Posted 17 December 2008 - 10:19 PM
Posted 19 December 2008 - 02:55 PM
In light of what was said, I think it would be nice to have him using a bow until you get Heroes of Gondor, changing his Bow toggle to a Horse toggle.
Posted 19 December 2008 - 10:20 PM
Posted 06 January 2009 - 09:57 AM
When the Toggle Stance button is removed, I'd like it to be replaced with a new power Lvl.1 ability for Aragorn. At first, it's a toggle between Bow and Sword, allowing him to fulfil his part as a Ranger. After purchasing the Heroes of Gondor upgrade, it becomes a Horse/Foot toggle, like in Return of the King and when he rode with Gandalf and the Rohirrim.
It works both gamewise and lorewise. What do you think?
Posted 06 January 2009 - 10:34 PM
Posted 06 January 2009 - 11:52 PM
Posted 11 January 2009 - 12:00 PM
I definately think that most of these heroes should have boosted attack speed. Maybe Faramir could be a slow but powerful archer but a really speedy swordsman? I feel nostalgic of the Return of the King game for PS2.
Posted 11 January 2009 - 07:04 PM
. That is all that I think is needed of him. Read pages 23-25 of the discussion for our talk about Boromir's powers.he could stand to fire a tiny bit faster perhaps, but not very much if at all, because i think hes in a pretty good place right now in terms of power vs cost.
Posted 13 January 2009 - 09:39 AM
And with that, I'm leaving this stupid discussion (that I took part in as well, shamefully). It seems more like we prefer to argue about lore than anything else where we should be talking about the game. Aragorn is already a better swordsman than Boromir and Faramir in the game. Correct me if I'm wrong but Faramir is already worse than Boromir (except range) stat-wise. Power-wise, I would rather have Faramir because all Boromir can do is provide a pretty bad leadership, blow his horn, and give other soldiers more experience. At the moment, I don't think that Boromir is really worth his cost, to be honest. I think that, as of the latest public release, Boromir is just a really powerful soldier unit that may have a power set that doesn't do his character complete justice.
So my suggestion is that the team should consider looking over and edit Boromir when they have their focus on Gondor. Which may not happen until the public release after the next one....
I completely agree. Boromir was also a skilled horseman and one of the age's most talented and charismatic leaders. (while Aragorn, actually, was more of a modest, quiet kind of guy.) Boromir was capable of incredible feats of stamina and endurance, which were always used as examples by Denethor when lecturing Faramir. Aragorn may have been an amazing fighter, but so was Boromir. The book made a large focus on his inspirational leadership abilities; this should be implemented in the mod, in my opinion. I'd seriously improve his leadership, and give him an Inspiration power where nearby units gain experience twice as fast for a limited amount of time. Also, it would be nice for him to have Blademaster to show what a great fighter he was, or a kind of Glorious Charge for infantry. And to cap it off, once the stance buttons have been removed for heroes he could have a Horse/Foot toggle, although we wouldn't be able to use some of his powers that way to keep him more of an infantry-focused hero. I love Boromir; he's my favourite character (and in-game hero) alongside Saruman, Denethor and Faramir.
The only bad side to Boromir was the weakness of his willpower. The moment he saw the Ring he was corrupted, and at one point it completely overran his will and compelled him to try to steal it from Frodo. This is what distinguished him from Aragorn and Faramir, who were a lot stronger in that sense. This is why he would, if RJ's Ring system is implemented, have one of the shortest "corruption timers".
And if everybody thinks that all of this is just rubbish, at least give him faster attack and/or splash damage.
EDIT: And as for the other guys, I'd give Faramir either an Arrow Volley or a Glorious Charge, because you see him do both in the film. He orders fellow rangers to fire volleys of arrows at Osgliliath and Ithilien, and he leads a cavalry charge against Osgiliath later on, albeit an unsuccesful one. I'd also improve his attack speed rate, with both bow and sword. And make Wounding Arrow either cripple or do continuing damage to heroes.
Aragorn... I'd give him a Bow/Sword toggle until he gets Heroes of Gondor, when it would be changed to a Horse toggle (and the Black Gate skin). Although I don't too much like the Bow because he doesn't leave Imladris with one. In the movie, he just kind of pulls it out of Hammerspace in Balin's Tomb. And to make sure he doesn't overshadow Faramir, keep his bow firing rate relatively low.
I would also like cost increases all round, if these changes take effect. You've got to have some balance.
Edited by Hasfusel, 13 January 2009 - 09:55 AM.
Posted 13 January 2009 - 10:57 PM
i like the ideas, but we must think of the role each hero fills within the faction before any changes can be made.
keep 'em coming though
Posted 14 January 2009 - 03:04 AM
- Faramir: Your early-mid game hero. IMO he's pretty mediocre which suits his character for the combat aspect. He's mediocre at sword fighting, an okay cavalry hero, and is an average archer.
he could stand to fire a tiny bit faster perhaps, but not very much if at all, because i think hes in a pretty good place right now in terms of power vs cost.
- Damrod: Your early game ranged hero. Okay, he might need a nerf to his firing rate in consideration of his price but that can easily be adjusted as far as I know. Either that or he needs a better price. I like his powers the way they are and I am still not sure whether or not Damrod will stay as a capaign-only hero or not. At the moment, you can use him in skirmishes.
- Prince Imrahil: Your mid-late game mounted hero. He's fine the way he is at the moment, from my point of view.
- Boromir: Your early-mid game melee hero. He needs a shield bash (for some actual damage, have mediocre effects) and a Final Stand ability. Considering his price, I would consider Damrod and Faramir much more useful than him. I mean he costs 2000 from what I remember and all we get is a mediocre leadership, Gondor Horn, and a power that gives experience. Because he is a skilled warrior, it would make sense to give him more melee powers than leadership powers. The reason that I don't want any more leadership powers on Boromir is because (Iirc) all of the heroes that I have listed so far give out some kind of a leadership power. But that's just me.
*Excluded Pippin because I know that the team wants to give the hobbits powers, there's just been no news on that.
*Excluded Aragorn because I find that he is in a good role right now; Being your mid-late game melee fighter.
*Excluded Gandalf because I don't find there being any issues with his power set or stats.
Posted 14 January 2009 - 08:30 PM
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Posted 14 January 2009 - 08:35 PM
Gandalf's pretty good overall imo...if a bit easy to kill with weapon masters ()
Aragorn's pretty good too, I brought up the bow/sword toggle before heroes of gondor a month or two ago in the beta forums, but he needs a major nerf for that to happen, and only get normal/slightly better stats with Heroes of Gondor. No mount is necessary though, imo. Gondor's not cavalry based, but they already have three mounted heroes, which is enough.
Boromir should be 1600, and have his bfme1 attack speed. I'd like to see him get double damage when in red health and maybe some armor, but I'm not gonna push too hard for it.
Faramir should be 1200, stats as they are.
Imrahils fine, so is pip
My political compass
There's a story that the grass is so green...what did I see? Where have I been?
Posted 14 January 2009 - 11:52 PM
I agree. Boromir gaining damage and some armor at low health makes perfect sense, just watch his final stand in the movies.Boromir should be 1600, and have his bfme1 attack speed. I'd like to see him get double damage when in red health and maybe some armor, but I'm not gonna push too hard for it.
Edited by Wanderer∞, 14 January 2009 - 11:53 PM.
How 'bout a magic trick?
"Never give up. Never surrender."
-Captain Jason Nesmith
Posted 15 January 2009 - 10:47 AM
I reckon Shield Bash is a bit random for Boromir because a) he doesn't actually hit anyone with his shield and b) it wouldn't be particularly effective. On top of that it would be difficult to animate. I'd much rather have a more fitting power.
The way I see it, the Horse/Rider toggle for Boromir isn't important because he's an infantry hero. I just liked the idea because Tolkein stressed what a good horseman he was and his incredible journey from Minas Tirith to Rivendell.
What I do think is important is that he stops being a cheap early game hero and becomes an expensive mid game hero as is befitting his character and status. Tolkein made him out as being one of the greatest heroes of the age - it was just the weakness of his will against the will that defeated him.
Oh well.
Edited by Hasfusel, 15 January 2009 - 10:49 AM.
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