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#61 Therevenage

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Posted 06 August 2010 - 07:38 PM

Most of the units are missing Hotkey shortcuts , I cant just Press G to purchase tank anymore i have to click icon and that takes to much time , fix all hotkeys.

#62 ApOcOlYpS


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Posted 07 August 2010 - 03:40 AM

That really becomes a problem for when you run out of hotkeys. Considering the number of units Remix has, that probably happens rather quickly.

Not necessarily completely running out, but using keys that have no relation to their unit's name, though I'm not sure you can do that as Creater spelled "detonate" as "explode" because of hotkey issues, if I remember correctly.

Edited by ApOcOlYpS, 07 August 2010 - 03:41 AM.

#63 Guest_Caixos_*

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Posted 07 August 2010 - 09:26 AM

The topic dedicated to installing on TFD version has all the answers to this problem.

Thanks, it worked, my apologies on troubling you with this, my brother is quite happy about the matter though since now he can play skirmish without grasping at straws to a certain extent, I hope you have a good week, and thanks again.

#64 Pendaelose


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Posted 07 August 2010 - 11:00 AM

Most of the units are missing Hotkey shortcuts , I cant just Press G to purchase tank anymore i have to click icon and that takes to much time , fix all hotkeys.

It's not an accident or an oversight. I've been actively adding and removing units. Once the list of units is settled to a final state I'll have a permanent list to sit down and figure out all the hotkeys. If I tried to edit the hotkeys every time I add a unit I'd be constantly trying to re-evaluate the list to find keys that fit without conflicting other units.
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Between now and the next polished release there should be very little new art work done. Instead the focus is on designing, testing, and fixing. the mod has always been so close to finished that its nearly criminal. I'd love to see this through to the end with a real community effort.

#65 Guest_danh18_*

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Posted 24 August 2010 - 11:47 AM

Hydrogen bomb is not strong enough

#66 Guest_Vnze_*

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Posted 25 August 2010 - 06:45 PM

Hydrogen bomb is not strong enough

excuse me? ICBM silo's arn't expensive at all and I havn't seen an enemy taking 2 hits simultaniously and still winning te game afterwards

#67 Guest_Guest_Mark_*_*

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Posted 04 September 2010 - 03:27 AM


This is one of the Dear Mods ever

I can only play this Mod and nothing else

I have some comment and one Question:

1st. I can't upgrade any of the generals to the 2nd stage !!

2nd. Why most of the GLA Generals without any major changes
GLA has very good ability

I have suggestion for one GLA General
Name: General Super Armor
* All viucals and Traks has the full add-on from the start
* Sniper
* All Buildings has small Bunker with 2 or 4 slot
* All viucals and Traks has the full add-on from the start
* Adding Air Force with Iraq 1990 Air Crafts : Sukhoi Su-25, Mirage F1, MiG-21, MiG-29, Tucano " As Susie Air", Sukhoi Su-17 " As Bomber ", C-130 Hercules " As transporter"
* Helicopters : Mil Mi-17 Hip-H,
* Tanks to be add : T-72, BMP-1, T-55, AMX-30
* Defiance : M1907T Machine Gun, anti-aircraft guns, ML-20 Howitzers, 17pdr
* Extra: Stalin's organs, 20 mm antitank gun M/40 Madsen, 20mm Gatling Gun for Army

#68 Katix

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Posted 11 September 2010 - 06:36 PM

i have a problem too :p... when i try to start a new game units aren't worked except china tank gen. only china tank general works on own way, just it fights with me ^_^ and other generals' buildings don't improve. I have seen this problem before, however; i don't remember how we could fix this problem. Please, help me :grin:

If you have a "The First Decade" version make sure you've removed the extra INIZH.big from the data/ini folder

Not to seem like a total idiot and I know this is a very late post but um... My TFD Did not have that file in the Ini file, it didnt when i first installed it off the disk so... No idea whats wrong but I have the exact problem, Demo gen Ai just builds the barracks the odd tunnel and that's about it aside from ammasing a horde of workers and on the odd very rare occasion attacking with Sui bombers and a supply vehicle/building, O.e<---twitchy eye.

I Dont know about you but i dont remember the supply truck having to be built on the ground lol. Very weird

as for the Tank gen Ai, it builds but it doesn't advance it self, It will not place tanks in the tank bunkers when it builds them, and it does not pick any Tech for its turret defense platforms, so literally all you get is a mass of empty bunkers and hexagons on the ground :p

I think the AI arnt properly reading the fact they have tech options available to them to upgrade not only their tech tree but there defenses and units so, dont know if its just me or the mod but yeah.

Further more I don't think the currently "Finished" Ai are completely all at home, so to speak lol

Yes I realize this is a Beta and its still under development So i realize there are going to be bugs, But i felt i should explain some issues.

#69 Pendaelose


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Posted 12 September 2010 - 07:57 PM

Not to seem like a total idiot and I know this is a very late post but um... My TFD Did not have that file in the Ini file, it didnt when i first installed it off the disk so... No idea whats wrong but I have the exact problem, Demo gen Ai just builds the barracks the odd tunnel and that's about it aside from ammasing a horde of workers and on the odd very rare occasion attacking with Sui bombers and a supply vehicle/building, O.e<---twitchy eye.

I Dont know about you but i dont remember the supply truck having to be built on the ground lol. Very weird

as for the Tank gen Ai, it builds but it doesn't advance it self, It will not place tanks in the tank bunkers when it builds them, and it does not pick any Tech for its turret defense platforms, so literally all you get is a mass of empty bunkers and hexagons on the ground :)

I think the AI arnt properly reading the fact they have tech options available to them to upgrade not only their tech tree but there defenses and units so, dont know if its just me or the mod but yeah.

Further more I don't think the currently "Finished" Ai are completely all at home, so to speak lol

Yes I realize this is a Beta and its still under development So i realize there are going to be bugs, But i felt i should explain some issues.

You ZH is using a skernishscipts.scb from either the original game or another mod. you just need to swap out the files correctly. The directions for fixing TFD are in a pinned topic
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Between now and the next polished release there should be very little new art work done. Instead the focus is on designing, testing, and fixing. the mod has always been so close to finished that its nearly criminal. I'd love to see this through to the end with a real community effort.

#70 Katix

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Posted 14 September 2010 - 04:31 AM

Thank you Very much I figured out that issue and got it fix, now instead of a few waves of tanks i can easily destroy im getting my ass handed to me.!! :)

Aside from this both tank and Airforce work fine, but I have to say Demo may be bugged still,he now masses infantry out the butt and a few vehicles but doesn't advance far from there, and the worker vehicles workers dont gather.

So yeah No idea

But thanks again!

#71 Guest_danh18_*

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Posted 24 September 2010 - 11:01 PM

It's one of the best mods for generals zero hour :p

lol ;)

#72 Guest_ConscriptVodka_*

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Posted 17 November 2010 - 04:28 AM

Hey, i found a glitch when playing with the Superweapon general's long arm Heavy missle launchers:

When you deploy them to fire, they they act and fire their missle normally, but when you mobalize them and then click on deploy again, they imediatly reload. I thought it was a graphic glitch but it's not. I got just one of them to fire about 25 misiles in just a few seconds, and you can do it witha group of them.
I thought you might want to know, especillaly since those are some potent missiles.
( you might also want to check the other artillery peices with deploy to make sure they dont either)

#73 Pendaelose


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Posted 17 November 2010 - 04:49 PM

Hey, i found a glitch when playing with the Superweapon general's long arm Heavy missle launchers:

When you deploy them to fire, they they act and fire their missle normally, but when you mobalize them and then click on deploy again, they imediatly reload. I thought it was a graphic glitch but it's not. I got just one of them to fire about 25 misiles in just a few seconds, and you can do it witha group of them.
I thought you might want to know, especillaly since those are some potent missiles.
( you might also want to check the other artillery peices with deploy to make sure they dont either)

It's caused by the way the game handles switching weapon sets through "riders". It's a great way to change the movement rules and weapons quickly, essential for a strict "deploy" button but it does have a few problems too, in this case an exploitable flaw. If used "as intended" theres no issues, and we're really counting on people to not be douche bags in multiplayer.

Rider swaps are used in several other places in the mod, but this is the most noticable. A related bug/workaround... rider units cannot gain rank... it makes then explode :(

I am looking into alternatives for deployed weapon code, but I haven't seen one I'm happy with yet, so probably not in the next release, but if I do another bug fix patch after that it will probably be included.
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Between now and the next polished release there should be very little new art work done. Instead the focus is on designing, testing, and fixing. the mod has always been so close to finished that its nearly criminal. I'd love to see this through to the end with a real community effort.

#74 Guest_captin joe henry_*

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Posted 11 December 2010 - 12:10 AM

hi i proabaly just post some thing i the sujustins i will qoute it here because i think it might be better off here

#75 Guest_captin joe henry_*

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Posted 11 December 2010 - 12:15 AM

hi i proabaly just post some thing i the sujustins i will qoute it here because i think it might be better off here

I AM REALLY ANOYED NOW i just tried just about every genral and only the air force genral is playabl because you cant make alot of units and make them move at all the dozzers are glitchy they cant go in a straight line and befor i installed the mod i could have as large asn army as i could make and they would still respone so i have conclouded that this is the mods fault dont get me rong i love the mod but i cant make any ground army of any size and have it respone PLZ fix this in the next relase or make a patch plz fix this it i think it ruin the mod plz fix this soon or tell me how to build a large army and have it respone

#76 SpardaSon21


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Posted 11 December 2010 - 12:20 AM

Two things.

1. You didn't need to post that twice.

2. Your grammar, or to be specific, complete lack of it, makes my eyes bleed. I seriously hope for the sake of the modern world that English is not your first language.

#77 Guest_Roni_*

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Posted 11 December 2010 - 05:23 AM

Hello, I am not sure if you already know about this problem or not but me and my friend are having a lot of trouble playing over hamachi because there is a lot of lag. Any idea what the problem might be ?

#78 Pendaelose


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Posted 11 December 2010 - 06:15 AM

I AM REALLY ANOYED NOW i just tried just about every genral and only the air force genral is playabl because you cant make alot of units and make them move at all the dozzers are glitchy they cant go in a straight line and befor i installed the mod i could have as large asn army as i could make and they would still respone so i have conclouded that this is the mods fault dont get me rong i love the mod but i cant make any ground army of any size and have it respone PLZ fix this in the next relase or make a patch plz fix this it i think it ruin the mod plz fix this soon or tell me how to build a large army and have it respone

Capt Joe, I'm not not 100% sure what to tell you. My testers and I have been playing this mod for several years now and never had a problem with that. I'd also like to again point out that the unit path finding cannot be modded, it's hard coded into the engine. I'm not sure what you consider "as large an army as I could make". Are we talking 15 tanks? 150 tanks? 500 tanks? I do know for fact that if you had an excessive force in the original game it would choke up and units couldn't move anymore, but it took a crazy shitload of them. In Remix those same tanks cost half as much, so could it be hanging up because you are building twice as many tanks???

Do me a favor, I need specifics. Play as any general you've had problems with and reproduce the problem. When all the tanks are stuck on each other, take a screen shot and post it here for me to see. I have a second request to go with that... next, play Robot General and use the Macro Engineering tree. Build an army of walking robots the same size and see if it gets hung up. Let me know if they get completely stuck the same way.

I'm trying to be as supportive as I can... I've given you personal tech support all week. You've got to work with me a little too.

Hello, I am not sure if you already know about this problem or not but me and my friend are having a lot of trouble playing over hamachi because there is a lot of lag. Any idea what the problem might be ?

What generals are you playing? what is the host's skirmish game speed set at? what type/speed of internet connection do you both have? was there AI in game? What AI was it? do either you OR YOUR FRIEND lag in single player?
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Between now and the next polished release there should be very little new art work done. Instead the focus is on designing, testing, and fixing. the mod has always been so close to finished that its nearly criminal. I'd love to see this through to the end with a real community effort.

#79 Guest_captin joe henry_*

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Posted 11 December 2010 - 02:08 PM

ok two things one i dont know how to take a screen shot and two i guess i am building alot of units like 20-30 walkers for the robot gen or 30 or so tanks for the tank gen and esily maybe 200 infitry for the infatry gen one more thing whenever i give a bunch of move orders in quick sushenshion i get a suirish error meshige and thanks for all your help :)

#80 MasterZH

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Posted 11 December 2010 - 02:08 PM

Yea no1 explain problems :). I dunno but i have no lag/engine/error/gameplay problems at all and i am playing on fullHD resolution on max details with Disabled Dynamic Level of Detail.

Edited by MasterZH, 11 December 2010 - 02:12 PM.

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