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#81 Devon


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Posted 18 February 2008 - 12:46 PM

- At a point in the game you will send up the signal calling for aid from one of the two other subs. After a period of time they will come to your aid. (The call for help and the signal I'm planning right now to be a part of your fortress, similar to an expansion). This would be a free call, and some time after the first arrives you can call for the 2nd.

Woah...free? Then there's no stradegy involved, you just buy it instantly as soon as the map starts...shikari and I already had a long discussion on this, and I think it's better to make it cost 1k or 2k to buy the signal thingy, so there's at least some skill and stradegy involved.

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#82 Guest_dojob_*

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Posted 18 February 2008 - 03:31 PM

It would still cost you time...

#83 Devon


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Posted 18 February 2008 - 04:26 PM

but every game you played, they would come in at 10 minutes every time or something, and the second faction in 20...that just takes out the fun for me.

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#84 Shikari



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Posted 18 February 2008 - 04:41 PM

You would need to first purchase the dormitory expansion for the barracks (so that the visiting units have somewhere to stay and train :lol: ) before you can call for aid. So you would have the price of the dormitory to pay, which would be the strategy part, as to when you buy that.

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#85 Devon


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Posted 18 February 2008 - 05:32 PM

Why not just have the call cost though? Simpler and more sensible in my opinion.

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#86 robnkarla


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Posted 18 February 2008 - 05:52 PM

Yes, there would still be the cost of the dormitory to house the units, plus you would not signal them right away. First you would build the signal expansion most likely, thus so you would not be able to signal anyone for a few minutes into the game. Then there will be quite a few minutes to actually call for them.

So there is a delay in the amount of time as well as purchasing of the dormitory for each type of unit that you want to use. The idea with the sub-faction compared to others is that the moment they are available you should be able to produce a number of different units if you prepare for it, but that would mean diverting your resources and potentially exposing your plans as far as which type of building/unit you are working towards and I might even have it so you can tell which sub-faction you are calling.

So most likely the first thing you do will be to build the signal and then when that is ready you will call the faction you want. But all that will do will say that you can build the units from your buildings if you have the dorms set up. So the strategy will be more on how you plan to use the sub-faction instead of which one you choose and when you choose it.

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#87 Dalf32


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Posted 18 February 2008 - 11:23 PM

as long as there is some sort of cost involved i like the idea. well, as long as there is a 'build' time and the cost is more than say, 50 (both of which u have i believe)

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Posted 21 February 2008 - 03:52 PM

i think elves can have flying mount hero (glorfindel and arown and gondolf(in gondor)if they become level 10 the they can use this ability look like nazgul but with no research only the become level 10.only reskin eagle and add this hero on the eagles back.

Edited by HOLY_RAVEN, 21 February 2008 - 03:55 PM.

#89 Guest_Orion61_*

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Posted 21 February 2008 - 06:24 PM

Do we have any idea when the new beta will be released.... Not rushing...just wondering if you have a ball-park estimate on it

#90 Devon


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Posted 21 February 2008 - 07:55 PM

5 or 6 weeks probably, we're trying for a balance release so we can have a tournament.

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#91 Gothmog14


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Posted 22 February 2008 - 10:45 PM

I was thinking, what exactly is going on with the eagles and Elves? Are they going to be a part of Mirkwood or Rivendell? It would make much more sense IMO if they went over to the Dwarves (since they came to Erebor's aid before, plus the Dwarves have very little unit variation).

Edited by Gothmog14, 23 February 2008 - 02:47 AM.

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#92 Devon


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Posted 23 February 2008 - 01:09 AM

Maybe a summon for dwarves....hmmmm, they don't really fit with elves at all, except maybe Lorien, as the king of the eagles (forgetting his name) went looking for Gandalf and brought him to lorien.

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#93 Scryer


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Posted 25 February 2008 - 02:19 AM

For me, if anything, the eagles should either be a lvl 15 powers or level 7 inn heroes (for all good faction purchases). My reason is, is that the eagles lent a helping hand for every faction. They aided the good factions regardless of which race they belonged to. In my opinion, the only factions that could get away with having eagles (whether they purchase eagles from a foretress upgrade or not) would be the elves or the dwarves. I mentioned the dwarves because I would think that they would have had the easiest time calling for aid from the eagles.

Now, what I want to know is what is going on with the STA upgrade.... I have always believed that the STA upgrade made the elves a little OP. I would just like to see this upgrade nerfed because you guys are adding much more to the Elves' faction. Like you got Lorien, Rivendell, and Mirkwood units that all specialize in a certain strengths. And I believe that these sub-faction-specializations will just go to waste if you kept the STA upgrade the way it is.

I would also like to see some leadership powers altered to fit the elven sub-factions like:

-Elrond only gives a leadership bonus to Rivendell units
-Celeborn only gives a leadership bonus to Lorien units
-Thranduil only gives a leadership bonus to Mirkwood units

What's going on with Elrond's sons (forget their names...) as heroes? I believe that I've asked this before, but what are their powers like? - IF you don't mind revealing them.... Because I think that, if they're going to turn out to be cookie-cutters of other melee heroes, that you shouldn't put them in. I honestly think that they might risk making the Elves overpowered. But then again, Mordor has 7 Nazguls.... I really don't know what kind of an opinion to form here, because I don't have enough information on Elrond's sons.....

Edited by Scryer, 17 November 2008 - 04:58 AM.

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#94 CIL



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Posted 04 March 2008 - 12:52 AM

For me, if anything, the eagles should either be a lvl 15 powers or level 7 inn heroes (for all good faction purchases). My reason is, is that the eagles lent a helping hand for every faction. They aided the good factions regardless of which race they belonged to. In my opinion, the only factions that could get away with having eagles (whether they purchase eagles from a foretress upgrade or not) would be the elves or the dwarves. I mentioned the dwarves because I( would think that they would have had the easiest time calling for aid from the eagles.

Now, what I want to know is what is going on with the STA upgrade.... I have always believed that the STA upgrade made the elves a little OP. I would just like to see this upgrade nerfed because you guys are adding much more to the Elves' faction. Like you got Lorien, Rivendell, and Mirkwood units that all specialize in a certain strengths. And I believe that these sub-faction-specializations will just go to waste if you kept the STA upgrade the way it is.

I would also like to see some leadership powers altered to fit the elven sub-factions like:

-Elrond only gives a leadership bonus to Rivendell units
-Celeborn only gives a leadership bonus to Lorien units
-Thranduil only gives a leadership bonus to Mirkwood units

What's going on with Elrond's sons (forget their names...) as heroes? I believe that I've asked this before, but what are their powers like? - IF you don't mind revealing them.... Because I think that, if they're going to turn out to be cookie-cutters of other melee heroes, that you shouldn't put them in. I honestly think that they might risk making the Elves overpowered. But then again, Mordor has 7 Nazguls.... I really don't know what kind of an opinion to form here, because I don't have enough information on Elrond's sons.....

Elladan and Elrohir are only strong at level 10 because, though they attack fast, they only get meta at level 10. Their health, attack and def. are average but they complement each other. They are truly strong as a pair but ok alone. Nothing amazing but pretty good. Both Mordor and the Elves are pretty much the hero factions. The Elves and Mordor are lacking somewhat along the lines of a good actual army (IMO).

Edited by Crazy Intellectual Liberal, 04 March 2008 - 12:53 AM.

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#95 Scryer


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Posted 04 March 2008 - 02:58 AM

Thanks for the info.

Hmm, I really don't know what I should say about them. I guess I have to start up the mod again (haha).... From what you're saying, they sound okay. But the only problem with making certain factions 'hero-based' is that each hero should have a specific purpose.

I do agree with you that the Elves and Mordor lack in the regualr unit department..... To an extent, if you know what I mean.

I would like to see Mordor more of a unit faction..... but I doubt it with those many heroes :xcahik_: . I would love to see Mordor become a faction that sends out massive armies and massive amounts of heroes to kill their enemies. But once their unit-production and resource buildings are destroyed, Mordor becomes a little crippled. -But that's a discussion for another time.

Now with the elves, I highly suggest that you guys make the elven subfactions 'hero-specific'. What I mean by this is that you could only build Thranduil and Legolas if you had the Mirkwood allegiance purchased, etc. 'Hero-specific' subfactions would also encourage more purpose to their heroes as well. I do think that the Elven heroes have purposes in the battlefield but I honestly think that 'Hero-specific' subfactions would emphasize that even more. Here's some examples:

-Elrond would obviously be the leader of the Rivendell units. Therefore, he would get a leadership that only affects Rivendell units.
-Glorfindel would be the melee mounted hero that you'd use to kill massive amounts of units.

-Celeborn would be the leader of Lorien and he'd have leadership abilities that only affected Lorien units (sense a pattern?).
-Galadriel would stay the wya she is now. I like her purpose in the game so far.

-Thraduil would lead the Mirkwood units and he'd also emphasize them with stelath bonuses.
-Legolas would just be Legolas and he'd slay larger monsters 'movie-style'. I actually don't know what Legolas' purpose would be apart from that.

I'm really pushing for 'hero-specific' subfactions if they are possible. Because I honestly think that having Elrond lead Rivendell warriors is pointless because you could have other heroes lead them.

I don't know about you guys but I don't think that either Elrond and Galadriel should both get the same twister power. I like the power, but I'd rather have only one of those heroes use it because it shows a lack of creativity (to put it bluntly and honestly). I think that either hero could pull it off because I think that it; Just suits Galadriel; And it also suits Elrond because he has the Ring of Air. Please pick one of the heroes. If you chose to remove it from Elrond, then please give him another power that would increase the stats of Rivendell units or something (my creative juices are lacking today). And if you removed the twister power from Galadriel then I think that she needs a replacement power too.

Now onto Glorfindel. If we are all going off of the idea that Glorfindel was from Gondolin and Rivendell, then I think that he needs a better level 10 power since he kind of fought and slew (if I remember correctly....) a balrog. Plus he chased the WK from Arnor. I think that his "Starlight" power should be more offensive or it should boost more of Glorfindel's stats. I do realize that he already has a lot of these powers but I have always interpreted Glorfindel as a "warrior to be reckoned with" because of his efforts in the past. Here's my suggestions for a new lvl 10 Glorfindel power:

Starlight - Lvl 10

-Gives Glorfindel and all targeted units boosts in defence, attack, speed, and vision.


-Covers your opponent's mini-map in fog/mist so that they can't see where you're comming from. This also gives stealth bonuses to all units and it increases their attack, range, and speed. Also increases these stats for Glorfindel. This lasts for only 15-30 seconds. -I could also see this power being used for Elrond.

My last point to this last post is that Arwen doesn't have a purpose as a hero. ALl she does is ride around, summoning a flood (thank god you guys lowered the level on that power) and giving out Athelas to heroes nearby. I propose that you guys could turn her into a 'healing hero'. Her and Eowyn don't ahve a purpose at all.... So instead of making her into a hero that ould be another bane for Ringwraiths, why don't you guys make her into a hero that can replenish your warriors? Not only that but the current Rivendell heroes all have powers that heal your troops, so this could emphasize a certain theme to Rivendell as a subfaction... Anyways Arwen's new powers could look like:

-Athelas (Sp?)
-Leadership - All nearby Rivendell units gain a minor healing regeneration bonus while in battle.
-Power of Grace - All nearby allied heroes gain a moderate-major (increases as she levels, maybe?) healing bonus in battle.

I think that this would give her more of a purpose and I also think that it suits her character as well. Because she wasn't a character that fought a lot. Not only that but I think that she would really diverse herself as a hero than the other heroes who focus on damaging the enemy.

These are my thoughts, what do you all think?

Edited by Scryer, 04 March 2008 - 03:00 AM.

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#96 Myrdin


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Posted 04 March 2008 - 11:59 AM

this hero thing you suggest " stinks " lke copy of Rhowanionn alliance mod !!!
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"From this seal shall arise the doom of men,"
"who, in their arrogance, sought to wield our fire as their own."
"Blindly they build their kingdoms upon stolen knowledge and conceit."
"Now they shall be consumed by the very flame they sought to control."
"Let the echoes of doom resound across this wretched world, that all who live may hear them and despair."

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#97 CIL



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Posted 04 March 2008 - 06:32 PM

Elrond is pretty much the powers and leadership (though he should be able to deal meta damage because that's putting Haldir's killing capacity before his own at lower levels as he attacks sllloooowwww). Galadriel is the weak but crazily stron powers lady. Getting in her way at level 10 is like asking for death. Anyways, I like your Glorfindel idea but he also was the head of a house similar to Elrond's (most presumably) so it is only fitting that he has some form of an ally bonus. What I believe must be done is that Glorfindel needs about the equivalent of 5 CaH armour points, 1500 more health and 10 more power. He is underpowered and could never hope to kill a balrog... But also upping his price by like 1000.

Edited by Crazy Intellectual Liberal, 04 March 2008 - 06:38 PM.

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#98 Mathijs


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Posted 04 March 2008 - 06:40 PM

this hero thing you suggest " stinks " lke copy of Rhowanionn alliance mod !!!

Spell it before you insult it.

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#99 Shikari



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Posted 04 March 2008 - 06:42 PM

I don't think that was an insult...

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#100 Lauri


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Posted 04 March 2008 - 06:45 PM

do you not?

Neither do I....
Matias, I misread the first time I read it :xcahik_: My comp freezed, and I had to reboot...
Now, I'm here, and see THIS sentence;

That idea suck, it's copying the Rhovanion Alliance mod!

of course, I could be wrong... But I doubt it :dry:


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