Posted 16 July 2007 - 04:02 PM
Have you make any conclusions about the armies or combining them, that we talked about earlier?
Posted 16 July 2007 - 04:58 PM
Posted 17 July 2007 - 09:15 AM
Moria > Lothlórien > Amon Hen > Eastfold (Éomer should have it cleared) > Eaves of Fangorn (Éomer should have claimed it already too) > Helm's Deep
I think there should be a new region in Rohan that Éomer can first fight, while the fellowship is at Amon Hen (like in BFME 1)
Posted 17 July 2007 - 11:20 AM
Awesome mod by the way. Never seen dedication and talent like this.
Posted 17 July 2007 - 01:39 PM
I had the same problem which was getting on my nerves =PI was just wondering, I here that there is a glitch in Amon Hen. I got the game.dat error just as the horn of gondor sounds. As the game moves to boromir everythings ok. As soon as the horn starts to subside it loops and my game freezes. Is there any fix or is this one of the ongoing problems.
Awesome mod by the way. Never seen dedication and talent like this.
Before the warg attack, kill the warg rider horde on the northwest of the map. After this, the wargs will howl but it'll also trigger the horn. Kill the wargs, and the Uruk-Hai hordes afterwards. This somehow fixes it, but I hope Rob has it fixed next version.
EDIT: BY THE WAY, I also wanted to report a bug which is known to me; if you put a non-army leader hero in a region, he will not appear, due to the command point factor being 0.
Edited by Xingdao Fan, 17 July 2007 - 01:41 PM.
Posted 17 July 2007 - 03:26 PM
the deathbringers that escort the hobbits through the eastfold mission cannot b attacked.
the reinforcements on the eaves of fangorn map r on screen but unselectable, they run off screen wen they r called in, and they then run bak on and r selectable. its just kinda annoyin c'in big army of rohirrim and not bein able 2 use em.
and eomer and the fellowship's movement needs 2 b limited after the eastfold/amon hen turn bc they can move into any adjacent territory.
Posted 17 July 2007 - 04:47 PM
Cleaburn thanks
Posted 17 July 2007 - 07:34 PM
And, after all the great effort RJ did to split MotW into Rohan and Gondor, they won't be combined again lol.
Posted 18 July 2007 - 03:15 AM
i mean i thought i had a good strategy and i still ended up bein pushed bak into the top level until the reinforcements came. altho i wil admit, i pretty much had all the units gon by the tim they cam.
suggestions: thers a little lag in the opening video 4 sum reason, altho thers non on the actual map. its also a bit annoying having 2 destroy absolutely every bilding on the map 2 win. shuldnt hav 2 destroy the towers, i mean thers soooo many!
other than that great.
Posted 18 July 2007 - 03:00 PM
And the lag occurs because of the angle of the camera. The in-game lag, I guess it's just the result of mass units. I really didn't want to play it in Very Low graphic settings but I guess I don't have another chance... it's not even fun to play with all the lag I get in Low settings.
The mission is pretty tough yeah, I had over 10 ballistae constantly aiming for my buildings, I was in the top of the Keep and constantly training units, when the unit production structures collapsed I thought it I would loose, but the reinforcements were in time.
Edited by Xingdao Fan, 18 July 2007 - 03:01 PM.
Posted 19 July 2007 - 01:11 AM
Really other than the Amon Hen bug which I got through and Helms Deep, nothing was really hard. Except maybe you want to make a little description for the eastfold that says do this with eomer before eaves of fangorn. Because I tried the eaves of fangorn first, thinking eomer would come with reinforcements. Boy was I wrong. It took me half a day to beat it and when I moved the fellowship through the eastfold, I got the eastfold mission with them.
Great Mod
Posted 19 July 2007 - 03:26 AM
i think after rob gets the movement limited lik it is at the beginning of the campaign (assuming he's goin 2) it will all b a bit mor clear.
dont worry tho, it gets harder. i just finished the iron hills and that 1's pretty hard.
i really wish that the units on walls worked lik it did in the first gam. i dont no y it does that, but its ridiculously annoyin. the entir battle u hav 2 keep tellin ur units 2 mov bak onto the walls.
Posted 19 July 2007 - 05:46 AM
Posted 19 July 2007 - 08:12 AM
By the way, in Isengard, half of your forces are given to neutral. I think Treebeard, the Ents and the Hobbits should spawn alone if you win the battle of Helm's Deep.
And of course, Enedwaith, Cair Andros, Osgilliath, Anfalas, Belfalas and those regions do not give a fight but I guess that's intentional, since the campaign is incomplete (I think?)
So, is the next BETA coming out tomorrow or? I didn't want to wait 'till Sunday.
Is the campaign a bit more complete in 1.50.03? You have been busy lately so I guess not.
Posted 19 July 2007 - 06:05 PM
My political compass
There's a story that the grass is so green...what did I see? Where have I been?
Posted 20 July 2007 - 02:50 AM
and after the isengard mission, wat's next? i hav no idea wer 2 go since every territory can b moved into.
and Xindao Fan, u hav 2 send out aragorn and gimli along w/ sum units 2 work on their siege and units. the heros draw a lot of fire and all u really hav 2 worry bout is ladders.
Posted 20 July 2007 - 04:42 AM
After Isengard I need to do more maps I think all the units except 1 are in place enough for me to start working on the campaign in 1.05.03 where I will be first going through and rebalancing all of the maps and then move to the next map.
Outside of the Fellowship maps and Rohan maps, you can also do Rivendell, Rhudaur, & Iron Hills.
Posted 20 July 2007 - 08:43 AM
As for Isengard, I found the mission pretty easy the first time, there were almost no bugs besides the one of Éomer and his riders being neutral (I think they shouldn't even appear if it was intentional).
The second time I experienced a few bugs:
- Also in the first time I played, Isengard's army comes out too soon. In BFME 1, you would be able to clear the units outside while Isengard massed an army and then sent it at you. It's more realistic if the army helps right away of course, but this is just in case it wasn't intentional.
- Saruman and Gríma come out with the wave Isengard launches. After Saruman's words, he may become invulnerable to damage. I lost all my heroes because he was constantly casting fireball and aiming for them, and I couldn't do anything because he didn't take any damage.
- I don't know if you're basing this mod on the book or the movie, but if you're basing it on the books, Saruman and Gríma shouldn't die. They should either remain in their tower, or run to it once they're 50% of the their HP. Gríma shouldn't even be there either way, when he arrived to Isengard on poney, he found that Isengard had been razed by the Ents. He tried to run but an Ent caught him.
Edited by Xingdao Fan, 20 July 2007 - 08:45 AM.
Posted 20 July 2007 - 08:49 AM
Rob, can't you make the campaign like BFME II? The new system is weird. It would be much clearer if we knew what to do. I think Daín should spawn at Esgaroth (Celduin).
Joining the armies would do the trick
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