him as a hero if I don't add his troops if you get me ;)

Powers ?
<Too much to remember>

hehe, damn right ;)

Still, it's been fun to acctually have someone to make suggestions, and I'm glad you've taken your time :p Still, I have loads of things to think about now that school is over, so yeah, thanks again :p I think I have what I need ;) So, unless you suddenly one day think about something very uniqe or such, remember this place ;)


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#56 MorrisB


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Posted 20 June 2007 - 06:56 AM

I DO have many extreme ideas, but most of them are from my own fallen mod, and they don't fit too much into this mod - even though my own mod takes place after Sauron's fall, just like yours ;)

Once again, I'm glad I could help to make this mod better ^_^

(But there's a little problem: now that you have what you needed, then this suggestion-topic doesn't have too much use now, does it ?)

So, unless you suddenly one day think about something very uniqe or such, remember this place ;)

I will, Lauri :sad2:

(<whispers> Mwehehe... another topic had been conquered ! And now, beware, "Wars of the East" ! I'm coming ! MWAAHAHAHaha-)

Umm... you didn't hear the last one, okay ?

:sad2: :p :lol:

See ya' !
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"Well, I can't argue with that - modding IS hard. But what would have become of games like Starcraft, Warcraft 3, Dungeon Siege, Half-Life 1-2, Neverwinter Nights and BfME 1-2 if we, modders, weren't there ? They would have long been forgotten. Modding is hard, but it's an honorable thing." - MorrisB

#57 Lauri


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Posted 20 June 2007 - 07:41 AM

it has it's use :lol: I have to re-read much of it :sad2:
And some day, I might need more ideas, and other people can suggest things that they would like to see ^_^ It's not like I'm going to shut out the other members because you've done a huge amount of thinking :sad2:

hehe, poor WotE :p


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#58 Eonwe


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Posted 27 June 2007 - 02:28 AM

Maybe for a Gondor power s summon Solders of western Rhun, or Summon Men of Arnor.

#59 MorrisB


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Posted 27 June 2007 - 11:45 AM

Lauri is already thinking about them. These had been mentioned earlier.
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"Well, I can't argue with that - modding IS hard. But what would have become of games like Starcraft, Warcraft 3, Dungeon Siege, Half-Life 1-2, Neverwinter Nights and BfME 1-2 if we, modders, weren't there ? They would have long been forgotten. Modding is hard, but it's an honorable thing." - MorrisB

#60 Lauri


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Posted 27 June 2007 - 12:46 PM

a Summon Men of Arnor will most likely be one of the spells in the mod :D
and maybe the Solders of Western Rhun, but Matias has very good reasons for not having them... I might wanna make them as first-strike units for Rhûn instead, and by first-strike, I mean heavy strike ;) (I hate the Axemen of Rhûn :xcahik_:)


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