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#1 keraunos


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Posted 29 September 2008 - 04:28 PM

Unfortunately I'm not exactly up to date with everything in development, but the most popular were (in chronological order of first post):


Unofficial PR v1.1.2 Creator: Tropical Bob
A compilation of a couple different enhancements of PR v1.1, such as the Unofficial PR v1.1 Bug Fixes, Space Colony Scripting, the Land Assault Patch, and something some folk might remember from v1.0, the Icon Mod (Now updated, of course, for v1.1).

Executor and Eclipse Creator: Kaleb Graf
Mini mod adding Executor (Vaders' Flagship) and Eclipse (Palpatines' Flagship) to the game, as heroes upgrades. Should be compatibile with most of the mods, as it uses only 3 rarely modified files...

Kitkun's Mini-Mods, For PR 1.1 Creator: Kitkun
Various changes to raiding, dreadnoughts numbers, fighter complements and space defence satelites

Phoenix Rising Space Only Creator: Keraunos
Space-only mod for Phoenix Rising. No more land battles, so you can fully experience space part of the mod. Runs a bit smoother (as the game doesn't load land units), too.

Kaleb Graff's Land Mod Creator: Kaleb Graf
Mod limiting the range of units. All firing ranges are significantly decreased, so no more AT-STs firing everywhere.

Ship Skirmish Pack Creator: Kitkun
To quote: "My goal is to increase the variety of ships available by converting the Empire at War and Forces of Corruption ships for use in skirmish battles."

Spawning Star Bases Creator: cpl0311
Mod altering starbases spawning capabilities - replacing spawned squadrons with capital ships, for added challenge. Mod is compatibile with vanilla PR and any other mod that doesn't affect starbases. It's intended for heavily modified campaign file (currently not released) - you'll have to modify it yourself.

DM's Phoenix Rising Addon Creator: Tony
Mod that fixes AI inability to upgrade its starbases, by reverting back to vanilla situation. Old Starbases are back, and AI builds them again. Not compatibile with campaign files, you need to edit them yourself :p


Zarkis AI Creator: Zarkis
Obviously, focusing on improving AI behaviour. Compatibile with Dalmp's mod.

Dalmp Aesthetics pack Creator: Dalmp
Focused on visual effects and reducing lag. Compatibile with Zarkis's mod.

"Galaxy Far, Far Away" Lite Creator: Yurec
In alpha stages - reducing lag & improving gameplay of biggest PR campaign. Map editor included. AFAIK, compatibile with every other mod released so far (changes include only 2 files, planets & campaigns_pr).

Keraunos Icons 1.1 Creator: Keraunos
Providing diffrent icons for all upgrades. Compatibile with all mods that don't change ships

Phoenix Rising Enhanced Creators: Anakinskysolo, Kaleb Graf, Kitkun, Keraunos
Community mod, aimed at fixing various bugs and combining other mods together. Zarkis AI and Dalmp Aesthetics Pack required

Phoenix Rising Enhanced Ship Pack Creators: Kaleb Graf, TheEmpire
Adding new ships to Phoenix Rising Enhanced. Obviously, Zarkis AI, Dalmp AP, PR E required

CSA For Skirmish Creator: Tropical Bob
As name implies, it adds Corporate Sector for skirmish; Zarkis AI, Dalmp AP, PR E required

Skirmish Starfighter Factory Creator: Tropical Bob
Adds mobile starfighter factory to skirmish, solving the problem of overcrowded UI; Zarkis AI, Dalmp AP, PR E required

Phoenix Rising Space Adjusted Creator: Invadious
Personalized mods, many small changes and bugfixes included. Version compatibile with Dalmp Aesthetic Pack available (post #15)

The Planet Ship Pack Creator: TheEmpire
Adding planet-specific ships

Phoenix Rising Addon Creator: El Danny
Mini mod changing some mechanics and adjusting garrisons; Zarkis AI, Dalmp AP, PR E required

Improved Space Station;download thread Creator: Muneyoshi
Space stations garrisons improved; see post #13 of this topic for further details

I decided to create yet another topic on the same subject :shiftee: A little competition never killed anybody, and sometimes people don't show up for a long time. Besides, I decided to add few information, as requested by Kitkun: creators, compatibility etc. If you can't find your mod in here, post it :crazed: Preferably with a link, creator and basic description. And sorry for bad spelling :good:

Edited by keraunos, 20 May 2010 - 12:35 PM.

#2 El Danny

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Posted 29 September 2008 - 08:38 PM


Heres my small one if you want to add it.

#3 Tropical Bob

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Posted 29 September 2008 - 08:52 PM

There's also a quick fix for the skirmish build bar that moves all starfighter production at starbase level 3 to a separate unit: Skirmish Starfighter Factory

#4 Kaleb Graff

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Posted 30 September 2008 - 02:41 PM

Credits for the shippack go to myself and TheEmpire. I need to update it soon.

#5 TheEmpire


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Posted 30 September 2008 - 04:03 PM

Also for the PR E shippack is Anakinskysolo. I think. For the MC90.
"Just once, I'd like to destroy a starship that we didn't pay for!"
"Welcome to the jolly old death star."
"Vader gets the plesure of killing someone while we get to stay among the living. Private Perkins overhere has been stranged over 30 times haven't you Perkins." "Good man."

#6 keraunos


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Posted 30 September 2008 - 05:44 PM

@TheEmpire: As Kaleb is mod leader (at least that's what I assume - since he wrote the first post, and he was behind this entire idea earlier on, during PR E development), I'd like him to confirm this :shiftee:

@El Danny, Tropical Bob: what about your mods compatibilities? Sorry, but I've never tried them, so I have no idea, but this could be helpful to those willing to install your mods around here...

#7 El Danny

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Posted 30 September 2008 - 06:32 PM

@TheEmpire: As Kaleb is mod leader (at least that's what I assume - since he wrote the first post, and he was behind this entire idea earlier on, during PR E development), I'd like him to confirm this :shiftee:

@El Danny, Tropical Bob: what about your mods compatibilities? Sorry, but I've never tried them, so I have no idea, but this could be helpful to those willing to install your mods around here...

I installed Dalmp and Zarkins mods, then PREnhanced before working on mine.

#8 Tropical Bob

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Posted 30 September 2008 - 09:54 PM

All of my stuff is based off of DalMP, Zarkis, and PR Enhanced.

#9 Phoenix Rising

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Posted 01 October 2008 - 06:17 AM

Meh, might as well have two stickies.

Edited by Phoenix Rising, 01 October 2008 - 06:17 AM.

#10 keraunos


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Posted 02 October 2008 - 10:51 AM

Thanks for answers regarding your mods, info updated :p And for sticking, too :wink_new:

#11 Kaleb Graff

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Posted 02 October 2008 - 02:34 PM

Also for the PR E shippack is Anakinskysolo. I think. For the MC90.

I haven't added that yet.

#12 keraunos


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Posted 06 December 2008 - 11:40 AM

Ok, sorry for a long absence - and post has been updated with one mod ;)

#13 muneyoshi

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Posted 06 December 2008 - 11:44 PM

well.. I was asked to post in this thread about my lil mod.. though it mostly covers making the garrision spawns alil more realistic (my arguements for this are in other threads several times lol) it does change a few other things.. I'll list changes here.. this mod was also not going to be released but I was asked to so I did.. I had other changes planned so I guess you would call this a beta

1) as mentioned ship spawns at stations have been changed.. nearly every station/starbase level has been changed (no changes to XQ5 platforms)
2) increased "turbo" prefix weapon ranges and damages to 150% of v1.0 values.. PR did this for v1.1 so I went through and changed them here as well
3) changed many missles and torpedos to impact on shields rather then bypass them... there is canon evidence to support BOTH ways (back in my X-wing/TIE Figher days I clearly remember concussion missles and torpeods impacting shields.. if I am wrong on that reference someone please let me know). The damage of these weapons was originally increased to 300% of their original values in order to keep bombing runs viable as a tactic without weakenign them too much.. and that's what they are here.. I have since altered them again and dropped them back to their original numbers.. at 300% even impacting shields bombers became just alil too much.. especially rebel fighters/bombers.. simply put in my testing of this at 300% damage imperial craft just took way too much damage from them. I wanted to do this not only to test the other side of the fence so to speak.. but was also thinking of ways to increase the viablity of cap ships.. in v1.0 I could just send in forces of x-wings and b-wings and pretty much wipe an enemy fleet pretty easily with little to no loses.. yes I know they are vurerable to bombing runs.. but this should mostly be due to diffculity targeting such small craft.. which is the way I have seen it in canon.. anyway I am dirgessing.. in my testing at back to 100% damage bombers are still good to use because they evade most turbolaser fire and the number of warheads they can fire during their volleys still packs a good punch while not overpowering them once shields are down (I am not great at codeing and I have no idea how to add a shield impact graphic so now while shields are up they just look like they got absorbed)

there were other changes I planned on making and I still might.. PR told me though that v1.1 in right around the corner and we're heard talk of later this month so I haven't made other changes yet.. but if I decide to I plan on adding autorepair to ships.. they would have some kind of DC teams on board for this, PR said this is in v1.1. I was also consdering a few other lil things here and there.. but honestly.. at the moment I can't remember what they were lol.. I'll have to find my notes (yes I'm the nut case who takes notes when he plays).

I installed zarkis, dalimps and PRE before making my changes.. so those will be needed to run this

I also plan to work on working on v1.1 after PR releases it for spawns and what not

Edited by muneyoshi, 07 December 2008 - 12:07 AM.

#14 keraunos


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Posted 27 December 2008 - 01:37 PM

Mod list updated, to include my first mod for 1.1.1 :p :p

#15 Phoenix Rising

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Posted 29 December 2008 - 08:14 PM

Please note, there is no v1.1.1. That was added by Mod DB because I deleted the first one. There is only v1.1.

#16 Kitkun



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Posted 31 December 2008 - 10:51 PM

Perhaps PR 1.1 mods should be at the top? Since it's newer.

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#17 keraunos


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Posted 01 January 2009 - 01:53 PM

Sorry PR, mod version updated.

Kitkun, your mod added to mod list. And excellent suggestion - versions switched :evgr:

#18 keraunos


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Posted 04 January 2009 - 08:52 AM

Ok, topic updated again. My latest mod added, and my suspended land mod went to the very bottom, and will go under Kalebs' land changes mod, as I'll be using his mod for this.

#19 SpardaSon21


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Posted 05 January 2009 - 05:32 PM

Can we get some compatibility stuff for the 1.1 mods? I don't want to have to DL and check their files to see if they are OK.

#20 keraunos


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Posted 05 January 2009 - 05:52 PM

So far all 3 released mods are fully compatibile. Incoming land mod will probably alter projectiles.xml, so won't be compatibile with Kitkun's no shield bypassing mod

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