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MO 2.0 - Psi P2: bug report, feedback, and suggestions thread

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#201 need my speed

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Posted 24 August 2009 - 02:49 PM

If you have Yuri's Revenge 1.001 then obviously you already have the 1.001 patch installed...And obviously, you don't need Red Alert 2 1.006 for a Yuri's Revenge mod...
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#202 franky3

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Posted 25 August 2009 - 12:10 AM

if you want too, you can add some unit from the old red alert serie like radar jammer and M.A.D. tank, flame thrower guy or unit, so on....

#203 Nelsonxianling

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Posted 25 August 2009 - 12:12 AM

ok, I see. thank you!

#204 Nelsonxianling

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Posted 25 August 2009 - 09:25 PM

Hi! I've got a big problem. When I played the 5th allied mission:Plague, I killed all the enemies in the air, on the ground and in the sea. But the mission was still coming and I did not know how to finish it. Then I saved the game. The next day when I tried to load the mission, a window appeared saying "Error: Swizzle error had appeared. Press Ok to close Yuri's Revenge. Make sure what you have the same mod, when you saved the game."

Just like this:

Let me show you what says in my except. txt:

EDIT by Speeder: No need to post whole except here. Anyway. copied the file.

Any body can help me? thanks so much in advance!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by Speeder, 25 August 2009 - 09:29 PM.

#205 Speeder



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Posted 25 August 2009 - 09:30 PM

No need to paste whole except.txt here.

AFAIK Swizzle is caused by NPSE 0022.. save/load works funky in those "modnern" ""patched"" mods. This will be solved with new version. NPSEs-less version.


#206 Nelsonxianling

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Posted 04 September 2009 - 03:41 AM

Cheers for the answer! And one more thing......In the 2nd Epsilon mission, it reminds me to mind-control the enemies. But how can I do that without an Epsilon Adept? Has Epsilon adept been removed in this mission in 2.0psi?

#207 zocker4ever

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Posted 08 October 2009 - 02:11 PM

I have a serious performance bug with the Prism Tower.

Every time it shots a very very large and big beam appears across the map and slows down the performance enormously.

Next time I have this bug I'll make a screenshot.

And btw, will MO 3.0 have a better performance? With +4 players and/or stealthed bases it's just not possible to play normally...

#208 OmegaBolt


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Posted 08 October 2009 - 05:53 PM

NPatch bug, and I guess Speeder didnt put LaserSize on the Prism weapon. Since MO is no longer using NP it shouldnt be a problem for the next version.

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#209 Speeder



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Posted 09 October 2009 - 10:53 PM

I don't think that bug is something that occurs everytime one plays MOpsi with NPSE 0022. Wasn't that issue related to one of older versions of NPatch?


#210 Gamr973


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Posted 13 October 2009 - 05:26 AM

I've got a couple suggustions.
1. Take a look at CnC Apocalypse, omegabolt switched the repair button with a power on/off button. He also made buildings and defenses autorepair. Is there any chance of this feature being implemented?

2. The Centurion Siege Crawler is boring, its not horrible, but I think a better choice for a top tier unit would be Volkov.

3. As pointless as more colors are, I'd like a few more I don't much care what they are, I just want to have a few more choices in 8 player matches.

4. I think the chrono tank should be put in, preferably as germanys unique unit.

5. You're gonna ignore this one but ill say it anyway. Give yuri a mind control static defense? Maybe a YR:Squared style propaganda tower, or high cost and power consumption. I'd settle for putting the mastermind in a tank bunker.

6. For some reason I cannot select my custom maps by default. I've been adding them to the RA2 folder after I activate the mod.

7. On maps with no land connection to your opponents, sometimes the AI will have 3 Kirovs in your base before I can rush out the 5 IFVs/Flak Tracks/Gatling Tanks.

8. Yuris navy is really bad. Honestly there isn't a single good unit in his entire navy. Squid- It will not attach to a moving ship, ever. Sea sled- id does so practically no damage compared to the typhoon or even destroyer. Gatling boat- It isn't as bad as the rest but it should get higher defense, or maybe switch over to a sub version. Kraken-This is by far the worst naval unit in any mod I've played it takes 5 of them 2 volleys to destroy a single tesla reactor. 2 of them couldn't destroy a single thing. I was targetting a pillbox with 2 of them and without the enemy having any AA it was repairing damage faster than I could dish it out. 1750 for this?

9. Why don't the Soviets and Epsilon have gates? This one seems like a no brainer to me.

1. Some maps(DC Uprising) cause the AI to break. All they will do is build a mediocre base and use superweapons/aircraft/paradrops. This is obviously not much fun.

EDIT: Just out of curiousity, why ARE you ditching the expanded patches?

Edited by Gamr973, 13 October 2009 - 11:15 PM.

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#211 Darkstorm


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Posted 13 October 2009 - 10:56 PM

1.) NP feature, so no. Besides, I think it is a lazy tool. There is no point to making things autorepair if it only takes a few clicks. Now a unit you have to build a service depot, get your unit back to base, then order him to the service depot. Not a simple thing like clicking a button and clicking said building.

2.) Volkov is in MO, but tis a secret unit but able to be acquired in a normal MO game.

3.) NP feature, so no again. However, it would be nice to have your favorite color in MO.

4.) A chrono tank unit is in, just more secret then Volkov. I do believe you can acquire it though.

5.) There is a reason the Psychic Tower was removed and I personally believe it should stay that way. (I did toy around a while back on my own mod with it being a specific unit.)

6.) This might just be a YR type thing, because it isn't in a mix or something.

7.) The AI can sometimes do that simply because they choose. One problem with the AI. If this is fixable without downgrading the AI, I have no idea.

Speeder is ditching NP because it has TONS of coding errors which equals many unfixable bugs. However when Ares is released it will run on that which, due to Dcoder's correct methods, will have fewer coding errors and subsequently much less bugs.

#212 Gamr973


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Posted 13 October 2009 - 11:28 PM

Thanks for replying, I updated my previous post with a few more things before I realized you had responded.
As for the autorepair, I like it mostly because I don't always notice a certain building gets damaged, especially if its not smoking, and because I hate having to jump back to base mid-assault to repair or force shield.
As for this Ares patch, I've not been around for a while(~15 months) can you link me to the dcoders site/blog/twitter if he's updating his progress? Also any idea when this Ares is coming out? Or MO3.0 for that matter? I'm itching for some challanging AI and allied spys that work.
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#213 Darkstorm


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Posted 14 October 2009 - 02:27 AM

Ares Site (Ares is aka Rock Patch 2 fyi)

8.) Seasled is relatively good, just should be able to detect subs, (I don't think it can) The Kraken is has junk for missiles, but the Gattling Boat is AA and doesn't really need armor, it's basically a sea scorpion. However, in 3.0 this is all changing, no Seasled, Kraken, or Gattling Boat.

9.) They were getting gates in cancelled version, the Allied gate was for the fact that Allies didn't have a Tank Bunker or Battle Bunker. (and no Speeder wasn't going to give them an Allied version of one)

Ares is a while from release, MO 3.0 is on its way but IDK when it will be ready.

Edited by Darkstorm, 14 October 2009 - 02:28 AM.

#214 Pepzi

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Posted 14 October 2009 - 07:59 AM

The Psi Corps "drug needle" power is broken. Completely useless.

#215 Gamr973


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Posted 14 October 2009 - 08:31 AM

The Psi Corps "drug needle" power is broken. Completely useless.

I can vouch for him on this one, I tried testing with initiates brutes and lashers. I would put 2 of each 10 cells away from each other and inject 1 of them. Than I would use waypoints to make them fight each other. The lashers killed eachother and whichever brute or initiate got the first strike won.
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#216 Darkstorm


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Posted 14 October 2009 - 10:21 PM

I believe this is already known, Speeder just never fixed. I believe he did in 2.5 (now cancelled) though.

#217 Speeder



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Posted 15 October 2009 - 04:25 AM

TBH Injection always worked correctly. One cell and 10% firepower bonus, it wasn't that much because it could be used infinite times on one unit.


#218 Gamr973


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Posted 15 October 2009 - 07:39 PM

Ok, I just came across a really strange glitch. My ally just attacked me.
I was doing a 2vs2 on Sea of Isolation
Expert AI______USSR_____________Red___________2_____A
Expert AI______South Korea______Cyan_________3_____D
Expert AI______Chaos Force______Purple_______4_____D

Short Game: ON__________________Game Speed: 4
MCV Repacks: ON________________Credits: 15000
Crates: OFF_______________________Unit Count: 10
Superweapons: OFF______________Tech Level: 10
Build Off Ally ConYards: On
Damnit! I had that /\ Formatted nicely before the post. I'm not allowed more than 1 space? Let's try this with underscores.

It was probably 15 minutes in, and i had a Nuke Reactor and I was building an Industrial Plant. I had 10 Half Tracks and 6ish War Miners. I had the 2 TechOil Derricks and he built a few kirovs, suddenly I hear "Our base is under attack" and I see 2 Kirovs floating away from the Rubble that used to be my Conyard.

Now for a couple suggestions.
1. The Industrial Plant needs to be souped up. I thought about it and yuri basically gets 50% off his infantry, compared to the 25% off the Soviets get on their overpriced vehicles. The way I see it, the soviets have only mediocre vehicles anyway, why charge almost as much as allied vehicles?
2. The Chrono Prison is evil. An Elite Chrono Prison can BAMF a Rhino Tank in like, 3/5 of a second, maybe give it slower lock-on? I don't wanna know what that thing coulda done to my base if the AI ever used ChronoSphere.
3. The Allied Spy shoulf get a bonus, the Soviet Sabateur blows up on death clearing that dog for the next sabeteur.
4. Yuris stealth is really, very frustrating. It makes my base lag and I need at least 5 to cover my base. Not to mention the spys and Stealth Tanks don't stay cloaked. I can't tell you how many times I've had my spys shot by a GGi by their Barracks, or a tree growing on cement. Those darn Stealth Tanks randomly unstealth, which can get the group killed. I never had any lag from stealth in Tiberian Sun, and I was just playing as NOD a few days ago.

Oh, Oh this is cool. I think Chinas Emperor Tank needs to be removed. I got some of them and I iron curtained them. I took my opponents conyard, both his war factorys and his barracks, plus a few defenses and I sold them. He could do nothing to stop me.
Yuri has both of the worst supers in my opinion. The genetic mutator basically kills a few infantry, most humans don't leave clusters of infantry around. And even if they do, how hard is it to stop 10-15 brutes? The Dominator could be ok, if it activated a little faster, its pretty easy to miss your opponents units if they are moving. the best use I've found is dominating their navy(battleships especially) and turning it on their base. Maybe you should replace the genetic mutator? Permhaps putting in a chaos missle? Barely any damage, but causes the chaos effect in an area a little bigger than the mutator size. Or an EMP device?

All I know, is that yuri is pretty underpowered in 2.0psi. I remember him being better in 1.2, although I cannot remember why he was better.

Edited by Gamr973, 15 October 2009 - 08:44 PM.

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#219 Darkstorm


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Posted 15 October 2009 - 09:59 PM

Yuri is hard to balance, mainly because if you make him too much more similar to the other sides, people complain. If you make him unique and, well, Yuri, you have only 2 choices: underpowered or overpowered. While I doubt it is absolutly impossible to balance and make him remain completly unique, and in my mind he shouldn't unless the others are. He doesn't need a special miner, he doesn't need an 2 aggressive, I'll by it somewhat useless, superweapons, he doesn't need a do-it-all sub, he doesn't need a hover MCV (for people that put it in), he doesn't need a mind controlling defence, he doesn't need the ultimate spy defense, he doesn't need a mind contolling hero, and he doesn't need a dual purpose AA Cannon. This was a result of Westwood's rush to get YR done and I just don't like it. I'd like to see the Allies or Soviets get something unique for a change, with MO Soviets got the Centurion but people complain about that. I'm getting a bit sidetracked. My point is make Yuri closer to Allied and Soviet, his forces don't need everything so damn amazing. If you make Yuri completely different, make the others as well.

#220 Gamr973


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Posted 15 October 2009 - 11:23 PM

Unless yuri gets a better defensive structure, or has his stealth tanks get a speed or armor boost he has a very weak land force, his navy sounds like its gonna be better now and I really hope his supers get upped, but right now its hard to defend against tanks. And that centurion is hell on yuri. Honestly the only way to beat that damn thing as yuri is with stealth tanks. And that only works if your opponent is dull enough to send it alone. It takes so many starflare attacks, to kill it. Honestly, that Gaia sounds like a gift from above.
Can anybody tell me how yuri is supposed to kill a Centurion with boris and 2 tesla troopers in it and a 5 half trak guard? It takes 8 stealth tanks almost a minute of continuous firing to kill a non-veteran centurion.
The soviets get that battle bunker, Allies get mirage tanks and grand cannons, what sort of decent defenses does yuri get? You can only garison a few units in that crapsack of a tank bunker. Would it be possible to emit 2 gravitron beams at once from a stationary defence.
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