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#21 MorrisB


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Posted 13 June 2007 - 03:22 PM

Okay, I'll be silent about Uruks/orcs/trolls then ;)

As for Rohan, alright, but imagine a Rohan VS Rohan match... it would be quite interesting... lots of cavalry, and no spearmen or real infantry.

Or think about a Rohan VS Gondor match. Gondorians slaughter the Rohirrim cavalry with Spearmen of Minas Tirith (or with Soldiers of Western Rhun :p ), then they send in their own cavalry... and there are the Rohirrim, without any counter-unit.

A Rohan VS Rhun match would be even worse.

So: SPEARMEN ARE NEEDED. I think we all agree in that. As for the Spear-throwing skill for Men of Eastfold... original and cool, but wouldn't help much. Rohan just needs a "regular" spearman unit.

It could be the "Men of Eastfold" battalion, surely, but only with spears, or with a weapon-toggle.

Oh well, I'll leave it to you :p




- Harandor Hunters -

Side: Gondor (!)

Role: Special ranged "ambush-unit"

Appearence: Haradrim men, wearing somehow combined haradrim/ithilien clothes, wielding javelins

Description: "After Sauron's fall, some tribes in Northern Harad who joined Sauron only because of fear welcomed the Gondorians as their saviors. Thanks to these tribes was Gondor able to expand its borders even within Harad, and so a relationship had developed between Gondor and these smaller Haradrim tribes. In this northern area of Harad, the Haradrim people kept their ancient rituals and culture yet became loyal allies of Gondor, and were even helping them quelling rebellions in Southern Harad. However, not long after the rise of King Selath, these northern tribes were betrayed by one of their closest neighbours, the "Desert Snake" tribe, which was led by Amara the Huntress. Amara said to Selath that these northern tribes are preparing to launch an attack with the aid of Gondor to conquer Inner Harad, and so they must fall to state an example about "how the King of entire Harad deals with traitors". After this, some decided to join Selath's service, but most of the survivors fled to the southern regions of Gondor and Ithilien, and now, even after the fall of Minas Tirith, these haradrim warriors are still loyal to their Gondorian allies, waiting for the right time to take their ancient lands back."

Special ability: can hide near trees

NOTE 1: spear-thrower unit, effective against monsters (Half-Trolls, Trolls, Mumakil) and swordsman

NOTE 2: hey, if Gondor is already going to have "Soldiers of Western Rhun" at its side, then it can't get any worse, can it :) ?

- Outlaws of Gondor -

Side: Rhun (!)

Role: Cheap, stealthy and fast cannon fodder

Appearence: well... I dunno how Gondorian bandits look like...

Description: "Altrough Gondor is a quite safe country, criminals and bandits on the roads aren't a rare sight. The brave warriors of Gondor do everything they can to catch these harassing men, but altrough of these efforts new gangs of bandits rise over and over again. Now, after the lost battles against the Easterlings, some of these bandits decided to offer their services to Khoragon as stealthy mercanary soldiers."

Special ability: can hide near trees

NOTE: well, if Gondor is already going to have Rhunic warriors at its side, then why not ?


Name: Rasim

Side: Gondor

Role: leader of the Harandor Hunters

Appearence: similar to his men, but could have more "majestic" clothes

Description: "After his tribe was betrayed by Amara the Huntress, Rasim and the survivors of Selath's raids had escaped into Ithilien. Being a skilled hunter himself, Rasim just can't wait for the moment to take revenge on Amara for her treachery."


Level 1 - Hide
When activated, Rasim becomes and remains invisible while standing still.

Level 1 - Harandor Ambush
Nearby Harandor Hunters gain +50% damage.

Level 3 - Raid
Nearby allies gain resources for killing enemies.

Level 5 - The Hunter's Spear
Throws a spear at a single enemy, causing extremly high damage.


- Whip the Slaves -

Side: Harad / Rhun

Effect: within an area, resource buildings will be twice as effective as before for a short time.

- Raiders -

Side: Harad

Effect: Units gain resources for killing enemies.

- Blessing of Rhovanion -

Side: Rohan / Gondor

Effect: Similar to the "Elven Lush"; creates a small woodland, where allies gain +50% armor, while enemies lose their leadership bonuses.

How about these ? :p

Edited by MorrisB, 13 June 2007 - 05:18 PM.

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"Well, I can't argue with that - modding IS hard. But what would have become of games like Starcraft, Warcraft 3, Dungeon Siege, Half-Life 1-2, Neverwinter Nights and BfME 1-2 if we, modders, weren't there ? They would have long been forgotten. Modding is hard, but it's an honorable thing." - MorrisB

#22 Lauri


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Posted 13 June 2007 - 05:24 PM

Rohim Spearmen... atleast you make a good point :p Will sure check it out ;)

Harandor Hunters... They would go to Harad, if I'd add them, as Gondor is more or less filled up... and I don't wanna add any more Ranger-kinda units to Gondor, so... These are Haradrim Rangers in a way, so no... atleast for having them on gondor...

Outlaws of Gondor... What's with you and 'wrong' units for 'wrong' factions? :p The argument for them beeing on Rhûn, since Gondor has Rhûnic troops... it's not a good argument ;) And I don't really want any men to be fast cannon fodder... and Rhûn will have another very basic unit, with little armor and upgrades, ect... (Spearmen of Rhûn... I plan to make new ones, without the standard armor ;))

Rasim... Would perhaps be obsolete if we made the Hunters loyal to Amara.... Besides, I don't really like that too many units are traitors... so, no.. oh, and you could've done a better name :p Rasim reminds me to much of Rasism, and for those who thinks Tolkien was one... ;) :)

edit: Oh, and the powers sounds all good ;)

Edited by Lauri, 13 June 2007 - 05:25 PM.


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#23 MorrisB


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Posted 13 June 2007 - 06:51 PM

Well... I just always love to watch different factions marching together against a common enemy on the screen :p

But Harad maybe could use such an ambush-unit, or not ?

Glad that you liked the powers ;)

Anyway, the idea of bandits/otlaws/rebels as units was always attractive for me somehow (yeah, I'm such a dark guy ;) )




- Dwarven Catapult -

Side: Rohan

Role: Siege engine

Appearence: Well, just like a simple catapult, but has some metal reinforcement on it. I didn't like that two-stone-hurling catapult in BfME 2 anyway...

Description: "While the people of Rohan aren't very familiar in matters of siege, the destruction of Rhovanion and the advancing armies of Rhun forced them to build siege engines quickly so the Rhunic forces would be unable to build up fortified outposts within Rohan. Fortunately, the dwarves who escaped from Rhovanion was skilled in building such engines, and so these machines of war were built."

NOTE: why, you wanted one didn't you ?


- Elves of Rhovanion -

Side: Gondor / Rohan

Effect: Summons elven fighters from Rhovanion.

- Engines of War -

Side: Rhun

Effect: Harvesting trees earns double amount of resources and Catapults become cheaper.

- The Way from Far Harad - (needs a better name...)

Side: Harad

Effect: When activated, Mumakils and Half-Trolls of Far Harad train much faster.


Name: The Hermit

Side: Harad (altrough I'm not sure about this... see reason at the description)

Role: A strange, wandering wizard

Appearence: an old man in ragged brown clothes; a strange mask covers his face.

Description: "The Hermit is a mystical being. He is a wandering old man, who had been seen at least once in almost every corner in Middle-earth: Gondor, Dunland, Rohan, Khand, Umbar, Ithilien, Rhovanion, Harad and even in Rhun. The Haradrim say he's a prophet, while the elves of Rhovanion say he's a wandering wizard, while in Dunland he's known as a shaman and healer. Some even say that he's a descendant of Radagast the Brown Wizard. His true nature is unknown, as well as his goals."


Level 1 - Healing
Heals nearby heroes.

Level 2 - Wizard Blast
Blasts enemies away, dealing great damage.

Level 4 - Prophet
Nearby heroes gain +40% armor and +20% damage.

Level 6 - Wisdom
Gives experience to selected allied units.

Level 10 - Word of Pain
All enemies in a great radius will be stunned for a medium duration.

By now, I think I can tell you this: long ago, I myself wanted to make a "mod" for BfME (2), but I just realized that it's too hard for me: it would had required much time and energy, not to mention that I don't know anything about skinning, modelling and animations. So I gave it up within a short time.

BUT the work wasn't totally fruitless, for I made many new unit-ideas, descriptions, heroes and powers (even if only on paper and in head)... and I still have the entire storyline - which was about that "What happened after the "LotR" -storyline ?"...

Anyway, no wonder that I'm so familiar with this mod... many ideas I gave you I took out of this fallen mod of mine !

:p :p :)

(Want to hear it ? ;) )


I hope these suggies are better.
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"Well, I can't argue with that - modding IS hard. But what would have become of games like Starcraft, Warcraft 3, Dungeon Siege, Half-Life 1-2, Neverwinter Nights and BfME 1-2 if we, modders, weren't there ? They would have long been forgotten. Modding is hard, but it's an honorable thing." - MorrisB

#24 Lauri


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Posted 13 June 2007 - 09:02 PM

But Harad maybe could use such an ambush-unit, or not ?

Yeah, they could ;)

Anyway, the idea of bandits/otlaws/rebels as units was always attractive for me somehow (yeah, I'm such a dark guy ;) )

Hehe, me to :p But I'm not very fond when there's traitors on all the teams :p

Dwarven Catapult

Thank you. I always needed something for Rohan's siege, but I didn't really think throught it enough.. Something dwarves is almost obvious now :) And yeah, something Dwarven.. It may be a catault, or simply just a ram.. I'd like to see just a ram too acctually... :) We'll see ;) Oh, and there didn't escape many dwarves from Rhovanion ;) But the ones that fight for Rohan are from the Glittering Caves, aka, Helm's Deep ;)

Elves of Rhovanion

Yup, I will have this :) But I still haven't really decided if I want 'Allies of Rhovanion' or just separate summons... Cause I want to make troops of Dale, Erebor, and Mirkwood :) Could have an elven summon, and a 'Last refugees' or something, with dwarves and men...

Engines of War

Hm, perhaps... it might be too much copy\past\rename from Isengard now though ;) And I haven't decided if I want them to chop the forest yet...

The Way from Far Harad

Yup, sure needs a better name ;) But the idea is cool though... Another thing we could do, is perhaps 'Swift Convoy' (or something even better :p) that doesn't only trains beasties faster, but all troops... since well.. I think it's abit dull when it's just two units, even thought their beasties ;)

Name: The Hermit

Hm, and hermit... if he'd have a real name, it'd be better though :p Althought, I'd prefer if he weren't really a wizard... Since there was only 5 Wizards, where 3 are dead, 1 into the west, and another playing with his beasts... So, I don't think this will be in..

Now now, I think that's enough of new units suggestions (besides heroes)...
I have lots of things that I wanna add, and not, and my whole team want's it to stay with the line of Tolkien as much as possible... And some of your ideas aren't really Tolkienish :p (notes to self, half-uruks)
And Matias has given me a new sight about orcs and other creatures in the service of Sauron, which I didnt' know before.... So chances are, that they will remain creeps ;)

One thing I'd like though, is power ideas... for the spellbook, and for heroes :)
Don't feel offended or anything, it's just that we wanna keep it as Tolkienish as possible ;)


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#25 MorrisB


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Posted 14 June 2007 - 09:26 AM


- Dwarven Catapult -
Whoops, sorry, I just don't know the background story of the mod well enough. Want me to make a new description ?

- Elves of Rhovanion -
Well... what about an "Ultimate Summoning" power for Rohan and Gondor, which summons all the survivors of Rhovanion - Dwarves from Erebor, Elves from Mirkwood, and Men from Dale - and would replace the "Army of the Dead" power ? It could be called "Armies of Rhovanion" or such...

- The Way from Far Harad -
Hmm... I remember that Amara has a skill named "Desert March". What if Amara would gain "Harandor (or Haradrim) Ambush" as ability, while the "Desert March" name would go to this power ?

And Matias has given me a new sight about orcs and other creatures in the service of Sauron, which I didnt' know before.... So chances are, that they will remain creeps

I still think that they could be avaible via powers. Orcs are spineless cretures, and always seek a master to serve. And trolls are dumb, therefore easly manipulated by persons with great power (such as Khoragon).

Or maybe (JUST MAYBE), if there's going to be a REAL campaign in the mod, then in certain maps they should be avaible as allies (like trolls or wargs in certain maps from the evil BfME 1 campaign).

One thing I'd like though, is power ideas... for the spellbook, and for heroes :p

Well, most likely I'm out of unit ideas anyway ;) ; maybe I could re-create the Harandor Hunters (new description), and add a stealthy unit for Rhun, and maybe one or two units for Rohan, but not much more.

As for heroes, I have many ideas... but let's summerize first:


- Eldaravir, King of Gondor
- Morgon, Captain of the Citadel Guards
- Tirgil, Prince of Ithilien
- Eranoth, Prince of Dol Amroth
- Valranur, Captain of Western Rhun :p

(Gondor has enough, I think.)


- Éothain, King of Rohan
- Ágense, Lord of Westfold
- Feohtan, Lord of Eastfold
- Farin, Lord of Aglarond

(Maybe I'll think of one more, if you don't mind.)


- Khoragon, the Dark Lord
- Brudhan, King of Rhun (altrough I don't understand... why is a king needed if Khoragon is the boss ?)
- Sameel, the Assassin
- Gurthgul, the Wraith Captain

(Hmm... actually, I dunno...)


- Selath, King of Harad
- Amara, the Huntress
- Kurok, Chieftain of Far Harad

(Perhaps there could be a Corsair Captain or a "mumakil trainer".)

Or what heroes do you want ?

(As for Hero Powers for already existing heroes, I'll think about it later.)

Edited by MorrisB, 14 June 2007 - 09:29 AM.

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"Well, I can't argue with that - modding IS hard. But what would have become of games like Starcraft, Warcraft 3, Dungeon Siege, Half-Life 1-2, Neverwinter Nights and BfME 1-2 if we, modders, weren't there ? They would have long been forgotten. Modding is hard, but it's an honorable thing." - MorrisB

#26 Lauri


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Posted 14 June 2007 - 11:00 AM

whichever heroes you'd think of ;) And Rhûn needs a king simply... :p


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#27 MorrisB


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Posted 14 June 2007 - 12:18 PM

If you say so...



Name: Tharna the Swift

Side: Rohan

Role: Ambassador, messenger, scout, raid leader

Appearence: A young boy (17-18). Looks like a Rohan Peasant who joined the army just recently; wears only parts of the full Rohirrim armor, has a brown cape, wields a spear.

Description: "Tharna is a peasant's son who always wanted to become a part of the King's Royal Guard. Even since his young years, he trained himself in melee combat (with an old spear he inherited from his grandfather) and horse-riding. After the terrible Rhunic attack from the East, his dreams about service and war had changed dramatically, but altrough of this, he offered his services to the King and joined the armies of Rohan to protect his homeland. Thanks to this early training and natural talent, he quickly became a messenger and scout in the army of Westfold, and just recently he was promoted to be a captain of a small Rohirrim group, scouting areas and leading raid attacks on enemy supply caravans."


Level 1 - Mount / Unmount
Switches between mounted and unmounted mode.

Level 3 - Swift Messenger
When activated, it gives Tharna +50% movement speed and +25% armor.
NOTE: can only be used when he's mounted.

Level 4 - Son of Westfold
When activated, it gives Tharna +40% damage and +10% attack speed.
NOTE: can only be used when he's unmounted.

Level 7 - Suprise Attack
Tharna and nearby Rohirrim gain +15% movement speed and +15% armor for a short time.
NOTE: can only be used when he's mounted.

SPECIAL NOTE: <Sigh>... I always wanted a hero like this... a young boy, who joins the army, and becomes a hero in the end...


Name: Girgil the Mad

Side: Harad

Role: early hero unit with tricky powers

Appearence: a brown-skinned, crippled old man, yet he's swift and tricky (like Gollum was)

Description: "King Selath's mystical assisstant, Girgil is often considered to be mad because of his quite strange behavior. Yet it's rumored that his insanity is only a mask to cover his true self, as Selath's advisor and seer. Some say he remained so strong for he's a shaman with great knowledge about different herbs and therefore he kept his strenght and speed, but lost a bit of his sanity. Whichever is true, it's without doubt that Girgil is very tricky and quite fast altrough of his age."


Level 1 - Hide
Becomes and stays invisible, as long as he remains still.

Level 2 - Healing Plants
Heals nearby heroes and himself.

Level 3 - Crazy Moves
When activated, it gives Girgil +10% movement speed, +20% attack speed and +20% armor.

Level 5 - Maddening Voices
Nearby enemies become immobile for a short time.

Level 7 - Mind Trick
Enemies within a small area will join your side for a short time.

SPECIAL NOTE: I just continue trying to add a crazy hero for Harad (back in BfME 1, I was thinking about adding powers to Gollum anyway)... oh, well...


(NOTE: the already existing powers of these heroes aren't mentioned here.)

- Tirgil -

Level 6 - Bow of Ithilien
Doubles attack speed and gives +50% damage.
NOTE: can only be activated when he's using his bow.

- Eranoth -

Level 7 - Charge of Dol Amroth
Eranoth and nearby Knights of Dol Amroth gain +80% armor for a short time.


- Éothain -

Level 7 - Call the Royal Guard
Summons two battalions of Rohirrim Royal Guards. Their weapons aren't, but their armors are upgraded.

Level 10 - Glorious Charge
Éothain and nearby Rohirrim (so mounted units) gain +50% movement speed and +80% armor for a short time.

- Ágense -

Level 3 - Armor of Anglarond
When activated, it gives Ágense +100% armor for a short time.

Level 6 - Wrath of Westfold
A powerful melee attack which knocks enemies back (like "Wizard Blast", but with smaller effect).

- Feohtan -

Level 2 - Bane of Rebels
A single but strong and accurate ranged attack.
NOTE: can only be used when he's using his bow.

Level 6 - Experienced Leader
Gives experience to nearby troops.


- Selath -

Level 3 - Smashing Strike
Knocks nearby enemies back.

Level 6 - King of Harad
Gives experience to nearby troops.

Level 10 - Release the Mumaks
Summons 3 Mumakils to the battlefield.

And that's all so far. Hope they are good :p

Edited by MorrisB, 14 June 2007 - 12:26 PM.

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"Well, I can't argue with that - modding IS hard. But what would have become of games like Starcraft, Warcraft 3, Dungeon Siege, Half-Life 1-2, Neverwinter Nights and BfME 1-2 if we, modders, weren't there ? They would have long been forgotten. Modding is hard, but it's an honorable thing." - MorrisB

#28 Mathijs


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Posted 14 June 2007 - 03:08 PM

Rhûn needs a King... I'll post what I have finished of the story so far. Nothing in detail though, just the timeline.

No fuel left for the pilgrims

#29 Lauri


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Posted 14 June 2007 - 03:16 PM

Name: Tharna the Swift

Hm, I like the point of him :p Just, not the name :p And eh, I've already thought of his small role, so don't worry about his name or birth-place and what-not ;)

Name: Girgil the Mad

I hate Gollum, and if he's kinda an assasin, I don't want him ;) sorry...

- Tirgil -
Level 6 - Bow of Ithilien
Doubles attack speed and gives +50% damage.

Sounds, good, but perhaps it should be less...

- Eranoth -
Level 7 - Charge of Dol Amroth
Eranoth and nearby Knights of Dol Amroth gain +80% armor for a short time.

It's that kinda thing I want for him ;)

- Éothain -
Level 7 - Call the Royal Guard
Summons two battalions of Rohirrim Royal Guards. Their weapons aren't, but their armors are upgraded.
Level 10 - Glorious Charge
Éothain and nearby Rohirrim (so mounted units) gain +50% movement speed and +80% armor for a short time.

First one, yeah, second one... nah... I don't have the intention to make the King of Rohan the new Theoden.... or, maybe, but not Glorious Charge... but we'll see ;)

- Ágense -
Level 3 - Armor of Anglarond
When activated, it gives Ágense +100% armor for a short time.
Level 6 - Wrath of Westfold
A powerful melee attack which knocks enemies back (like "Wizard Blast", but with smaller effect).

They sound good, but it wouldn't be near the Wizard blast effect ;) Only one unit IMO, or perhaps a few others...

- Feohtan -
Level 2 - Bane of Rebels
A single but strong and accurate ranged attack.
Level 6 - Experienced Leader
Gives experience to nearby troops.

Sounds good :mad2:

- Selath -
Level 3 - Smashing Strike
Knocks nearby enemies back.
Level 6 - King of Harad
Gives experience to nearby troops.
Level 10 - Release the Mumaks
Summons 3 Mumakils to the battlefield.

They all sound cool :dry:

Keep more comming :D


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#30 MorrisB


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Posted 14 June 2007 - 05:08 PM

1.: to Matias

I'll post what I have finished of the story so far. Nothing in detail though, just the timeline.

Matias, this would be a very great help (at least for me, since you already discussed it with Lauri, didn't you ?).

2.: to Lauri


- Tharna the Swift -
Uhh, now I'm confused... :p is his character a good idea, or not, then ?

- Girgil the Mad -
NO, he wasn't meant to be an "assassin", but rather a cheap early-game hero for early scouting, who gains tricky powers as he levels up and becomes a "support" mid-game hero. Girgil would have low amount of hit points, therefore he would be useful only against weaker units, but his powers can be effective if used wisely. I think this is balanced enough. Good skills, but can be killed easly (if he doesn't use "Hide" in good time). So, I'll ask you: what do you think now ? :p

NOTE 1: I myself hated Gollum, but I have to admit that he was really useful in early scouting.

NOTE 2: During a Mordor VS mordor match, a little "accident" happened: one of my Mumakils charged trough Gollum ! Gollum was invisible, and my Mumakil was charging at a group of orcs, but Gollum just happened to be in its way ;)


I just gave some basic ideas. If you find them too strong/weak, I don't balance them - I'll leave it to you, if you don't mind :mad2:

- Éothain : "Glorius Charge" -
Hmm... I dunno, then...

- Ágense : "Wrath of Westfold -
As I've said, "like Wizard Blast, but with SMALLER EFFECT". So it just knocks back a few units.


I think the rest of the heroes have what they need. The heroes of Rhun all serve their purpose well*, as well as certain Gondorian heroes. All what I can do now is to "visit" my own hero-suggestions (Valranur, Amara and Kurok), summerize them and make new powers if needed.

*My only complaint is Gurthgul's "Touch of Death", which kills surrounding enemies - for it's stronger than Khoragon's "Master of Death" ability, which affects only a single unit. You should exchange them.



Level 1 - Toggle Weapon
Switches between Bow and Sword.

Level 2 - Snake Venom
Shoots a poisoned arrow at a single enemy, causing high damage and making it immobile.

Level 4 - Healing Plants
Heals nearby heroes.

Level 5 - Desert March
Gives +50% armor and +50% damage to Desert Spearmen and Desert Raiders.

Level 6 - Pillage
Nearby units gain resources for killing enemies.


Level 5 - Harondor Ambush
Gives +50% damage to Harondor Hunters and Harondor Warriors.

REASON: "Desert March" name would be more fitting for the "Way from Far Harad power", and besides, Amara could be a Harondor herself.



Level 1 - Rage
When activated, it gives Kurok +100% damage and +25% attack speed.

Level 3 - Giant Howl
Releases a great howl, so loud that it makes enemies immobile (stunned) for a short time.

Level 5 - Half-Troll Chieftain
Nearby Half-Trolls gain +25% damage and +25% armor.

Level 8 - Tribes of Far Harad
Summons 3 groups of Half-Trolls from Far Harad. They don't have any upgrades.




Level 1 - Pike of Rhun
Hurls a spear at a single enemy, dealing high damage.

Level 2 - Shield of the East
When activated, it gives Valranur +65% armor.

Level 4 - Common Goal
Nearby Warriors of the Southern Fiefdoms, Marksmen of Ithilien and Soldiers of Western Rhun gain +25% damage and +25% armor.

Level 6 - Rebels of East
Summons 2 battalions of "Soldiers of Western Rhun". Their armors aren't, but their weapons are upgraded.

Level 8 - Captain of Western Rhun
Gives experience to nerby allies.

IT'S ALRIGHT (or maybe a small change at the units those are effected by "Common Goal", but not much more).

...Okay, and what now ? If you accept Tharna and Girgil as heroes, then I can't suggest much more.

Powers ? Umm... please, would you help me summerize what powers the different sides have ?
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"Well, I can't argue with that - modding IS hard. But what would have become of games like Starcraft, Warcraft 3, Dungeon Siege, Half-Life 1-2, Neverwinter Nights and BfME 1-2 if we, modders, weren't there ? They would have long been forgotten. Modding is hard, but it's an honorable thing." - MorrisB

#31 Lauri


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Posted 14 June 2007 - 05:36 PM

Tharna, is in the mod, only a more rohim name, Èohelm..

Girgil the Mad, no I don't want him :p

Gurthgul's "Touch of Death", is his only really good power, and he has such sweet anims and all for it! :mad2: And Khoragan have lots of other powers, and he's already better than Gurthgul, so no, I won't exchange them :dry:

AMARA THE HUNTRESS.... Please note that I might rename and remale this one :D I personally don't really want a woman for this job, but will see ;) And I'll change the name for her too, as with your other heroes (if their included ;))

KUROK... in norwegian, that's Cowrock (ca), so I'll change that ;)

VALRANUR, might get a rename... I'm having second thoughts about the Rhûn 'traitors' though, so they might not get into the mod... I guess I'll have to see, as I personally don't want to remove the Gondor Spearmen ;)

And don't worry, I think that I have enough heroes and units for now.. those are fun to make up myself too, incase I should miss any ;)

Powers? I haven't made a power list yet, so feel free to suggest away :p


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#32 MorrisB


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Posted 14 June 2007 - 05:53 PM

Tharna, is in the mod, only a more rohim name, Èohelm..

Thanks ^_^ ; once the mod will be ready, I'll certainly try him out first :p

NAMES: well, the names I suggested for heroes sound better in Hungarian (yes, I'm from Hungary)... except for "Kurok", for his name means something like "I'm fucking." in hungarian (yes, seriously) :p


Please please please with sugar, lots of sugar and... (umm... what else ?) anything, but please add them ! I always wanted to see Gondor and Rhun together somehow... and now, there would be a chance for it...

Maybe "Soldiers of Western Rhun" could be some kind of "advanced spearmen" for Gondor, who are a bit faster than the "Spearmen of Minas Tirith", and could cause greater damage. So Gondor would have two "spearmen-type" units. How about that ?


I meant the powers suggested by me so far. I don't really know which ones was good for you and which ones were bad ideas... so, please, collect the good ones from my previous posts so I could summerize them and suggest new ones more quickly.
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"Well, I can't argue with that - modding IS hard. But what would have become of games like Starcraft, Warcraft 3, Dungeon Siege, Half-Life 1-2, Neverwinter Nights and BfME 1-2 if we, modders, weren't there ? They would have long been forgotten. Modding is hard, but it's an honorable thing." - MorrisB

#33 Lauri


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Posted 14 June 2007 - 06:10 PM

SoWR... well, they could be advance spearmen for Gondor, or cheap-spam spearmen which Gondor would've used in the front lines for fodder... but then they wouldn've fought for Gondor... :p So, I'll think about it :p As long as their don't replace anything, I'll give it another thought ^_^

I don't really remember, but eh...

- Heroic Valor -
Side: Gondor / Rohan
Effect: All heroes gain +50% armor and +50% damage (passive)

- Horn of Rohan -
Side: Rohan
Effect: Gives +50% armor and +50% damage to units in a small area

- Palantir of Minas Tirith -
Side: Gondor
Effect: Reveals a selected area on the map

- Royal influence -
Side: Gondor
Effect: When activated, this power makes Gondorian units to train faster (so less time is needed to train units)

- Overseer of Khoragon -
Side: Rhun
Effect: This would replace the "Eye of Sauron" power. This spell summons a special ghost (a mist or something), which strengthens units in its area of effect. Also would scare enemies if they are on level 1.

- Raiders -
Side: Harad
Effect: Units gain resources for killing enemies.

- Blessing of Rhovanion -
Side: Rohan / Gondor
Effect: Similar to the "Elven Lush"; creates a small woodland, where allies gain +50% armor, while enemies lose their leadership bonuses.

- Elves of Rhovanion -
Side: Gondor / Rohan
Effect: Summons elven fighters from Rhovanion.

- Desert March -
Side: Harad
Effect: When activated, all units train much faster.

I think that's it... do note, I don't plan on adding them, not all, but I take them all into consideration ;)


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#34 Bebbe


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Posted 14 June 2007 - 06:12 PM

I don't think that all factions shouldn't have alot of heroes.
One faction could have only 2 heroes, as alot of heroes just leads to booring games IMO.

#35 MorrisB


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Posted 14 June 2007 - 06:43 PM

To Bebbe: Hey, I just gave some hero-ideas. I leave it to Lauri to decide about what to do with them. Anyway, I love to have 4-5 heroes at once, it's cool when they use a combination of powers :p

To Lauri:


- Soldiers of Western Rhun / Valranur -
Since they are "rebels", their numbers are few, but because of their "combined" equipment and their devotion (they don't hesitate (too) much if they have to kill their own people to overthrow Khoragon, believing that they do this for their peope's and country's sake), they are quite effective.


Yeah I know, but still... and thanks for collecting them :p


SPECIAL NOTE: don't forget about "Orcs of the East" and "Trolls of Rhun" ;) - not to mention the Uruks of Dunland ^_^



- Burning Sun -

Side: Harad

Effect: The sun begins to shine with great power, distracting (stunning) enemy units on the entire map.

- Land of Ashes -

Side: Rhun

Effect: The ground becomes dark and rocky, the plants rot; all enemy units lose their Leadership bonuses, and, furthermore, their movement AND attack speed will be reduced by 25%

- Summon the Ents of Fangorn -

Side: Rohan

Effect: Summons 4 Ents from Fangorn forest.

- Corrupted Souls -

Side: Rhun

Effect: Gurthgul and other Wraiths of Khoragon gain +50% damage and +50% armor

- Dwarven Equipment -

Side: Rohan

Effect: Infantry units gain +20% damage.

I hope these are good ;)
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"Well, I can't argue with that - modding IS hard. But what would have become of games like Starcraft, Warcraft 3, Dungeon Siege, Half-Life 1-2, Neverwinter Nights and BfME 1-2 if we, modders, weren't there ? They would have long been forgotten. Modding is hard, but it's an honorable thing." - MorrisB

#36 Bebbe


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Posted 14 June 2007 - 07:54 PM

Yeah , I know. I never said you couldn't.
I'm just trying to manipulate Lauri aswell :p .

#37 Caluadan


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Posted 16 June 2007 - 07:59 PM

Thanks, Calaudan ! Anyway, I'm always serious if there's something about making a mod or game better :lol:

I'm a suggester in the game called "Adventure Quest" anyway...

oh I see...
must be hard to be a suggester. modders generally prefer to have it their way, and I guess it COULD have something to do with the fact that they want the hours they spend to generate something they've made up themselves. :p

(but lauri seems to like though, so good work morris)
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#38 MorrisB


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Posted 17 June 2007 - 07:08 AM

Well, it's not sooo hard as you might think... except for the fact that sometimes you have to wait years until ONE of your many thoughts is getting implemented...

But I'm one of the more experienced suggesters, and I'm a friend of a staff legend, so sooner or later, my time will come :p ; until then, I try to make my ideas perfect.

As for modding:

By now, I think I can tell you this: long ago, I myself wanted to make a "mod" for BfME (2), but I just realized that it's too hard for me: it would had required much time and energy, not to mention that I don't know anything about skinning, modelling and animations. So I gave it up within a short time.

BUT the work wasn't totally fruitless, for I made many new unit-ideas, descriptions, heroes and powers (even if only on paper and in head)... and I still have the entire storyline - which was about that "What happened after the "LotR" -storyline ?"...

Anyway, no wonder that I'm so familiar with this mod... many ideas I gave you I took out of this fallen mod of mine !

:lol: :p :p

(Want to hear it ? :p )

Anyway, I'll try my best to make good power-suggies for the factions :)
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"Well, I can't argue with that - modding IS hard. But what would have become of games like Starcraft, Warcraft 3, Dungeon Siege, Half-Life 1-2, Neverwinter Nights and BfME 1-2 if we, modders, weren't there ? They would have long been forgotten. Modding is hard, but it's an honorable thing." - MorrisB

#39 Eonwe


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Posted 18 June 2007 - 03:11 AM

What about the people from Arnor. Will they be apart of Gondor?

#40 MorrisB


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Posted 18 June 2007 - 06:30 AM

Well, as far as I know, the men from Arnor WILL take place in the mod, but only via the Gondorian King's last power ("King of the Reunited Kingdoms").

Or maybe Lauri considers to make a power for Gondor which summons several groups of Arnor Fighters, I dunno...
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"Well, I can't argue with that - modding IS hard. But what would have become of games like Starcraft, Warcraft 3, Dungeon Siege, Half-Life 1-2, Neverwinter Nights and BfME 1-2 if we, modders, weren't there ? They would have long been forgotten. Modding is hard, but it's an honorable thing." - MorrisB

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