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Skirmish AI 3.0 Beta 2 - Post Comments In Thread!

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#41 LarkinVB


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Posted 19 March 2008 - 06:19 PM

1.Talos should not be in the list of dancing vehicles in darkeldarvehicletactic.ai
2.Wyches should not be in the list of dancing infantry, but Scourges should, in darkeldarinfantrytactic.ai
3.DE AI never researches Mandrake infiltration (this one really kills them I think)
4.Wyches currently are not allowed to use Combat Drugs when their morale is broken (and not self.squad_ai:IsBroken()), but the ability restores morale and would be beneficial to use even if the squad is broken. Since it already checks to make sure the Wych squad is in combat, removing the condition that they be not broken should be all right.

1. True
2. The code just says they won't dance cultists
3. Should be as fast as possible
4. Only if combat drugs restore status from broken to unbroken. Otherwise they will retreat in drugged state which is useless.

#42 thudo


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Posted 19 March 2008 - 06:27 PM

Understood about the cultist squads however num_infanty_squad > 2 is 3 squads, not 2. Further, a lot of those chaos researches used to be in the buildprograms so they are much more less likely to be built then before until 3 squads of a specific type are built. More checks can be given obviously so np there. But there is no where near as much speed-teching going on then there was in 2.60 in DC because a good chunk of the researches were in the static programs. Now we have checks so that when X no. of squads are built, the research that is supposed to correspond with those squads AND that affect them directly fires off. However, yes.. its time to refine them more.

But teching is NO WHERE near out of control: it has a lot more checks then ever to remote large armies.
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#43 Smokeskin

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Posted 19 March 2008 - 06:54 PM

Thudos, check the replay I posted on page 2, if it always acts like that, it researches too much. I have an army camping on one of "its" SPs, I could overrun its base and its army with what I have, and it still researches stuff like some building morale aura thing instead of building the units it desperatedly needs to survive.

I think I would have a tough time fighting against HARDER skill if it built more units instead, but right now I can walk all over it in T1 simply because I harass aggressively. I tihnk the AI is severely hampering itself with the amount of research it does. As Arkhan says, in T1 every bit of req and power counts.

Edited by Smokeskin, 19 March 2008 - 06:55 PM.

#44 ArkhanTheBlack


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Posted 19 March 2008 - 06:59 PM

But teching is NO WHERE near out of control: it has a lot more checks then ever to remote large armies.

No problem Thudo. It was a good idea to separate most researches from the build programs. We just have to specify the conditions a bit more.
This is fine tuning after all. Therefore exactly the things we need to know in the beta phase.

#45 thudo


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Posted 19 March 2008 - 07:04 PM

I have an army camping on one of "its" SPs, I could overrun its base and its army with what I have, and it still researches stuff like some building morale aura thing instead of building the units it desperatedly needs to survive.

That was the SoB you played against - that "Building Aura" upgrade is the Laud Hailers ability for all buildings and it costs a paultry 75, 50 and does morale damage to enemies that come in close range of SoB buildings. Clearly that can't be your example? Thats a hard-coded buildprogram research and due to how important it is to the SoB (considering their overall fragility) a necessary one.

Regardless, we'll look at putting further constraints on research but there is more at play here then researching.
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#46 Zenoth


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Posted 19 March 2008 - 07:44 PM

I've played this game for long, and I've been testing since the first DC build... but I still managed (yet again) to forget about the stupid hard-coded targeting system, rendering half of my report completely irrelevant. How fun is that? I think I need to take a sheet of paper and put in on my monitor with capital letters, and perhaps leave the beers alone when testing, too.

Some frustration aside, there are still three of the points in my report which were not addressed in your replies guys, which have nothing to do with the hard-coded targeting system.

2) Dark Eldars' Slaves going back and forth between the Necron's base and theirs
5) Listening Post capture hesitation by a SoB squad
6) Sisters of Battle units having a back and forth behavior

Point #2: Do you guys think it might have been related to the map?
Point #5: That's obviously an issue, unless there's a logical reason behind leaving a LP before finishing capturing it.
Point #6: Again, might be related to the map perhaps? I'd like to see other tester's reports talking about the general movement behavior of the Sisters of Battle.

With all that said, on to more serious testing with less irrelevant observations... silly me.

#47 thudo


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Posted 19 March 2008 - 07:46 PM

@Zenoth - not sure why those things would be relegated to just DE and Sisters since they all universally share the same core logic. Try the exact map but use CSM, SM, Eldar, etc.. as your AI opponent. Same results as above?
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#48 Zenoth


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Posted 19 March 2008 - 07:48 PM

@Zenoth - not sure why those things would be relegated to just DE and Sisters since they all universally share the same core logic. Try the exact map but use CSM, SM, Eldar, etc.. as your AI opponent. Same results as above?

Will do, I'm preparing a test on Mountain Trail in a moment, it'll take a little longer though since my meal is in the oven but is almost ready, that chicken pot pie's resistance shall be futile.

#49 thudo


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Posted 19 March 2008 - 07:50 PM

that chicken pot pie

Not BEFORE **I** GET TO IT!! [bloody Khorne hunger!!!!]
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#50 ArkhanTheBlack


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Posted 19 March 2008 - 09:48 PM

2) Dark Eldars' Slaves going back and forth between the Necron's base and theirs
5) Listening Post capture hesitation by a SoB squad
6) Sisters of Battle units having a back and forth behavior

Point #2: Do you guys think it might have been related to the map?
Point #5: That's obviously an issue, unless there's a logical reason behind leaving a LP before finishing capturing it.
Point #6: Again, might be related to the map perhaps? I'd like to see other tester's reports talking about the general movement behavior of the Sisters of Battle.

2.) I guess the DE builders wanted to assist with building, but I fear they are incompatible with (some) other races. Not sure though...

5.) + 6.) Usually several overriding commands. All units have a 'local' tactic, and a 'general' plan. The tactic decides what's best at the current position, but the plan decides what's best for the general situation of the army. If the plan gives a command, the tactic has a certain play time but then has to follow the superior order. This can sometimes result in a back and forth move. I can assure you, it's not just restricted to sisters. It happens with all races from time to time.

#51 dreddnott

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Posted 19 March 2008 - 10:07 PM

Mandrake infiltration should be in Tier 1, in fact it has no other prerequisite besides the Hall of Blood that it's researched from. The AI always builds at least two Mandrake squads for an opener so that should be fine. Maybe reduce requirement to 1 Mandrake...it's a real killer to have them infiltrated in T1.

2. The code just says they won't dance cultists

Actually the code is telling Warriors and Wyches to dance, UNLESS their opponent is Cultists (the only situation where it returns "false"). Scourges should be added in any case.

I'm noticing weird stuff in general regarding melee units for the Dark Eldar. Hellions, Wyches, and even Warp Beasts (well the trainers at least) are standing and shooting as if they were using the Stand Ground stance (the blue one), somewhat inconsistently. I see them starting melee combat fine...but half the time they switch to ranged, and the weirdest part is, you can't break them out of it by attacking them with a melee unit! They're behaving like units did in DoW 1.0, where shooty stance would keep your units from charging into melee combat.

Can somebody else confirm by running 4v4 with all or most Dark Eldar, on a big map?

#52 Smokeskin

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Posted 19 March 2008 - 10:42 PM

Match: 1v1
Factions: SoB (Smokeskin) vs DE
Game Modes Used: Standard
Map: Fallen City
A.I Difficulty: Harder
Resources Rate: Normal
Resources Sharing: On
Winner: Me

I push it back with 2 sister squads (the AI cappers just run at the sight), allowing it only 2 SPs (ouch!). I push it while massing and teching to tier2, it gets out some Hellions, and I destroy its buildings.
In my opinion a very good showcase of why the AI needs to mass more t1 units. To stand a chance, it needs to mass units, gather them up, and fight me off or counterattack to force me back. Not to mention, it would wipe the floor with players who don't respect t1.

Double orders:
At 5:57 there are 2 units trying to cap the lower relic.

Hopeless attack:
At 3:40 a mandrake squad fights the cannoness, a losing fight for sure. Shouldn't they retreat instead?

At around 2:10, 2 capper squads just return to its base, and stands there, idling for a short while.

AI build order:
I think it builds too many slave chambers - I don't really know DE, but are they essential? It gets 1 ASAP, then one more quite early, even though it is resource starved.
It builds a dark foundry while low on units, income, and under attack.
I think it upgrades to lp2 too early, it upgraded one ASAP and didn't have resources to get the archon out - if it instead got out the archon or some more warriors early on that could fight, it would be much, much better. If you can't use the defensive capabilities of an lp2, it isn't worth it that early, and I don't think you can get the AI to evaluate that? IMHO better to delay the lp2s and get more units.
Basically lack of massing.

I saw some ranged hellions too.

PS: I was really looking forward to blinding some guys with the Cannoness' Purifying Light ability, like the AI did to me last battle. Turns out, you need faith for it, and SoB don't get that to start with. So the AI can also use Faith abilities without any Faith, like the DE souls bug someone mentioned earlier.

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Edited by Smokeskin, 19 March 2008 - 10:44 PM.

#53 LarkinVB


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Posted 19 March 2008 - 10:51 PM

I second the suggestion for more massing, therefore bigger requirements for army size (build orders) and squad cap (dynamic builds). This will help a bit though the AI will always loose against good players. At T1 a good player can do everything the AI can do and more. AI is very bad at positioning its squads but this can not be improved.

Edited by LarkinVB, 19 March 2008 - 10:56 PM.

#54 Zenoth


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Posted 19 March 2008 - 10:58 PM

Thanks Thudo and Arkhan for the clarifications regarding my second report.

Report #4 for Beta 2

Players: SM (Me) + DE, Vs. SoB x 2
Winner: Me + DE
Map: Mountain Trail
Difficulty: Hard
Resource Rate: Standard
Resource Sharing: Disabled
Heroes: Enabled
Massive Battles: Enabled

Additional Comments: In this match I wanted to test the Sisters of Battle's gathering behavior more than anything else, but I've also noticed something worthy to mention concerning the capturing of a LP by a Missionary, idling behavior (linked to gathering, I'm pretty certain) and then concerning the Canoness' willpower in face of great dangers...

1) Missionary capturing a LP while under attack, not reacting until his death

As the title suggests, and as determined as the Emperor was when he made poor Horus cry for Khorne's plea, a Missionary decided he would not abandon and give his life for a just cause. He started capturing a LP without being under attack, but then only a few seconds later both my Scouts squad and my Space Marines squad attacked him. He faithfully stood to his holy duty until he realized that he lost all of his body's fluids... for bullets tend to make holes in the flesh, 'ya know.

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He probably did so due to the Canoness' presence along side him. However she properly retreated before dying the same way. On a more serious note, this might have to do with a certain "threat level" or something similar, I'd presume. He should have retreated with the Canoness, preventing the loss of additional precious Requisition to train another one right after his death. And the same thing happened with the Canoness later on...

2) Canoness uselessly dying (suicide run... more or less)

Following the Missionary's example of how the servants of the holy Ecclesiarchy should die, the Canoness ran towards a well defended position, and died to three of my turrets plus an infantry squad, all of them firing at her. Suffice it to say that the best Power Armor in the Imperium can't really stand such punishment, at least not for too long.

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It was more or less of a suicide run. It can't really be only so, due to the presence of some supporting Battle Sisters with her (they all previously gathered before attempting to assault my position). But then her supporting infantry left her behind (or perhaps she left her infantry, depending on how you see it), and then she decided to stay... and die, even though she certainly and more importantly should have retreated to fight another day really. The Canoness is expansive, and with a Standard Resource rate and early in the game it shouldn't happen. The result was the spending of another Canoness' cost to have another one ready as soon as possible after her initial death.

And I want to say that I'm not referring to the target she chose here. I'm referring to the fact that her health was going down and that she should have reacted to that instead of keep on with the fight.

3) Very long gathering before attacking

In this case I know exactly what happened, and I believe that it was a little ridiculous and unneeded. Simply said, one of the Sisters of Battle factions started to gather units to their controlled Relic (with the Canoness)...

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While the gathering was occurring, a single Battle Sisters squad continuously attacked my northern position, alone, without the group further north by their own Relic. By doing so alone, they lost units, and reinforced the squad in question, which cost Requisition, and in the end brought absolutely nothing but the loss of Resources, in my opinion at least.

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Meanwhile, the Canoness, in her steadfast concentration and her idling Relic contemplation probably wondered why there was a strange purple cloud surrounding her body; "The Emperor's strength incarnates me!" she probably thought.

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That's the fabulous result of the A.I seeing the whole map, and taking the advantage of it, sadly. At least the DE were on my side this time. All of this refers to a very long gathering of units, of course. It lasted a good period, within which the already gathered group could have easily attempted to attack me, before I myself reinforced my position so much to a point where they couldn't do anything anymore, other than minimal damage.

When I saw that the group finally moved, I realized what they were waiting for...

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An Immolator. They were waiting for it, and it was almost futile, since it had been upgraded just moments later, making it, as we know, useless against my infantry, which at that point was still my main force (and they gained experience as well). Let's not point at the Immolator's upgrade here, but only at the fact that all that time, those 4:00+ minutes, they all idled (expect a single Battle Sisters squad who apparently wasn't part of the gathering plan) to end up with a single more unit, which helped pretty much nothing.

Closing Comments: After watching the replay on the point of view of that one particular SoB faction (the one I myself confronted on my side of the map), I come to the conclusion that my victory is in large extent part of that faction's gathering behavior at the point explained above. By pictures you see what I mean, but when watching it in action you can realize how much of a negative impact it can have to do nothing during only a few but very crucial minutes. Clearly, controlling territory means nothing if you stay on a defensive stance, at least when you do so for too long.

The second Sisters of Battle faction in this match used a different tactic. They also gathered, but they never waited that long, and they actually put up quite a decent fight against my DE ally (without putting them in any real danger though). I myself played very defensively, obviously, and honestly? I'd say that my play style in this match should have resulted in my complete destruction. If the SoB faction I faced would have used its ally's tactics instead I would have been in danger indeed. First, they send a Missionary and he dies when he shouldn't have. Then, a Canoness dies and they train another one right after that, spending Requisition where it shouldn't have been spent. Then they gather their units for a good 4:00 or 5:00 minutes without 1) doing anything and/or 2) even helping their ally, at least. Meanwhile, a single Battle Sisters squad tries to attack my fortified LP position, obviously without doing anything.

I'm not sure where to put my finger exactly. On the pathing in Mountain Trail only? Probably not. A real pathing issue could have caused, for instance, a group of enemy units passing by my own base without stopping there to destroy anything, continuing their advance towards point "B". That would be a pathing issue. But what they've done relates, from what I can understand, to the gathering code and something that concerns the threat level (dying, when it fact you should clearly retreat). I focused my attention to that particular SoB faction during my first replay watching. I will have to take another and perhaps a third look at it to see what the other SoB did with more details (even though I know they did put up a decent fight, as I mentioned earlier), along with what my DE ally did exactly (again, I do know that they've been quite offensive for the whole match).

Edited by Zenoth, 19 March 2008 - 11:13 PM.

#55 Smokeskin

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Posted 19 March 2008 - 11:01 PM

About massing:

How about we test it? Just modify one race, like SM, to behave differently in tier1, and then have it in the next beta, then see how the testers think it plays?

Wouldn't that be simple enough to do?

Edited by Smokeskin, 19 March 2008 - 11:02 PM.

#56 Zenoth


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Posted 19 March 2008 - 11:24 PM

Report #4 continued...

I forgot to mention something, about the Dark Eldar's Tortured Slave.

I notice, so far, that there always seems to be two of them trained at the very beginning of the game.

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Why two of them?

There's always one of them idling, and the other isn't doing anything "faster" than the first one, who is idling, could have done, and it costs more Requisition, which could be put to use for a Mandrake squad, perhaps, or to reinforce an already trained one, or for a research or... really or whatever the A.I feels like putting its Requisition at. I understand that more Tortured Slaves means faster Souls harvesting, but my point isn't that I believe that two Tortured Slaves is "useless", far from that. But that it is bad spent Requisition at the very first seconds of Tier 1.

Couldn't we revise the use of a second Slave please? Anyone else's point of view on this?

#57 Zenoth


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Posted 19 March 2008 - 11:32 PM

AI build order:
I think it builds too many slave chambers - I don't really know DE, but are they essential? It gets 1 ASAP, then one more quite early, even though it is resource starved.
It builds a dark foundry while low on units[...]


I saw a second Dark Foundry built by my DE ally in my last test, very early in the game, when they should have spent its cost elsewhere, surely on offensive units, or upgrades, or anything more useful.

#58 dreddnott

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Posted 19 March 2008 - 11:47 PM

I only build a second Tortured Slave in Tier 1 if the map is very large or it's a team game...

I think Dark Eldar are having another big problem in darkeldarstrategyinfo.ai - the Haemonculus' Laboratory is set to build in Tier 2 when it could be built in Tier 1 (and it has some very nice T1 research, it's their armoury after all).

Slave Chambers only cost 75 req and provide the Dark Eldar player with additional infantry and vehicle cap. I typically only get two in Tier 1, for what it's worth.

The "Skimmer Shop" should be built in either Tier 1 or Tier 2 depending on the build strategy the Dark Eldar player goes for...strategies 3 & 4 I'd guess (for Hellions & Reavers respectively). I know you guys don't have any alternative build strategies for Dark Eldar yet. Requiring it to build Hellions and the Archon and Warriors in Tier 1 is really not good for the poor AI.

If you guys want, I could cook up the three additional Dark Eldar alternative strategies: shooty, melee, and vehicle fast-tech, it wouldn't take me much time at all - I've honed my skills by working on the Blood Angels mod AI as long as we're not getting a new build anytime soon.

#59 ArkhanTheBlack


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Posted 19 March 2008 - 11:53 PM

Couldn't we revise the use of a second Slave please? Anyone else's point of view on this?

Good suggestion! Will do!

An Immolator. They were waiting for it, and it was almost futile, since it had been upgraded just moments later, making it, as we know, useless against my infantry, which at that point was still my main force (and they gained experience as well).

I think we should delay the upgrade to at least tier 3, maybe even 4. In tier 2 anti infantry has priority.

About massing:

How about we test it? Just modify one race, like SM, to behave differently in tier1, and then have it in the next beta, then see how the testers think it plays?

Wouldn't that be simple enough to do?

That's exactly my plan! At the moment I'm cleaning up the researches with Thudo. I'll then adjust the starting build orders a bit to increase the troop count.
However, I won't include extreme rush builds a la "win in T1 or loose". For example my plan for chaos T1 is 2 cultist squads, 3 marine squads + commander. This is for normal maps. Large maps will get 3 capturers.

I'll also delay all movement, capturing and gathering problems for the next beta. Those behaviours are very complicated and extremely easy to break. At the moment I want the basic stuff like build orders, campaign and mods working. Fine tuning comes last.

#60 ArkhanTheBlack


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Posted 19 March 2008 - 11:57 PM

If you guys want, I could cook up the three additional Dark Eldar alternative strategies: shooty, melee, and vehicle fast-tech, it wouldn't take me much time at all - I've honed my skills by working on the Blood Angels mod AI as long as we're not getting a new build anytime soon.

That would be indeed very helpfull, provided that you know the race good enough (which I do not yet).

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