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Ring Hero Powers

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#121 Neth


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Posted 28 February 2009 - 11:43 AM

I hope they keep it the way that they plan but if they don't then
NOT GALADRIEL!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :p

Edited by Nethelen Narcu, 28 February 2009 - 11:44 AM.

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#122 Morgulshade

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Posted 28 February 2009 - 12:59 PM

I agree with Wanderer ^^ There wold be less heroes to make also. (Gandalf for Gondor, that would be great)

#123 {IP} Aridor

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Posted 28 February 2009 - 02:35 PM

The ring can only be truly wielded by the Dark Lord or one of equal or greater power. Now if somebody besides Sauron claims the ring, the only way they have a chance of holding on it is to destroy Sauron. At the time of the WotR the only people that had a chance to defeat Sauron would be Gandalf, Galdarial, Celeborn (maybe), and Sauruman. Aragorn could have claimed it but being a mortal man he would have been corrupted quickly. The ring would have over taken his mind not long after he took it as his. Now he might have been able to use it to sway the hearts of men to his will and defeat Sauron by force of arms, but he couldn't destroy him. Only another Miar could wrench the ring away from Sauron's dominion. Now Gandalf would never do this and Sauruman lost a lot of his power when he became evil. Gandalf's power comes from his being good and pure. The same goes for Arargorn. He is strong b/c he is good. He wouldn't have been able to wrench control of the Palantir from the dark lord without being more just and true than any of his fore fathers. The idea of a "good" ring hero doesn't work b/c as soon as one of them took it they would no longer be good. The ring would not be able to be used. This is exactly what Gandalf and Elrond decided at the council. Only one person may wield the ring and that is its master.

#124 Wanderer∞


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Posted 28 February 2009 - 05:06 PM

I just really quickly want to bring this up on the subject of the Council of Elrond concerning Boromir. IMO the movies downgraded Boromir from being a noble knight of Gondor to being a selfish man with a grudge against everyone. It was only in a deleted scene from the two towers in which you are able to see how great of a person Boromir truly was, in the way Faramir and the men of Gondor idolized him, and how he stood up for Faramir when Denethor would publically denounce him. I just wanted to point that out incase anyone here hasn't read the books and was persuaded by film that perhaps Boromir wasn't such a great guy. Yeah its a bit off topic but I must speak my mind.
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#125 Dalf32


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Posted 28 February 2009 - 10:37 PM

The point is that I think that the ring can't even be wielded by a new master to gain new strength, but I'm not the one to know, ask mike or AA. I think it would just be better to have one different hero for each faction that can be bought for with the ring like Elendil or Isildur for Gondor, Eorl for rohan, Sauron for Mordor, Galadriel for elves, etc.

the ring cannot be used to raise the dead. simple as that. as far as this mod goes, i dont see there ever being any real chance of dead heros being brought back to life as ring heros. makes no sense.

anyways, the ring system that is currently being implemented will take into account the corruption of heros in possession of the ring. i dont remember if they die, or if they become neutral-aggressive, but either way, after a certain time period all heroes (except for sauron of course) will become corrupted.
it doesnt really make any sense to have a ring system which none of the good factions can utilize, so that pretty much throws being completely true to the lore out the window.

I agree with Wanderer ^^ There would be less heroes to make also. (Gandalf for Gondor, that would be great)

with the new system, heroes dont need to really be made. the only thing that needs to be done is the addition of powers/upgrades for them to get when in possession of the ring. well, that and the base coding of course.

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#126 Wanderer∞


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Posted 01 March 2009 - 01:16 AM

I never meant to have the long dead hereos be brought back. I was just stating some examples :p
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#127 Guest_snagli_*

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Posted 01 March 2009 - 09:03 PM

how 'bout this?

when sauron get the ring, he gains 1 power: The True Form of Darkness
effect: sauron transforms into either a giant mix btween balrog, dragon and sauron, or a giant shadow (i dont make a choice, i like them both)

the supermonster form can kill anything with dual blades of horror and can activate the Shockwave of the Shadow, a word of powers variant, but WAY bigger, with fire, lightning and an earthquake, so pretty much a base killer

the shadow has no weapon, but it has karsh' chill soul ability, but with massive range and uber damage (also against buildigns). it can also summon some servants of the shadow, like some balrogs, a couple of dragons, hobbit nazgûl (secret nazgul no one was awear of) or even some clones of his older form

overpowered eh? well, he IS the lord of the rings

by the way, i think mages and expensive heroes should have a word of power variant as a ring power
gandalf a light variant
saruman a lighting/fire variant
witchking a morgul variant (explosion that kills and turns enemies into stronger wights
something like that

#128 The Watcher in the Water

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Posted 01 March 2009 - 10:46 PM

"sauron transforms into either a giant mix btween balrog, dragon and sauron, or a giant shadow (i dont make a choice, i like them both)"

No offence but lets try to keep it within the limits of the book. The whole point about The Lord of the Rings is that unlike other fantasy world it is extremley serious and realistic (in its own nature) thats why it took decades to complete. So the least we can do is be sensible about what we implement into the game. I think every hero should be able to carry the ring and each should unlock a unique power. They should also be able to gain an increase to their defence if good and an increase to their attack if evil but both should have a decrease in speed. The wearer of the ring should also not be able to attack Sauron directley. Also it would be cool that after a certain time the ring bearer will atuomaticaly die and the ring will be dropped. This will show how the ring betrays the bearer. This should not happen to Sauron and also Galadreil to achieve a balance. Once the ring has been picked up the ring bearer should also appear as he/she/it would appear in the world of the wraiths. And my last sugestion is that either the ring should unlock a realtivley strong power and remain until the hero withers away or it should unlock a increadabley strong power that also kills the hero. When the ring is dropped it woul be cool if gollum comes in and snatches it away and he must be found again to posses the ring.

#129 Neth


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Posted 01 March 2009 - 10:49 PM

;) Right....... erm

Lore ->->->->->->->->->->

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#130 {IRS}Athos


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Posted 02 March 2009 - 12:25 AM

*catches the Lore and throws it back in* Be careful where you throw that, you hooligans! ;)

Balrog Sauron? Dragon Sauron?

Ummm... eww.


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#131 Hasfusel


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Posted 02 March 2009 - 01:52 PM

how 'bout this?

when sauron get the ring, he gains 1 power: The True Form of Darkness
effect: sauron transforms into either a giant mix btween balrog, dragon and sauron, or a giant shadow (i dont make a choice, i like them both)

the supermonster form can kill anything with dual blades of horror and can activate the Shockwave of the Shadow, a word of powers variant, but WAY bigger, with fire, lightning and an earthquake, so pretty much a base killer

the shadow has no weapon, but it has karsh' chill soul ability, but with massive range and uber damage (also against buildigns). it can also summon some servants of the shadow, like some balrogs, a couple of dragons, hobbit nazgûl (secret nazgul no one was awear of) or even some clones of his older form

What the fuck.


Back to the real world, I think that this is an area where we don't have to be so tight with the lore. For the sake of playing the game I'd say that each faction has one or two strong heroes who can wield the ring at no expense (their will can compete with or overthrow that of the Ring; let's say Gandalf, Saruman, Galadriel, etc.), gaining a boost and maybe a few new or upgraded powers, and one or two who would be massively boosted with whole new powersets but be corrupted after a while (say Boromir, Eomer, Goblin King etc.). You make a decision whether you want an great permanant hero or a temporary amazing superhero who will die or turn aggresive-neutral after a while.
The long-term corruption would take place after the match. :D

#132 Hasfusel


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Posted 02 March 2009 - 01:52 PM

how 'bout this?

when sauron get the ring, he gains 1 power: The True Form of Darkness
effect: sauron transforms into either a giant mix btween balrog, dragon and sauron, or a giant shadow (i dont make a choice, i like them both)

the supermonster form can kill anything with dual blades of horror and can activate the Shockwave of the Shadow, a word of powers variant, but WAY bigger, with fire, lightning and an earthquake, so pretty much a base killer

the shadow has no weapon, but it has karsh' chill soul ability, but with massive range and uber damage (also against buildigns). it can also summon some servants of the shadow, like some balrogs, a couple of dragons, hobbit nazgûl (secret nazgul no one was awear of) or even some clones of his older form

What the hell.


Back to the real world, I think that this is an area where we don't have to be so tight with the lore. For the sake of playing the game I'd say that each faction has one or two strong heroes who can wield the ring at no expense (their will can compete with or overthrow that of the Ring; let's say Gandalf, Saruman, Galadriel, etc.), gaining a boost and maybe a few new or upgraded powers, and one or two who would be massively boosted with whole new powersets but be corrupted after a while (say Boromir, Eomer, Goblin King etc.). You make a decision whether you want an great permanant hero or a temporary amazing superhero who will die or turn aggresive-neutral after a while.
The long-term corruption would take place after the match. :D

#133 Neth


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Posted 02 March 2009 - 05:11 PM

Double click post? :)
How about if people get the ring they get taller (115%) Just so that they stand out, or give them a cool aura :D

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#134 Puppeteer


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Posted 02 March 2009 - 05:57 PM

effect: sauron transforms into either a giant mix btween balrog, dragon and sauron, or a giant shadow (i dont make a choice, i like them both)

Read the Silmarillion. Sauron can't shape-shift.

#135 Neth


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Posted 02 March 2009 - 06:45 PM

Did he not change into wolf-form to fight Huan?

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#136 {IRS}Athos


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Posted 02 March 2009 - 11:25 PM

He did... but that was before he got stuck in his Dark Lord body. After the fall of Numenor, he lost those abilities.

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#137 {IP} Aridor

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Posted 04 March 2009 - 02:19 PM

I believe I said that already

#138 Neth


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Posted 04 March 2009 - 06:22 PM

Did you? Not on this page :p

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#139 Captain of Arnor

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Posted 04 March 2009 - 11:00 PM

Hmm, I was thinking about this for a while.


Galadriel - Elven Forest / Forest of the Elves / Cloak of the Storm Queen(?)

Basically, when used, it cloaks all friendly units around her (both own units and allied units) until either the skill is deactivated or she is corrupted. The size of the cloaking skill is the entire screens view around her. Whats that, like, thirty something cells? I don't remember. Or it could be reduced, whatever.

Elrond - Wisdom of the Elves(?)

When this power is used, a massive amount of the map becomes uncloaked. Resource creation speed is doubled for the duration, and Elrond and all friendly units around him gain both hightened HP regeneration and enhanced attack and movement speed.

Haldir - Defense of the Golden Wood / Love of the Lady(?)

When this power is used, all units around Haldir gain both hightened HP regeneration, enhanced attack speed, enhanced movement speed, and enhanced damage output.

( These are bad, but I've never been good with the Elves. Thats all I've got.)


Boromir - Might of Men / Glory of Men / Glory of Gondor(?)

When this Ring power is used, Boromir becomes invincible for a short amount of time (I'd think somewhere between twenty and thirty five seconds, maybe less, maybe more), his attack power is greatly enhanced, and his attack speed is enhanced. The skill would have a cool down time of a minute, or a minute and a half, before it could be reused. Or it remains active while he is uncorrupted?

Aragorn - King of Men / King of the West / Might of the Elessar(?)

When used, the hero summons multiple battalions of men to his side (something like twenty...he IS the King of the West...or so, either un-combined hordes or combined hordes). Battalions of archers, cavalry, and infantry. The player also becomes invincible, much like Boromirs power, but doesn't gain any of the other perks like enhanced attack speed or hightened damage output.

(Can't think of anything more at the moment. The (?) means names can be changed at the whims of whomever, and I know all of the powers suck but it was the best I could do =\ Sorry there aren't more XD )

Edited by Lord_Faramir, 04 March 2009 - 11:07 PM.

'The Twilight of Man is nigh, and coming ever closer. The days have shortened into cold, forlorn darkness and sunrise to sundown is a bitter struggle for survival. But do not think for a moment that we shall not fight. We shall not go quietly into the dusk. We shall not throw down arms and flee, or surrender. We will go on, we will not falter. And even should we die, we shall make an end that will be remembered for thousands of years. For beautiful Arnor that is, for glorious Númenor that was! We are the Dúnedain, we are the Men of the North, and our foes will remember our steel!'

Formerly Lord_Faramir.

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#140 {IP} Aridor

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Posted 06 March 2009 - 03:53 AM

Aragorn would be far more powerful than Boromir.

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