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Gondor (MotW) faction

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#321 Nazgûl


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Posted 29 January 2009 - 08:09 PM

(Up until here - this thread has now been checked for useful items to put into the ToDo List!) :thumbsupsmiley:

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#322 Guest_BlaBlaYurNeeds_*

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Posted 06 February 2009 - 06:24 AM

Any chance of putting in Dol Amroth Knights and Heavy Infantry as one summoning spell?
You can ask Stealthsnake for some models though or make one

#323 njm1983


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Posted 06 February 2009 - 03:16 PM

Im pretty sure its a 100% chance they will be a summoning spell.

#324 Guest_Frexerik_*

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Posted 18 February 2009 - 01:04 PM

It would be cool if gandalf could ride an Eagle.

he does that in the movies. i dont know if you could add some special powers for that, or if its only for transportation?

#325 *Ranger*

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Posted 18 February 2009 - 10:08 PM

Does the gondor spearmen still use the rhun spearmen (forgot the name) animations? because i think it looks wiered

#326 Aragorn King Elessar

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Posted 26 February 2009 - 03:14 AM

I was wondering if the knights will be a on a timer , because I think that if possible they should remain on the battle field until they die
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#327 njm1983


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Posted 26 February 2009 - 04:26 AM

Current plan as far as I know is all summons of normal units will use CP and be on map until they die.

#328 KrApYl

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Posted 28 February 2009 - 03:13 AM

Ok...i just notised when i played as Men in The Shire, the Rohirrim could not trample any units :/
Is this a glitch or something??
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#329 ttandchotmail


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Posted 28 February 2009 - 03:25 AM

G'day KrApYl

I've seen that too. But I think it's been fixed in the next beta version :lol:
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#330 KrApYl

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Posted 28 February 2009 - 05:50 PM

Ok...good :glare:
And btw...where are the Rohan heros?? lol
I have only seen the Gondor heros for Men
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#331 Mordor Slayer

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Posted 28 February 2009 - 06:47 PM

You have to build a Golden Hall to make them available.
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#332 KrApYl

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Posted 28 February 2009 - 09:06 PM

Ohh...ok...thx ^^ :p
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#333 Guest_Mouth of Sauron_*

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Posted 08 March 2009 - 05:55 PM


shouldn't Legolas and Gimli go with the Men of the West ? ...in order to have the fellowship together ? Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli never separate in the story, they allways march and fight together.

Sam and Frodo should not go with the Elves, if there is a faction they should appear with, it's again the Men of the West.

Mouth of Sauron

#334 ttandchotmail


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Posted 08 March 2009 - 07:25 PM

G'day Mouth

Your right, in the story they were always together and if you want to play the story the campaign is always there for you to do so. ;)

Their was a huge discussion about this and it all started with the hobbits. Some said they should go with the elves, some said with the men, some even said to leave them as a summons. And that took us to the discussion on where the rest of the fellowship should go which made it go even longer. At the end it was decided to just have each go to their own faction. And as for the hobbits, I could be wrong here but I think we were going to have a hobbit house be able to be built by each good faction and that would build our little hobbits and hobbit heroes.

If you want the fellowship together you can always play the campaign or just get two more of your mates to play the other good factions ;)
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#335 Guest_Mouth of Sauron_*

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Posted 08 March 2009 - 08:05 PM

My master, Sauron the Great, bids thee welcome.

Ahaaa. The campaign ? Does the mod finally support the campaign and changes it into the BFME 1 style one ? Because I do not like the original BFME 2 campaign, and there is no Fellowship.

I continue my readings of the different topics on this site, WotR is not and probably won't be supported by SEE, which makes me much pain. It does, ttandchotmail, it does... but on the other hand, if there is a new campaign, that would make my faithless and accursed life much nicer. Anyway, that makes many of my ideas in my previous posts useless.

In the pdf presentation of the mod, there is much concern about the LOTR and the films, to make the game to be like the film, isn't it the first principle of your work ? ...and you let Gimli with the dwarves and Legolas with elves, where actually both come from. I will try to find the arguments that support this choice that I do not understand.

Hobbit house... why should the dwarves in Erebor build any hobbit house to build Frodo and Sam ? Is there any in this rout to explain ? ahaa Anyway, as it is mainly for skirmish, it makes the question of hobbits not important, I doubt anyone would waste time, resources and command points to have four hobbits defending Erebor... it would still be important for Gimli and Legolas. It's not critics, I really enjoy your huge work.

Mouth of Souron

#336 ttandchotmail


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Posted 09 March 2009 - 05:10 AM

G'day Mouth of Sauron

No worries mate, no critisism was implied in your post as far as I could see :) And the discussion over the placement of the good heroes is indeed a very looooooong discussion to have as both sides have good points. But choices had to be made I guess and even though the pdf presentation says we're trying to make it as much like the film as possible that would probably mean the campaign mode and units only. As I think we can both agree that we can't keep to the film in skirmish battles like erebor and places like this that were just not a part of the film.

If the see mod had kept the fellowship together then I'm sure we would recieve many complaints from fans of the books and films saying that legolas and aragon were never in erebor.

The see mod has attempted to do the campaign in verion 4.4 or was it 4.5? whichever it was a few bugs put a halt on it for now and I think it was decided to focus on doing the skirmish battles and getting all the units and factions working properly before trying to tackle the campaign again ;) I would love the campaign mode to be like in the bfme1 style with just the added armies of gloin, glorfindel, goblin king and the dragon ( can't recall the name ) But we'll have to see what happens. The first mountain to climb is getting the skirmish maps and all factions working properly then we'll see :p

War of the ring probably won't be supported, I feel the pain mate as I enjoyed that particular part of the game myself. But if the rest of the production goes smoothly, who knows what the future might bring :p

As for the dwarves having a hobbit house, don't forget bilbo had a grand adventure with the dwarves ( The Hobbit ). It would be strange for the dwarves not to get bilbo :p And I might have to check with the lore adviser but I seem to recall a story of the most famous of hobbits from before bilbos time that went to war with the dwarves against the goblins.

Oh and most people just call me TT it's a lot easier :p

Edited by ttandchotmail, 09 March 2009 - 05:11 AM.

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#337 Grig

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Posted 09 March 2009 - 07:32 AM

The mod is primarily a skirmish mod - personally I enjoy those more. You decide what battles you fight, how many you fight and when you fight them - you can spend two hours building a huge army and then wipe out the enemy in one fell swoop - awesome ^^

Still, thats just me - I'm also on the CAH hater team lol and thought that the hero models should have been used to make more hero's instead of stupid Gandalf or Gimli clones with dumb voices - I loved the idea of Berethor and Idrial (the sample CAH hero's who were based on the characters from EA's 'The Third Age') being in the game and wished they'd been real hero's but thats about where my CAH fan-ness ends :)

On a side not, if we're going to split the Gondor and Rohan factions, would it be possible to add Berethor to the MOTW faction? It'd be real cool if so - he was only a game character true enough but The Third Age was BASED on the movie... right? ^^;

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#338 Guest_Mouth of Sauron_*

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Posted 09 March 2009 - 07:45 AM

E'day to you, ttandchotmail (read "Evil day", which is from me obviously a positive thing ;) )

well, looooong discussion it was, and with recruits like myself, it probably will last for a while :)

I think you can easily keep to the film in skirmish battles like erebor, etc, by simply not putting there stuff from the film, it means no Gimli in Erebor recruited from dwarven fortress, Gimli is with the Fellowship. And if a player chooses to play Erebor with the MotW, he should not complain to see Aragorn and Legolas together there as it was him who brought them there, not the mod :p

I would see the MotW to be the first good side faction because the first thing Sauron wanted was to destroy the world of the men, Rohan and Gondor were the fighting powers in the film, Elves were support and secondary and Dwarves were only talked about. What I want to say is that the MotW should have many heroes and the entire Fellowship that, after having left Lorien, spent the rest of the story in Rohan and Gondor (except for Sam and Frodo, of course). My master has now 13 very strong heroes it seems to me, which is correct because my master is Great, but MotW have only 10, the Elves have 14 (with the hobbits), I really think they can live with 9 heroes, and Dwarves... yes, only 4, not enough perhaps, they would need more, but not Gimli :p

The 'last' reason is personal :p in BFME 1 I liked very much use Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli to fight together using their abilities, especially in the Helms Deep, where it definetly made the battle very 'authentic'... Helms Deep in SEE won't offer that, and it's pitty. It can be nice to have Elrond and Legolas in one army, but it is nicer to have Aragorn and Legolas in one army, don't you think.

I would have some ideas about the campaign that I will post in the correct discussion.

As for Bilbo, I don't forget about that halfling that was dear to thee... but he is in Rivendell with the Elves, isn't he, and his house is in Hobbiton, isn't it. I don't think it might be possible to mix up the stories, either it is LOTR, or Hobbit. There may be some inspiration found in Hobbit and brought to the non-film parts of the game, but in LOTR, Bilbo is not in Erebor, he is not with the dwarves, he definetly is the hobbit to come with the elvish faction, being recruited from their fortress.

Am I not correct ?

All this said I can imagine that with the work you've all done untill now and decisions taken, it is not nice from me to come up with these questions and arguments again, because it is easy to type words in a discussion, to make something real for the game is a different thing.

My master SEEs you

Mouth of Sauron

#339 Guest_Mouth of Sauron_*

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Posted 09 March 2009 - 08:04 AM


skirmish is fine, nice, and I understand it is the thing to begin with, to make all changes work properly in single battles, etc. What I don't like about skirmish and why I prefer the campaign and WotR, it's the fact that the units you have are your OWN, your precious... you upgrade them, you train them, they are recruits in the first battle and become better and better, with the end of any huge epic battle you do not loose them, they do not disappear and you do not begin with new ones next time.

I agree, CAH is not good (and it is not evil :) , it simply is bad). The way it was done could, with better balance, be used not for heroes, but for regular units, where you could pick any figure of the game (a gondor soldier) and equip him with another weapons (pike), etc., add abilities, I think it might be easy for the EA to do this and allow the players to modify the units and create new ones. Modding would be much easier than... dwarves with crossbows ? no problem... no pink and orange and blue ? ...no problem.

If I understand the plans, there won't be any split of Rohan and Gondor, but I don't see why it should prevent the modders to bring Berethor, he may be introduced even if Rohan and Gondor stay together ?

Mouth of Sauron

#340 Guest_SLAY@_*

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Posted 27 July 2009 - 04:15 PM

Hey mouth of sauron, I know this is probaly of the topic, but there is a custom made map downloadable for bfme2 its called

"helms deep edited rlcrazycat "

It is based on the battle of helms deep from the movies, you have the heroes haldir,legolas,gimli,and gamling. plus you have like
3 or 4 battalions of the lorien elves that came to helms deep in the movie.

And it works perfectley with S.E.E mod, if you play with MOTW because you can buy aragon and theadon from the keep if you want.

I was just thinking it would be cool if this map was put into S.E.E mod :lol:


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