I think you guys are losing track. Every fantasy world still has an internal logic: some things are possible (in fact, in fantasy, many things that we in reality would find impossible are through the "deep arts" possible) but even within this world some things just aren't plausible. Treebeard screaming at buildings and having them be destroyed, in my opinion, has no foundation in anything Tolkien wrote.
How about this, though: in the movie, Treebeard roared when he saw the destruction wrought by Isengard upon the surrounding forest. Shortly after, all of the Ents gathered to him to march on Isengard. SO, why not have Treebeard's roar grant Surrounding Ents a speed bonus, so they can gather at haste and make them more efficient at mobilizing, since they are the slowest units in the game.
actually Grubbo, i got a quote from the Dutch books wich states that the roar of Ents can destroy buildings...
the quote in dutch:
''Ik dacht dat ze al eerder echt boos waren gemaakt, maar ik had het mis. Ik zag hoe ze in werkelijkheid konden zijn. Het was overweldigend. Ze brulden en schreeuwden en trompetterden, totdat stenen alleen al door de herrie ervan begonnen te barsten en neer te vallen.''
wich means in English:
''i thought they were made angry earlier, but i was wrong. I saw how the could be in reality. It was overwhelming. They roared en yelled en trumpeterd(dunno the word
), till stones would crack and fall down just by the noise of it.''
so it clearly states an Ent Roar would be capable of atleast damage structures. If you guys would think it is too unrealistic, a debuff would be fine too
Edited by myster, 22 January 2008 - 02:49 PM.