Ya know, I'm not specifically talking to you Zimoo, I'm just adressing your suggestiong and not everyone has read the books or remembers them and they might be interested, though I apologize for the mispelling. I'm just saying that the idea is causing more problems than its solving, as you can plainly see and yes the idea EA had doesnt work very well but its not necissary to change and no-one has any viable solution that makes sense because some factions dont have any alternative to the one already in-game, book or otherwise, that was my point.
Furthermore, I wasn't bringing up book knowledge just to impress people. My point there was that there isnt any gameplay balance in your suggestion, the number of heroes empowered by the Elves 2, MoTW 1, Dwarves 0. See thats not balanced and thus unfair.
Even furthermore, I said it was my own personal opinion to move on, you guys are free to continue posting whatever you want regardless of what I think. And yes, its a cool idea but it doesnt work for every faction. The closest thing to "workable" is what Nazgul already came up with in the "Additional To Do List" section (except for using the king of the dead for the dwarves), which is why I was saying that he was going to do whatever he wanted regardless.
Edited by Onicrom, 14 May 2007 - 11:04 PM.