Allied Army/Vanila Allied
Cost: $1200
Prerequisite: Allied War Factory, Allied Airforce Command
- Fires missiles for Tanks and Buildings, machine guns for Infantry.
- Weak against anti air weapons
Credit: Mig Eater (Voxel)
Microwave Tank
Cost: $1500
Prerequisite: Allied War Factory, Allied Battle Lab
- Disables Defense Buildings/Oil Derricks/Jamming Radar Buildings
- Kills infantry with its beam
- Weak against Aircraft, Tanks and Anti-Tank weapons
Credit: MadHQ (Voxel)
Fortress Bomber
Cost: $1800
Prerequisite: Allied Airforce Command, Allied Battle Lab
- Carpet bombs an area when fired. Good for base demolitions.
- Weak against anti air weapons.
Cost: $2000
Prerequisite: Allied Naval Shipyard, Allied Battle Lab
- Long range naval artillery
- Weak against Aircraft and Anti-Ship submarines.
Credit: Napalm (Voxel), Xeno (SHP Cameo)
Internet Center
Cost: $2500
Prerequisite: Allied Construction Yard, Allied Battle Lab
- Hacks Internet
- Donates $2000 for every 5mins
Credit: Argcmdr (SHP Building)
Command Center
Cost: $2000
Prerequisite: Allied Construction Yard, Allied Battle Lab
- Holds general powers.
- Varies on different allied generals.
- Generic general power obtained is Airborne
Credit: Zixia (SHP) Counter Unios/FangKong Mod
Power Turbine
Cost: $400
Prerequisite: Allied Power Plant, Allied Construction Yard, Allied Battle Lab
- Adds more Power by 100
A.P. Bullets
Cost: $500
Prerequisite: Pillbox,Construction Yard, Allied Battle Lab
- Increase Pillbox Damage
Laser Guided Missiles
Cost: $500
Prerequisite: Patriot Missile, Allied Construction Yard, Allied Battle Lab
- Increase Damage
- Increase Range
Cost: $1000
Prerequisite: Grand Cannon, Allied Construction Yard, Allied Battle Lab
- Decreased ROF
- More Faster
Credit: Gamemate (SHP Cameo)
General Powers:
A10 Strike
Countdown: 8:00
- Accessed from the Allied Command center, launches three A10's to strike an area.
Countdown: 6:00
- Accessed from the Allied Command center, Airborne chutes 18 G.I. at 2 planes
Other Modifications:
Sniper can now deploy, it has longer range when deployed
Allied Wall
new prerequisite: Allied Construction Yard
Patriot Missiles
new prerequisite: Allied Construction Yard, Allied Air Force Command
Grand Cannon
new prerequisite: Allied Construction Yard, Allied Battle Lab
Mirage Tank
new prerequisite: Allied Construction Yard, Allied Air Force Command, Allied Battle Lab
new prerequisite: Allied Construction Yard, Allied Air Force Command, Allied Battle Lab
new prerequisite: Allied Naval Shipyard, Allied Air Force Command, Allied Battle Lab
- Black Eagle is available
- Sniper is available
- Tank Destroyer is available
- Grand Cannon is available
Graphical Enhancements:
Allied Battle Lab
- new cameo and shp
Credit: Bobing About (SHP)
Chrono Legionnaire
- chrono blast when deployed
- wipes infantry instantly
Robot Tank
- New voxel turret
Grizzly Battle Tank
- New Voxel retexture
Credit: Gamemate (Voxel)
- New Voxel
Credit: Mig Eater (Voxel)
Tank Destroyer
- New Voxel
Credit: Issly (Voxel), Mig Eater voxel recolor, ConMan/X.A.W. Mod
Mirage Tank
- New Voxel
Credit: Stinger (Voxel)
Patriot Missile
- New Turret Voxel
Credit: ConMan/X.A.W. Mod (Voxel)
Edited by genobreaker, 04 October 2009 - 01:15 PM.