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Pre-release Suggestions Thread

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#41 need my speed

need my speed

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Posted 21 August 2009 - 06:13 PM

Are that rookie / veteran / elite symbols? And what's the difference between the Soviet ones? Those points? Although they appear to belong to the Allies. Anyway, those points don't look good. Make the hammer and sickle more red (it starts with yellow, then orange, then red, or something, or make the background lighter, whatever).
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#42 Darkstorm


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Posted 21 August 2009 - 06:33 PM

Yeah, I made a design for each of team. Need my speed they were based off the small country symbols, they aren't very high quality but it is 70 times better then any of my attempts would be, and yes its those dot. I wanted to make each of them unique, but I can't put and real golden stuff on a already golden symbol. If you don't like them, make them yourself; I like the design.

Well here's the zip, I haven't really released them yet in any SHP forum, I will once Ares is released.

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Edited by Darkstorm, 21 August 2009 - 06:39 PM.

#43 Black/Brunez


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Posted 21 August 2009 - 07:31 PM

Why do you want to give Blizzard Tank to every Allied country? :lol:

It´s cool, but It´s good to add another country on the Greece´s place. And I don´t want to kill this tank

And please, add Brazil, with sniper, the dolphin and a heavy unit, like the battle fortress, as veteran units. It wold be cool and will have a ligation with every thing: (the great action on jungles- Sniper- the fauna-dolphin- and... the the number of American, European,etc industries and people-battle fortress ) . This country appear on the Allied campaign, too.

Edited by Brunez, 21 August 2009 - 07:39 PM.

#44 SMxReaver


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Posted 21 August 2009 - 08:54 PM

You don't need veteran units for some of the most powerful pieces of the Allied army. It doesn't take much for a sniper sitting in your base to become elite, and the Battle Fort gets veteran/elite easily enough with it's OPness. :lol:

#45 Black Temple Gaurdian

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Posted 21 August 2009 - 11:29 PM

Division name: Genesis Core
Epsilon Division: Main area of activity: Genetics, genetically based stuff.
Country specific unit proposal: Devovler - Backstory - Due to successes in cellular reconstrunstion the Genisis Core was given a major funding boost. Focusing their budget the Core decided to scale down the Genetic Manipulator. The Devolver is the result. Due to complications the target is now mutated into being who's structure is mostly prexcisting, a monkey. *Basically it turns enemies into monkeys, comical makes sense and a whole lot easier to balance than Rhan.
4. Country speciality: Armored Skin - Infantry gain #* armor boost. Veterans: Virus, Brute, something else?

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according to our determinedly dopey Prime Minister Mr Brown, Obama also has a beach in Normandy named after him. If that can't win you an election, what can?

#46 some_weirdGuy


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Posted 21 August 2009 - 11:58 PM

i have to ask, did you take my Australia suggestion seriously into consideration? Cause i always want to see it in game, and although i admit we aren't big world players really, we still have a fairly substantial land mass that i feel gives us more right to be included then some of the other tiny countries that get/got put into the game.

It was cool when there was that one mission in Australia in the YR campaign, and we had that 'burger roo' instead of 'mcburger kong' :p

You should add a funny unit to each side, as like a secret thing for a bit of a laugh, that plays of a stereotype. Like for example Australia could have a crocodile :p that or a kangaroo that can transport people.

But they would be a secret unit, not just a normal one, as its just rediculious to add something like that just normally :shiftee2:

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#47 Darkstorm


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Posted 22 August 2009 - 04:13 AM

I lols at the fact that everyone wants their country in the mod. If Speeder wants, i'd like to compile a map of the world and with suggestions map out what allegiance, country specific unit, and specialty each country would have if they were added into the mod. Once I get it started then Speeder can decide on which countries to use. It may also add a little backstory to the game.

Edited by Darkstorm, 22 August 2009 - 04:13 AM.

#48 SMxReaver


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Posted 22 August 2009 - 05:39 AM

I'd offer to recommend my nation, but everyone would call me an idiot. XD

Mental Omega is a rather large mod, but not everyone's interests can be considered. Speeder's personal preferences, and your backstory, generally would decide which nations make the cut.

Everyone goes for Australia and Japan. MO impressed me with Greece, so perhaps another ninja idea? Something we wouldn't expect at first? India never makes it into mods. Israel could be considered, but with WW2 never happening it could be debated as a nonexistent nation due to the lack of the war. Canada is rarely used but recommended a bit. Finland is also never seen, even though they proved their ability to fight in WWII by holding off the USSR. And yes, I'm more than aware that WW2 never happened in the RA2 storyline. But we can't just throw it out.

My two cents on the matter. I could come up with some witty stories and specials if it was of interest to Speeder.

Edited by modder666, 22 August 2009 - 05:40 AM.

#49 some_weirdGuy


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Posted 22 August 2009 - 12:04 PM

I've seen Japan, but what mod uses Australia? i don't think i've ever seen a mod that adds in Australia as one of the countries...

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#50 Apollo


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Posted 22 August 2009 - 12:12 PM

guess nobody likes Australia enough then :shiftee2:

Besides, there is little point adding smaller countries as its more about their ability to wage war and smaller ones really wouldn't be on the offensive, just defensive most of the time.

Edited by Apollo, 22 August 2009 - 12:36 PM.

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EAApoc wrote:
The only written law in a C&C game I ever saw is please Mr.Developer make it fun and give me a lot of **** to explode, o and don't you ever get another soul to play Kane but Joe Kucan. Aside from those two rules, all bets are off =) hehe

#51 need my speed

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Posted 22 August 2009 - 01:39 PM

Hey! I use much countries in my mod, among them are Australia, US, Mexico, Canada (yeah, America as a country, right), Japan, the Netherlands...All aren't used that much.

Edited by need my speed, 22 August 2009 - 01:39 PM.

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#52 FiremariomkiZX 123-451-149

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Posted 22 August 2009 - 03:09 PM

My personal view on Japan if it's in:
1. Empire of the Rising Sun
2. Allegiance: Allied
3. Country specific unit proposal - The King Oni (This is not the same one from Red Alert 3): The Japanese are better than China in terms of programming. That also means their hacking is better. Japan's special unit uses stolen Tesla Technology to attack the Air and Ground. It's mainly affective on vehicles though, because of the slow firing rate. It's also hard to manufacture, costing a whooping $2000!
4. Country speciality - Desensitizing: Infantry and Vehicles have increased strength by 25% due to not having having any care for the enemies.
Elite Units: Grizzly Tank, Chrono Legionarres, Tesla Commando

Also, I found a perfect solution to rival the Centurion for the Allies (if Japanese are in for the Allies)

The Shogun Executioner (Samething as RA:3, except with stolen Tesla and different Back Story as well as a bonus ability)
Cost: 4000
Description: The Shogun Executioner was made by the Empire of the Rising Sun to assist the Allied Nations in the war against the Epsilon. Using stolen Tesla Technology for its sword, and like the Centurion, it has 3 slots for infantry to fire from. The Shogun is more damaging than the Centurion, but has a much shorter range. The 3 soldiers make up for that downfall.
FiremariomkiZX, reporting in, Commander!

#53 SMxReaver


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Posted 22 August 2009 - 03:54 PM

At one point of time, one of the Apocalypse betas had Australia. I don't know if this beta turned into a final project, but it was there. It's been a few days since I've played it.

Also; since everyone seemed to miss this: Speeder never added any hero units to the game for anyone but Allies or Epsilon because when asked, no one responded. He's very unlikely to give a new nation something stronger than the OP Centurion.

#54 Darkstorm


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Posted 22 August 2009 - 07:15 PM

I think the best way to get more countries without overadding is to add coalitions, like my SEED idea, a country that is actually multiple countries. However, you don't want too many or else it gets pretty stupid. Oh and about that Empire of the Rising Sun, completely stupid no offense, EA's story people must of been on something when they came up with the idea. It was mainly to appeal to Anime fans which actually looks retarded in Red Alert. Besides the Japanese Empire wouldn't have existed in reality; the Japanese Empire's expansion didn't have anything to do with Hitler so it still would of happened and America still would of fought them. It kind of explains America's absence in RA1, although that could of just been because America was neutral. Japan is ok to include but none of the stupid ideas that EA came up with, not that EA is bad just that they made the game to be for Anime fans.

#55 FiremariomkiZX 123-451-149

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Posted 22 August 2009 - 11:35 PM

At one point of time, one of the Apocalypse betas had Australia. I don't know if this beta turned into a final project, but it was there. It's been a few days since I've played it.

Also; since everyone seemed to miss this: Speeder never added any hero units to the game for anyone but Allies or Epsilon because when asked, no one responded. He's very unlikely to give a new nation something stronger than the OP Centurion.

Well, the Shogun is actually not as reliable as the Centurion, as it has much lower range than that of the Centurion. The range of the Shogun would be that of a Grizzly Battle Tank.

I think the best way to get more countries without overadding is to add coalitions, like my SEED idea, a country that is actually multiple countries. However, you don't want too many or else it gets pretty stupid. Oh and about that Empire of the Rising Sun, completely stupid no offense, EA's story people must of been on something when they came up with the idea. It was mainly to appeal to Anime fans which actually looks retarded in Red Alert. Besides the Japanese Empire wouldn't have existed in reality; the Japanese Empire's expansion didn't have anything to do with Hitler so it still would of happened and America still would of fought them. It kind of explains America's absence in RA1, although that could of just been because America was neutral. Japan is ok to include but none of the stupid ideas that EA came up with, not that EA is bad just that they made the game to be for Anime fans.

Japan's still trying to keep some pride, in my back story. EA's backstory to the Empire is that "OMG JAPANESE BECAME MOAR POWERFUL, YO!" and the backstory of my Shogun was a last minute responce to the Centurion, if the Soviets retaliate against the allies, though EA's backstory to the Shogun is "ULTIMATE INSULT TO SOVIETS, YO!"

Tesla won't power up the Shogun I am proposing.

An Epsilon counterpart to the Centurion... hmm... Would need to be weaker in offence than Centurion, and need either longer range or stronger armor.
FiremariomkiZX, reporting in, Commander!

#56 Black/Brunez


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Posted 23 August 2009 - 01:10 AM

Hey people!!!

We need to discuss about the new countries, and not about units :p By the way, the Centurion only exist for balance proposes. And The Empire of the Rising Sun is an EA bullshit! Kill the Shogun Executioner and the King Oni, too.

Japan can to be an Allied country, but forgive the Empire!

#57 Darkstorm


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Posted 23 August 2009 - 03:59 AM

@ Firemario
The point I was making is there would be no Japanese Empire, America would of still fought them. Look at this if you don't believe me. If you do add it, there won't be a counter to the Centurion that is known, don't use the stupid names that EA came up with as in "Empire of the Rising Sun" to "Japanese Empire" and the "King Oni" to something else. I say Japan should be added as "Japan" and should have the Black Eagle like originally planed.

@ Brunez
We technically are but we should get back on countries and less on country specifics.

#58 Romanul


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Posted 23 August 2009 - 02:23 PM

Regarding the idiot who proposed "SEED".

There's the Warsaw Pact with a reason out there,you know.
2.Where the heck is Hungary?!
3.Yugoslavia?!That would rather be with Yuri than with the soviets.


Wait.What about Albania and "Tirana Corps" for Yuri!yay for random randomness! :xd:

#59 Darkstorm


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Posted 23 August 2009 - 03:35 PM

1. Warsaw Pact looked to me more like absorbing the treaty members into the soviet union. Besides SEED sounds better than WAPA or WP IMO. If it makes you feel better, there was no Warsaw Pact and instead was the Soviet Forward Defense Treaty. At least it's more original, not just "Poland", "Warsaw Pact" or "WAPA".
2. You would be wrong, it is about as westward as Poland so it makes sense.
3. I was just picking out random Eastern countries but Yuri operates in Romania, Transylvania, not in the Balkans in general.

#60 Hecthor Doomhammer

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Posted 24 August 2009 - 09:20 AM

I lols at the fact that everyone wants their country in the mod. If Speeder wants, i'd like to compile a map of the world and with suggestions map out what allegiance, country specific unit, and specialty each country would have if they were added into the mod. Once I get it started then Speeder can decide on which countries to use. It may also add a little backstory to the game.

No true,
I am from the Netherlands while I suggested Sweden for the blizzard tank, purely based on logics (cold country - cold technology)

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