Could you send me an image where is the "Attach Files" button located?
Just use a file sharing website as I mentioned.
Description for avengers that are they able to shoot down missiles but sometimes they don't. And also Microwave Tank from Laser General has no description for clearing garrisoned troops and disables enemy buildings. Could you fix the descriptions please?
Already reported.
Could you replace spider mines from repair droid to spider tank? Or make spider tanks create spiderlings that attack enemies in a limited life time? Or create a web to slow down infantry and disables vehicles?
That would be overpowered.
Crab's disk attacks had the disks moved to another enemy when its primary enemy dies and if there are no enemies, the disk fly in mid air for some times.
Yes. It is normal. That cutting projectile will self-destruct in a while.
When Drone controller's drones dies in limited time life I hear "Unit Lost".
Already reported.
As in Laser General, when power is down, Avenger and Laser Comanche can move normally. Future vehicles that requires power is freezed inside the factory. When power goes up, freezed vehicles came out of the factory but don't go to the rally point. Could you make a unit or structure that requires power to turn on or off manually?
Already reported. Rally point bug is unfixable. Units and structures turning off automatically will make power control too easy. Solar Panels upgrade, Tocamac and Additional Power general's power will become unnecessary. Laser general's weakness is power consumption and it must stay.
LIsening Outposts requires hold fire button when loaded.
Good report.
Spilling fuel around Immolator is almost like a suicide. Could you make it spray the fuel a little away so the Immolator couldn't catch its own fire?
You must be careful when you use it. It is very powerful. If you are careful with it - you can annoy your enemy (spilling near buildings or trapping paths). It is not recommended to spill fuel while in combat, because you risk setting your own units on fire. The whole conception of Flame general is fire control.
Vanilla Inferno Cannons and Migs can create a firestorm in groups. Is Contra have this too?
Of course. But in 008, it's harder to create firestorms with MiGs because of large missile scatter. It was too easy and overpowered in 007.
As in Cyber General, Battle field Mechanic and Scout drone when build as normal but gets levels after while.
How did they get higher veterancy? Are you sure it's not that upgrade, which I talked about?
Cyclone get chip upgrade to have drone of their own but repaired as vehicles. Why?
Are you asking why they can be repaired by Battle Mechanic drones? It is intentional.