This I took while playing the soviet AI its quite chaotic now since I enabled demo trucks terrorist attacks and kirovs haven't managed to beat it yet
that and its iraq and have not actually added the new unit attacks except for a quad cannon defense otherwise I'd be more scared of nova tanks than apocalypse ones
you can also notice the new elite images and the avenger unit (the humvee near the powerplants)
Elite images done by Factionmk I just copy pasted the star to my pip shps
This is a bug test I was doing while fighting the 3rd side that are indeed they're power plants but they're just place holders till I learn SHP stuff
A bug with the terrorist since I made then use jetskis
US attack force
and lastly a fpreview of some units to give an idea of what the 3rd side is mechs though are bound to be updated
Edited by SSTG, 05 December 2007 - 08:11 AM.