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"EvilMen" faction!

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#761 Gfire



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Posted 12 December 2008 - 09:01 PM

You mean originally when a horse unit died the horse ran off the map? :grin:
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#762 Sûlherokhh


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Posted 12 December 2008 - 11:08 PM

Exactly that. Someone clearly had fun devising those nifty things before some whacko-chief from EA ordered a stand down.

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#763 Lauri


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Posted 12 December 2008 - 11:14 PM

After the T4A beta release, I'll be playing with those codes... :grin:
Already started... ^_^ But yeah, there are quite a few things that EA started on that were very good, but scrapped... it's sad, but if modders can still make it happen with the left-over codes, it's okay.. We need some challenge ^_^


The 4th Age version 0.8 has been released: Link

#764 Nazgûl


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Posted 13 December 2008 - 08:33 PM

It's all good and all... :evgr: but haven't we left the topic here? ;)

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#765 Gfire



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Posted 14 December 2008 - 09:45 PM

Well, it seems like a lot of work for just some slaves. You guys should probably work on something more important, like the evil men fortress, for now, at least. :thumbsdownsmiley:
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#766 Gfire



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Posted 09 January 2009 - 02:46 AM

I just noticed something. When a lair is destroyed, any surviving creeps go find another lair to merge with. I don't know if this will help, or if it only in RotWK, but I thought I should mention it. Maybe they just automatically search for the nearest one, which is usually the one they're from, or something. It might be useful for getting slaves off the map, though.
Greetings, community.

#767 Guest_Flame_of_Anor_*

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Posted 20 February 2009 - 02:29 AM

It's just a question if we should port to RotWK for this (7 factions max), or force the 7th faction into BFME2 and loose CaH and Stats for that faction...

I think that many people who don't have RotWK will be annoyed. Better to lose CaH and stats for the faction (CaH isn't very appealing to me for some reason).

Edited by Sûlherokhh, 20 February 2009 - 02:33 AM.

#768 Sûlherokhh


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Posted 20 February 2009 - 02:33 AM

Forget about porting. Too much work for almost nothing.

Axed Head and A.I. Coder for S.E.E. and ... stuff

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#769 Nazgûl


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Posted 20 February 2009 - 01:51 PM

This has already been settled looong ago, so there's no need to even talk about it =)

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#770 Easterling

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Posted 25 February 2009 - 10:40 PM

I think this is a great idea.... just curious when will it come out summer i'm guessing.

#771 witchkingshour

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Posted 11 March 2009 - 11:48 AM

Yeah sometime in the summer. It will be worth the wait! :p
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#772 yams in a can

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Posted 11 May 2009 - 08:13 PM

some of my ideas instead of the elite cavalry being rhun it should khand because thier is an article on wikipedia saying that variags were cavalry like the rohirrim

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To the professor, John Ronald Reuel Tolkien.

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-yams in a can

#773 yams in a can

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Posted 22 May 2009 - 02:01 AM

and it is a good idea to make rhun the more base of the faction because their attacks have been the more damaging than harad or khand to gondor

now for an elite unit for evil men even though you have one,or maybe for mordor,it could make some sense, it should be black numenorians because they still have pure numenor blood and there were not much of them left,and about the black uruks,personally i dont think they should be elite units and i have good reason, it was stated that sauron used them more than orcs in battle mainly because they were more of a match,not stronger,but closer than orcs to men,

now a really cool one would be the hill trolls of gorogoth :) i think they would look like the hill trolls from rise of the witch king except they are covered in armor,less like pikeman, and have one handed hammers because they had hammers in the battle of the morannon(black gate) and they would just smash the ground :xcahik_: and polverize everyone :p and just to tell you something,tower guard are NOT elite gondor units,they are the permanent GARRISON of minas tirith,and i like that you changed them to the fountain guard

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To the professor, John Ronald Reuel Tolkien.

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-yams in a can

#774 {IRS}Athos


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Posted 22 May 2009 - 02:05 AM

Hill Trolls of Gorgoroth would be fabulous for Mordor, but I'd personally be against using anything affiliated with RotWK's Hill Trolls. They deserve to die somewhere in the nonexistent swamps of Ettenmoors from which they came. :)

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I had the meaning of life in my signature, but it exceeded the character limit.

#775 Guest_KP_*

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Posted 26 May 2009 - 12:36 AM

EDIT: *poll closed* Matter decided! We WILL add EvilMen, but we will NOT remove Moria (Goblins) :p It's just a question if we should port to RotWK for this (7 factions max), or force the 7th faction into BFME2 and loose CaH and Stats for that faction... Posted Image

“EvilMen” Faction!
Rhün & Harad

Rhûn Fortress Keep
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- Corpses in cages (Function like Mordor’s terror exp.)
- Scorpion Expansion (Function like Moria's spiderling exp.)
- Arrow Tower Expansion
- Faction Flags (Discounts & Leadership)
- Crebain (Stealth detection)
- Fire Arrows
- Reinforced Fortress (+50% armor & pre requisite to Monument)
- Mûmakil Monument upgrade (Summons Wild Mûmakil horde + gives Leadership to all Mûmakil)

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Lorgan – Easterling King of Rhûn
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Suladân – The “Black Serpent” WarLord of Near Harad
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CREDITS: Flameguard (Skin by Eldarion)

Mahûd Chieftain – of Far Harad
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CREDITS: Robnkarla (Skin by Nazgûl)

Uldor – Variag Leader of Khand
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CREDITS: Lord Istari

Rhûn Walls
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Rhûn Battle Tower
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"EvilMen" Hero Statue
For bonuses, discounts and CP
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Rhûn Barracks
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Easterling Swordsmen - Normal infantry with shields
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Easterling Pikemen - Strong anti cavalry
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Easterling Spearmen – Very strong spearmen with shields
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Easterling Axemen – Super elite infantry, single units (like Isengard's Berserkers)
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Rhûn Stables
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Easterling Kataphrakts - Strong cavalry (like Gondor knights)
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CREDITS: Model by: Lauri. Edited by: Ed of the 3rd Kind. Skin by: Nazgûl

WainRider – Elite single unit cavalry, limited in numbers
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Rhûn Forge Works (Armory/Siege Hall)
For BC, FB & HA + Siege Equipment
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Easterling Catapult – Normal siege unit
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Rhûn Windmills
For resources and CP
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Harad Palace Tent
For Harad Heroes... and whatnot
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Harad Monument
For bonuses and CP (No discounts)
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Harad Barracks
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Haradrim Swordsmen - Basic infantry
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Harad Hâsharii - Elite infantry / Anti heroes
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Harad Archery Range
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Haradrim Lancers – Normal ranged infantry
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CREDITS: Flameguard (Skin by Eldarion)

Haradrim Archers – Elite archers
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CREDITS: Flameguard (Skin by Eldarion)

Harad Stables
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Haradrim Raiders – Light spear cavalry

Haradrim Bow Raiders – Light archer cavalry

Mahûd Camel Riders - Light Spear/Archer cavalry (might replace the Haradrim Bow version ^)
If possible, might use Blow Guns, but doubtful Flame will animate that :dry:
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Harad Mûmakil Pen
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Mahûd Mûmak Rider – (Instead of Banner Carrier upgrade)
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CREDITS: Lauri (Skin by Nazgûl)

Mûmakil – Super heavy cavalry
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>>> BFME2 MODEL <<<

Royal black Mûmakil - Super heavy hero cavalry
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Harad Armory
For BC, FB & HA
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Harad Watch Tower
With Haradrim Tower Lancers
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Khand “palace”
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Khand Swordsmen – Support units
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CREDITS: Lord Istari

Harad Slave Mill
For resources and CP (high level gains)
Posted Image

Ah... I have no word for BA this arrangement is sounding. I LOVE it. There are possible changes, though. For example, Rhun could have archers of its own, right? Khand could have Archers, too. Didn't Tolkien say Variags use Axes? And mostly horsemen? Great mod, I would like to know if its on moddb. Does it work with cpus whose owners are having problems with making their own mod? Because only RJ gets past that struggle.

Did Someone say Minifactions? Well... Vote on which one should be the minifaction.

Khand: A Variag Barracks upgrade that adds loads more units and heroes to the structure.

Umbar: Corsair Tavern. So many Corsair and Black Numenorean troops and leaders that you'll call it a faction.

Far Harad: Mix of Mahuds, Half-Trolls, Camels, Camel Riders, Oliphaunts, Oliphaunt Riders, and Mumakils that could very well fill a jungle.

Red Mountains: Men that have Dwarven and Human talents. Alongside Warg-sized Scorpions, Drakes, Dragons, Anacondas, and Vipers.

Dorwinion: Northmen militias called "Sandwatch" who are basically corsairs with hitman tactics instead of pirate tactics.

Whos it gonna be? You have to vote coopertively. Axes n' horses, pirates, jungle-men, multirace talent, or assassin militias?

I've already got one vote to Dorwinion from someone I know. I say Red Mountains or Umbar.

#776 Guest_KP_*

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Posted 22 June 2009 - 09:37 PM

EDIT: *poll closed* Matter decided! We WILL add EvilMen, but we will NOT remove Moria (Goblins) :p It's just a question if we should port to RotWK for this (7 factions max), or force the 7th faction into BFME2 and loose CaH and Stats for that faction... Posted Image

Em, no. EA has a Craete-a-hero policy that says "only 8 factions to create-a-hero". And look at Rob's mod, his has 10 factions! So, we can have 8 factions that all have Create-a-hero in this mod, and keep it in BfME2.

#777 Gfire



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Posted 23 June 2009 - 01:25 AM

BFME2 has more than RotWK? :p
Greetings, community.

#778 Guest_KP_*

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Posted 24 June 2009 - 02:18 AM

No, RotWK comes with more. But, they both have the coding systems for as many factions as a fan may want to put into either game. And the whole CaH thing is: 8 factions can select CaH s the easy way, and the rest have to: 1. select hero, 2. hold ctrl, 3. hit first letter of name, and then the CaH becomes used.

That's the precise description. Anyway, which minifaction do you want for Evil Men. I'm thinking about a different name and some additional heroes, by the way.

#779 {IRS}Athos


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Posted 24 June 2009 - 02:37 AM

KP: You lost me at "Red Mountains".

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I had the meaning of life in my signature, but it exceeded the character limit.

#780 DIGI_Byte



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Posted 24 June 2009 - 03:17 AM

Officially I left SEE some time ago, But I found out no-one was finishing my models so... WEll im back to finished the Rhun stuff.

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