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#21 Guest_Barhwald_*

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Posted 09 March 2009 - 03:29 PM

Calling elven allies takes too much time. You bought a dormitory, you called your allies, you upgraded the barracks and nothing. It's strange. Secondly, You should add to Isengard Uruk-Hai scouts, I think. Thanks to Rob for beautiful elves ;)

S pozdravem


#22 Dalf32


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Posted 09 March 2009 - 09:10 PM

elven allies are supposed to take that long. the idea is not that they are a quick way to boost your army, but they are more of a long-term investment. so be patient, its worth it ;)

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#23 Wanderer∞


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Posted 10 March 2009 - 12:23 AM

I definitely would say that the skins are absolutely incredible!!! I am so glad the faces are actually 3D and not flat. Kudos to whoever did such amazing work ;)
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#24 Rafv Nin IV

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Posted 10 March 2009 - 02:20 AM

First off, everything I've seen so far is amazing. I'm loving the new leadership stuff ;)

I find that on build-anywhere maps, like FoI2, I end up with WAY too many resources. As in, I'll build three fortresses, buy all the heroes, and fully upgrade the fortresses in what should have been mid-game. I think it is because the room required for a resource building is so much smaller, but they still produce just as many resources. I suggest that the room needed for resource buildings be restored to the vanilla game's size for build-anywhere games, or the money provided by them is drastically reduced.

As a corollary to what I said above, there is no point to lumber mills right now. When you can just build more of the normal resource buildings without running out of space, there is no need to build lumber mills.

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#25 Vithar-133


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Posted 10 March 2009 - 02:26 AM

Actually, I think that the space was made smaller so that the buildings would work better on the RJ maps, which are a blend of BfME 1 Castles and BfME 2 free build with some limits.

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#26 Guest_KellyLanD_*

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Posted 10 March 2009 - 03:41 AM

Hey, haven't downloaded the mod yet

Can anyone tell me if u guys added a harad king? And if he has workng powers?

#27 robnkarla


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Posted 10 March 2009 - 04:30 AM

Right now there is a Muhad Chieftain with that buffs nearby Mumakil, can garrison a mumakil (once you take out the spearthrowers), provides leadership to nearby Harad units, and can summon an Oliphant (permanent, from the closest border). There is also a Khand King. The Black Serpent model has not been fully texturized so he has not been included yet.

Robert J.

#28 tompabus

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Posted 10 March 2009 - 06:23 AM

I have two questions is in mod rammas echor and i saw some Silmarillion era maps, so this mod will have WotR and Sillmarilion eras??Thanks

#29 Hasfusel


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Posted 10 March 2009 - 09:52 AM

^ Isn't this the Bear-Mans guy from Dojob's sig? Ah, never mind.

I love this mod to shreds. Everything you've done with it is fantastic. I love the new maps, and the new factions, and the skins, and everything.
Some issues...

- The strings describing maps often don't show up completely and appear broken off halfway through a sentance. Could they be too long? On this subject, some of the strings need serious revising in terms of spelling, grammar, detail, etc. I know it isn't important but it makes a difference to the detail and quality of the mod in my opinion.

- Is the Swanfleet map supposed to have bright purple/pink water, or is it something wrong?

- Several maps allow barely any space for buildings, especially the large build spaces required by Lorien. Amon Hen definately needs a little flat land near the bases, and Minas Tirith could do with more than a few civilian buildings removed to make space for Barracks and Stables. The AI got so confused they didn't build anything and just spammed heroes.

- I love the new Elf system, but maybe it could take slightly longer/cost money to call for aid, to enhance the feel as playing definitely as either Rivendell or Lorien. And they have toooo many hero hordes, which are all the same in any case. For the Elves I'd limit the hero hordes to one of each, and maybe give each their own speciality.

- About the Mahud Chieftain... There's still the issue of his name. Since the CAHs will be axed, I don't see any problem with pinching EA's name Fhaleen, as Suladan has been deemed too clichéd (on the subject of names, I still think the Nazgul need revision as their cartoony, WoW names detract from the atmosphere of Mordor, but that's another story). And maybe the Mahud Chieftain could get a leadership that extends to normal Harad troops? They don't have a leader otherwise.

- A random idea, but something I noticed in the game files was that some mounted heroes and hobbits have animations and voice lines for the hobbits being snatched off the ground and being carried away on horseback. Now, if my Hobbit Ringfinder idea is accepted (one unique hobbit for each race who can pick up the ring - Frodo for the Elves, Bilbo for the Dwarves, Merry for Rohan and Pippin for Gondor while Sam acts as a supporting hobbit for Frodo - this would be a great way of rescuing your hobbit once they've found the Ring (or when they get into trouble) and escorting them back to the camp. This wouldn't work for the Dwarves but I guess if you accept my Beorn idea he could rush in and protect Bilbo from harm. Also, Merry and Pippin have similar voices/animations for mounting Treebeard, as well. This would be nice for the campaign mission, and also for when you play as Rohan. This might not be amazingly important but again, would add to the feel of quality and detail that this mod has. I would love this.

- The Ring system ain't working too well - the AI finds the ring, which no longer appears on the map, and wanders back to their fortress, where they just walk around without returning the ring. Strange.

- I still ache for a better Boromir, who I really think could do with a better leadership and a blademaster-style power. Boromir had amazing skills as a horseman, and I think it would be great at, say, Lvl.7 he would be allowed to mount a horse, but maybe would not be allowed to use his Blademaster power. That way he would still be essentially an infantry hero.

- Does the new Leadership work? I'm unsure.

- I love the new summons, but could Elladan and Elrohir be included in the Inn for the Elves? They're definately the sort you would expect to hang around an Inn with Aragorn and the Rangers. About the Inns... At the moment there's not much point getting any alliance except Southern Fiefdoms. There's only the three basic units for each faction, which most race has anyway of their own. My point is that at a higher level Inn you could recruit unique units such as Citadel Guards and Rohirrim Horse Archers and Spider Riders and that. It would increase the individuality between different inn factions and make there more of a point to getting them up to higher level alliances.

Thanks for listening, I hope this is useful. I love your mod and will continue to love it.

#30 tompabus

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Posted 10 March 2009 - 10:07 AM

Give Faramir when he will be on horse gordor armor with helmet like in film.

#31 Rafv Nin IV

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Posted 10 March 2009 - 04:55 PM

Actually, I think that the space was made smaller so that the buildings would work better on the RJ maps, which are a blend of BfME 1 Castles and BfME 2 free build with some limits.

I understand the need for a smaller radius, then. Is it not possible to have the RJ maps with a smaller Resource Building radius, and the build-anywhere maps with the EA size radius? I've ended up with ridiculous amounts of resources (like 18,000) before I've even gotten any level three production buildings, and, as I said before, the Lumber Mills no longer have any purpose. The Goblins' 10 PP power "Scavanger," which gives resources per kill, is entirely useless because there is no need to collect more resources.

I suggest that the Goblin Pikemen be nerfed and receive a significant price reduction (to about 140 resources). They currently cost 450 resources; Half-trolls cost 500. IMO, Goblins should be spammable; cavalry should be able to defeat Goblin Pikemen one on one. They should fill the role of an early-game spammable pikemen unit for use against Rohan or other cavalry factions. There should be a definite stat difference between Goblin and Half-Troll Pikes.

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#32 KnightofNumenor

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Posted 10 March 2009 - 06:16 PM

First off, love the mod!

I don't know if this has been mentioned but it would be nice if there was an on screen timer that told you how long until your elven allies arrived.
Also, the Rohan banner carriers upgrade doesn't work. You can purchase it from the blacksmiths, but you cannot equip it to your battalions.

Edited by KnightofNumenor, 10 March 2009 - 06:30 PM.

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#33 robnkarla


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Posted 10 March 2009 - 06:25 PM

K, I'll be reading through all the posts tonights at length, but a couple of things I should mention.

- yeah, I need to clean up the string files. ;) I don't focus too much on those and that can be a glaring change
- the water shouldn't be pink. This is an error that happens after playing a series of maps. The skies will go pink as if they can't find the texture.
- I need to re-examine RBs and their effectiveness. I'll probably adjust the ratio of RBs to production (more RBs = less resources per building) as well as adjusting the amount of resources gained by lowering the level 1 amounts and raising the level 3 amounts gained. Thus 5 level 3 buildings will be much move valuable than a slew of level 1 buildings at the start. Also, this will encourage sparring over RBs in the intent not to allow your oppenent get numerous RBs.

Lastly - When you call for aid, the Fire/Beacon is a selectable object. Click on the fire to tell the time remaining for the elves to arrive. I'll look into whether I can provide a timer through scripting, but the easiest thing to do is select the fire and Ctrl+# it. Then at anytime during the battle you can jump back to the fire to check the time remaining.

Robert J.

#34 Canadyan

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Posted 10 March 2009 - 07:00 PM


I've only given the Elves and Rohan a real good play so far but as for the Elves - amazing. My only issue/suggestion is regarding the Heroes. Still, too many. It detracts from feeling like you're playing as Lorien when Legolos, Thrandruil, etc are all purchasable from the start. A quick suggestion is making, again, for example, Legolas and Thranduil only available when allying with Mirkwood. It would definitely add more of a strategic element to choosing who to ally with first.

Rohan is awesome with the bugs and missing parts to them cleaned up (except the current banner bug). The Royal Guard changes are perfect. A bit of feedback on Gamling though - I highly suggest a sword or spear toggle when he's mounted. He has that great Hero Leadership bonus but since almost all of Rohan's Heroes are mounted and in melee combat, I haven't been able to find a real niche for him to be useful with that, since he sits back, shooting arrows. Dismounting and using him in melee isn't really optimal either, since there's no good reason to dismount Theoden, Eomer, etc.

That's all for now, I'll post some more after giving other teams a good play through.

#35 Devon


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Posted 10 March 2009 - 08:57 PM

First off, everything I've seen so far is amazing. I'm loving the new leadership stuff ;)

I find that on build-anywhere maps, like FoI2, I end up with WAY too many resources. As in, I'll build three fortresses, buy all the heroes, and fully upgrade the fortresses in what should have been mid-game. I think it is because the room required for a resource building is so much smaller, but they still produce just as many resources. I suggest that the room needed for resource buildings be restored to the vanilla game's size for build-anywhere games, or the money provided by them is drastically reduced.

As a corollary to what I said above, there is no point to lumber mills right now. When you can just build more of the normal resource buildings without running out of space, there is no need to build lumber mills.

As rob said, the more RBs you have, the less each one produces. And you weren't upgrading that much, and you only had one fissure, right?

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#36 Morgulshade

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Posted 10 March 2009 - 09:14 PM

IMO this release is much cleaner than the other one. I mean, there are less bugs and WIPs, so it looks better. As I haven't tested it that much, the only thing I would suggest is to change the f%·!"$·$ mordor armory. Besides I do not like the model much, all that smoke being spammed lags my computer hardly. Please change it or remove some smoke, I beg! ;)

#37 Shikari



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Posted 10 March 2009 - 09:19 PM

Thanks for the post, it's great to have detailed feedback.

I love this mod to shreds. Everything you've done with it is fantastic. I love the new maps, and the new factions, and the skins, and everything.
Some issues...

- The strings describing maps often don't show up completely and appear broken off halfway through a sentance. Could they be too long? On this subject, some of the strings need serious revising in terms of spelling, grammar, detail, etc. I know it isn't important but it makes a difference to the detail and quality of the mod in my opinion.

There are indeed quite a few messed up strings. We're discussing a way of going through and correcting them all, as you can imagine they're the least of Rob's worries when he codes everything in, but they are definitely something we should tidy up.

- Is the Swanfleet map supposed to have bright purple/pink water, or is it something wrong?

Nope, something's wrong. No-one else has reported this, and it doesn't do it in my copy, so I'd say it's to do with your asset.dat file. You can either download the mod again or live with the pink water I guess ;)

- Several maps allow barely any space for buildings, especially the large build spaces required by Lorien. Amon Hen definately needs a little flat land near the bases, and Minas Tirith could do with more than a few civilian buildings removed to make space for Barracks and Stables. The AI got so confused they didn't build anything and just spammed heroes.

We're gonna add build-plots to these maps (like BFME1) so that the AI (and human players in the case of minas tirith) can easily find a place to build. They didn't quite make it into the release, but they will be there soon.

- I love the new Elf system, but maybe it could take slightly longer/cost money to call for aid, to enhance the feel as playing definitely as either Rivendell or Lorien. And they have toooo many hero hordes, which are all the same in any case. For the Elves I'd limit the hero hordes to one of each, and maybe give each their own speciality.

We'll be using the feedback from this release to tweak this faction a little, once we know what people want it will be easier to make decisions. I think I agree with you here, a little longer wouldn't hurt.

- About the Mahud Chieftain... There's still the issue of his name. Since the CAHs will be axed, I don't see any problem with pinching EA's name Fhaleen, as Suladan has been deemed too clichéd (on the subject of names, I still think the Nazgul need revision as their cartoony, WoW names detract from the atmosphere of Mordor, but that's another story). And maybe the Mahud Chieftain could get a leadership that extends to normal Harad troops? They don't have a leader otherwise.

They will have a leader once we add him ;) We have a black serpent hero planned.
Any name suggestions for the mahud would be appreciated.

- A random idea, but something I noticed in the game files was that some mounted heroes and hobbits have animations and voice lines for the hobbits being snatched off the ground and being carried away on horseback. Now, if my Hobbit Ringfinder idea is accepted (one unique hobbit for each race who can pick up the ring - Frodo for the Elves, Bilbo for the Dwarves, Merry for Rohan and Pippin for Gondor while Sam acts as a supporting hobbit for Frodo - this would be a great way of rescuing your hobbit once they've found the Ring (or when they get into trouble) and escorting them back to the camp. This wouldn't work for the Dwarves but I guess if you accept my Beorn idea he could rush in and protect Bilbo from harm. Also, Merry and Pippin have similar voices/animations for mounting Treebeard, as well. This would be nice for the campaign mission, and also for when you play as Rohan. This might not be amazingly important but again, would add to the feel of quality and detail that this mod has. I would love this.

Nice Idea, we'll have to see where we go with the ring system and consider all ideas but I quite like this.

- The Ring system ain't working too well - the AI finds the ring, which no longer appears on the map, and wanders back to their fortress, where they just walk around without returning the ring. Strange.

This is a WIP, it's pretty messed up atm. The ring not appearing on the minimap is deliberate though, we want there to be a proper hunt for it.

- I still ache for a better Boromir, who I really think could do with a better leadership and a blademaster-style power. Boromir had amazing skills as a horseman, and I think it would be great at, say, Lvl.7 he would be allowed to mount a horse, but maybe would not be allowed to use his Blademaster power. That way he would still be essentially an infantry hero.


- Does the new Leadership work? I'm unsure.

Yep, it definitely works.

- I love the new summons, but could Elladan and Elrohir be included in the Inn for the Elves? They're definately the sort you would expect to hang around an Inn with Aragorn and the Rangers. About the Inns... At the moment there's not much point getting any alliance except Southern Fiefdoms. There's only the three basic units for each faction, which most race has anyway of their own. My point is that at a higher level Inn you could recruit unique units such as Citadel Guards and Rohirrim Horse Archers and Spider Riders and that. It would increase the individuality between different inn factions and make there more of a point to getting them up to higher level alliances.

The only finished inn system atm is the fiefdoms. We finished that one as an example of how the others will be, but we don't have all the units made yet. These will be a gradual addition and the system will probably be improved a bit at a time as they are added.

Edited by Shikari, 10 March 2009 - 09:21 PM.

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#38 CTLN7


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Posted 10 March 2009 - 09:29 PM

you dont have to build the uprgades to use mellyrn grove , simply click on it
Urukhai golden armours
should add urukhai scouts or shield uruks
Good work ,i like the volley arrows ,very original ;)

#39 Morgulshade

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Posted 10 March 2009 - 11:44 PM

It would be cool to mount hobbits on treebeard or other people's horses. It isn't possible right now isnt it?

Edited by Morgulshade, 10 March 2009 - 11:49 PM.

#40 Sportfan704

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Posted 11 March 2009 - 01:31 AM

-I've noticed that on BFME1 converted campain maps (or at least amon hen and ciruth ungol which are the only two i played so far) that the ai build tons of farms before they start building unit production buildings. on amon hen it took angmar almost 10 minutes to send a horde to attack me and the dwarves in ciruth ungol never attacked at all (maybe they didnt build enough mines).
-also are the rohan elves heavy armor supposed to be the BFME1 skins? i like their cloaks but i just dont like the change to the old skins (just my opinion)
-on the dol amroth map unit from outside the walls sometimes shoot up to the wall top (an isengard ram did it to me wen i was gondor and defending) and wulf threw his axes through the wall

thats all i hav found now but overall its a great mod and much nicer to play than 1.05.06

ps. i also like the hobbits on mounts treebeard and horses (merry and eyowen together)

Edited by Sportfan704, 11 March 2009 - 01:34 AM.

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