Gondor (MotW) faction
Posted 19 February 2008 - 09:37 AM
Posted 19 February 2008 - 01:54 PM
Axed Head and A.I. Coder for S.E.E. and ... stuff
".. coding is basically boring. What's fun is finding out how things work, take them apart and then put them together in ways that were not intended nor even conceived."
Posted 25 April 2008 - 07:01 PM
Posted 26 April 2008 - 03:29 PM
Posted 30 April 2008 - 10:14 PM
Posted 01 May 2008 - 11:36 AM
#208 Guest_tim1247_*
Posted 07 May 2008 - 03:04 PM
say, increase the effect of their abilities.. like more powerful leadership bonus.....etc. Since heroes in this mod matters alot....may directly affect the balance of factions.
-for aragorn's level 8 ability, +20% of his and nearby heroes' powers seems to be too little...( Elven Elrond and celeborn has whirlwind...witchking has that mighty flaming morgul blade thing....),I
suggest giving a boost of 100%~200% in powers for himeself only...(btw does the word "powers" stated in the descriptions refers to his attack damage and armor?I found a typo for that word ...)
Posted 07 May 2008 - 03:43 PM
Be sure to read the info on the mod for gameplay.
Build the Golden Hall. Once you build it, you will be able to recruit more heroes at your castle.
Their powers increase proportionately to their levels. So put them in battle and rank them up. You'll see it is very well balanced.
Aragorn has the blade power which increases his strength and immunity. Same as BFMEII. Dont know what you mean about Aragorns powers?
well,i had tried the mod a many times with my friends using Lan, I found that one major problem for MOTW is it has only 5 heroes,too little comparing with other factions,,how about to power up them?
say, increase the effect of their abilities.. like more powerful leadership bonus.....etc. Since heroes in this mod matters alot....may directly affect the balance of factions.
-for aragorn's level 8 ability, +20% of his and nearby heroes' powers seems to be too little...( Elven Elrond and celeborn has whirlwind...witchking has that mighty flaming morgul blade thing....),I
suggest giving a boost of 100%~200% in powers for himeself only...(btw does the word "powers" stated in the descriptions refers to his attack damage and armor?I found a typo for that word ...)
Posted 22 May 2008 - 11:38 AM
horn of the mark
and its ability i guess would be to get the enemys attention either in a circle or single (you choose i think circle is more movieish)
you could set the codes to make the threat level go up dont know how to get the enemy to stop attacking the other ones tho
-for theoden instead of having only 10% dmg taken for the charge maybe no slow down on trample for maybe even shorter time?
-i would love to see more rohan infantry cause some people want to do rohan based games (like in the rohan territorys)
-maybe switch merry and pippin over here and give them these powers
Pippin- service of steward-lvl ?- increases armor
Pippin- (cant think of name)-lvl ?- increases damage
Merry- Same As Both Above But For Rohan Terms
thats all i can think of right now if i think bout anymore then ill get back to you guys
Posted 25 May 2008 - 05:25 PM
His powers could be as follows-
Level 1- Wizard Blast
Level 2- Athelas
Level 4- Summon familiar
Level 7- Mount Eagle
I also suggest that you restore the Sheild upgrades for Knights and Rohirrim, which reduce vulnerability vs. arrows, and PLEASE allow Aragorn to keep his Oathbreaker power! How could you castrate a man like that?
Edited by spiderspag, 25 May 2008 - 05:25 PM.
Posted 25 May 2008 - 10:52 PM
i would love to have shields back,
and i didnt like having the oathbreaker power cause then at lvl 10 hes too hard to kill
Posted 26 May 2008 - 05:26 AM
And and one unit of Oathbreakers is no better than THREE firedrakes, which the Goblin King gets at Level 3.
Also, as a visual suggestion for Gandalf, could you make him so that up until he is leveled up enough to mount Shadowfax, he is still cloaked in grey with his hat?
EDIT: Suggestion for Gandalf added.
Edited by spiderspag, 26 May 2008 - 07:37 AM.
Posted 26 May 2008 - 07:43 PM
and yet, I don't know if any are possible to do
so here it goes... to
1) I like the whole Peasant draft feature and stuff with MoTW, but they are so weak, makes me wonder why they are even there. Why not make them stronger [like Gondor Swordmans level] when you purchase heavy armor from the rohan armoury? Also, give them capes [if at all possible] and make them look more warrior like, and less...well not warrior like
2) Seeing that I've read some things about the Royal Guard, and I love that idea, loooooove it. Thing is, they should be able to switch between sword and spear, for they are strong against calvary attack and just decent to use. But that the same time, adding Guards of the Citidel [with swords] to the Gondor elite would even things out, a bit [seeing Gondor has the Guards of the Fountain Court, armed with spears, they should have an elite armed with swords, seeing that Royal guard could possibly switch between sword and spear]
3)King of the Dead, having him as a hero for MoTW sounds cool, BUT he should have special rules. Seeing that I read a lot about Aragorns horse "Brego" I say get rid of the army of the dead command for him, give him his horse, and let the King of the Dead summon the Army. But this is where the "Special Rule" comes in. Everyone knows what its like to have a fallen hero, correct? well...what if the King starts off as a fallen hero, and can be summoned near aragorn [if desired] on the battle field. Plus can summon the army [a group or 2] for a certain amount of time, and once that time is up, the King disappears with his army, ready to be resurected at the fortress.
4) Somehow mix it in that Boromir can get his Gondorian Armor on [unless at a special level that happens and I havn't seen it, if so, IGNORE]
5) When Faramir is mounted, he is still in his ranger suit, when I want Faramir on a horse, I LIKE ARMOR. It just looks really badass when you got Faramir with his Knights charging Orcs...but thats just me...
6) add a spear wall formation for spear armed units, for best defence against a head on calvary attack
uhhh I think thats it...
feed back would be awsome =D
P.S I know I was suppose to keep it "short and sweet" but a lot of it is ideas to why it COULD be like that, and so on, So I apologize to whoever on the T3A team that reads my post =(
Edited by WesternWarrior, 26 May 2008 - 07:56 PM.
Posted 26 May 2008 - 09:31 PM
1) because gondor swordsmen are trained and the peasants are just like farmers given weps and slight armor and they werent ready for war otherwise they'd most likely be rohiriim
2) personally if they add royal guards and guards of the citadel they shouldnt be aloud to leave right near the citadel noticing they pretty much guard the main building (in certain ways both)
3) well i dont think they put the army of the dead feature back on him leaving him with the "sword of the kings" ability but that is an interesting idea i wouldnt mind seeing it (just to try it in game)
4) yea i kinda thought bought armor upgrades during certain lvls maybe they could do it at lvl 10's? (w/e but there armor is kinda ok now but wouldn't mind that)
5) yea i kinda want that too because in mp he kinda stands out so
6) just give bfme1 porcupine formation then that fixes
Edited by Hoarmûrath of Dír, 26 May 2008 - 09:33 PM.
#216 Guest_Predi_*
Posted 04 June 2008 - 04:22 PM
Posted 08 June 2008 - 06:55 PM
Edited by Jonasking, 08 June 2008 - 06:56 PM.
Posted 25 June 2008 - 01:06 PM
--(armour for Borimer) as he levels or upgradeable with cost, also have a power in which he raises a banner and shouts: "For Gondor!!!", giving surrounding units a fear debuff and extra armor for a period
here is a perfect example, i don't know if they would allow you to do this but Rohvanion alliance has a perfect animation and skin for Borimer
-This has been mentioned but once Farimer mounts his horse he wears his armour
Mount Brego for Aragorn alternative outfits according to levels ie strider,helms deep,black gate, coronation (i know its not battle wear but it looks so cool, also this would apply to his horse's skin according to level, like the battle gear when they go to the black gate
Farm house lair (like warg sentry)--love that idea
Damrod and madril Beregond(ranger upgrade like a banner carrier but adds leadership, plus their individual damage)
-Ranger Tents , with ithilien and dunidain rangers, however because ithilien rangers I believe were elite archers you would have to have lvl 3 arch range?
-Similar to the ranger mini hero idea , perhaps could add Gamling Grimbold and Theodred to either normal rohirrim or royal guard batallions using this concept you wouldn't have to make powers but just add buffs to battions and add a really cool concept to the mod
witch king's bane ("Fool, no living man can slay me, I am no man you look upon a woman- Stab animation)-sound clip from movie would add a neat touch to the spell
-I noticed that your archer formation idea was scrapped in the to do list , would you consider just adding this ability to rangers/stealthed elves to properly set up ambushes
-possibility a mamik bane for Emeor
-Legolas possibly add a cape , he has a nice skin now but the cape would make it all the better
-Alternate model for gwahir to distinguish which is the king of Eagles
Would there be a way that allows AoD to be purchased in the spell tree but you can only activate it through aragorn?-I know this was mentioned in previous pages but i like the idea
There is alot of people wanting rohan and gondor split into 2 factions , i like it the way it is , but perhaps somehow during the setup option you could set ai 2 use both/individual , this also pertains to the starting with just porter option as then the user could simply choose which he would follow, this idea would require rohan walls for it to work however
Prince Imrahil possibily a normal hero that like the plan to replace the summon ability he gains one of his own to utilize to nice skins that you have for the knights, the ones the prince summons can stay perhaps and more can't be summoned till the others die?
Posted 12 July 2008 - 03:15 AM
i was reading through your introductory PDF, and noticed what you said about Rohan. I agree with you guys, I miss Rohan and want to see it again. But i think there is a better way to put it in. if i understand the PDF correctly, whenever you play a Rohan map, you get Rohan buildings. but only on Rohan maps. problem is, there isnt a whole lot of Rohan maps. (unless you added a ton more or plan to)
i suggest that instead, no matter what map you play, it randomizes between Rohan and Gondor buildings. same buildings with the same abilities, two different looks for each.
EXAMPLE: you place archery range like normal, and the game randomizes between the Rohan look or the Gondor look. but you still can recruit Gondor archers and ithilien rangers and all the other functions
that way, no matter where you play, Rohan is integrated into the MOTW faction.
Posted 12 July 2008 - 11:07 AM
They're a minifaction of the Men...
// C}{riZ
"Do not come between the Nazgûl and his mod!"
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