Ah, there's the rub. That's the same mistake that author Chris Smith made: assuming that because an army is allies to Sauron automatically means that their life depends on the ring. And note this: Zakske is correct about my intentG'day Zakske
Ok thanks mate but I respectfully disagree with him
If you remember the parts of the movie with gandalf and saruman
Quote from saruman
You did not think that a hobbit could contend (compete) with the will of sauron did you? Their are none that can.
Quote from Gandalf
Their is only one lord of the ring, only one can bend it to his rule. And he does not share power.
Quote from gollum ( 2nd movie )
Wicked men, servants of sauron
Quote from faramir
Servants of the Dark Tower ( also meaning Sauron )
Quote from gandalf (3rd movie )
Our enemy is ready, his full strength gathered. Not only orcs but men as well. Legions of haradrim from the south. Mercenaries from the coast. All will answer Mordors call.
Now I'm sure some of these quotes were in the books. And they sure don't sound like Sauron is asking his neighbors politely to help him out. It sounds like he is in charge of it all. If your going to say that they were supporters or allies then you have to say the same for saruman which I think is wrong. Evil dosn't have allies they have the one in charge and their henchmen.
I don't see why they can't be called servants. I would not call them allies as being called an ally implies you have a choice in the matter. I seriously doubt they were given much of a choice, unless you consider join him or die a choice.
KP - "I knew that, but they were not his direct servants as Zimoo is implying they were. They were people who served him through their own aims of... whatever they had in common with him, basically . And by the way, I have cracked open a book TODAY: a Middle-earth atlas that presents "Servants of Morgoth/Sauron" and Evil Men as two different troop-lines. On the same day in the morning, I cracked open Weapons and Warfare, which offered a visual guide to what even Tolkien would say is correct: Sauron, Orcs, Goblins, Balrog, Cave Trolls, Mordor Trolls, Mouth of Sauron, Siege Equipment, and Nazgul are presented by an stretched evil-eye; Saruman, Uruk-hai, Warg Riders, Dunlendings, and Isengard by a big hand, Haradrim and Mumakil came in with a aztec-looking eye with lid symbol, and Easterlings represented by a persian-looking diamond shape. And, I read the actual novels and they said nothing about Sauron's allies serving him directly, and his allies' descriptions talk only about them serving him through their aims of what they have in common with him" - KP
Of course Sauron did not plolitely ask them to join him. I do not consider join or die a choice. You're right that they were his servants, but they were not Direct servants. And, that "one in charge and followed by henchmen" is not the kind of story JRR Tolkien wrote. He wrote a story about an alliance of races (Elves, Dwarves, Gondor, Hobbits, Rohan, Arnor) rallying against an evil person (Sauron) and his people (Mordor) as well as his completely-foreign-to-him allies (Isengard, Tainted Nature, Harad, Rhun, Angmar), much like Real Life's World War II.
KP - "And, um, Beridan, Sauron offered the Haradrim Gondor's lands in exchange for their loyalty, and the Haradrim have hated Gondorians since before Sauron re-relocated himself from the North Waste (where he fled to following the ruin of Angband and death of Morgoth) to Mordor. And the Easterlings are slightly a different story. In the Beleriand days, Morgoth offered the Easterlings the lands of Hithlum in exchange for their loyalty. When Morgoth died, they headed back to Rhun and encountered the Numenoreans who they hated for the same reason the Haradrim hated them: greed for land. When these two armies discovered that Sauron also hated the Men of the West/North as much as they did, they came to him (about this trait of theirs'), and he offered Gondor's lands to the Haradrim and Rohan's lands to the Easterlings, of course they were looking for revenge, remembering how the Numenoreans (and Northmen) had removed them from their bordering locations and expected them to sell land for free, and going to war on them if they expected any pay. That's the history of the Mordor-MotE alliance" - KP
It doesn't get any clearer than that. And there'e nothing wrong with calling them his servants. As long as you know they served him out of similarity and not out of fear or anything like that. . The only people serving him out of fear are Orcs, Goblins, and Trolls. That's. About. It. :