Suggestions & Comments
Posted 05 July 2009 - 11:05 AM
Posted 22 August 2009 - 02:43 PM
Posted 23 August 2009 - 12:53 PM
So you like the mod A new version is coming soon!
Posted 23 September 2009 - 06:24 AM
#128 Guest_Guest_FogDragon_*_*
Posted 27 May 2010 - 06:54 PM
Posted 27 May 2010 - 09:19 PM
Posted 28 May 2010 - 01:46 PM
Gondor: Leader of the Army of Dead who uses a sword . Powers:Summon Army of the Dead , enemy units near him are poisoned and a special attack which kills any enemy units inclusive heroes with a very big recarge time.
Rohan: An powerful ent maybe Treebeard who can throw roks/range attack .Powers: Summon Ents (4-5) with no recharge time , meadow and leadership for ents.
Elves: Galadriel.
Dwarves: A very slow dwarven hero but who has many armor.Powers: can summon a battlewagon to carry him across the map , earthquake and maybe the power to chose between throw axe and a spear.
Isengard:An Uruk . Powers : Transform Uruk/Dragon ,in Uruk form can : summon dragon in dragon form can breathe fire and fly across the map .
I choose this powers because the ultimate two powers of the isengard are with dragons.
Mordor: Sauron.
Cine citeste mult stie putin si cine citeste putin nu stie nimic .
If life gives you many lemons make lemonade .
Posted 28 May 2010 - 03:22 PM
Posted 28 May 2010 - 03:56 PM
Cine citeste mult stie putin si cine citeste putin nu stie nimic .
If life gives you many lemons make lemonade .
Posted 28 May 2010 - 04:07 PM
Posted 28 May 2010 - 05:04 PM
- Nature arrow : a green arrow who damages a single unit and if this unit ist killed by the arrow an ent will apear from his body.The ent ist immobile , has a limited time and can throw roks.
- Mount\Dismount on an ice horse (the horse looks like the horses that are in flood power).
- A power which increase the speed wherewith the hero fires arrows.
- Ice trap: creates a 360 grade circle of ice spikes around the hero who damages the enemy units when they are shooted from the circle in medium-large radius.
Cine citeste mult stie putin si cine citeste putin nu stie nimic .
If life gives you many lemons make lemonade .
Posted 29 May 2010 - 02:09 PM
- cursed arrow: an special arrow that hits the target four times and if the target enemy unit dyes the arrow will atack another unit.
- Water Tornado: summons an water tornadoon the battlefield.
- Elven magic: reset all the powers timers of the hero who use it.
- fusioned arrow: two arrows that are fusioned togheder (an fire arrow and an elven arrow) and shooted by the hero.
- Spectrum arrow: an arrow shooted by the hero at an enemy unit ,the arrow changes his colors (colors of the rainbow) before hiting the enemy when the enemy is hit by the arrow all the colors apear at the same time like a rainbow in miniature and the unit its throw in the opposite direction with a big damage.
Elven hero powers Part. 1:
- Mount\Dismount on eagles.
- Nature arrow : a green arrow who damages a single unit and if this unit ist killed by the arrow an ent will apear from his body.The ent ist immobile , has a limited time and can throw roks.
- Mount\Dismount on an ice horse (the horse looks like the horses that are in flood power).
- Faster than light: A power which increase the speed wherewith the hero fires arrows.
- Ice trap: creates a 360 grade circle of ice spikes around the hero who damages the enemy units when they are shooted from the circle in medium-large radius.
Cine citeste mult stie putin si cine citeste putin nu stie nimic .
If life gives you many lemons make lemonade .
Posted 29 May 2010 - 02:22 PM
#137 Guest_Omer_*
Posted 29 May 2010 - 07:15 PM
when i open the game a pink screen comes for 10 secs then 2 purple boxes turn but nothing happens
Posted 03 June 2010 - 10:20 AM
How about a diamant wyrm as a hero.
Mayby I'm beeing annoying but I have another ideeas : some super powerfool heroes for each faction , the will become avalable when the specified faction reach level 10 in profile stats . They can be trained at the fortress as ancient heroes . ultimate heroes one for good factions one for bad factions , they will be avalable when all good factions or evil factions will have level 10 in profile stats .
A diamond or rock wyrm as a hero will be great , I think !
And if not disturbs the team who create the RC mod : in "create a hero" each of you shall make a hero with his user name at his choice .
Edited by Ridder Geel, 07 June 2010 - 09:30 PM.
Cine citeste mult stie putin si cine citeste putin nu stie nimic .
If life gives you many lemons make lemonade .
Posted 07 June 2010 - 08:29 PM
Keep it coming. Ohh and maybe you will validate your e-mail can become a real member of the forums.
Posted 07 June 2010 - 09:31 PM
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