Moria (Goblin) faction
Posted 29 August 2009 - 06:34 PM
To the professor, John Ronald Reuel Tolkien.
-yams in a can
Posted 02 September 2009 - 07:33 PM
To the professor, John Ronald Reuel Tolkien.
-yams in a can
Posted 02 September 2009 - 08:09 PM
In the hobbit, it says that the goblins stole a LOT of ideas through cruelty, pretty much forcing prisoners to make them weapons, terrible weapons, I think it even includes explosives
If they did I expect it would be something very basic like Corsair fire bombs or weak exploding arrows. Nothing special.
Posted 02 September 2009 - 08:32 PM
Posted 02 October 2009 - 10:47 AM
i know that you don't like doing powers, nazgul, but from what I've heard, golfimbul will only have one power - leadership. i think that heroes should really have more than one power. i know that "battle rage" or "carnage" is overused (ugluk and shagrat), so maybe another power that already has fx, like poisoned blade or stealing resources.
and another thing: in the original game, ea neglected the goblins a lot. this resulted in them having one less fortress upgrade than every other faction, which has still continued. i was thinking they could have something like scavenged materials, to reduce the cost of structures or unit upgrades. another idea is that the scavenged materials upgrade gives every structure building rubble, because i think right now all structures get building rubble at level 3. the only thing is i dont know what to add to the fortress when you get that upgrade... maybe the metal plating changes to a darker colour or something...
i also think that goblins dont have as many elite units as the other factions. perhaps the half-troll swordsmen from rotwk could make an appearance. i know you dont like the half-troll idea, but it was possible that they mated orcs and trolls to make larger orcs. or they could just be an elite unit called "goblin brutes" or something like that. elite units, but not as elite as the guardians of moria
finally, i think that the flags for the goblins should be changed. i dont see why they should raise a standard of a spider, especially if the faction is centred around moria. since they feared and (possibly) worshipped the balrog (the movie commentary said that they based goblin armor off of the balrog, hinting that the goblins worshipped it), i think that it should be a picture of the balrog's head, instead of a spider, or a dragon like their faction logo. if not, make the symbol be of a mountain or something, just not a spider
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